566 research outputs found

    War in Purananuru

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    When hear the word war, we always remember the destruction caused by it, the majority of damages and it brings happiness to a few and misery to many. Thus, war has threatened the people over time. Earlier, Moovendar kings are always remembered in Tamil Nadu during war. Mankind's war with nature has spawned civilizational development and cultural maturity.  The wars fought by people among themselves are considered historic on the basis of valor. A man's basic need is to be fulfilled by himself and the society around him, by the government and the rulers. When this situation does not continue, a king steals the resources of another country and gives it to his countrymen since then.  The purpose of this study is to find out the news about the war in Purananuru

    Contradictions of Freedom in The Tempest and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

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    In William Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1610-1611) and Junot Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) the character negotiate contradictions of freedom: the entitlements that justify violence as well as oppression on the one hand and rights that grant access to emancipation from violence and imposition on the other

    Using Web services choreography to model business process in e-commerce

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    Web modeling languages like WebML (Web modeling Language), OOHDM (Object Oriented Hypermedia design) are evolved from hypermedia models. And they pay attention only to hypermedia modeling and model business rules as a form of navigation, this is called business process emulation. Our approach is to use web service peer-peer language, such as WS-CDL to model business process in an e-commerce application. In this way we introduce a new layer that models all the business rules using WS-CDL In this approach the hypermedia model models only navigation using WebML and once business process is initiated from simple navigation the process layer defined using WS-CDL will execute the business rules. By constructing a case study to test this hybrid-modeling framework, we hypothesise that this newly released peer-peer collaborative language for web-services can be used to model the concepts of business process. Thus we get a unique approach to model business process along with navigation. This approach is a proposed solution to the issues of business process emulation. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2006 .S86. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0366. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006

    Word fiction in Kurunthokai

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    Sangam literature is a mirror of time that expresses the life of the ancient Tamil people. This is literature dealing with the love genre, which passionately describes the feelings of such a man, as well as external literature dealing with the country, city, king, and society, which relates to man's external life. Love is the reason a man and a woman seek each other out of love between domestic and public morality. The environment plays an important role in the lives of these lovers. When the poets respect the feelings of the natural environment around a man, such as trees, plants, vines, animals, and birds, and produce them in conjunction with the domestic life of the chieftains, he employs a variety of imaginative skills. In that sense, etymology is the technique of explaining the idea that comes to be expressed by governing the idea of a word, which is an effective vocabulary. Words are the beauty of poetry. It is in the way it is set that poetry becomes special. The creation of immortal literature depends on the way the poet manipulates words and the manner in which words govern poetry. Capital is words for the poet. The poet is identified by those words. The poet emerges through words. The evidence for this is scattered in many ways in the Sangam literature. When the creator takes and explains the subtle meaning of the words buried in literature, they give them a taste. The purpose of this study is to examine the aesthetic messages revealed through fiction in the personalities of those words

    Labour Market Adjustment in the Construction Industry 2001-2006

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    The construction industry experienced heightened activity from 2001 to 2006 concurrent with low interest rates, high population growth, strong wage and job growth, and property investments from overseas. Following this heightened demand, there was a 41.4 percent increase in employment in the construction industry over the six-year period. This compared with a 15.5 percent increase across all other industries excluding construction. This study, uses the Linked Employer-Employee Data (LEED) to investigate how the market adjusted to the higher level of employment. Across the construction industry from 2001 to 2006, relative average wage growth was subdued. However, a change in the composition o f labour hired was evident. The majority of inflows into the construction industry came from alternative industries, with every six in ten workers previously engaged in an alternative industry in the past year. The construction industry continued to source its workers from the same industries. However, the composition o f workers flowing from these industries into construction shifted towards younger and hence less experienced workers. This shift suggests that there were concessions on quality in adjusting to the higher level of employment. The increased inflow of younger and less experienced individuals, together with the relatively higher inflow of self- employed individuals into the construction industry, explains the comparatively subdued growth in average wages across the construction industry at a time of strong employment growth

    Roheliste alade arendamine Katmandus

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    Master's Thesis Curriculum in Landscape ArchitectureIn developing nations, the urban population is expanding quicker than the rural population due to more possibilities and a higher standard of living, which results in urbanisation. Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, has 1.57 million residents, with an annual growth rate of 3.29%. Such urbanisation pressure results in rapid changes in the urban landscape pattern of the region. Also, Kathmandu's current state of green spaces is challenging due to the increasing urbanisation and population expansion of the city. This thesis is about studying parks in Kathmandu and their current situation and uses. For this purpose, I looked at five different parks in Kathmandu. The selection was the result of online survey questions conducted with 45 residents of Kathmandu. Parks in Kathmandu have been examined based on online survey questions in the following cases: activities preferred, like in the park, problems facing, facilities, benefits and improvement needed. Also, each survey park has been assessed according to the location of the parks, history of the parks, types of greenery, facilities, accessibility, and safety. In the end, discussion and conclusion are provided, where results and literature review are discussed, compared, and concluded with the conclusion.Arengumaades laieneb linnaelanikkond tänu suurematele võimalustele ja kõrgemale elatustasemele kiiremini kui maarahvastik, mille tulemuseks on linnastumine. Nepali pealinnas Katmandus elab 1,57 miljonit elanikku, aastane kasvumäär on 3,29%. Selline linnastumise surve põhjustab kiireid muutusi piirkonna linnamaastikus. Ka Katmandu rohealade praegune olukord on linna kasvava linnastumise ja elanikkonna suurenemise tõttu keeruline. See lõputöö käsitleb Katmandu parkide ning nende hetkeolukorra ja kasutusvõimaluste uurimist. Selleks vaatasin Katmandus viit erinevat parki. Valik tehti veebiküsitluse küsimustega, mis viidi läbi 45 Katmandu elanikuga. Katmandu parke on veebiküsitluse küsimuste põhjal uuritud järgmistel juhtudel: eelistatud tegevused, nagu pargis, probleemid, rajatised, eelised ja parendusvajadus. Samuti on iga uuringuparki hinnatud parkide asukoha, parkide ajaloo, haljastuse liikide, rajatiste, ligipääsetavuse ja ohutuse alusel. Lõpus on arutelu ja järeldus, kus arutatakse tulemusi ja kirjanduse ülevaadet, võrreldakse neid ja lõpetatakse järeldusega

    Optimising a defence-aware threat modelling diagram incorporating a defence-in-depth approach for the internet-of-things

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    Modern technology has proliferated into just about every aspect of life while improving the quality of life. For instance, IoT technology has significantly improved over traditional systems, providing easy life, time-saving, financial saving, and security aspects. However, security weaknesses associated with IoT technology can pose a significant threat to the human factor. For instance, smart doorbells can make household life easier, save time, save money, and provide surveillance security. Nevertheless, the security weaknesses in smart doorbells could be exposed to a criminal and pose a danger to the life and money of the household. In addition, IoT technology is constantly advancing and expanding and rapidly becoming ubiquitous in modern society. In that case, increased usage and technological advancement create security weaknesses that attract cybercriminals looking to satisfy their agendas. Perfect security solutions do not exist in the real world because modern systems are continuously improving, and intruders frequently attempt various techniques to discover security flaws and bypass existing security control in modern systems. In that case, threat modelling is a great starting point in understanding the threat landscape of the system and its weaknesses. Therefore, the threat modelling field in computer science was significantly improved by implementing various frameworks to identify threats and address them to mitigate them. However, most mature threat modelling frameworks are implemented for traditional IT systems that only consider software-related weaknesses and do not address the physical attributes. This approach may not be practical for IoT technology because it inherits software and physical security weaknesses. However, scholars employed mature threat modelling frameworks such as STRIDE on IoT technology because mature frameworks still include security concepts that are significant for modern technology. Therefore, mature frameworks cannot be ignored but are not efficient in addressing the threat associated with modern systems. As a solution, this research study aims to extract the significant security concept of matured threat modelling frameworks and utilise them to implement robust IoT threat modelling frameworks. This study selected fifteen threat modelling frameworks from among researchers and the defence-in-depth security concept to extract threat modelling techniques. Subsequently, this research study conducted three independent reviews to discover valuable threat modelling concepts and their usefulness for IoT technology. The first study deduced that integration of threat modelling approach software-centric, asset-centric, attacker-centric and data-centric with defence-in-depth is valuable and delivers distinct benefits. As a result, PASTA and TRIKE demonstrated four threat modelling approaches based on a classification scheme. The second study deduced the features of a threat modelling framework that achieves a high satisfaction level toward defence-in-depth security architecture. Under evaluation criteria, the PASTA framework scored the highest satisfaction value. Finally, the third study deduced IoT systematic threat modelling techniques based on recent research studies. As a result, the STRIDE framework was identified as the most popular framework, and other frameworks demonstrated effective capabilities valuable to IoT technology. Respectively, this study introduced Defence-aware Threat Modelling (DATM), an IoT threat modelling framework based on the findings of threat modelling and defence-in-depth security concepts. The steps involved with the DATM framework are further described with figures for better understatement. Subsequently, a smart doorbell case study is considered for threat modelling using the DATM framework for validation. Furthermore, the outcome of the case study was further assessed with the findings of three research studies and validated the DATM framework. Moreover, the outcome of this thesis is helpful for researchers who want to conduct threat modelling in IoT environments and design a novel threat modelling framework suitable for IoT technology