680 research outputs found

    La apologética y el arte lulianas a la luz del agustinismo medieval

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    Accountability and Quality in Higher Education: A Case Study

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    The purpose of the present study was to gain a deep and rich understanding of the accountability process at a regional comprehensive university in the Southeast United States. Specifically, the present study sought to answer the following question: How is a regional comprehensive university in the Southeast United States substantiating the quality of undergraduate professional programs and the success of graduates. The study utilized a qualitative research methodology, specifically a descriptive embedded case study design. A total of 16 interviews were conducted with participants representing the program level, college level, and administrative level. Three subunits of investigation provided the program perspective for the study. An analysis of the data collected at the subunit level and the data collected at the administrative level provided the information needed to craft rich detailed descriptions of the accountability processes at the University. In addition to the interviews with faculty members and administrators, data were obtained from publicly available resources and used for triangulation purposes. The findings indicated that educational quality was substantiated based on the performance measures specified by the multiple internal and external stakeholders at the institution. Accountability process varied from program to program based on the number of stakeholders involved. The challenges in meeting the demands of the accountability processes were in terms of time, resources, and conflicting or competing demands from multiple stakeholders. University level assessment processes were viewed as compliance exercises as opposed to as part of the assessment processes required by programmatic accreditors. The program accreditation requirements specific to assessment of student learning were viewed as helpful in informing practice. In conclusion, the institution lacked an integrated accountability process. The accountability processes were viewed differently from the administration’s perspective and the program perspective. Based on these findings recommendations were made for practice and research

    Julio Medem-en filmografiako emakume pertsonaien analisia

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    Lan honek Julio Medem zuzendari eta gidoilariaren filmografiaren aspektu zehatz bat aztertzea du helburu, bertan agertutako pertsonaiak hain zuzen ere; are zehatzago esanda, gaiarekin duten lotura dela eta, La ardilla roja (1992), Lucia y el sexo (2001), Caótica Ana (2007) eta Ma ma (2015) aukeraturiko lau pelikula hauetako protagonista eta pertsonaia bereziak diren emakumezko karaktereak dira lan honen ikerketa subjektuak. Analisi bat burutzea helburu duen lan bibliografiko hau beraz, elkar erlazionatzen diren lau ardatzetan banatzen da. Lehenik eta behin, lanaren oinarri ideologikoa den testuinguru teoriko filosofikoa garatzen da, hala zinema eta gizartearen arteko lotura estuan zentratutako begirada batetik egindako teoria filmiko feministen errepaso labur bat eginez. Bigarren ardatzean egilearen zinemaren eta bere estiloaren testuinguru bat planteatzen da, Julio Medemen filmografiaren ezaugarriak garatzen baitira bertan, lanean aztergai diren pelikuletan proiektatuz hauek. Era honetan testuinguru ideologiko eta pertsonal bat kokatzen duten lanaren lehen bi ardatzetan, gaiaren analisiari hasiera ematen zaio. Hirugarren atalean, aurrekoan erabilitako metodologia bera jarraituz -hau da aspektu orokorrak pelikula konkretuetan aplikatzea-, Pilar Aguilar idazle, saiogile eta zinema kritikariak egindako espainiar zinemaren inguruko ikerketak erabiliz, bertan garatutako konklusio eta gogoetak lanean aztertzen den zuzendari eta gidoilariaren aukeraturiko pelikuletara lekualdatzen dira. Ikerketa hauek argitaratzen duten parametro edo testuinguru orokorrak oso erabilgarriak baitira, sor daitezkeen elkartasun edo dispertsio puntuak identifikatzeko erreferentzia puntuak eskaintzen dituztelako. Laugarren ardatzean, momentura arte landutako ardatzak oinarri moduan hartu eta aplikatuz lana bere helburuetan itxi eta borobiltzeko, lau pelikula hauetan ikus daitezkeen gaiarentzat esanguratsuak diren pertsonaiak era zehatzago batean analizatzen dira, pertsonai hauen inguruko ideietan bai pelikuletan erakutsitakoagatik zein hauen izaeragatik ikuspegi kritiko batetik sakonduz. Azkenik, lan osoan zehar aurreikusi eta garatzen joan diren ideia nagusiak eutsi eta hauei izaera homogeneo bat emanez, hainbat ondorio atera eta zuzendari eta gidoigilearen zein bere filmografiaren inguruko pertsonaien analisian errotutako ikuspegi kritiko batetik ateratako ideia eta konklusio batzuk plazaratzen dira

    Gas permeation and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy of poly(ether imides) containing main chain ethylene oxide segments

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    This article reports a study of four poly(ether imide)s with varying ethylene oxide (EO) segments lengths using positron annihilation lifetimes spectroscopy, wide angle X-ray diffraction, and gas transport measurements. The measured properties change with the length of the EO segment. Comparison of the poly(ether imide) containing a single ether linkage with those containing one and three EO units, show progressive changes of the permeability and diffusion coefficient with void size. However, when six EO units are incorporated into the polymer backbone certain of the observed trends are reversed. Incorporation of flexible EO segments in the polymer backbone allows changes in the chain-chain interactions which increases the packing density and changes the void size and influences the solubility coefficients leading to variation of the gas transport characteristics. Differences in the measured solubility parameters reflect the extent to which the gases molecules are able to interact with the polymer matrix. The highest values obtained for the gas separation for carbon dioxide and nitrogen is observed when EO has a value of three. Further increasing of the length of the EO segments in the poly(ether imide) leads to a reduction the gas transport properties and hence the extent to which gas separation would be achieved

    Optimal Phase Swapping in Low Voltage Distribution Networks Based on Smart Meter Data and Optimization Heuristics

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    In this paper a modified version of the Harmony Search algorithm is proposed as a novel tool for phase swapping in Low Voltage Distribution Networks where the objective is to determine to which phase each load should be connected in order to reduce the unbalance when all phases are added into the neutral conductor. Unbalanced loads deteriorate power quality and increase costs of investment and operation. A correct assignment is a direct, effective alternative to prevent voltage peaks and network outages. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal of an optimization model for allocating phases consumers according to their individual consumption in the network of low-voltage distribution considering mono and bi-phase connections using real hourly load patterns, which implies that the computational complexity of the defined combinatorial optimization problem is heavily increased. For this purpose a novel metric function is defined in the proposed scheme. The performance of the HS algorithm has been compared with classical Genetic Algorithm. Presented results show that HS outperforms GA not only on terms of quality but on the convergence rate, reducing the computational complexity of the proposed scheme while provide mono and bi phase connections.This paper includes partial results of the UPGRID project. This project has re- ceived funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 646.531), for further information check the website: http://upgrid.eu. As well as by the Basque Government through the ELKARTEK programme (BID3A and BID3ABI projects)

    Spanish Rhythm Association member´s perspectives on cardiac implantable electronic device reuse in low- and middle-income countries

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    Background: Postmortem explanted cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) from developed countries could provide patients unable to afford new devices in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) a treatment they lack. This study describes the preferences of electrophysiologists and device implanting cardiologists from Spain on the management of explanted CIEDs and opinions and concerns regarding reuse in LMIC. Methods: A nationwide self-administered questionnaire was sent to members of the Spanish Rhythm Association (n = 1110), between December 2020 and January 2021. Results: Forty-two physician responses were obtained (response rate 5%). There was a strong preference to donate explanted devices for reuse in humans (61.9%) or animals (31%). The vast majority of the participants thought device reutilization was safe, ethical, and a reasonable alternative if a new device is not accessible. Moreover, they indicated they would be comfortable asking patients to consider post-mortem donation, and willing to implant post-mortem explanted and resterilized devices if they were unable to obtain new ones. 57.1% of respondents considered it would be beneficial for patients to have a document so they could reflect their wishes regarding device handling after their death. The most mentioned concerns regarding device reuse were malfunction (57.1%) and infection (54.8%). Conclusions: The majority of respondents support reusable CIED donation to LMIC. It would be interesting to study the feasibility of a nationwide device reutilization program


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    A ideia de que a presente espiritualidade baseada nos fenômenos relacionados aos UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects, ou OVNIs Objetos Voadores Não Identificados) seja apenas uma nova forma de narrar interações entre seres humanos e seres divinos, que ocorreram ao longo da história em diferentes ambientes e culturas, não é nova. Atualmente, diversos pesquisadores, vem estudando a espiritualidade baseada nos UFOs e ressaltam diversos pontos em comum entre as experiências dos que relatam encontros com alienígenas e as visões e experiências dos místicos, profetas e videntes de todas as épocas e culturas. O presente artigo, baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica, visa chamar a atenção para a possibilidade de integrar os estudos sobre as diversas experiências espirituais relacionadas aos UFOs no âmbito daquilo que Henry Corbin descreveu como o “Mundus Imaginalis”, onde a realidade das experiências místicas encontraria seu campo de manifestação

    Metamorfic evolution P-T-d-t and geodinamic meaning of the eclogitic unit of the Cabo Ortegal complex (NW of Spain)

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    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir del estudio petrológico detallado de las eclogitas que componen la unidad eclogítica del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal estableciéndose un modelo para la evolución metamórfica de la misma. Desde el punto de vistapetrológico se han reconocido tres tipos de eclogitas: comunes, con distena y ferrotitaníferas, definiéndose las características de afloramiento y estructurales de las mismas. La unidad eclogítica está compuesta por diversas láminas de eclogitas comunes limitadas por importantes zonas de cizalla en las que afloran principalmente las eclogitas con distena. Se han reconocido y cuantificado (condiciones P-T) los distintos estadios en la evolución metamórfica de estas rocas, los cuales se han relacionado con los datos estructurales y geocronológicos disponibles para obtener una idea global de la evolución P-T-deformación-tiempo que han seguido las eclogitas. Los datos obtenidos indican condiciones de 780-800 °C y c. 22 kbar para el máximo metamórfico asociado a la primera fase de deformación reconocida, D1, relacionada con un proceso de subducción.Posteriormente se produjo una segunda fase de deformación en condiciones todavía eclogíticas, a 660 - 700 °C y 20 kbar, relacionada con el apilamiento de las unidades y probablemente con el comienzo de la exhumación tectónica de estas rocas. La evolución retrógrada se caracteriza por un primer estadio de descompresión casi isotérmica con un posterior enfriamiento más importante. Durante este periodo tuvieron lugar las fases de deformación D3 y D4 en condiciones extensionales y relacionadas con el emplazamiento final del complejo. El ascenso de las rocas de la unidad eclogítica habría sido fundamentalmente tectónico lo que permitió una preservación considerable durante los posteriores eventos metamórfico-deformativos de menor grado. La evolución de la unidad eclogítica constituye un ejemplo de un fragmento de corteza oceánica subducida hasta profundidades superiores a 70 km con formación de una cuña orogénica relacionada con la superposición tectónica de las diferentes unidades estructurales que componen el alóctono superior del complejo. Este proceso se considera que marcó el comienzo de la Orogénesis Hercínica en este sector hace unos 390-400 Ma

    Función del monitor en los programas ocupacionales y de empleo para personas con deficiencia mental

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    Aproximarse a los Programas Ocupacionales y de Empleo Protegido, es acercarse a un mundo de cuestiones abiertas, de opiniones controvertidas, de puntos de vista muy variados y expresados desde perspectivas distintas, cuando no en muchos casos contrapuestas. Evidentemente, acercarse en este contexto a la "Función de Monitores" para el desempeño de estos programas no es menos complicado, ni menos controvertido


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    A ideia de que a presente espiritualidade baseada nos fenômenos relacionados aos UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects, ou OVNIs Objetos Voadores Não Identificados) seja apenas uma nova forma de narrar interações entre seres humanos e seres divinos, que ocorreram ao longo da história em diferentes ambientes e culturas, não é nova. Atualmente, diversos pesquisadores, vem estudando a espiritualidade baseada nos UFOs e ressaltam diversos pontos em comum entre as experiências dos que relatam encontros com alienígenas e as visões e experiências dos místicos, profetas e videntes de todas as épocas e culturas. O presente artigo, baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica, visa chamar a atenção para a possibilidade de integrar os estudos sobre as diversas experiências espirituais relacionadas aos UFOs no âmbito daquilo que Henry Corbin descreveu como o “Mundus Imaginalis”, onde a realidade das experiências místicas encontraria seu campo de manifestação