91 research outputs found

    Early Cenozoic rapid flight enigma of the Indian subcontinent resolved: roles of topographic top loading and subcrustal erosion

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    Intrinsic magmatic processes are considered as critical operators of plate movements. Here we demonstrate the role of extrinsic processes consequent to intrinsic processes as a catalyst for anomalous rapid plate movement. The rapid and accelerated flight of the Indian subcontinent since Deccan volcanism until its collision with Eurasia remains as one of the geological conundrums. Data on seismic tomography, peninsular geomorphology and inferences on continuum of subcrustal structures are utilized to address this enigma. We propose geomorphic isostasy as the mechanism that has driven this fastest drift ever recorded in geological history. It was initiated by sudden instability after the Deccan volcanism and resultant extensive accumulation of lava pile over continental lithosphere of northern India, northern-eastern tilt due to crustal thickness heterogeneity and subcrustal thermal stratification. The drift was sustained by Carlsberg and Central Indian ridge-push until collision and sediment top loading at northeast thenceforth. These inferences and geomorphic isostasy as a catalytic mechanism necessitate variability of drift rates as integral inputs for any continental scale modeling.Muthuvairavasamy Ramkumar, David Menier, Manoj Mathew, M. Santosh, Numair A. Siddiqu

    Cenozoic tectonics of the Western Approaches Channel basins and its control of local drainage systems

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    International audienceLe domaine des Approches occidentales de la Manche constitue une zone clé pour caractériser l'évolution post-rift des marges continentales NW européennes associées à la collision Afrique/Europe. Malgré les divers témoins des inversions cénozoïques jalonnant le pourtour de la Manche, la structuration et l'amplitude des mouvements demeurent néanmoins incertaines au sein de la partie méridionale française des Approches occidentales. Il en est de même sur le rôle de l'inversion de la mer du Nord dans la mise en place du Fleuve Manche qui drainait un bassin versant bien supérieur à la Manche actuelle durant les grandes régressions plio-quaternaires et alimentait les éventails sous-marins Celtique et Armoricain en bas de pente. La réalisation des campagnes de sismique-réflexion haute résolution GEOMOC et GEOBREST03 dont les résultats font l'objet de cet article permettent de répondre à ces questions en complétant la connaissance géologique de la Manche. Les nouvelles observations soulignent le diachronisme et le contraste de l'amplitude des mouvements du système de failles associées à l'inversion du bassin d'Iroise. Celle-ci se fait en deux épisodes: un épisode paroxysmal paléogène décomposé en deux phases, éocène (Yprésien probable) et oligocène, et un épisode néogène plus modéré réactivant partiellement les structures impliquées antérieurement. Les déformations se concentrent le long de l'accident nord Iroise (NIF) situé dans le prolongement de la faille Médio-Manche et entraîne localement des plissements de la couverture sédimentaire à l'aplomb des accidents profonds. L'inversion induit ainsi un soulèvement de près de 700 m du plateau médian situé au sud de l'accident nord Iroise. La cartographie isochrone des séquences sismiques identifiées démontre également le contrôle majeur des structures tectoniques sur la mise en place des dépôts néogènes. Le soulèvement de la partie orientale du bassin favorise ainsi la mise en place de vastes prismes progradants d'âge miocène supérieur, et contrôle le développement postérieur du réseau des paléo-vallées constituant l'extrémité occidentale du fleuve Manche. Ce réseau présente une géométrie en baïonnette marquée par de brutaux changements de directions variant de N040 à N070, cette dernière direction caractérisant la plus grande partie des failles néogènes associées au bassin d'Iroise. Les paléo-vallées se seraient développées lors d'une chute du niveau marin au-delà du rebord de plate-forme et la stratigraphie établie à travers cette étude amène à placer le début des incisions au Pliocène (Reurévien ou pré-Tiglien). La chute amplifiée par l'inversion du bassin d'Iroise serait suivie d'un basculement tardif de la plate-forme externe à l'instar des observations réalisées sur de nombreuses marges du pourtour nord atlantique

    Nearfield Summary and Statistical Analysis of the Second AIAA Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop

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    A summary is provided for the Second AIAA Sonic Boom Workshop held 8-9 January 2017 in conjunction with AIAA SciTech 2017. The workshop used three required models of increasing complexity: an axisymmetric body, a wing body, and a complete configuration with flow-through nacelle. An optional complete configuration with propulsion boundary conditions is also provided. These models are designed with similar nearfield signatures to isolate geometry and shock/expansion interaction effects. Eleven international participant groups submitted nearfield signatures with forces, pitching moment, and iterative convergence norms. Statistics and grid convergence of these nearfield signatures are presented. These submissions are propagated to the ground, and noise levels are computed. This allows the grid convergence and the statistical distribution of a noise level to be computed. While progress is documented since the first workshop, improvement to the analysis methods for a possible subsequent workshop are provided. The complete configuration with flow-through nacelle showed the most dramatic improvement between the two workshops. The current workshop cases are more relevant to vehicles with lower loudness and have the potential for lower annoyance than the first workshop cases. The models for this workshop with quieter ground noise levels than the first workshop exposed weaknesses in analysis, particularly in convective discretization

    Senescent cells evade immune clearance via HLA-E-mediated NK and CD8(+) T cell inhibition

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    Senescent cells accumulate in human tissues during ageing and contribute to age-related pathologies. The mechanisms responsible for their accumulation are unclear. Here we show that senescent dermal fibroblasts express the non-classical MHC molecule HLA-E, which interacts with the inhibitory receptor NKG2A expressed by NK and highly differentiated CD8 + T cells to inhibit immune responses against senescent cells. HLA-E expression is induced by senescence-associated secretary phenotype-related pro-inflammatory cytokines, and is regulated by p38 MAP kinase signalling in vitro. Consistently, HLA-E expression is increased on senescent cells in human skin sections from old individuals, when compared with those from young, and in human melanocytic nevi relative to normal skin. Lastly, blocking the interaction between HLA-E and NKG2A boosts immune responses against senescent cells in vitro. We thus propose that increased HLA-E expression contributes to persistence of senescent cells in tissues, thereby suggesting a new strategy for eliminating senescent cells during ageing

    A Novel Mechanism of Soluble HLA-G Mediated Immune Modulation: Downregulation of T Cell Chemokine Receptor Expression and Impairment of Chemotaxis

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    BACKGROUND: In recent years, many immunoregulatory functions have been ascribed to soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G). Since chemotaxis is crucial for an efficient immune response, we have investigated for the first time the effects of sHLA-G on chemokine receptor expression and function in different human T cell populations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: T cell populations isolated from peripheral blood were stimulated in the presence or absence of sHLA-G. Chemokine receptors expression was evaluated by flow cytometry. sHLA-G downregulated expression of i) CCR2, CXCR3 and CXCR5 in CD4(+) T cells, ii) CXCR3 in CD8(+) T cells, iii) CXCR3 in Th1 clones iv) CXCR3 in TCR Vdelta2gamma9 T cells, and upregulated CXCR4 expression in TCR Vdelta2gamma9 T cells. sHLA-G inhibited in vitro chemotaxis of i) CD4(+) T cells towards CCL2, CCL8, CXCL10 and CXCL11, ii) CD8(+) T cells towards CXCL10 and CXCL11, iii) Th1 clones towards CXCL10, and iv) TCR Vdelta2gamma9 T cells towards CXCL10 and CXCL11. Downregulation of CXCR3 expression on CD4+ T cells by sHLA-G was partially reverted by adding a blocking antibody against ILT2/CD85j, a receptor for sHLA-G, suggesting that sHLA-G downregulated chemokine receptor expression mainly through the interaction with ILT2/CD85j. Follicular helper T cells (T(FH)) were isolated from human tonsils and stimulated as described above. sHLA-G impaired CXCR5 expression in T(FH) and chemotaxis of the latter cells towards CXCL13. Moreover, sHLA-G expression was detected in tonsils by immunohistochemistry, suggesting a role of sHLA-G in local control of T(FH) cell chemotaxis. Intracellular pathways were investigated by Western Blot analysis on total extracts from CD4+ T cells. Phosphorylation of Stat5, p70 s6k, beta-arrestin and SHP2 was modulated by sHLA-G treatment. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data demonstrated that sHLA-G impairs expression and functionality of different chemokine receptors in T cells. These findings delineate a novel mechanism whereby sHLA-G modulates T cell recruitment in physiological and pathological conditions

    Ovarian cancer molecular pathology.

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    Approche pédologique du milieu prairial en Margeride

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