9 research outputs found

    POSTER: A Pyramid Cross-Fusion Transformer Network for Facial Expression Recognition

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    Facial Expression Recognition (FER) has received increasing interest in the computer vision community. As a challenging task, there are three key issues especially prevalent in FER: inter-class similarity, intra-class discrepancy, and scale sensitivity. Existing methods typically address some of these issues, but do not tackle them all in a unified framework. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a two-stream Pyramid crOss-fuSion TransformER network (POSTER) that aims to holistically solve these issues. Specifically, we design a transformer-based cross-fusion paradigm that enables effective collaboration of facial landmark and direct image features to maximize proper attention to salient facial regions. Furthermore, POSTER employs a pyramid structure to promote scale invariance. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our POSTER outperforms SOTA methods on RAF-DB with 92.05%, FERPlus with 91.62%, AffectNet (7 cls) with 67.31%, and AffectNet (8 cls) with 63.34%, respectively

    Exploring Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning for Improving Communication Efficiency in Federated Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising paradigm for enabling the collaborative training of models without centralized access to the raw data on local devices. In the typical FL paradigm (e.g., FedAvg), model weights are sent to and from the server each round to participating clients. However, this can quickly put a massive communication burden on the system, especially if more capable models beyond very small MLPs are employed. Recently, the use of pre-trained models has been shown effective in federated learning optimization and improving convergence. This opens the door for new research questions. Can we adjust the weight-sharing paradigm in federated learning, leveraging strong and readily-available pre-trained models, to significantly reduce the communication burden while simultaneously achieving excellent performance? To this end, we investigate the use of parameter-efficient fine-tuning in federated learning. Specifically, we systemically evaluate the performance of several parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods across a variety of client stability, data distribution, and differential privacy settings. By only locally tuning and globally sharing a small portion of the model weights, significant reductions in the total communication overhead can be achieved while maintaining competitive performance in a wide range of federated learning scenarios, providing insight into a new paradigm for practical and effective federated systems

    A Lightweight Graph Transformer Network for Human Mesh Reconstruction from 2D Human Pose

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    Existing deep learning-based human mesh reconstruction approaches have a tendency to build larger networks in order to achieve higher accuracy. Computational complexity and model size are often neglected, despite being key characteristics for practical use of human mesh reconstruction models (e.g. virtual try-on systems). In this paper, we present GTRS, a lightweight pose-based method that can reconstruct human mesh from 2D human pose. We propose a pose analysis module that uses graph transformers to exploit structured and implicit joint correlations, and a mesh regression module that combines the extracted pose feature with the mesh template to reconstruct the final human mesh. We demonstrate the efficiency and generalization of GTRS by extensive evaluations on the Human3.6M and 3DPW datasets. In particular, GTRS achieves better accuracy than the SOTA pose-based method Pose2Mesh while only using 10.2% of the parameters (Params) and 2.5% of the FLOPs on the challenging in-the-wild 3DPW dataset. Code will be publicly available

    GFM: Building Geospatial Foundation Models via Continual Pretraining

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    Geospatial technologies are becoming increasingly essential in our world for a wide range of applications, including agriculture, urban planning, and disaster response. To help improve the applicability and performance of deep learning models on these geospatial tasks, various works have begun investigating foundation models for this domain. Researchers have explored two prominent approaches for introducing such models in geospatial applications, but both have drawbacks in terms of limited performance benefit or prohibitive training cost. Therefore, in this work, we propose a novel paradigm for building highly effective geospatial foundation models with minimal resource cost and carbon impact. We first construct a compact yet diverse dataset from multiple sources to promote feature diversity, which we term GeoPile. Then, we investigate the potential of continual pretraining from large-scale ImageNet-22k models and propose a multi-objective continual pretraining paradigm, which leverages the strong representations of ImageNet while simultaneously providing the freedom to learn valuable in-domain features. Our approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art geospatial pretraining methods in an extensive evaluation on seven downstream datasets covering various tasks such as change detection, classification, multi-label classification, semantic segmentation, and super-resolution

    FedPerfix: Towards Partial Model Personalization of Vision Transformers in Federated Learning

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    Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) represents a promising solution for decentralized learning in heterogeneous data environments. Partial model personalization has been proposed to improve the efficiency of PFL by selectively updating local model parameters instead of aggregating all of them. However, previous work on partial model personalization has mainly focused on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), leaving a gap in understanding how it can be applied to other popular models such as Vision Transformers (ViTs). In this work, we investigate where and how to partially personalize a ViT model. Specifically, we empirically evaluate the sensitivity to data distribution of each type of layer. Based on the insights that the self-attention layer and the classification head are the most sensitive parts of a ViT, we propose a novel approach called FedPerfix, which leverages plugins to transfer information from the aggregated model to the local client as a personalization. Finally, we evaluate the proposed approach on CIFAR-100, OrganAMNIST, and Office-Home datasets and demonstrate its effectiveness in improving the model's performance compared to several advanced PFL methods.Comment: 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV

    HeatER: An Efficient and Unified Network for Human Reconstruction via Heatmap-based TransformER

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    Recently, vision transformers have shown great success in 2D human pose estimation (2D HPE), 3D human pose estimation (3D HPE), and human mesh reconstruction (HMR) tasks. In these tasks, heatmap representations of the human structural information are often extracted first from the image by a CNN, and then further processed with a transformer architecture to provide the final HPE or HMR estimation. However, existing transformer architectures are not able to process these heatmap inputs directly, forcing an unnatural flattening of the features prior to input. Furthermore, much of the performance benefit in recent HPE and HMR methods has come at the cost of ever-increasing computation and memory needs. Therefore, to simultaneously address these problems, we propose HeatER, a novel transformer design which preserves the inherent structure of heatmap representations when modeling attention while reducing the memory and computational costs. Taking advantage of HeatER, we build a unified and efficient network for 2D HPE, 3D HPE, and HMR tasks. A heatmap reconstruction module is applied to improve the robustness of the estimated human pose and mesh. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of HeatER on various human pose and mesh datasets. For instance, HeatER outperforms the SOTA method MeshGraphormer by requiring 5% of Params and 16% of MACs on Human3.6M and 3DPW datasets. Code will be publicly available

    Host specificity in vascular epiphytes: a review of methodology, empirical evidence and potential mechanisms

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