118 research outputs found

    Contributos para a edificação do conceito estratégico

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    É admirável que uma Aliança criada para ser de defesa mútua perdure por tão longo período de tempo, durante o qual a vida internacional conheceu muitos acontecimentos de relevo. A evolução da NATO e as suas sucessivas transformações, encetadas de modo a tentar acompanhar um mundo permanentemente confrontado com novas e imprevisíveis ameaças, têm levado a Organização a repensar periodicamente o seu papel de modo a preparar-se para um cenário futuro. Abstract: It is remarkable that an Alliance built to assure mutual defence remains relevant for such a long period, with so many changes in the international environment. NATO’s evolution and succeeding transformations, carried out in an effort to try and keep up with a world permanently confronted with new and unpredictable threats, made the Organization periodically rethink its role for the future

    The fisherman and the devil: an artistic short film based on a folklore tale from Madeira island using interdisciplinary animation techniques

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    Folklore tales are one of the many methods of displaying the traditions and beliefs of a culture, being mainly preserved in literature, serving to enrich and teach the cultural knowledge and morals to any generation. This project focuses on the creation of a short film based on a folklore tale from Madeira island, made with interdisciplinary animation techniques, combining 3D renderings with 2D drawings, all serving to preserve and pay homage in a more appealing visual media, that can be displayed and shared with relative ease. The thesis highlights the entire process of the animated work, relaying the difficulties of characterizing any culture, as well as the general concepts and principles of 2D and 3D animation. Underlining the logistical and creative decisions behind the production of an hybrid animation, disclosing the difficulties and techniques that surge when merging both mediums. This report details the methodologies used for the short film, each divided in three parts, pre-production, where the concepts and ideas come to fruition; with character design, storyboard and animatic, followed by the production phase, comprised of the tests between programs and the chosen techniques, as well as the modelling, rigging and animation practices, concluding with post-production, with the full video editing process, visual effects, color correction and sound design. Culminating in the creation of a hybrid animation made with interdisciplinary techniques that visually retells the story about a fight between a fisherman and a devil.Os contos folclóricos são um dos vários métodos de exposição das tradições e crenças de uma cultura, sendo preservados principalmente na literatura, servindo para enriquecer e ensinar os conhecimentos culturais e morais de qualquer geração. Este projeto centra-se na criação de uma curta-metragem baseada num conto folclórico da ilha da Madeira, realizada com técnicas de animação interdisciplinares, combinando renders 3D com desenhos 2D, servindo para preservar e homenagear a história num media visual mais apelativo, que possa ser facilmente exibido e compartilhado. A tese destaca todo o processo da animação, apresentando os problemas que surgem na caracterização de qualquer cultura, bem como os conceitos e princípios gerais da animação 2D e 3D. Sublinhando as decisões logísticas e criativas por trás da produção de uma animação híbrida, revelando as dificuldades e técnicas que surgem na fusão dos dois meios. Este relatório detalha as metodologias utilizadas para a curta-metragem, cada uma dividida em três partes, pré-produção, onde os conceitos e ideias se concretizam; com o design de personagens, storyboard e animatic, seguida pela fase de produção, composta pelos testes entre os programas e as técnicas escolhidas, bem como pelas práticas de modelagem, rigging e animação, concluindo com a pós-produção, com todo o processo de edição de vídeo, efeitos visuais, correção de cor e design de som. Culminando na criação de uma animação híbrida feita com técnicas interdisciplinares que reconta visualmente a história de uma luta entre um pescador e um demônio

    Gestão de big data: novos paradigmas

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    A popularidade crescente de aplicações Web de acesso massivo que armazenam e analisam grandes quantidades de dados, sendo o Facebook, o Twitter, a Amazon e a Google alguns exemplos proeminentes de tais aplicações, apresentam novas exigências que desafiam os tradicionais SGBDR. Motivados principalmente por questões de escalabilidade, uma nova geração de bases de dados, apelidadas de NoSQL, tem vindo a ganhar alguma força. Neste artigo serão apresentadas as principais características dessas bases de dados. As bases de dados NoSQL são comparadas com os tradicionais SGBDR e conceitos importantes serão explanados.The growing popularity of massively accessed web applications that store and analyze large amounts of data, being Facebook, twitter and google search some prominent examples of such applications, have posed new requirements that greatly challenge traditional RDBMS. Driven primarily by scalability issues, a new generation of databases, called NoSQL, has gained some strength. This paper presents the main characteristics of these databases. NoSQL databases are compared with traditional RDBMS and important concepts are explained.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tourism and internet of things: a bibliometric analysis of scientific production from the scopus database

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    Tourism is a very emerging sector in any society, very important in econom-ic terms and in job creation, today any traveler increasingly uses technologi-cal means to fully enjoy their trip. The IoT is and increasingly will be a major contributor to smart tourism. To identify the most developed terms in the field of Tourism and Internet of Things, a quantitative analysis was developed in May 2022. This analysis was focused on four hundred and four (404) publications from the Scopus database, published between 2011 and May 4 2022. Before 2011 there were no publications in this area. A bibliometric analysis was performed using the VOSviewer software and a technique of matching terms and co-authorship by authors and countries. Were found 4 clusters for the co-occurrence of terms, 18 clusters for the co-authorship of authors and 6 clusters for the co-authorship of countries. There was a lack of uniformity in the presentation of terms with the same meaning: internet of things, internet of things (iot), iot and internet of thing (iot). This lack of uniformity is probably due to the fact that it is a recent ar-ea of investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Connecting school actors using mobile applications

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    Communication between the different actors present in the school ecosystem is an essential issue. However, in a busy world where parents do not have much time to visit schools regularly, it is crucial to create mechanisms to better monitor student success and school demands. The current pandemic situation caused by the coronavirus has highlighted the role that technologies have in supporting the mission of schools and communication between the various school actors. The interaction between school, students and parents presents a growing and complex challenge. Technology has, in recent years, shaped the concepts of support and monitoring of learning - at school and outside it - as well as the way in which information flows between all actors in the school ecosystem. Emergently, the evolution of mobile applications, combined with the evolution of the capabilities of mobile devices, has enabled the creation of new and more effective intercommunication mechanisms, with ubiquitous approaches and in a predictable scenario of less willingness for physical interaction of the different actors. Based on these premises, this article reflects on the potential of mobile devices and their applications to support new models of intercommunication between parents or school sponsors, students and teachers. In this sense, a conceptual model is proposed that represents a work in progress that aims at creating and evaluating a prototype system capable of improving intercommunication and the overall success of the societal challenges of the school learning system.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. UID/GES/4752/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The potential of cooperative networks to leverage tourism in rural regions

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    Rural tourism can be an opportunity to perform the development of the most disadvantaged rural areas. In this pursuit, there are many challenges to face for make this sector competitive and economically viable. This paper focuses on develop a better understanding of rural tourism and the need for cooperative paradigms that can leverage its competitiveness. In this context, a conceptual model and a technology-based system is presented to bridge the gap between heritage resources and business opportunities to enable regional development.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. UID/GES/4752/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distribuições hiperbólicas generalizadas: aplicações ao mercado português

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    O objectivo desta tese é discutir o uso das distribuições hiperbólicas generalizadas como modelo para os retornos logarítmicos de 4 activos do mercado de capitais Português. Os activos em análise são o índice Português PSI 20 e as 3 maiores empresas pertencentes ao PSI 20: PT, EDP e BCP. Os dados são constituidos pelos valores de fecho diário durante mais de 8 anos. Utilizando o software R procederemos à estimação dos parâmetros das distribuições para ajustamento aos dados empíricos. Para medir o grau de ajustamento das distribuições aos dados empíricos usamos os gráficos QQ-plots e 4 distâncias: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kuiper, Anderson-Darling e Fajardo-Farias-Ornelas. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o melhor ajustamento é feito pela hiperbólica generalizada e em seguida a distribuição normal inversa gaussiana. Todas as distribuições desta família ajustam-se muito melhor que a distribuição normal. Por último temos uma aplicação ao cálculo do preço de derivados financeiros, nomeadamente a fórmula de uma opção de compra Europeia no modelo discutido.Orientador: José Luís da Silv

    Youth Entrepreneurship Among Higher Education Students – A Qualitative Research of Entrepreneurial Intention and Education

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    The area of entrepreneurship education is developing rapidly, potentially conveying positive effects to business education, innovation and economies. Our paper seeks to analyse the entrepreneurial intention of a group of higher education students, and the data includes 29 interviews, administered to students of Portuguese higher education institutions. The results obtained allowed to confirm some of the aspects described in the literature, although a few divergences were also found. It was also possible to clarify some of the theories associated with barriers to entrepreneurship. The main limitations are related with the sample size, opening space for future research with larger samples. The most important implications relate to the identified need for very specific topics in entrepreneurship education. However, the key contribution of the paper also lies in its qualitative research approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    System development for its disclosure of Portuguese digital type design

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    [EN] This study aims to cover the current development of a platform for the disclosure of the Portuguese type design community, since the beginning of the desktop revolution, until today. To deepen our understanding, interviews were made to a selected and representative group of type designers from our sample based on several criteria. The interview tested six dimensions: people, processes, products, uses, identity and platform. The results analyzed in the last dimension, through content analysis and quantitative data, lead to the development of an online digital collaborative system – one of our specific objectives. Our hypothesis – that the development of a online digital collaborative system would allow further development of knowledge between products, users and authors, as well as, processes and uses – was also corroborated by the interviewers. Reviews have been made to reference international online projects to identify their purposes, areas of activity, objectives, mechanisms of interaction, usability and accessibility. This previous research brought together a set of notes that would become essential in the definition and development of our concept. The classification of typefaces is a subject of study by researchers and designers, but it is certainly not a topic for complete agreement. Organizing and balancing the content for the database was our first challenge since we were expecting users with good knowledge on the field, but also beginners. Several diagrams were put into test during the early stage of information architecture to better define categories, filters, and sorting methods, as well as users role in the system. The items and categories chosen were redefined in a second stage, and in the third stage hi-fidelity wireframes were produced, to concentrate on design aspects and decisions, and put the system into test and evaluation. The current results on the platform development, with the improvements made through several user tests, evaluations and refinements undertaken in all phases of the project have been crucial. We are expecting to run some pilot tests, as well as usability tests prior to the full implementation to further improve the system and meet the expectations.Quelhas, V.; Branco, V.; Mendonça, R. (2016). System development for its disclosure of Portuguese digital type design. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 843-858. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3351OCS84385

    Using mobile devices and apps to assist the elder population in rural areas and generate business opportunities

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    Providing gerontological cares represents an increased challenge when applied to rural scenarios. This paper discusses the role of technology in gerontology and specifically how technology-based solutions can be developed to assist the elderly population in rural areas. We also characterize the Northeast Portuguese region exposing its rural characteristics and presented some demographic numbers. Finally, a conceptual model and a prototype supported by mobile devices are presented to assist and monitor the elderly and enhance business opportunities. The developed prototype allows not only to assist the elderly in a set of typical elderly population routines - such as those related to health - but also to improve the interaction between the elderly and their relatives and / or caregivers. This work is part of a more extensive effort that has been made in the search for effective solutions to assist the elderly population in rural areas, typically distant from the main health and / or support services; contributing to relieve these deficits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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