493 research outputs found

    Model study of circulating water pump sump: Pawnee S.E. Generating Station, Unit no. 1, Public Service Company of Colorado

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    Prepared for Searns-Roger Incorporated.May 1981.CER80-81SRA-CM53.Includes bibliographical references

    A Meta-narrative Review of Textured Implants and Associated Lymphoma Risks

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    In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) identified that breast implants are associated with breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Until 2022, a total of 1130 cases were globally recorded (Health, 2021). Even though researchers are attempting to determine the risks, the accurate etiology has not been determined yet. Comparisons of previous published works are widespread in different potential causes. Hence, we aim to focus on defining how different implants link to BIA-ALCL, especially smooth and textured implants. The review follows the meta-narrative approach with the Pubmed database (2018- now) to collect, combine, and contrast data. All the articles focus on the correlation between the texture of breast implants and BIA-ALCL. The 5 selected studies highlighted similarities and differences to find gaps, limitations among articles and investigate answers for new findings. Classification systems for implant surfaces are divided into groups based on texturing, the parameters of surface area, and bacteria growth. There have been no confirmed cases of BIA-ALCL in patients who have received only smooth breast implants while evidence has reflected textured surface links to the risk of this cancer. Intermediate and high textured surfaces are 10 times higher that links to ALCL than low-surface-area texture (Siltex). Silimed polyurethane, measured as surface grade 4, carries the highest surface area and surface roughness and has been demonstrated to have significantly higher rates of bacterial growth. Without a uniform definition, using the same terms (eg, microtexture and macrotexture) in multiple contexts causes difficulties to compare risks for BIA-ALCLhttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/rmps/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Civic Education and Democratic Backsliding in the Wake of Kenya’s Post-2007 Election Violence

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    This article examines two unexplored questions concerning the impact of civic education programs in emerging democracies: (1) whether such programs have longer-terms effects and (2) whether civic education can be effective under conditions of democratic “backsliding.” We investigate these questions in the context of a large-scale civic education program in Kenya just before the disputed 2007 election that sparked a wave of ethnic clashes and brought the country to the brink of civil war. Analysis of a survey of 1,800 “treatment” and 1,800 “control” individuals shows that the program had significant long-term effects on variables related to civic competence and engagement, with less consistent effects on democratic values. We also find that participants who subsequently were affected by the violence were less likely to adopt negative beliefs about Kenya’s political system, less likely to support the use of ethnic or political violence, and more likely to forgive those responsible for the post-election violence

    Análisis técnico e interpretativo de la sonata para piano n. 3 en si menor, op. 58 de Frederic Chopin

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    El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como prioridad crear una propuesta interpretativa de la Sonata para piano n. 3 en Si menor de Chopin, op. 58. El objeto de estudio se vincula con la necesidad de crear material teórico que beneficie al pianista para tener una noción históricamente informada de cómo interpretar la obra. Los objetivos que guiaron el presente trabajo se centran en 1) generar un contexto histórico-estilístico de la composición, 2) realizar un análisis formal, 3) desarrollar una propuesta interpretativa, y 4) plantear técnicas para abordar su estudio. Para ello, las técnicas de investigación utilizadas fueron la revisión de bibliografía, y recopilación de datos históricos, enfocados en generar una propuesta interpretativa y una base teórica para los estudiantes que estén interesados en abordar el estudio de esta obra. Partiendo de la premisa de que la comprensión estructural es una herramienta básica para la ejecución de cualquier obra, el análisis realizado se erige como la base conceptual para la propuesta interpretativa de la sonata op. 58 de Chopin. Finalmente, tras varios meses de trabajo en que la experimentación de distintas posibilidades sonoras y técnicas fue un ingrediente principal, todo esto bajo la tutoría del PhD. David Encalada León, se llegó a desarrollar una propuesta técnica e interpretativa sólida, que consideraba tanto las cuestiones históricas del estilo del compositor, como las características mismas de la obra.The present thesis proposes to create an interpretation of the Sonata for piano n. 3 Op. 58 in B minor by F. Chopin. The objective of the study is to link the need to create a theoretical material that may benefit the pianist to have a historically informed notion of how to interpret the work. The aims of the study focus on 1) generating a historical-stylistic context of the composition, 2) carrying out a formal analysis, 3) developing an interpretative proposal, and 4) proposing techniques to approach the mechanical practice of the piece. For this purpose, the techniques used include a literature review, focused on creating an interpretive proposal and a theoretical basis of the piece. To consolidate the conceptual basis of the piece, the author also develops a structural analysis which supports its holistic comprehension. Finally, based on several months of acoustic and technical experimentation, under the supervision of PhD. David Encalada León, the author sums up an interpretive proposal that considers both stylistical matters and compositional aspects that the piece demands.0009-0002-0235-4569Licenciado en Artes Musicales, Área de Ejecución Instrumental: PianoCuenc

    Calidad de vida laboral y desempeño profesional en servidores administrativos de la Fiscalía de Trujillo - Sede central, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo el determinar la relación entre la CVL y desempeño profesional en servidores administrativos de la Fiscalía Trujillo - Sede central, 2021. El estudio se realizó mediante el enfoque cuantitativo no experimental de diseño descriptivo correlacional – corte transversal, se trabajó con una población de 144 servidores, aplicando la fórmula de población conocida la muestra, quedo compuesta por 79 servidores administrativos de la Fiscalía de Trujillo, además se utilizaron como instrumentos de recolección a cuestionarios que fueron validados obteniendo una alfa para la variable CVL (0.952) y para desempeño profesional (0.820). Luego de realizar el análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial, el principal resultado se encontró que la mayoría de los servidores perciben una CVL regular 48,10%. Por otro lado, se evidenció que la mayoría de los servidores perciben un desempeño profesional bueno en un 64,56%. Llegando a concluir que existe una correlación positiva alta (rho = 0.714) y significativa (p = 0.000 <0.05), donde se rechazó la H0: señalando que existe una relación positiva alta entre la CVL y desempeño profesional en servidores administrativos de la Fiscalía de Trujillo – sede central

    Estrategias de publicidad online utilizadas por las Mypes turísticas en el Distrito de Zorritos, Contralmirante Villar, Tumbes, 2022

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    El estudio de investigación intitulado: “Estrategias de publicidad online utilizadas por las Mypes turísticas en el distrito de Zorritos, Contralmirante Villar, Tumbes, 2022” tiene como objetivo general determinar las estrategias de publicidad online utilizadas por las Mypes turísticas en el distrito de Zorritos, estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo simple, de diseño no experimental, de corte transversal; se utilizó un cuestionario y fue aplicado a muestra de 45 propietarios; se trabajó haciendo uso de la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que los tipos de estrategia de publicidad los usuarios tiene una percepción “Regular” con una calificación vigesimal de 12, las dimensiones de la misma se encuentran en una valoración “Regular” con un 80% de su muestra; en la dimensión de uso del tipo de estrategias de publicidad online el indicador que mayormente resaltó es estrategias de desarrollo alcanzaron en un 73% una valoración “Buena” con una calificación vigesimal 14, en el cuadro 5 dentro de la dimensión de herramientas de publicidad online los propietarios alcanzaron una percepción “Regular” con una calificación vigesimal 13 en el indicador canales sociales y en la dimensión estrategias de publicidad online alcanzó una valoración “Regular” con una calificación vigesimal 12 dentro del indicador reputación online. En conclusión, los resultados demuestran que los propietarios de las Mypes turísticas tienen un correcto desenvolvimiento en el uso de diversos tipos de estrategias de publicidad, acompañado herramientas innovadoras que les generan resultados para su empresa, a pesar de mostrar ciertas falencias que no les permiten alcanzar la excelencia importante en la industria turística

    Relative degradability of exogenous organic carbon in function of its concentration and the interaction with native soil organic matter content

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    The soil environment impacts carbon turnover in a multitude of ways. It has been shown that C emissions are higher when exogenous carbon is locally concentrated than when it is spread in the soil matrix. Hence, the spatial separation between decomposers and substrate may cause ineffective dispersion of the produced enzymes within the soil matrix. It is not clear, however, if and how lower doses of exogenous C impact its degradability and if an interaction exists with native soil organic matter (SOM) level. Therefore, a seventy-day incubation experiment with six varying exogenous OM doses (0-6 g C kg-1) in soil mesocosms of loamy sand subsoil (WFPS 50%) with three different native SOM contents (i.e. 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 %) was carried out. C emission and isotopic signature measurements of 13CO2 by means of a CRDS-analyser were used to track the degradation of added maize shoots with a δ13C=-12.7‰ that contrasts to native SOM (δ13C=-25‰). Mineral N was added, and the redox potential (Eh) monitored. Eh suggested that O2 may have not become limiting for C mineralisation, even at higher doses, but it did not clearly relate to the added C dose. Cumulative CO2 emissions increased proportionally with C dose and so our hypothesis that a lower dose dispersion limits microbial activity was disproved. However, a higher native SOM level led to higher relative degradability of added C for the highest doses (i.e. 3 and 6 g kg-1 soil). Furthermore, a negative impact of OM doses above 1 g kg-1 soil on native SOM degradation was found. We conclude that positive priming of native SOM mineralisation did not occur. A disproportional response of microbial biomass carbon and soil C mineralisation at lower doses suggests that dose does impact the microbial metabolic quotient. Ongoing PLFA analyses will help us interpret these observations

    Diseño de aplicación para capacitaciones como plan de fortalecimiento organizacional de la empresa “Ezytec”

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    Crear una aplicación móvil para realizar un proyecto de fortalecimiento organizacional para la empresa Ezytec con el fin de disminuir la cantidad de incidentes erróneos por medio de la capacitación continua que se brindará en la aplicación móvil.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal, el desarrollar un aplicativo donde se puedan encontrar una serie de instructivos del manejo de los diferentes cajeros que se desarrollan por parte de EZYTEC, en donde los clientes puedan ver de manera practica por medio de videos el manejo adecuado y el soporte de primer nivel que se puede realizar a los mismos, ya que a causa de esta gran falencia detectada se están realizando desplazamientos a los puntos por parte de nuestro ingenieros de campo sin que realmente se requiera atención. El diagnostico de los mayores inconvenientes que se presentan por falta de conocimiento de los dispositivos se realizó por medio de una encuesta a diferentes clientes en la ciudad de Bogotá, donde se logró identificar las falencias principales y lo que debemos atacar con mayor precisión con el aplicativo, adicional a esto se realizara una reinducción general donde se harán capacitaciones de las máquinas y del manejo de la aplicación.The main objective of this work is to develop an application where you can find a series of instructions for managing multifunctional ATMs that are developed by EZYTEC, where customers can see in a practical way through videos the proper management and the first level support that can be provided to them. The diagnosis of the greatest inconveniences that arise due to lack of knowledge of the devices will be carried out through a survey of different clients in the city of Bogotá, where the main shortcomings can be identified and what we must attack with greater precision with the application

    Traditional soil fertility management ameliorates climate change impacts on traditional Andean crops within smallholder farming systems

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    Global changes, particularly rising temperatures, threaten food security in smallholder mountain communities by impacting the suitability of cultivation areas for many crops. Land-use intensification, associated with agrochemical use and tillage threaten soil health and overall agroecosystem resilience. In the Andean region, farmers often cultivate crops at multiple elevations. Warming climates have led to a shift in cultivation upslope, but this is not feasible in many areas. Traditional soil fertility management practices together with a focus on traditional (orphan) crops offers promise to cope with rapid climate warming in the region. To understand the impacts of warming and changing nutrient management, we established two side-by-side experiments using the traditional Andean crops Oxalis tuberosa (Oca) and Lupinus mutabilis (Tarwi) at three elevations, each with two fertility treatments (organic and synthetic). Soil and climate data (i.e., temperature and precipitation) were collected throughout the growing season, and crop performance was evaluated through impacts on yield and other growth metrics (e.g., biomass, pest incidence). We used two-way ANOVA to assess the influence of site (elevation) and management type (organic vs. synthetic) on crop performance. Results indicated that warmer climates (i.e., lowest elevation) negatively impact the production and performance of O. tuberosa, but that organic fertilization (sheep manure) can help maintain crop yield and biomass production in warmer conditions relatively to synthetic nutrient inputs. In contrast, L. mutabilis showed accelerated growth in warmer conditions, but grain yield and biomass production were not significantly affected by site and showed no interaction with nutrient management. Our findings highlight that climate warming represents a serious threat to small-scale crop production in the Peruvian Andes and could cause severe declines in the production of locally important crops. Additionally, the continued reliance traditional crops with organic inputs, instead of synthetic fertilizers, may help support agricultural productivity and resilience under climate change

    Design and Implementation of a Controlled LED Lighting System through IoT

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    CLioT (Control Lighting internet of things), es un sistema domótico de iluminación controlado desde una aplicación web cuya finalidad es mejorar la calidad de vida de quien lo use, ya que es capaz de medir el nivel de iluminación presente en un ambiente y posteriormente sugerir al usuario un conjunto de actividades desarrollables basándose en el reglamento técnico de iluminación y alumbrado público RETILAP.CLioT is a domotic lighting system controlled by an application on the web that is to improve the quality of life of those who use it, since It is able to measure the level of lighting present in an environment and then suggest to the user a set of portable activities in the technical regulation of lighting and public lighting RETILAP