18 research outputs found

    Autoimmune hematological diseases after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children: An Italian multicenter experience

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    AbstractAutoimmune hematological diseases (AHDs) may occur after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), but reports on these complications in large cohorts of pediatric patients are lacking. Between 1998 and 2011, 1574 consecutive children underwent allogeneic HSCT in 9 Italian centers. Thirty-three children (2.1%) developed AHDs: 15 autoimmune hemolytic anemia (45%), 10 immune thrombocytopenia (30%), 5 Evans' syndrome (15%), 2 pure red cell aplasia (6%), and 1 immune neutropenia (3%). The 10-year cumulative incidence of AHDs was 2.5% (95% confidence interval, 1.7 to 3.6). In a multivariate analysis, the use of alternative donor and nonmalignant disease was statistically associated with AHDs. Most patients with AHDs (64%) did not respond to steroids. Sustained complete remission was achieved in 87% of cases with the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab). Four patients (9%) (1 autoimmune hemolytic anemia, 1 Evans' syndrome, 2 immune thrombocytopenia) died at a median of 87 days after AHD diagnosis as a direct or indirect consequence of their disorder. Our data suggest that AHDs are a relatively rare complication occurring after HSCT that usually respond to treatment with rituximab

    Risk of Seizures in Children Receiving Busulphan-Containing Regimens for Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Busulphan (BU) is associated with neurotoxicity and risk of seizures. Hence, seizure prophylaxis is routinely utilized during BU administration for stem cell transplantation (SCT). We collected data on the incidence of seizures among children undergoing SCT in Italy. Fourteen pediatric transplantation centers agreed to report unselected data on children receiving BU as part of the conditioning regimen for SCT between 2005 and 2012. Data on 954 pediatric transplantation procedures were collected; of them, 66% of the patients received BU orally, and the remaining 34%, i.v. All the patients received prophylaxis of seizures, according to local protocols, consisting of different schedules and drugs. A total of 13 patients (1.3%) developed seizures; of them, 3 had a history of epilepsy (or other seizure-related pre-existing condition); 3 had documented brain lesions potentially causing seizures per se; 1 had febrile seizures, 1 severe hypo-osmolality. In the remaining 5 patients, seizures were considered not explained and, thus, potentially related to BU administration. The incidence of seizures in children receiving BU-containing regimen was very low (1.3%); furthermore, most of them had at least 1deither pre-existing or concurrentdassociated risk factor for seizures. 2014 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

    The Clinical Impact of Methotrexate-Induced Stroke-Like Neurotoxicity in Paediatric Departments: An Italian Multi-Centre Case-Series

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    IntroductionStroke-like syndrome (SLS) is a rare subacute neurological complication of intrathecal or high-dose (>= 500 mg) Methotrexate (MTX) administration. Its clinical features, evoking acute cerebral ischaemia with fluctuating course symptoms and a possible spontaneous resolution, have elicited interest among the scientific community. However, many issues are still open on the underlying pathogenesis, clinical, and therapeutic management and long-term outcome. Materials and MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed clinical, radiological and laboratory records of all patients diagnosed with SLS between 2011 and 2021 at 4 National referral centers for Pediatric Onco-Hematology. Patients with a latency period that was longer than 3 weeks between the last MTX administration of MTX and SLS onset were excluded from the analysis, as were those with unclear etiologies. We assessed symptom severity using a dedicated arbitrary scoring system. Eleven patients were included in the study. ResultsThe underlying disease was acute lymphoblastic leukemia type B in 10/11 patients, while fibroblastic osteosarcoma was present in a single subject. The median age at diagnosis was 11 years (range 4-34), and 64% of the patients were women. Symptoms occurred after a mean of 9.45 days (+/- 0.75) since the last MTX administration and lasted between 1 and 96 h. Clinical features included hemiplegia and/or cranial nerves palsy, paraesthesia, movement or speech disorders, and seizure. All patients underwent neuroimaging studies (CT and/or MRI) and EEG. The scoring system revealed an average of 4.9 points (+/- 2.3), with a median of 5 points (maximum 20 points). We detected a linear correlation between the severity of the disease and age in male patients. ConclusionsSLS is a rare, well-characterized complication of MTX administration. Despite the small sample, we have been able to confirm some of the previous findings in literature. We also identified a linear correlation between age and severity of the disease, which could improve the future clinical management

    First Occurrence of Eustrongylides spp. (Nematoda: Dioctophymatidae) in a Subalpine Lake in Northwest Italy: New Data on Distribution and Host Range

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    The genus Eustrongylides includes nematodes that infect fish species and fish-eating birds inhabiting freshwater ecosystems. Nematodes belonging to the genus Eustrongylides are potentially pathogenic for humans; infection occurs after the consumption of raw or undercooked fish. In the two-year period 2019\u20132020, a total of 292 fish belonging to eight species were examined for the occurrence of Eustrongylides spp. from Lake San Michele, a small subalpine lake in northwest Italy. The prevalence of infestation was 18.3% in Lepomis gibbosus, 16.7% in Micropterus salmoides, and 10% in Perca fluviatilis. The other five fish species (Ameiurus melas, Ictalurus punctatus, Squalius cephalus, Carassius carassius, and Scardinius erythrophthalmus) were all negative for parasite presence. There were no significant differences in prevalence between the three fish species (Fisher\u2019s exact test; p = 0.744). The mean intensity of infestation ranged from 1 (M. salmoides and P. fluviatilis) to 1.15 (L. gibbosus), and the mean abundance ranged from 0.1 (P. fluviatilis) to 0.28 (L. gibbosus). There were significant differences in the infestation site between the four muscle quadrants (anterior ventral, anterior dorsal, posterior ventral, and posterior dorsal) and the visceral cavity (Kruskal\u2013Wallis test; p = 0.0008). The study findings advance our knowledge about the distribution and host range of this parasite in Italy

    Occurrence and Spatial Distribution of Dibothriocephalus Latus (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea) in Lake Iseo (Northern Italy): An Update

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    Dibothriocephalus latus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea; syn. Diphyllobothrium latum), is a fish-borne zoonotic parasite responsible for diphyllobothriasis in humans. Although D. latus has long been studied, many aspects of its epidemiology and distribution remain unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence, mean intensity of infestation, and mean abundance of plerocercoid larvae of D. latus in European perch (Perca fluviatilis) and its spatial distribution in three commercial fishing areas in Lake Iseo (Northern Italy). A total of 598 specimens of P. fluviatilis were caught in 2019. The total prevalence of D. latus was 6.5%. However, there were significant differences between areas (10.2% North; 7.3% Center; 1.5% South) (Chi-square test, p = 0.0018). The mean intensity of infestation ranged from 1 larva in southern area to 1.2 larvae in both the central and northern (Pisogne) areas. In addition, the mean abundance ranged from 0.02 in the southern area to 0.26 in the northern area (Pisogne). The total number of larvae (anterior dorsal\u2014AD = 21; anterior ventral\u2014AV = 1; posterior dorsal\u2014PD = 15; posterior ventral\u2014PV = 5) differed significantly between the four anatomical quadrants (Kruskal\u2013Wallis test; p = 0.0001). The prevalence of D. latus plerocercoid larvae in European perch from Lake Iseo has long been investigated, but without an appropriate sampling design. With the present study, a broader analysis in spatial distribution has been added to the existing literature, revealing new information about D. latus distribution and occurrence in Lake Iseo, with new data that will be useful for health authorities and future studies

    PRES-like leukoencephalopathy presenting with status epilepticus associated with Brentuximab Vedotin treatment

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    Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) is characterized by acute neurological symptoms with typical imaging features, primarily in the territories of the brain supplied by the posterior circulation, probably due to vasogenic edema. Both clinical and imaging features are generally reversible. We report a 13-year-old girl affected by Nodular Sclerosis Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma stage IIIB into complete remission, with a recurrence and autologous bone-marrow transplantation, who has been treated with an anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody, brentuximab-vedotin. The girl has suddenly presented a convulsive status epilepticus, that needed intubation and sedation. Therefore, an IV therapy with levetiracetam was started. Furthermore, the girl has presented high blood pressure and reduced kidney function. Brain MRI demonstrated a diffuse PRES-like disease, that went into regression after the first week. After another week, the girl presented a new prolonged generalized tonic clonic convulsive episode, that needed intubation and sedation and an association of clobazam and levetiracetam: a new brain MRI showed a recurrence of PRES-like lesions in addition to some signs of leukoencephalopathy with brain lactate accumulation on 1H-MRS, due to cerebral energetic failure. The girl also presented a refractory arterial hypertension. After 45 days of ICU hospitalization the patient has been discharged and followed up with neurological examinations. Brain MRI and brain 1H-MRS, 5 months after patient's discharge, showed incomplete regression of cerebral white matter signal abnormalities with MRS normalization

    Occurrence of ascaridoid nematodes in Illex coindetii, a commercially relevant cephalopod species from the Ligurian Sea (Northwest Mediterranean Sea)

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    International audienceIn this study we investigated the occurrence of larval ascaridoid nematodes in Illex coindetii, a commercially relevant cephalopod, via a cross-sectional prevalence study (January 2015 to February 2018) in two fishing areas (Savona and Piombino) in the Ligurian Sea (northwest Mediterranean Sea). A total of 745 specimens of I. coindetii were caught by local fisherman through bottom trawling. Parasitological examination revealed ascaridoid nematodes (L3) larvae (n = 9): Hysterothylacium sp. (n = 6) and Anisakis spp. (n = 3). All larvae morphologically referred to the genus Anisakis were identified by PCR-RFLP as A. pegreffii. The prevalence of Hysterothylacium sp. infestation was 0.88% for the Savona and 0.56% for the Piombino sampling site; the prevalence of A. pegreffii was 0.18% for Savona and 1.11% for Piombino and did not differ between the two sampling sites (chi-square test; p = 0.0848). Better knowledge of the distribution of ascaridoid nematodes, especially of Anisakis species is essential for defining their epidemiological role and the potential risk for consumer health


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    The blackfish Centrolophus niger (Perciformes: Centrolophidae) is a mesopelagic fish living offshore in depth range from 40 to 1000 m. Juveniles occur in surface waters while adults live deeper. Feeding of blackfish is not selective, including mainly small fish, squids and large pelagic crustaceans. Among the parasitofauna reported in blackfish, tapeworms of the order Bothriocephalidea are considered very common. One of them, Echinophallus wageneri (Cestoda: Echinophallidae) is a large worm, up to 50 cm long and 2 cm wide, with a flat strobila folded along longitudinal axis (convex dorsally and concave ventrally). The aim of this study is to define the prevalence of E. wageneri in a C. niger population of the Ligurian Sea. From March to April 2015, 42 specimens of blackfish were caught by local fisherman from the sea off the coast of Imperia (Italy). The visceral package of each blackfish was tied at its ends and placed in bags whit an identification code. In the laboratory, the samples were examined fresh or after freezing at -20\ub0C. Parasites were fixed in ethanol (70%) and subjected to identification on the basis of morphological characters. The presence of E. wageneri was detected in all the samples examined with an intensity of infection ranging between 2 and 48 (MI=16,6). Several other species of not yet identified cestodes were found in coinfection with E. wageneri. These results provide preliminary data about the prevalence of E. wageneri in the blackfish, species with an increasing interest in local fish market

    Influencia de la cartelería sobre los visitantes en un museo de ciencias

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    Las funciones que desempeñan los museos de ciencias en nuestra sociedad son diversas: como instituciones que forman parte de la educación no formal representan un complemento al sistema educativo formal, actúan como centro de motivación para el aprendizaje de las ciencias, despiertan vocaciones científicas, contribuyen a la alfabetización científica del público en general. Uno de los objetivos del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata (MLP) (FCNyM- UNLP) es difundir el conocimiento a través de la exhibición y extensión educativa en sus salas. Sobre la base del rol como dinamizadores y potenciadores de aprendizaje autónomo que cumplen las salas de los museos de ciencias en la enseñanza no formal, esta comunicación tiene por finalidad valorar la importancia del diseño de la cartelería presente en la Sala de Invertebrados del MLP en relación con el diseño original sobre la atención de los visitantes. Para ello se recurrió a: 1) La observación directa de los visitantes en dicha sala con la carteleria nueva y 2) la comparación de los datos obtenidos con los tomados en el año 2010 con la cartelería original. El protocolo de obtención de los datos fue el mismo en ambos momentos: se formaron tres grupos de observación de dos personas cada uno, quienes realizaron el muestreo durante dos fines de semanas (cuatro días) mediante observaciones de una hora reloj. Se registraron las actividades que realizaron los visitantes sin interactuar con ellos. Los datos fueron tomados considerando tres intervalos de edad (niños, jóvenes y adultos). Se utilizaron planillas estandarizadas en las que se incluyeron los tiempos de observación de cada infografía, objeto o vitrina, y los correspondientes a la permanencia en la sala. Además se registró el comportamiento del público relacionado con la toma de fotografías y/o filmaciones, lectura de carteles e interacción entre los visitantes. Los datos obtenidos permitieron comparar y analizar los resultados en función del nuevo diseño de la cartelería y objetivos educativos de las mismas como así también el grado de interés que despierta en el público esta sala en la actualidad