51 research outputs found

    Molecular Phylogeny of the Small Ermine Moth Genus Yponomeuta (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) in the Palaearctic

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    The small ermine moth genus Yponomeuta (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) contains 76 species that are specialist feeders on hosts from Celastraceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and several other plant families. The genus is a model for studies in the evolution of phytophagous insects and their host-plant associations. Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny to provide a solid framework for these studies, and to obtain insight into the history of host-plant use and the biogeography of the genus.DNA sequences from an internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-1) and from the 16S rDNA (16S) and cytochrome oxidase (COII) mitochondrial genes were collected from 20-23 (depending on gene) species and two outgroup taxa to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Palaearctic members of this genus. Sequences were analysed using three different phylogenetic methods (parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian inference).Roughly the same patterns are retrieved irrespective of the method used, and they are similar among the three genes. Monophyly is well supported for a clade consisting of the Japanese (but not the Dutch) population of Yponomeuta sedellus and Y. yanagawanus, a Y. kanaiellus-polystictus clade, and a Rosaceae-feeding, western Palaearctic clade (Y. cagnagellus-irrorellus clade). Within these clades, relationships are less well supported, and the patterns between the different gene trees are not so similar. The position of the remaining taxa is also variable among the gene trees and rather weakly supported. The phylogenetic information was used to elucidate patterns of biogeography and resource use. In the Palaearctic, the genus most likely originated in the Far East, feeding on Celastraceae, dispersing to the West concomitant with a shift to Rosaceae and further to Salicaceae. The association of Y. cagnagellus with Euonymus europaeus (Celastraceae), however, is a reversal. The only oligophagous species, Y. padellus, belongs to the derived western Palaearctic clade, evidence that specialisation is reversible

    Створення та діяльність УПА в період Другої світової війни в світлі північноамериканської історіографії

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    У статті здійснено комплексний аналіз північноамериканської історіографії діяльності УПА. Виходячи з методологічних підходів, дослідницьких технік та світоглядних позицій було виокремлено три групи північноамериканських дослідників: емігрантську, діаспорну та американську. Автор зосереджується на детальному аналізі часу створення і чисельності УПА та Волинській трагедії.The article is dedicated to the complex analysis of the North-American historiography of the UPA activity. According to methodological approaches, investigation technique, and world outlook of the authors, the three groups of North-American researchers were singled out: the emigrant, the diaspora and the American one. The author analyzes in detailed the time of creation and number of the UPA troops as well as the Volynian tragedy

    Genomic Understanding of an Infectious Brain Disease from the Desert

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    Rhinocladiella mackenziei accounts for the majority of fungal brain infections in the Middle East, and is restricted to the arid climate zone between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Neurotropic dissemination caused by this fungus has been reported in immunocompromised, but also immunocompetent individuals. If untreated, the infection is fatal. Outside of humans, the environmental niche of R. mackenziei is unknown, and the fungus has been only cultured from brain biopsies. In this paper, we describe the whole-genome resequencing of two R. mackenziei strains from patients in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. We assessed intraspecies variation and genetic signatures to uncover the genomic basis of the pathogenesis, and potential niche adaptations. We found that the duplicated genes (paralogs) are more susceptible to accumulating significant mutations. Comparative genomics with other filamentous ascomycetes revealed a diverse arsenal of genes likely engaged in pathogenicity, such as the degradation of aromatic compounds and iron acquisition. In addition, intracellular accumulation of trehalose and choline suggests possible adaptations to the conditions of an arid climate region. Specifically, protein family contractions were found, including short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR, the cytochrome P450 (CYP) (E-class), and the G-protein b WD-40 repeat. Gene composition and metabolic potential indicate extremotolerance and hydrocarbon assimilation, suggesting a possible environmental habitat of oil-polluted desert soilinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Olfactory receptors on the maxillary palps of small ermine moth larvae: evolutionary history of benzaldehyde sensitivity

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    In lepidopterous larvae the maxillary palps contain a large portion of the sensory equipment of the insect. Yet, knowledge about the sensitivity of these cells is limited. In this paper a morphological, behavioral, and electrophysiological investigation of the maxillary palps of Yponomeuta cagnagellus (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) is presented. In addition to thermoreceptors, CO2 receptors, and gustatory receptors, evidence is reported for the existence of two groups of receptor cells sensitive to plant volatiles. Cells that are mainly sensitive to (E)-2-hexenal and hexanal or to (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and 1-hexanol were found. Interestingly, a high sensitivity for benzaldehyde was also found. This compound is not known to be present in Euonymus europaeus, the host plant of the monophagous Yponomeuta cagnagellus, but it is a prominent compound in Rosaceae, the presumed hosts of the ancestors of Y. cagnagellus. To elucidate the evolutionary history of this sensitivity, and its possible role in host shifts, feeding responses of three Yponomeuta species to benzaldehyde were investigated. The results confirm the hypothesis that the sensitivity to benzaldehyde evolved during the ancestral shift from Celastraceae to Rosaceae and can be considered an evolutionary relict, retained in the recently backshifted Celastraceae-specialist Y. cagnagellus

    Data from: Effects of immune challenge on the oviposition strategy of a noctuid moth

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    Infections can have detrimental effects on the fitness of an animal. Reproducing females may therefore be sensitive to cues of infection and be able to adaptively change their oviposition strategy in the face of infection. As one possibility, females could make a terminal investment and shift reproductive effort from future to current reproduction as life expectancy decreases. We hypothesized that females of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens make a terminal investment and adapt their oviposition timing as well as their oviposition site selectivity in response to an immune challenge. We indeed found that females that were challenged with the bacterial entomopathogen Serratia entomophila laid more eggs than control females one night after the challenge. Additionally, bacteria-challenged females were less discriminating between oviposition sites than control females. Whereas control females preferred undamaged over damaged plants, immune-challenged females did not differentiate between the two. These results indicate that terminal investment is part of the life history of H. virescens females. Moreover, our results suggest that the strategy of terminal investment in H. virescens oviposition represents a fitness trade-off for females: in the face of infection, an increase in oviposition rate enhances female fitness, whereas low oviposition site selectivity reduces female fitness

    Genetical population structure of Trechisibus antarcticus (Coleoptera; Car abidae) on South Georgia and on the Falkland islands

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    Samples of Trechisibus antarcticus (Coleoptera, Carabidae), collected on South Georgia and the Falkland Islands, were analysed at 8 polymorphic allozyme loci, related to the supposition of a recent arrival of this species on South Georgia. The data showed absence of rare alleles in the South Georgia sample, but otherwise a high similarity between the two populations