70 research outputs found

    Locating disease genes using Bayesian variable selection with the Haseman-Elston method

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    BACKGROUND: We applied stochastic search variable selection (SSVS), a Bayesian model selection method, to the simulated data of Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. We used SSVS with the revisited Haseman-Elston method to find the markers linked to the loci determining change in cholesterol over time. To study gene-gene interaction (epistasis) and gene-environment interaction, we adopted prior structures, which incorporate the relationship among the predictors. This allows SSVS to search in the model space more efficiently and avoid the less likely models. RESULTS: In applying SSVS, instead of looking at the posterior distribution of each of the candidate models, which is sensitive to the setting of the prior, we ranked the candidate variables (markers) according to their marginal posterior probability, which was shown to be more robust to the prior. Compared with traditional methods that consider one marker at a time, our method considers all markers simultaneously and obtains more favorable results. CONCLUSIONS: We showed that SSVS is a powerful method for identifying linked markers using the Haseman-Elston method, even for weak effects. SSVS is very effective because it does a smart search over the entire model space

    A gene-model-free method for linkage analysis of a disease-related-trait based on analysis of proband/sibling pairs

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    In this paper we investigate the power of finding linkage to a disease locus through analysis of the disease-related traits. We propose two family-based gene-model-free linkage statistics. Both involve considering the distribution of the number of alleles identical by descent with the proband and comparing siblings with the disease-related trait to those without the disease-related-trait. The objective is to find linkages to disease-related traits that are pleiotropic for both the disease and the disease-related-traits. The power of these statistics is investigated for Kofendrerd Personality Disorder-related traits a (Joining/founding cults) and trait b (Fear/discomfort with strangers) of the simulated data. The answers were known prior to the execution of the reported analyses. We find that both tests have very high power when applied to the samples created by combining the data of the three cities for which we have nuclear family data

    Incorporation of genetic model parameters for cost-effective designs of genetic association studies using DNA pooling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies of association methods using DNA pooling of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have focused primarily on the effects of "machine-error", number of replicates, and the size of the pool. We use the non-centrality parameter (NCP) for the analysis of variance test to compute the approximate power for genetic association tests with DNA pooling data on cases and controls. We incorporate genetic model parameters into the computation of the NCP. Parameters involved in the power calculation are disease allele frequency, frequency of the marker SNP allele in coupling with the disease locus, disease prevalence, genotype relative risk, sample size, genetic model, number of pools, number of replicates of each pool, and the proportion of variance of the pooled frequency estimate due to machine variability. We compute power for different settings of number of replicates and total number of genotypings when the genetic model parameters are fixed. Several significance levels are considered, including stringent significance levels (due to the increasing popularity of 100 K and 500 K SNP "chip" data). We use a factorial design with two to four settings of each parameter and multiple regression analysis to assess which parameters most significantly affect power.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The power can increase substantially as the genotyping number increases. For a fixed number of genotypings, the power is a function of the number of replicates of each pool such that there is a setting with maximum power. The four most significant parameters affecting power for association are: (1) genotype relative risk, (2) genetic model, (3) sample size, and (4) the interaction term between disease and SNP marker allele probabilities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For a fixed number of genotypings, there is an optimal number of replicates of each pool that increases as the number of genotypings increases. Power is not substantially reduced when the number of replicates is close to but not equal to the optimal setting.</p

    Power of maximum HLOD tests to detect linkage to obesity genes

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    BACKGROUND: We investigate the power of heterogeneity LOD test to detect linkage when a trait is determined by several major genes using Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 simulated data. We consider three traits, two of which are disease-causing traits: 1) the rate of change in body mass index (BMI); and 2) the maximum BMI; and 3) the disease itself (hypertension). Of interest is the power of "HLOD2", the maximum heterogeneity LOD obtained upon maximizing over the two genetic models. RESULTS: Using a trait phenotype Obesity Slope, we observe that the power to detect the two markers closest to the two genes (S1, S2) at the 0.05 level using HLOD2 is 13% and 10%. The power of HLOD2 for Max BMI phenotype is 12% and 9%. The corresponding values for the Hypertension phenotype are 8% and 6%. CONCLUSION: The power to detect linkage to the slope genes is quite low. But the power using disease-related traits as a phenotype is greater than the power using the disease (hypertension) phenotype

    Using mixture models to characterize disease-related traits

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    We consider 12 event-related potentials and one electroencephalogram measure as disease-related traits to compare alcohol-dependent individuals (cases) to unaffected individuals (controls). We use two approaches: 1) two-way analysis of variance (with sex and alcohol dependency as the factors), and 2) likelihood ratio tests comparing sex adjusted values of cases to controls assuming that within each group the trait has a 2 (or 3) component normal mixture distribution. In the second approach, we test the null hypothesis that the parameters of the mixtures are equal for the cases and controls. Based on the two-way analysis of variance, we find 1) males have significantly (p < 0.05) lower mean response values than females for 7 of these traits. 2) Alcohol-dependent cases have significantly lower mean response than controls for 3 traits. The mixture analysis of sex-adjusted values of 1 of these traits, the event-related potential obtained at the parietal midline channel (ttth4), found the appearance of a 3-component normal mixture in cases and controls. The mixtures differed in that the cases had significantly lower mean values than controls and significantly different mixing proportions in 2 of the 3 components. Implications of this study are: 1) Sex needs to be taken into account when studying risk factors for alcohol dependency to prevent finding a spurious association between alcohol dependency and the risk factor. 2) Mixture analysis indicates that for the event-related potential "ttth4", the difference observed reflects strong evidence of heterogeneity of response in both the cases and controls

    Little genetic differentiation as assessed by uniparental markers in the presence of substantial language variation in peoples of the Cross River region of Nigeria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Cross River region in Nigeria is an extremely diverse area linguistically with over 60 distinct languages still spoken today. It is also a region of great historical importance, being a) adjacent to the likely homeland from which Bantu-speaking people migrated across most of sub-Saharan Africa 3000-5000 years ago and b) the location of Calabar, one of the largest centres during the Atlantic slave trade. Over 1000 DNA samples from 24 clans representing speakers of the six most prominent languages in the region were collected and typed for Y-chromosome (SNPs and microsatellites) and mtDNA markers (Hypervariable Segment 1) in order to examine whether there has been substantial gene flow between groups speaking different languages in the region. In addition the Cross River region was analysed in the context of a larger geographical scale by comparison to bordering Igbo speaking groups as well as neighbouring Cameroon populations and more distant Ghanaian communities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Cross River region was shown to be extremely homogenous for both Y-chromosome and mtDNA markers with language spoken having no noticeable effect on the genetic structure of the region, consistent with estimates of inter-language gene flow of 10% per generation based on sociological data. However the groups in the region could clearly be differentiated from others in Cameroon and Ghana (and to a lesser extent Igbo populations). Significant correlations between genetic distance and both geographic and linguistic distance were observed at this larger scale.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Previous studies have found significant correlations between genetic variation and language in Africa over large geographic distances, often across language families. However the broad sampling strategies of these datasets have limited their utility for understanding the relationship within language families. This is the first study to show that at very fine geographic/linguistic scales language differences can be maintained in the presence of substantial gene flow over an extended period of time and demonstrates the value of dense sampling strategies and having DNA of known and detailed provenance, a practice that is generally rare when investigating sub-Saharan African demographic processes using genetic data.</p

    Mixture modeling of microarray gene expression data

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    About 28% of genes appear to have an expression pattern that follows a mixture distribution. We use first- and second-order partial correlation coefficients to identify trios and quartets of non-sex-linked genes that are highly associated and that are also mixtures. We identified 18 trio and 35 quartet mixtures and evaluated their mixture distribution concordance. Concordance was defined as the proportion of observations that simultaneously fall in the component with the higher mean or simultaneously in the component with the lower mean based on their Bayesian posterior probabilities. These trios and quartets have a concordance rate greater than 80%. There are 33 genes involved in these trios and quartets. A factor analysis with varimax rotation identifies three gene groups based on their factor loadings. One group of 18 genes has a concordance rate of 56.7%, another group of 8 genes has a concordance rate of 60.8%, and a third group of 7 genes has a concordance rate of 69.6%. Each of these rates is highly significant, suggesting that there may be strong biological underpinnings for the mixture mechanisms of these genes. Bayesian factor screening confirms this hypothesis by identifying six single-nucleotide polymorphisms that are significantly associated with the expression phenotypes of the five most concordant genes in the first group

    Growth mixture modeling as an exploratory analysis tool in longitudinal quantitative trait loci analysis

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    We examined the properties of growth mixture modeling in finding longitudinal quantitative trait loci in a genome-wide association study. Two software packages are commonly used in these analyses: Mplus and the SAS TRAJ procedure. We analyzed the 200 replicates of the simulated data with these programs using three tests: the likelihood-ratio test statistic, a direct test of genetic model coefficients, and the chi-square test classifying subjects based on the trajectory model's posterior Bayesian probability. The Mplus program was not effective in this application due to its computational demands. The distributions of these tests applied to genes not related to the trait were sensitive to departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The likelihood-ratio test statistic was not usable in this application because its distribution was far from the expected asymptotic distributions when applied to markers with no genetic relation to the quantitative trait. The other two tests were satisfactory. Power was still substantial when we used markers near the gene rather than the gene itself. That is, growth mixture modeling may be useful in genome-wide association studies. For markers near the actual gene, there was somewhat greater power for the direct test of the coefficients and lesser power for the posterior Bayesian probability chi-square test

    Principal components ancestry adjustment for Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 data

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    Statistical tests on rare variant data may well have type I error rates that differ from their nominal levels. Here, we use the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 data to estimate type I error rates and powers of three models for identifying rare variants associated with a phenotype: (1) by using the number of minor alleles, age, and smoking status as predictor variables; (2) by using the number of minor alleles, age, smoking status, and the identity of the population of the subject as predictor variables; and (3) by using the number of minor alleles, age, smoking status, and ancestry adjustment using 10 principal component scores. We studied both quantitative phenotype and a dichotomized phenotype. The model with principal component adjustment has type I error rates that are closer to the nominal level of significance of 0.05 for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in noncausal genes for the selected phenotype than the model directly adjusting for population. The principal component adjustment model type I error rates are also closer to the nominal level of 0.05 for noncausal SNPs located in causal genes for the phenotype. The power for causal SNPs with the principal component adjustment model is comparable to the power of the other methods. The power using the underlying quantitative phenotype is greater than the power using the dichotomized phenotype

    Persistent Expression of FLAG-tagged Micro dystrophin in Nonhuman Primates Following Intramuscular and Vascular Delivery

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    Animal models for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) have species limitations related to assessing function, immune response, and distribution of micro- or mini-dystrophins. Nonhuman primates (NHPs) provide the ideal model to optimize vector delivery across a vascular barrier and provide accurate dose estimates for widespread transduction. To address vascular delivery and dosing in rhesus macaques, we have generated a fusion construct that encodes an eight amino-acid FLAG epitope at the C-terminus of micro-dystrophin to facilitate translational studies targeting DMD. Intramuscular (IM) injection of AAV8.MCK.micro-dys.FLAG in the tibialis anterior (TA) of macaques demonstrated robust gene expression, with muscle transduction (50–79%) persisting for up to 5 months. Success by IM injection was followed by targeted vascular delivery studies using a fluoroscopy-guided catheter threaded through the femoral artery. Three months after gene transfer, >80% of muscle fibers showed gene expression in the targeted muscle. No cellular immune response to AAV8 capsid, micro-dystrophin, or the FLAG tag was detected by interferon-γ (IFN-γ) enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) at any time point with either route. In summary, an epitope-tagged micro-dystrophin cassette enhances the ability to evaluate site-specific localization and distribution of gene expression in the NHP in preparation for vascular delivery clinical trials