9 research outputs found


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    This study aims to find out the mass of coconut shell charcoal and corn cobs mass with the volume of liquid smoke produced, the utilization of liquid smoke from coconut shell and corn cob so that it can be used as fish preservative and fish quality resulting from addition of liquid smoke process. The parameters measured in this study were the ratio of mixture of the number of coconut shell and corn cob, the test of liquid smoke produced. The tested parameters of quality resulting from liquid smoke are seen from the smell, texture, color, odor and taste of the fish so that bias is said to be a good fish preservative with conventional breathing, immersion with liquid smoke and salt water immersion. Filtration using active Zeloit tools as well as Activated Carbon. Based on the results of the comparison of the material with the volume of liquid smoke produced from coconut shell and corn cob with each mass 7000 gr, 8000 gr, and 15000 gr is 200 ml, 210 ml, 500 ml. And for testing that is that fish that use conventional curing can survive with long and good result. Keywords: Conventional fumigation, active zeloit substances, activated carbon substances, and cork fish

    Pembuatan dan Pengujian Asap Cair dari Tempurung Kelapa dan Tongkol Jagung Sebagai Bahan Pengawet Ikan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui massa arang tempurung kelapa dan massa tongkol jagung dengan volume asap cair yang dihasilkan, pemanfaatan asap cair dari tempurung kelapa dan tongkol jagung sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pengawet ikan dan kualitas ikan yang dihasilkan dari proses penambahan asap cair yang didapatkan. Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah perbandingan campuran banyaknya tempurung kelapa dan tongkol jagung, pengujian asap cair yang dihasilkan. Parameter yang diuji yaitu kualitasikan yang dihasilkan dari asap cair dilihat dari aroma, tekstur, warna, bau dan rasa pada ikan sehingga bias dikatakan sebagai pengawet ikan yang baik dengan pengapasan konvensional, perendaman dengan asap cair dan perendaman air garam. Filtrasi menggunakan alat Zeloit aktif serta Karbon aktif. Berdasarkan dari hasil perbandingan bahan dengan volume asap cair yang dihasilkan dari tempurung kelapa dan tongkol jagung dengan masing-masing massa 7000 gr, 8000 gr, dan15000 gr yaitu 200 ml, 210 ml, 500 ml. Dan untuk pengujian yaitu bahwa ikan yang menggunakan pengasapan konvensional dapat bertahan dengan lama dan hasil yang bai

    Pengetahuan sebagai Mediasi Intensitas Penyuluhan Terhadap Persepsi Peternak pada Penggunaan Serbuk Daun Nangka sebagai Obat Cacing pada Domba

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    The study was carried out in Banter Hamlet, Gumelem Village, Pakis District, Magelang District. The purpose is to determine the farmers' perceptions about the prevention of Haemonchosis using jackfruit leaves powder and to determine the effect of the counseling intensity and the knowledge level of farmers on farmers' perceptions. A sampling of 32 breeders from Ngudi Rejeki 1 Farmer Group was carried out using census method. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and interview methods. This study was conducted by descriptive analysis using Likert scale to determine the perception level and path analysis to see the perception effect as an endogenous variable with the counseling intensity and knowledge level as exogenous variables. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the descriptive analysis shows farmers' perceptions about the prevention of Haemonchosis using jackfruit leaves powder is in the agree category. The path analysis shows that the counseling intensity does not have a direct effect on perceptions while indirectly from the counseling intensity through the knowledge level significantly influence the perception, so that the knowledge can be said to mediate the counseling intensity on the perception