210 research outputs found

    Modulation Format Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks for the Next Generation Optical Networks

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    Transmission systems that use advanced complex modulation schemes have been driving the growth of optical communication networks for nearly a decade. In fact, the adoption of advanced modulation schemes and digital coherent systems has led researchers and industry communities to develop new strategies for network diagnosis and management. A prior knowledge of modulation formats and symbol rates of all received optical signals is needed. Our approach of modulation formats identification is based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) in conjunction with different features extraction approaches. Unlike the existing techniques, our ANN-based pattern recognition algorithm facilitates the modulation format classification with higher accuracies

    TBT pollution in Tunisian coastal lagoons as indicated by imposex in Hexaplex trunculus (Gastropoda: Muricidae)

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    1 - Most of the shipping traffic in Tunisia comes from foreign countries that already enforced tributyltin (TBT) regulation.2 - Local and imported antifouling paints in Tunisia did not contain TBT.3 - Actual TBT contamination in Tunisia is the result of an old/historical pollution events.4 - Here we report data on imposex in Hexaplex trunculus from three Tunisian lagoons. This gastropod, which locally has fishery great commercial value, is currently used mostly for monitoring TBT effects in transitional and marine waters in the Mediterranean Sea.5 - Our results showed a decrease of imposex in Bizerta and in Northern Tunis lagoons, whilst in the southernmost lagoon of Boughrara imposex has significantly increased.6 - The effect of specimen size and reproductive activity on penis length variation in males and on the relative penis length index was validated.7 - Overall, we found that TBT is still a significant pollutant in the Tunisian waters, which requires further studies on the contamination causes

    Fauna asociada y efecto de los balanos epibiontes al crecimiento relativo e Ă­ndices reproductivos de Stramonita haemastoma (GasterĂłpoda: Muricidae)

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    To better understand the impacts of biofouling on the biological processes of the basibiont, the effects of epibiotic barnacles on the relative growth and reproductive indices of Stramonita haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767) were assessed. A total of 1035 specimens were collected monthly for one year from Bizerta Channel (northern Tunisia). Endobiotic species comprised the lithophagous bivalves Lithophaga aristata and Rocellaria dubia of different sizes, communicating with the outside through tiny perforations. Intra-shell tunnels and galleries also sheltered annelids and sipunculids. Epibiotic species comprised algae and highly diversified invertebrates represented by crustaceans, polychaetes, molluscs, echinoderms, ascidians, sponges, bryozoans and sipunculids, with barnacles being the most common group. Comparison of growth features between non-fouled and fouled S. haemastoma revealed higher growth in non-fouled specimens. Differences in reproductive condition indices were detected in few months, being mostly higher in non-fouled snails, but showed no asynchrony in the spawning period for either fouled or non-fouled gastropods hosts.Para mejorar la compresión de los impactos del biofouling en los procesos biológicos de los basibiontes, se ha evaluado los efectos de los balanos epibiontes en el crecimiento relativo y en los índices reproductivos de Stramonita haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767). Se recogieron un total de 1032 especímenes mensualmente, durante un año, en el canal de Bizerta (norte de Túnez). Las especies endobióticas estaban compuestas por los bibalvos litófagos Lithophaga aristata y Rocellaria dubia, de diferentes tamaños, que se comunicaban con el exterior a través de pequeñas perforaciones. Los túneles y galerías del interior de la concha también albergaban anélidos y sipuncúlidos, siendo los balanos el grupo más común. La comparación del crecimiento entre los gasterópodos con y sin fouling mostró un mayor crecimiento en los S. haemastoma sin fouling. Las diferencias en los índices reproductivos se detectaron en pocos meses, siendo mayor en los caracoles no invadidos por el fouling, pero ninguno de los gasterópodos hospedadores mostró asincronía en el periodo de desove

    Infestation of the clam Venus verrucosa by Sipunculoidea and the lithophagus bivalve, Gastrochaena dubia

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    From August 2003 to July 2004, specimens of the bivalve Venus verrucosa (L.) were collected monthly in the channel connecting the lagoon of Bizerte (Tunisia) to the Mediterranean Sea. During the winter, 4% of the specimens had tiny perforations on the outer and inner faces of the valves; the perforations were connected to an intra-valve network of galleries, caused by 10-12 mm Sipunculoidea. Of specimens collected in February-March, 4% were infested with the lithophagous bivalve, Gastrochaena dubia, that lived within a cavity in the V. verrucosa valves. The cavity communicated to the outside through a calcareous tube developed by the G. dubia near the exit of the V. verrucosa siphons, ndicating parasitism that can cause progressive perforation of the valve and lead to the death of the host

    Les ostéomes sinusiens

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    Introduction: Osteoma of the paranasal sinus is a rare and benign tumor that develops slowly when therapy becomes mandotory, it is necessarily surgical. Results: We report 38 cases of osteoma, operated by external approach in 36 cases and endonasal approach in 2 cases. The osteoma involved the frontal sinus in 27 cases, ethmoid in 5 cases and the junctional zone in 6 patients. The follow up patients was correctly done in 36 cases. The functional results were satisfying without recurrence in 34 of them (follow-up: 18 months). In the other 2 patients a recurrence was diagnosed. Conclusion: sinus osteoma is a benign tumor. Symptomatic form does been treated by a surgery. The approach depends on the location of osteoma and CT-Scan may guide the choice   Key words: Osteoma, sinus, external approach, endonasal approach.

    Implantation cochléaire et malformation de l’oreille interne

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    Les indications de l'implant cochléaire se sont élargies depuis 1995. La plupart des candidats à l'implant sont des enfants sourds profonds congénitaux. L'implant peut actuellement se discuter dans certains cas particuliers notamment chez des enfants présentant une malformation de l'oreille interne (vésicule unique, malformation de type Mondini, Mondini-like, dilatation de l'aqueduc du vestibule). Les risques sont chirurgicaux et infectieux : geyser à la cochléostomie, paralysie faciale, otoliquorrhée secondaire et méningite. Nous rapportons le cas d’une fille âgée de 4 ans et 8 mois qui a présenté suite à un traumatisme minime une surdité brutale totale bilatérale qui n’a pas récupéré sous traitement médical. L’audiométrie avait confirmé la surdité bilatérale et l’examen orthophonique a retrouvé un langage oral bien conservé. Une imagerie a été pratiquée mettant en évidence une dilatation bilatérale des aqueducs du vestibule et des sacs endolymphatiques avec un aspect normal de la cochlée et des canaux semi-circulaires. La patiente a bénéficiée d’une implantation cochléaire gauche avec des suites simples et un excellent résultat à 2 ans.Mots-clés : Implant cochléaire, malformation de l’oreille interne

    High flow nasal cannula therapy versus continuous positive airway pressure and nasal positive pressure ventilation in infants with severe bronchiolitis: a randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction: non-invasive ventilation is widely used in the respiratory management of severe bronchiolitis. Methods: a randomized controlled trial was carried out in a tertiary pediatric university hospital´s PICU over 3 years to compare between continuous positive airway pressure/nasal positive pressure ventilation (CPAP/NPPV) and high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) devices for severe bronchiolitis. The trial was recorded in the national library of medicine registry (NCT04650230). Patients aged from 7 days to 6 months, admitted for severe bronchiolitis were enrolled. Eligible patients were randomly chosen to receive either HFNC or CPAP/NPPV. If HFNC failed, the switch to CPAP/NPPV was allowed. Mechanical ventilation was the last resort in case of CPAP/NPPV device failure. The primary outcome was the success of the treatment defined by no need of care escalation. The secondary outcomes were failure predictors, intubation rate, stay length, serious adverse events, and mortality. Results: a total of 268 patients were enrolled. The data of 255 participants were analyzed. The mean age was 51.13 ± 34.43 days. Participants were randomized into two groups; HFNC group (n=130) and CPAP/NPPV group (n=125). The success of the treatment was significantly higher in the CPAP/NPPV group (70.4% [61.6%- 78.2%) comparing to HFNC group (50.7% [41.9%- 59.6%])- (p=0.001). For secondary outcomes, lower baseline pH was the only significant failure predictor in the CPAP/NPPV group (p=0.035). There were no differences in intubation rate or serious adverse events between the groups. Conclusion: high flow nasal cannula was safe and efficient, but CPAP/ NPPV was better in preventing treatment failure. The switch to CPAP/NPPV if HFNC failed, avoided intubation in 54% of the cases

    Fibromatose desmoĂŻde Ă  localisation nasale

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    Introduction : Les fibromatoses desmoïdes sont des lésions histologiquement bénignes infiltrant les muscles et les aponévroses. Ces tumeurs siègent le plus souvent au niveau de la paroi abdominale et thoracique. La localisation cervicofaciale est rare. Observation : Nous rapportons le cas d’un nourrisson âgé de 1 an 9 mois qui a présenté une fibromatose desmoïde à localisation nasale. Le patient a été opéré par voie endonasale sous guidage endoscopique avec exérèse tumorale en monobloc. L’évolution a été favorable sans récidive pour un recul de 24 mois. Conclusion : Les fibromatoses desmoïdes correspondent à des proliférations fibreuses infiltrantes mais non métastasiantes. La chirurgie est le traitement de choix, toutefois ces tumeurs sont caractérisées par un risque de récidive imposant un suivi à long terme. Mots clés : Fibromatose desmoïde, cavité nasale, chirurgie

    Mucocèle sphénoïdale bilatérale : a propos d’un cas

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    Les mucocèles sphénoïdales sont des formations pseudokystiques expansives, d’évolution lente, qui se développent au sein de la cavité sinusienne sphénoïdale. Elles possèdent la capacité d’éroder les parois osseuses et présentent une évolution pseudotumorale. Les rapports neuroméningés et orbitaires font la gravité de cette localisation sinusienne  la présentation clinique qui est souvent d’apparition retardée par rapport à la constitution de la mucocèle. L’imagerie (TDM et IRM) permet le diagnostic positif et le diagnostic différentiel avec certains processus développés au niveau de l’étage moyen de la base du crâne. La marsupialisation chirurgicale par voie endoscopique endonasale permet l’effondrement de la mucocèle.Mots-clés : mucocèle, sinus sphénoïda

    Le Carcinome Mucoépidermoïde De La Parotide : Apropos De 5 Cas

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    Les tumeurs des glandes salivaires représentent moins de 5% de toutes les tumeurs de la tête et du cou. Parmi eux, le carcinome mucoépidermoïde est la tumeur la plus fréquente. Quarante cinq pour cent des carcinomes mucoépidermoïdes se développent au niveau de la glande parotide. Cette lésion se voit surtout chez l\'adulte vers la 5ème décade. Le diagnostic est confirmé seulement à l\'examen anatomopathologique. Son pronostic est fonction des critères histologiques.Salivary gland tumors account for less than 5% of the head and neck neoplasms. Among them, mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common malignant salivary gland tumor. About 45% of mucoepidermoid carcinomas occur in the parotid gland, and appear around the fifth decade of life. A certain diagnostic can be obtained only after post-operative histological examination. Histological examination indicates the patient prognosis. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 39-4
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