1,608 research outputs found

    A Cointegration Analysis of the Long-Run Supply Response of Spanish Agriculture to the Common Agricultural Policy

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    Using cointegration techniques, we estimate two models that capture the long-term relationship between Spanish prices and agricultural production. The models were estimated over Spanish agricultural data from 1970 to 2000, a period spanning Spain’s implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy in 1986 and the application of the MacSharry Reforms in 1992. The models, as well asplausible counterfactual scenarios constructed to assess the production changes induced by the CAP, lead to three principal results. First, we find that Spanish agricultural output is responsive to agricultural prices. Second, we find that the MacSharry reforms have been instrumental in restraining agricultural production. Third, we find that Spanish agricultural output would have been higher if Spain had not applied the CAP. These results are important and have broad implications. First, they strengthen the position of those reformers both within and outside of Europe that argue for lower price supports as an appropriate policy for stemming European agricultural surpluses. Second, they indicate that recent EU reforms, which have in effect extended the MacSharry reforms, are appropriate measures for curbing European agricultural surpluses

    A Variety of DeMorgan Negations in Relevant Logics

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    The present paper is inspired by Sylvan and Plumwood’s logicBM defined in “Non-normal relevant logics” and by their treatmentof negation with the ∗-operator in “The semantics of first-degree en-tailment”. Given a positive logic L including Routley and Meyer’sbasic positive logic and included in either the positive fragment of Eor in that of RW, we investigate the essential De Morgan negation ex-pansions of L and determine all the deductive relations they maintainto each other. A Routley-Meyer semantics is provided for each logicdefined in the paper

    Use of Mutual Coupling to Decrease Parasitic Inductance of Shunt Capacitor Filters

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    In this paper, we propose and study several new designs of a shunt capacitor filter with two surface-mount technology capacitors. These designs make use of mutual inductance effects to increase the attenuation provided by the filter in the range of high frequencies where the filter behaves inductively. We provide lumped element circuitmodels for the proposed designs that allow identification of the key inductive parameters that determine the high-frequency performance of these filters. We obtain the equa- tions relating these parameters to the effective inductance of the filter, which can be used to compare the high-frequency behavior of different filter designs. We have fabricated and measured several compact shunt capacitor filters with improved performance at high frequencies. We have found that, compared with a shunt capacitor filter with one capacitor, a proper filter design with two capacitors can easily increase in 15–20 dB the high-frequency attenuation provided by the filter. This design also outperforms by 10–15 dB a traditional shunt capacitor filter with two capacitors closely placed. Moreover, this improvement is obtained with no increase in size, cost, or time of design of the filter.Ministerio de Economía Y Competitividad TEC2014-54097-

    ADMP: an adaptive multicast routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks

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    We present ADMP, the adaptive mesh-based multicast routing protocol, in which nodes are able to independently tune the amount of redundancy used to transmit data packets with the goal of improving the overall packet delivery ratio while keeping the retransmission overhead as low as possible. ADMP is based on a novel distributed algorithm for computing connected dominating sets. ADMP uses a single type of control packet, called multicast announcement, which is used to build the meshes of multicast groups, elect the core of each mesh and obtain two-hop neighborhood information. Using detailed simulations for different scenarios, we show that ADMP achieves similar or better reliability than two mesh-based multicast protocols that are very resilient (ODMRP and PUMA) while inducing low packet retransmission overhead.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Normalized sombor indices as complexity measures of random networks

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    We perform a detailed computational study of the recently introduced Sombor indices on random networks. Specifically, we apply Sombor indices on three models of random networks: Erdös-Rényi networks, random geometric graphs, and bipartite random networks. Within a statistical random matrix theory approach, we show that the average values of Sombor indices, normalized to the order of the network, scale with the average degree. Moreover, we discuss the application of average Sombor indices as complexity measures of random networks and, as a consequence, we show that selected normalized Sombor indices are highly correlated with the Shannon entropy of the eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix.The research of J.M.R. and J.M.S. was supported by a grant from Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-106433GBI00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), Spain. J.M.R. was supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M23), and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation)

    Computational and analytical studies of the harmonic index on Erdös-Rényi models

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    A main topic in the study of topological indices is to find bounds of the indices involving several parameters and/or other indices. In this paper we perform statistical (numerical) and analytical studies of the harmonic index H(G), and other topological indices of interest, on Erdos-Rényi (ER) graphs G(n, p) characterized by n vertices connected independently with probability p ∈ (0, 1). Particularly, in addition to H(G), we study here the (−2) sum-connectivity index χ−2(G), the modified Zagreb index MZ(G), the inverse degree index ID(G) and the Randic index R(G). First, to perform the statistical study of these indices, we define the averages of the normalized indices to their maximum value: {H(G)}, {χ−2(G)}, {MZ(G)}, {ID(G)}, {R(G)}. Then, from a detailed scaling analysis, we show that the averages of the normalized indices scale with the product ξ ≈ np. Moreover, we find two different behaviors. On the one hand, hH(G)i and hR(G)i, as a function of the probability p, show a smooth transition from zero to n/2 as p increases from zero to one. Indeed, after scaling, it is possible to define three regimes: a regime of mostly isolated vertices when ξ 10 (H(G), R(G) ≈ n/2). On the other hand, hχ−2(G)i, hMZ(G)i and hID(G)i increase with p until approaching their maximum value, then they decrease by further increasing p. Thus, after scaling the curves corresponding to these indices display bell-like shapes in log scale, which are symmetric around ξ ≈ 1; i.e. the percolation transition point of ER graphs. Therefore, motivated by the scaling analysis, we analytically (i) obtain new relations connecting the topological indices H, χ−2, MZ, ID and R that characterize graphs which are extremal with respect to the obtained relations and (ii) apply these results in order to obtain inequalities on H, χ−2, MZ, ID and R for graphs in ER models.J.A.M.-B. acknowledges financial support from FAPESP (Grant No. 2019/ 06931-2), Brazil, CONACyT (Grant No. 2019-000009-01EXTV-00067) and PRODEP-SEP (Grant No. 511-6/2019.-11821), Mexico. J.M.R. and J.M.S. acknowledge financial support from Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-106433GB-I00/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033), Spain

    Formative research: challenges and tendencies

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    21st century teachers are not only required to develop top teaching skills, but also strong research ones that allow them to expand their understanding of teaching-learning phenomena and improve their school practices. This relatively recent trend has also impacted the Language Teaching field, making language programs in universities to develop different approaches to Formative Research for their student-teachers. This paper aims to contrast how two different universities (a private and a state one) understand and carry out formative research processes. The analysis attempts to specifically describe how two Bachelors of Arts in Education of teachers in Foreign Languages programs have dealt with formative research revealing goals and difficulties when initiating student-teachers in research

    Silla de ruedas reclinable para personas con movilidad reducida

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    Esta iniciativa surge de la necesidad de desarrollar un prototipo de silla de ruedas reclinable de bajo costo para personas con movilidad reducida; que permita un desplazamiento cómodo y seguro. Al ser reclinable, esta silla de ruedas brinda la opción de camilla, facilitando así, la higiene personal del paciente, evitando traslados y esfuerzos innecesarios del cuidador y de la persona a su cargo. Luego de una pesquisa general sobre los diferentes modelos de sillas de ruedas reclinables disponibles en el mercado, y de prestar especial atención a sus componentes y características, identificamos los puntos centrales para el desarrollo de mejoras y rediseños que acarrearan menos costos de fabricación y que mantuviera la calidad y funcionalidad del dispositivo. Este prototipo de silla de ruedas, brindará una mejor calidad de vida a adultos con movilidad reducida, permitiendo que la persona encargada adecúe la silla a la posición en la que el paciente esté más cómodo, pues al reclinar el espaldar a través de un sistema de pívots, los pies se alzarán y el cuerpo del paciente alcanzará una posición de descanso y relajación total.The initiative of this project arises from the need to implement a low-cost reclining wheelchair prototype for people with reduced mobility that allows a comfortable and safe movement, as it is reclining it offers the option of a stretcher, allowing alternatives that facilitate personal hygiene of the patient, avoiding unnecessary transfers and efforts for the patient and the person in charge of their care. An investigation is carried out of the different reclining wheelchairs on the market, their components and characteristics which have been designed in recent years seeking to make improvements and redesigns to have more affordable costs with the same quality in its operation This chair prototype is a system that will provide a better quality of life for people with reduced mobility, it allows the person in charge to adapt the chair to the position in which the patient is most comfortable, when reclining the back by means of pivots. Makes the feet rise giving a total rest or relaxation without the patient having to make any effort. Keywords: Multiple disabilities, structure, Design, Ergonomics, Poverty

    Mentoring in pre-service teaching: from reflection on practice to a didactic proposal

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    This article offers a review of different methodologies to mentor pre-service teachers’ pedagogical experience in EFL contexts in Colombia and their pedagogical implications when training future teachers. It also gives an overview of models presented for the purpose of mentoring. Finally, it proposes a model to guide the mentoring of pre-service teachers’ pedagogical experiences at schools in Bogotá considering the implications of talking about the mentoring in the teaching practicum and the roles of the participants. This model is a selection of mentoring strategies that can be extended to other contexts with similar characteristics

    Canales de comunicación que utilizan los habitantes del Proyecto de Desarrollo Rural del Nordeste del Quindío.

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    En el Proyecto de Desarrollo Rural del Nordeste del Quindío, ICA, se realizó un estudio para determinar los canales de comunicación usados por los campesinos de la zona. Se pretende determinar: uso de canales intracomunitarios y extracomunitarios; averiguar el uso de los canales de comunicación en la solución de los problemas; indagar cuales son los canales que los habitantes del Proyecto consideran más adecuados para hacerles llegar información agropecuaria y social y determinar la posible relación entre sexo, escolaridad y uso de algunos canales de comunicación. La muestra abarcó 3 municipios por muestreo estratificado para un total de 170 encuestas. Los canales extracomunitarios más usados por los campesinos del área de estudio fueron en su orden: radio; prensa, televisión, almanaques y cine. El 95.2 por ciento desea escuchar programas agropecuarios. Un 50 por ciento quiere que estos programas se transmitan diariamente entre 5 y 7 de la mañana. El Espectador, El Tiempo y El Campesino son los periódicos más leídos y los temas preferidos los noticieros. La edición más leída es el dominical. El canal intracomuntario más usado en el área del Proyecto son las reuniones en la escuela de la vereda que es el lugar preferido para realizarlas, los sábados de 2 a 5 de la tarde. La radio, las visitas a la finca y las reuniones son consideradas por los campesinos, como medios principales para hacerles llegar información agropecuaria y socialMaestría en CienciasMaestrí