6 research outputs found

    Oportunidades de exportar pulpa de mango, desde el departamento del Magdalena hacia países bajos (Holanda)

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    El objetivo general de la investigación es analizar las características del proceso de exportación de la pulpa de mango desde el departamento del Magdalena hacia el mercado de Holanda. Esta investigación, nos permite conocer y entender, todos los procedimientos y requerimientos indispensables para llevar a cabo un proceso de exportación, y de igual manera, para incentivar y desarrollar las plantaciones que se cultivan a menor escala en el departamento del Magdalena, y permitirle a la región, mayor desarrollo e industrialización, como se plantea en la Agenda Interna para Productividad y Competitividad –Región Magdalena

    What Accounts for Physical Activity during Pregnancy? A Study on the Sociodemographic Predictors of Self-Reported and Objectively Assessed Physical Activity during the 1st and 2nd Trimesters of Pregnancy

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    Physical activity (PA) during pregnancy has positive health implications for both mother and child. However, current literature indicates that not all pregnant women meet the international recommendations for PA (at least 150 min/week of moderate-to-vigorous PA). The main objective of this study was to assess PA levels among pregnant women in the city of Donostia-San Sebastian and identify their main sociodemographic predictors. We recruited 441 women in the 12th week of pregnancy from the local public obstetric health services. Women wore an accelerometer for one week during two separate time points (1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy) and completed a questionnaire assessing several sociodemographic variables as well as self-reported PA. With this information, we estimated women’s overall PA levels during both time points. The fulfillment of PA recommendations raised up to 77% and 85% during the first and second trimesters, respectively. We found that a higher number of children and a greater preference for exercise positively predicted light-to-moderate PA, being the most consistent predictors. The availability of a greater number of cars negatively predicted moderate-to-vigorous PA.This research was funded by DiputaciónForal de Gipuzkoa (the Gipuzkoan Provincial Council), grant number 105/19 within their call “Programa Red Guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2019” (Network Gipuzkoan Program for Science, Technology and Innovation 2019)

    Exploring Listening Assessment in a Colombian EFL Context: A Case Study

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    Listening comprehension is a crucial skill in English as a Foreign Language education, yet listening assessment still needs to be explored. This study aims to understand how listening is assessed in a Colombian private language institution and its potential connection to students' underperformance in listening proficiency tests. We characterize the listening assessment used in B1-level classes through a descriptive case study. Utilizing a rubric, we analyzed fourteen listening tasks from various sources, including course materials and a mock PET exam. Our analysis had two primary objectives: (a) to uncover the rationale behind test design and its alignment with the curriculum, and (b) to evaluate the knowledge types targeted and the forms of listening assessment employed using categorization. Our findings reveal that despite the curriculum's holistic listening development goals, assessments predominantly focus on phonological knowledge through dictation tests, in which students primarily engage with audio media and recordings. These findings suggest a misalignment in the way listening is approached during the whole course, the examinations used to assess listening during the B1 level, and the use of an external standardized test as the exit exam. This study holds potential implications for curriculum alignment and the enhancement of language assessment literacy within our context, shedding light on potential factors contributing to students' underperformance in listening comprehension

    Acute effects of resistance training on postprandial lipemia in overweight postmenopausal women

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    Introducción. La magnitud de la lipemia postprandial es un indicador de riesgo cardiovascular, en especial en mujeres con actividad hormonal reducida. Los ejercicios resistidos (ER) podrían ser un factor que influencie las concentraciones de lípidos después de consumir alimentos. Objetivo. Determinar los efectos agudos sobre la lipemia postprandial de mujeres postmenopáusicas que tiene la realización de sesiones de ER de alto y bajo volumen, en comparación a un grupo control. Materiales y métodos. Después de una evaluación inicial (antropometría, perfil lipídico y fitness muscular), 32 mujeres fueron divididas aleatoriamente en tres grupos: uno con ER de alto volumen (n=11), otro con ER de bajo volumen (n=11) y un grupo control sin ER (n=10). 12 horas después de los ejercicios se suministró un compuesto nutricional hiperlipídico y se analizó la lipemia postprandial cada hora durante 5 horas. Resultados. Los diferentes volúmenes de ER no redujeron de manera importante los marcadores lipémicos (colesterol total, triglicéridos, LDL y VLDL) (p>0.05) ni aumentaron las concentraciones plasmáticas de HDL (p>0.05). Conclusiones. Las sesiones de ER no afectaron los marcadores lipémicos postprandiales, aunque sí mostraron resultados clínicos relevantes en los grupos experimentales (reducción de LDL-VLDL y aumento de HDL en momentos específicos).Introduction: The magnitude of postprandial lipemia is an indicator of cardiovascular risk, especially in women with reduced hormonal activity. Resistance training (RT) may be a factor influencing lipid concentrations after eating. Objective: To determine the acute effects of high and low volume RT sessions on postprandial lipemia in postmenopausal women compared to a control group. Materials and methods: After an initial assessment (anthropometry, lipid profile and muscle fitness), 32 women were randomly divided into three groups: one with high volume of RT (n=11), another with low volume of RT (n=11) and a control group without RT (n=10). 12 hours after the completion of the training, a hyperlipidic nutritional compound was administered and postprandial lipemia was analyzed every hour for 5 hours. Results: The different RT volumes did not significantly reduce lipemic markers (total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and VLDL) (p>0.05) nor did they increase plasma HDL concentrations (p>0.05). Conclusions: RT sessions did not affect postprandial lipemic markers, although they did show relevant clinical results in the experimental groups (reduction of LDL-VLDL and increase of HDL at specific times)

    Cuidados paliativos y tratamiento del dolor en la solidaridad internacional: international solidarity

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    Palliative care and pain treatment are essential to improve or maintain quality of life in many patients with incurable, chronic or terminal diseases. The need for palliative care is more pressing in countries with scarce or medium resources and where the incidence of cancer and other diseases such as AIDS is increasing. In these countries, a high proportion of patients are diagnosed in the advanced stage of the disease and access to appropriate palliative care and pain treatment is difficult, even though these options are the only realistic and human alternatives to the abandonment experienced by most of these patients. Moreover, the epidemiological profile of many southern countries is changing, with an increase of chronic diseases and access to higher levels of antiretroviral coverage. To modify this situation, governments should incorporate palliative care and pain treatment in their health systems and these options should also be seen as one more form of international cooperation. The present article reviews several factors required for greater healthcare collaboration between Spain and Latin America and Africa and suggests ways to achieve this collaboration through distinct institutions and associations.Los cuidados paliativos (CP) y el tratamiento del dolor (TD) son elementos esenciales para mejorar o mantener la calidad de vida de muchos enfermos afectados por procesos incurables, crónicos o terminales. Su necesidad se acentúa en países con bajos y medianos recursos donde la incidencia del cáncer y de otras enfermedades como el sida va en aumento, con una alta proporción de pacientes diagnosticados en fase avanzada y con un muy difícil acceso a unos CP o TD adecuados, a pesar de que son la única alternativa realista y humana al abandono que sufren la gran mayoría de estos enfermos. Además el perfil epidemiológico de muchos países del sur está cambiando con un aumento de enfermedades crónicas y el acceso a niveles más altos de cobertura de antirretrovirales. Para modificar esta situación, los gobiernos deben incorporar los CP y el TD en sus sistemas de salud. También es necesario que éstos se consideren una forma más de cooperación internacional. Se revisan diversos aspectos para una mayor colaboración sanitaria española en este campo con Latinoamérica y África, y se sugieren vías para hacerlo a distintos niveles institucionales y asociativos