11 research outputs found

    Alcohol consumption during lactation: effects on mother and child

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    Although there is evidence of the adverse consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the effects of alcohol consumption during lactation have not been that widely established. Consequently, due to this lack of information about the effects of alcohol during lactation, mothers do not receive guidance about alcohol intake during this period and they are unaware of the risks that alcohol intake might have both on them and their developing infant. The aim of this review is to summarize the scientifically demonstrated adverse effects of alcohol consumption during lactation both on mother and child. In spite of the fact that the available data in this field is scarce and contradictory, there is evidence that alcohol intake during lactation is harmful for mothers’ lactational performance and their infants’ development and behaviour. Thus, more research is needed in order to clarify the effects of different doses of alcohol during lactation and to provide educational support for health professionals and mothers so as to ensure secure alcohol intake during this crucial period of infant development

    Alcohol consumption during lactation: effects on mother and child

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    Although there is evidence of the adverse consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the effects of alcohol consumption during lactation have not been that widely established. Consequently, due to this lack of information about the effects of alcohol during lactation, mothers do not receive guidance about alcohol intake during this period and they are unaware of the risks that alcohol intake might have both on them and their developing infant. The aim of this review is to summarize the scientifically demonstrated adverse effects of alcohol consumption during lactation both on mother and child. In spite of the fact that the available data in this field is scarce and contradictory, there is evidence that alcohol intake during lactation is harmful for mothers’ lactational performance and their infants’ development and behaviour. Thus, more research is needed in order to clarify the effects of different doses of alcohol during lactation and to provide educational support for health professionals and mothers so as to ensure secure alcohol intake during this crucial period of infant development

    Impact of parental mental illness in the attachment style of cluster B personality disorders

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    25 p.[EN] Introduction: Cluster B personality disorders are the most controversial conditions in the psychopathological spectrum. Attachment seems to be a relevant factor in the development of these disorders. Emerging studies have focused on the impact of parental mental illness (PMI) on the psychopathological traits of the offspring. Therefore, the main objective is to assess the impact of PMI antecedents in the attachment style of individuals with PD-Bs.__ Methods: A total number of 298 subjects were recruited for the study (148 healthy control and 150 cluster B PD subjects). Descriptive information was collected and ECR scale was administered. Chi-square and t-test analyses were developed for descriptive analyses. General linear models were developed to assess the impact of PMI in the attachment style of these individuals.__ Results: Cluster B PD groups presented significantly higher scores than the control group in attachment anxiety and avoidance, as well as the cluster B PD with PMI group presenting higher levels of attachment anxiety comparing to the other case group. Regarding the impact of PMI in the attachment style, these models have explained 25.8% of the variability of attachment anxiety and 9% of attachment avoidance.__ Discussion: Attachment might impact the development of cluster B PDs and the presence of PMI could lead to an even more anxious attachment pattern, suggesting that PMI might be a risk factor for a dysfunctional development of the attachment system. Moreover, the association between PMI and cluster B PD in the offspring could be related to dysfunctional attachment patterns established during childhood

    La Normalització del cosmopolitisme lingüístic entre els joves del segle XXI? Una exploració de les ideologies lingüístiques a Catalunya

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    En aquest article es presenta una anàlisi dels treballs de recerca duts a terme pels membres del GREILI -UPF (Grup de Recerca en Espais Interculturals, Llengües i Identitats) sobre les ideologies lingüístiques de diversos col·lectius de joves de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona. S'analitzen les diferències entre els joves autòctons que tenen el català com a llengua inicial i aquells de llengua inicial castellana, i es comparen els resultats amb resultats previs d'altres autors. En general, es detecta un augment de les ideologies indicadores de cosmopolitisme lingüístic (segons la definició de Newman et al., 2008), sobretot per part dels joves castellanoparlants. Entre els joves autòctons en general s'observa un espectre unidimensional i coherent de posicions cap a les llengües que va des del localisme procatalà fins al localisme proespanyol, amb posicionaments predominants propers al cosmopolitisme lingüístic entremig. En canvi, entre els joves nouvinguts llatinoamericans, arribats d'adolescents, no s'ha trobat un espectre d'ideologies clar sinó opinions molt diverses que tant reflecteixen el panhispanisme i la ideologia de l'anonimat, com consideren el català com un mitjà de progrés social. Un component central de la consciència lingüística dels llatinoamericans de primera generació és l'oposició al castellà peninsular, mentre que els sentiments cap al català estan basats en qüestions pràctiques i de l'experiència quotidiana i no en qüestions identitàries. La seva acceptació per part d'aquests joves està clarament influïda per l'acollida lingüística rebuda al centre d'ensenyament. Els joves xinesos arribats d'adolescents accepten la situació lingüística de la societat de destinació i no rebutgen cap llengua, tot i que sovint verbalitzen una ideologia monolingüe. Malgrat això, accepten amb naturalitat pràctiques multilingües quotidianes que reflecteixen una actitud cosmopolita.This paper presents an analysis of the research conducted by the members of GREILI-UPF (Research Group on Intercultural Spaces, Languages and Identities – Pompeu Fabra University) on the linguistic ideologies of various groups of young people from the Barcelona metropolitan area. The study examines the differences between local youths who have Catalan as their first language and those who have Spanish as L1, comparing the results with previous findings from other authors. Generally speaking, an increase is observed in ideologies pointing at linguistic cosmopolitanism (as defined by Newman et al., 2008), especially among young people with Spanish as L1. Among local young people, a coherent unidimensional spectrum of positions towards languages ranging from pro-Catalan monolingualism to pro-Spanish monolingualism is generally observed, with most participants holding to intermediate positions consisting of cosmopolitan views that either downplay national identities or assume that they are fluid and mutually compatible. In contrast, among young Latin American newcomers, who arrived in Catalonia in their adolescence, no clear spectrum of ideologies was observed but rather many different positions reflecting either pan-Hispanism and a view of Spanish as an anonymous (i.e. non-identity anchored) language or the view of Catalan as a means of social advancement. A central component of these first-generation Latin Americans’ linguistic awareness is their opposition to European Spanish, while their attitudes to Catalan are linked to practical and everyday experiential factors, not on identitary aspects. The Chinese young people who arrive in adolescence accept the linguistic situation of the destination society and do not reject any language, even though they often verbalise a monolingual ideology. Despite this, however, they accept in a natural way multilingual everyday practices that reflect a cosmopolitan attitude

    Attachment anxiety as mediator of the relationship between childhood trauma and personality dysfunction in borderline personality disorder

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    Insecure attachment has been described as mediating the relationship between childhood trauma and dysfunctional personality traits in different mental disorders. Despite the role insecure attachment and childhood trauma have independently demonstrated to play as determinants of borderline personality disorder, less is known about the mediating mechanisms explaining these associations. For the first time, we assessed adult attachment, childhood trauma and dimensional personality pathology in a sample of outpatients with borderline personality disorder and tested whether the association between childhood trauma and personality dysfunction was at least partially attributable to insecure attachment. The results showed that attachment anxiety fully mediated the relationship between specific types of trauma (emotional abuse and physical neglect) and emotional dysregulation. Further, emotional abuse was both directly associated with dissocial behaviour and indirectly via attachment anxiety (partial mediation). Emotional abuse has been described as an essential environmental factor for the development of borderline personality disorder and emotional dysregulation, on its part, as the core feature of the condition. Our results indicate that attachment anxiety explains the link between these central aspects of borderline personality disorder. Our findings are consistent with previous research and current etiological understanding of the condition and provide support for recommending a careful assessment of childhood traumatic experiences and adult attachment style to gain a more comprehensive insight into the symptoms and its heterogeneity. As a secondary aim, we assessed the effect parental mental illness may have in these mediation models, but no significant influence on childhood trauma, attachment or personality was found.This work was supported by the Health Department of the Basque Government under grant PI2014111034, by Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute and by the Research Unit of Galdakao-Usansolo Hospital. Open access funding was provided by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

    Experiències de multilingüisme d'empreses al País Basc : Kutxa i Fagor Electrodomésticos, febrer 2012

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    Material docent de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Material docente de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Experiències de multilingüisme d'empreses al País Basc : Kutxa i Fagor Electrodomésticos, febrer 2012

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    Material docent de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Material docente de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Experiències de multilingüisme d'empreses al País Basc : Kutxa i Fagor Electrodomésticos, febrer 2012

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    Material docent de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Material docente de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Les Actituds lingüístiques dels immigrants panjabis adults a Catalunya

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    Aquesta tesi explora les actituds, tant vers les llengües d’origen com vers el català, el castellà i l’anglès, dels immigrants panjabis adults a Catalunya. S’han entrevistat panjabis procedents de l’Índia i del Pakistan i autòctons, amb l’objectiu de conèixer tant les actituds dels immigrants com les percepcions que en té la societat d’arribada. Es complementa el coneixement de les actituds vers les llengües d’origen mitjançant una anàlisi de la premsa índia i pakistanesa. L’anàlisi identifica un contínuum d’actituds i en construeix unes tipologies. La variabilitat més gran es troba en les actituds vers el panjabi i el català, ja que les actituds vers les llengües dominants són positives en general. Quant a la relació entre les actituds vers les llengües d’origen i d’arribada, es conclou que no necessàriament existeix transposició d’actituds. La tesi acaba amb recomanacions per a l’acollida lingüística en relació amb el català i el panjabi.This thesis explores adult Panjabi immigrants’ attitudes in Catalonia towards the languages of their countries of origin, as well as Catalan, Spanish and English. Panjabi immigrants of either Indian or Pakistani origin, as well as autochthonous people, were interviewed with the objective of knowing about the immigrants’ attitudes and about the perceptions of the society of arrival. Data on the attitudes towards the languages from the immigrants’ countries of origin were completed with an exploration of the Indian and Pakistani press. Through the analysis, a continuum of attitudes was identified, which allowed the construction of some typologies. The greatest variability was found in the attitudes towards the Panjabi and Catalan languages, since the attitudes towards dominant languages were positive in general. Regarding the relationship between the attitudes towards the languages of origin and the languages of arrival, it is concluded that there is not necessarily a transposition of attitudes. Finally, some measures to improve language reception related to the Catalan and Panjabi languages are suggested

    Normalisation of linguistic cosmopolitanism among young people in the 21st century? An exploration of language ideologies in Catalonia

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    En aquest article es presenta una anàlisi dels treballs de recerca duts a terme pels membres del GREILI -UPF (Grup de Recerca en Espais Interculturals, Llengües i Identitats) sobre les ideologies lingüístiques de diversos col·lectius de joves de l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona.S’analitzen les diferències entre els joves autòctons que tenen el català com a llengua inicial i aquells de llengua inicial castellana, i es comparen els resultats amb resultats previs d’altres autors. En general, es detecta un augment de les ideologies indicadores de cosmopolitisme lingüístic (segons la definició de Newman et al., 2008), sobretot per part dels joves castellanoparlants. Entre els joves autòctons en general s’observa un espectre unidimensional i coherent de posicions cap a les llengües que va des del localisme procatalà fins al localisme proespanyol, amb posicionaments predominants propers al cosmopolitisme lingüístic entremig. En canvi, entre els joves nouvinguts llatinoamericans, arribats d’adolescents, no s’ha trobat un espectre d’ideologies clar sinó opinions molt diverses que tant reflecteixen el panhispanisme i la ideologia de l’anonimat, com consideren el català com un mitjà de progrés social. Un component central de la consciència lingüística dels llatinoamericans de primera generació és l’oposició al castellà peninsular, mentre que els sentiments cap al català estan basats en qüestions pràctiques i de l’experiència quotidiana i no en qüestions identitàries. La seva acceptació per part d’aquests joves està clarament influïda per l’acollida lingüística rebuda al centre d’ensenyament. Els joves xinesos arribats d’adolescents accepten la situació lingüística de la societat de destinació i no rebutgen cap llengua, tot i que sovint verbalitzen una ideologia monolingüe. Malgrat això, accepten amb naturalitat pràctiques multilingües quotidianes que reflecteixen una actitud cosmopolita.Paraules clau: català, castellà, cosmopolitisme lingüístic, ideologies lingüístiques, joves, immigració, xinès.This paper presents an analysis of the research conducted by the members of GREILI -UPF (Research Group on Intercultural Spaces, Languages and Identities – Pompeu Fabra University) on the linguistic ideologies of various groups of young people from the Barcelona metropolitan area. The study examines the differences between local youths who have Catalan as their first language and those who have Spanish as L1, comparing the results with previous findings from other authors. Generally speaking, an increase is observed in ideologies pointing at linguistic cosmopolitanism (as defined by Newman et al., 2008), especially among young people with Spanish as L1. Among local young people, a coherent unidimensional spectrum of positions towards languages ranging from pro-Catalan monolingualism to pro-Spanish monolingualism is generally observed, with most participants holding to intermediate positions consisting of cosmopolitan views that either downplay national identities or assume that they are fluid and mutually compatible. In contrast, among young Latin American newcomers, who arrived in Catalonia in their adolescence, no clear spectrum of ideologies was observed but rather many different positions reflecting either pan-Hispanism and a view of Spanish as an anonymous (i.e. non-identity anchored) language or the view of Catalan as a means of social advancement. A central component of these first-generation Latin Americans’ linguistic awareness is their opposition to European Spanish, while their attitudes to Catalan are linked to practical and everyday experiential factors, not on identitary aspects. The Chinese young people who arrive in adolescence accept the linguistic situation of the destination society and do not reject any language, even though they often verbalise a monolingual ideology. Despite this, however, they accept in a natural way multilingual everyday practices that reflect a cosmopolitan attitude.Keywords: Catalan, Spanish, linguistic cosmopolitanism, linguistic ideologies, young people, immigration, Chinese