837 research outputs found

    Analysis of Internet Addiction Levels of University Students in Terms of the State of Doing Sport

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    The aim of the present study is to examine the internet addiction levels of university students in terms of the state of doing sport and different variables. A total of 300 students, 132 male and 168, studying in Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University participated in the study. Internet Addiction Scale which was developed by Günüç and Kayri (2010) and which had four sub-dimensions (withdrawal, controlling difficulty, disorder in functionality and social isolation) was used. SPSS 22.0 program was used for the statistical analysis. Significance was found in the sub-dimensions of withdrawal and social isolation in terms of the variable of gender (p<0.05) and in the sub-dimension of social isolation in terms of the variables of faculty and the state of doing sport regularly (p<0.05). It can be seen that internet addiction levels were similar in all sub-dimensions except for social isolation, while they were found to be different in the sub-dimension of withdrawal in terms of the variable of gender. This result is thought to be associated with the fact that students who do sport regularly and those attending sport sciences faculty are not exposed to social isolation due to sport and that they lead more social lives when compared with the students of other faculties. In terms of the variable of gender, it is thought that the reason why female students had higher withdrawal levels can be due to the fact that men can act more comfortably in social life

    Effect of alkaline treatment on mechanical properties of voile fabric reinforced epoxy composites

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    Effect of alkali treatment on the mechanical properties of epoxy composites reinforced with alkali-treated voile fabric has been studied. The voile fabric is treated with different concentrations of NaOH solution (1% and 3% ) for 1 h at 20 ± 2 °C. The epoxy-based composite obtained by reinforcing the alkali-treated fabric is evaluated for its tensile strength, and dynamic mechanical properties. Composite reinforced with 3% NaOH solution treated fabric shows significant improvement in tensile strength (~32.72%). This implies that the concentration of NaOH treatment greatly influences the interfacial adhesion between the voile fabric and the epoxy. Results of dynamic mechanical analysis show an increase in the storage moduli of the composites reinforced with 1% and 3% NaOH treated fabric as compared to untreated composites at 20 -100 °C. However, for all the composites, the storage modulus decreases with the increase in temperature with a significant fall in the temperature range 25 - 100 °C, indicating that the incorporation of voile fabric in epoxy matrix unconcluded reinforcing effects appreciably at higher temperatures. The loss moduli of untreated and treated composites decrease with the increase in temperature. The glass transition temperatures of the untreated and treated (1% and 3% NaOH) composites are found to be 35.36 °C, 35.81 °C, and 30.55 °C respectively. For all the composites, the value of tan δ decreases with the increase in temperature which indicates the level of interactions between the polymer matrix and the reinforced fabric. The fractured surface of composites is observed using SEM, which indicates the surface modification of the voile fabrics with alkali treatment and subsequent improvement in fibre-matrix adhesion

    Literary Sources of Nabi' s Tuhfat al-Haramayn

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    Nabi in his pilgrimage narrative called Tuhfetü'l-harameyn quotes a number of verses from such classical Persian and Turkish poets in order to compose the narrative in a prose style accepted in his period. Most of these quotations are from 15th century Persian poet Muhyi's Fütuhu'l-harameyn, which was also attributed to the distinguished poet Abdurrahman Cami for a long time. Despite of all these quotations, Nabi's narrative can not be regarded as an imitation of Muhyi's verse narrative Fütuhu'l-harameyn. Tuhfetü'l-harameyn undoubtedly remains original from the point if its content and prose style. Because it is a narrative based on Nabi's real journey to Urfa, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo and Mecca in the years 1089-1090/1678-79

    Analysis of Internet Addiction Levels of University Students in Terms of the State of Doing Sport

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    The aim of the present study is to examine the internet addiction levels of university students in terms of the state of doing sport and different variables. A total of 300 students, 132 male and 168, studying in Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University participated in the study. Internet Addiction Scale which was developed by Günüç and Kayri (2010) and which had four sub-dimensions (withdrawal, controlling difficulty, disorder in functionality and social isolation) was used. SPSS 22.0 program was used for the statistical analysis. Significance was found in the sub-dimensions of withdrawal and social isolation in terms of the variable of gender (p<0.05) and in the sub-dimension of social isolation in terms of the variables of faculty and the state of doing sport regularly (p<0.05). It can be seen that internet addiction levels were similar in all sub-dimensions except for social isolation, while they were found to be different in the sub-dimension of withdrawal in terms of the variable of gender. This result is thought to be associated with the fact that students who do sport regularly and those attending sport sciences faculty are not exposed to social isolation due to sport and that they lead more social lives when compared with the students of other faculties. In terms of the variable of gender, it is thought that the reason why female students had higher withdrawal levels can be due to the fact that men can act more comfortably in social life

    Politics in process of converting to multipolitical party system in Aydin between 1946 and 1950

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    Bu çalısmamızda 1946- 1950 yılları arasında Türkiye'de çok partili yasama geçis sürecinde Aydın ilinde siyaset konusu incelenmis ve söz konusu dönemle ilgili yapılan tartısmaların bilimsel çerçeveye alınması için çaba gösterilmistir. Tez Giris, Sonuç ve Özet bölümleri dısında 4 ana bölümden olusmustur. I. Bölümde çok partili yasama geçis nedenleri ve Tanzimat'tan 1946 yılına kadar Türkiye'de siyasi yasam üzerinde durulmus ve Milli Kalkınma Partisi ile Demokrat Parti'nin kurulus çalısmaları gözden geçirilmistir. II. Bölümde çok partili yasama geçis sürecinde Aydın ilinin sosyal ve ekonomik ve nüfus yapısı açıga çıkartılmaya çalısılmıs ve Cumhuriyet'in ilanından 1946 yılına kadar Aydın ilinde kısaca siyasal yasam ortaya konmustur. Bu bölümde ayrıca çok partili yasama geçerken iktidar partisi CHP'nin Aydın il teskilatının yapısı ve kimler tarafından olusturuldugu tespitlerine yer verilmis ve Demokrat Parti'nin Aydın ilinde kurulması ve teskilatlanması arastırılmıstır. Aynı zamanda iktidar ve muhalefet arasındaki iliskiler ele alınmıs ve bu iliskilerde halkın, bürokrasinin ve Halkevlerinin konumu belirlenmistir. Demokrat Parti'nin parçalanması ve Aydın'da Millet Partisi'nin kurulması bu bölümde incelenen diger konulardır. III. Bölümde çok partili yasama geçis asamasında partilerin Aydın ilinde yaptıkları ilk kongreler nasıl ve ne sekilde gerçeklestigi sorularına cevap aranmıstır. 1947 ve 1949 yılları arasında partilerin Aydın kongreleri, aynı bölüm içerisinde ele alınmıstır. IV. Bölümde, 1946-1950 yılları arasında yapılan ilk seçimler ve bu seçimlerin Aydın ilinde nasıl cereyan ettigi, nasıl sonuçlar dogurdugu incelenen konu baslıklarıdır. Bu baglamda Aydın ilinde 1946 yılı Mayıs ayı içerisinde yapılan belediye seçimleri ve 21 Temmuz 1946 genel seçimleri ile l Genel Meclisi seçimleri analiz edilmis ve seçimlerin hangi siyasi atmosferde yapıldıgı ortaya konmustur. 1948 yılında Aydın ilinde yapılan araseçimler ve bu seçimlerin Demokrat Parti tarafından boykot edilmesi bu bölümde irdelenmistir. Yine 1950 genel seçimleri öncesi Aydın ilinde yapılan son seçim olan Ortaklar Belediye seçimi incelenmistir. 14 Mayıs 1950 genel seçimleri, bu seçimlere partilerce yapılan hazırlıklar ve yeni seçim kanunu ele alınmıstır. 1950 genel seçimlerinin sonuçlarıyla çalısmamız bitirilmistir. In this study, the issue of politics in process of converting to multipolitical party system in Aydın was stuied. Therefore, this period was tried to base on scientific basis. The thesis consisted of 4 main parts besides intro, conclusion and summary parts. In part I, the reasons for convertion to multipoltical party system and the issue of politics in Türkiye by 1946 were studied. In this part, the foundations of National Development Party(Milli Kalkınma Partisi) and Democratic Party(Demokrat Parti) were investigated. In part II, Aydın in process of convertion to multipolitical party system was studied in all aspects. The social and econimical structures of Aydın in 1946 were tried to be exposed. And the issue of politics in Aydın by 1946 was studied. In addition, by whom CHP, the party in power, was established and its structure were studied.The foundation and organization of Democratic Party(Demokrat Parti) in Aydın were studied. Meanwhile the relationships between the party in power and opponents were studied. The importance of public, bureucracy and Public Room(Public House) in those relationships was tried to be defined. In this part, The influence of separation in Democratic Party and foundation of the Nation Party in Aydın were studied. In part III, in addition, in what way the first congresses that were organized by the parties in Aydın realized in the process of convertion to multipolitical party system was studied. The Congreses in Aydın of parties between 1947 and 1949 were the other issues of this part. In part IV, the first election that was held between 1946 and 1950 and its results were explained. In this context, the municipality election(local election) in May, 1946, the general election that was held on 21th july, 1946 and the election of city assembly of Aydın were studied. The atmosphere of election was exposed. The interval elections that was held in Aydın in 1948 and the elections that were boycotted by Democratic Party were the other issues of this part. The Ortaklar Municipality election before the general election was investigated, as well. The general election in the 14?th may, 1950, preparations of the parties and new election law were researched. Our study ended(finished) with the results of the general election

    Design of Neural Predictor for Performance Analysis of Mountain Bicycles

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    In recent years, bicycle races, along with the crest of the high technology continues to increase. Because of this increased races, performance of bicycles, in both biological and mechanical terms, is extraordinarily important and efficient. In terms of the ratio of cargo weight a bicycle can carry to total weight, it is also a most efficient means of cargo transportation. In spite of advanced technology, there are still some problems on bicycles during working conditions and road roughness such as on the mountain from tire and mechanical parts. In this investigation, a extraordinary designed with fiber-carbon body and light bicycle is tested on mountain road conditionswith prescribed trajectory on the mountain for different elevation, speed, hearth rate, bike cadence and average temperature. The real time measured parameters are predicted with proposed two types of neural networks for approaching real time neural network predictors. The results of the proposed neural network have shown that neural predictor has superior performance to adopt the real time bicycle performance

    Instaliranje opreme i mjernih postupaka pri određivanju hidrauličke vodljivosti jelovine

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    For a hydraulic conductor, through which liquid flows, hydraulic conductance (K, ml·s-1·MPa-1) is defined as the ratio of pressure difference at the inlet and outlet to the fluid amount passing through the hydraulic conductor in a unit time period. This property is one of the key functions of the wood, and is obtained by the flow rate (F – Flow, ml·s-1) along the wood sample divided by the pressure difference driving the flow (DP, MPa). This study aimed to establish a test setup to determine the hydraulic conductance values of Uludağ Fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.). A test setup was established to measure the amount of water that flows in samples and pressure difference in characterized capillary tubes. In addition, calibration of the test apparatus is explained in detail. Fir wood samples taken from Yedigoller, which is affiliated to Kale Operation Chieftainship and Bolu Forest Regional Directorate, of 4 mm in diameter and 3 cm in length were prepared and hydraulic conductance measurements were performed, and the results are presented in this article. The installed test setup was used to obtain the following information about trees: operation of the hydraulic conduction system, the amount of needed water, seasonal effects and stress-related changes.Hidraulička vodljivost (K, ml·s-1·MPa-1) definira se kao omjer količine tekućine koja prolazi u određenom vremenu hidrauličkim vodičem i razlike tlaka na ulazu i izlazu vodiča. To je svojstvo jedna od ključnih funkcija drva, a njegova se veličina određuje mjerenjem brzine protoka (F – protok, ml·s-1) uzduž uzorka drva zbog razlika tlakova (DP, MPa). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je instaliranje mjernog sustava za određivanje hidrauličke vodljivosti jelovine (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.). Postavkama mjerenja utvrđena je količina vode koja teče u uzorcima jelovine i razlika tlaka u karakterističnim kapilarama. Usto je detaljno objašnjeno kalibriranje ispitne opreme. Uzorci jelovine na kojima su provedena mjerenja hidrauličke vodljivosti bili su promjera 4 mm i duljine 3 cm i uzeti su s područja Yedigoller, a rezultati ispitivanja prikazani su u ovom radu. Instaliranim mjernim sustavom dobivene su ove informacije o stablima: djelovanje sustava hidrauličke vodljivosti u drvu, količina potrebne vode, utjecaji godišnjih doba i promjene povezane sa stresom

    Private Security and Privatizing Security from Different Theoretical Perspectives

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    In this qualitative study, the reflection of private security on internal security is mainly discussed through the “private securitization” concept and its position in the theoretical pool. The main argument of the study is “Private security, which is seen as one of the consequences of stressful and risky lifestyles, has reached a controversial quantity by being introduced into even the most secluded points of life with its predominantly Westernized quality and quantity that different security theories can justify.” The main findings of the research are as follows: Private security has a high share in securitization; the quality-quantity balance of the sector in developed and developing countries varies; there is a need for a globally branded structure in the service; Turkey has the opportunity to restructure the sector through ancient security codes; and finally, if the current perspective of private security, which contains double standards, is maintained, there are risks that may be swung away from the legitimate ground at any time. As a result, it is concluded that “Private security cannot achieve a service standard of comprehensive effectiveness and efficiency without a training-oriented improvement”