35 research outputs found

    Smoke, alcohol and drug addiction and male fertility

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    In recent decades, the decline in human fertility has become increasingly more worrying: while therapeutic interventions might help, they are vexing for the couple and often burdened with high failure rates and costs. Prevention is the most successful approach to fertility disorders in males and females alike. We performed a literature review on three of the most common unhealthy habits - tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction - and their reported effects on male fertility. Tobacco smoking is remarkably common in most first-world countries; despite a progressive decline in the US, recent reports suggest a prevalence of more than 30% in subjects of reproductive age - a disturbing perspective, given the well-known ill-effects on reproductive and sexual function as well as general health. Alcohol consumption is often considered socially acceptable, but its negative effects on gonadal function have been consistently reported in the last 30 years. Several studies have reported a variety of negative effects on male fertility following drug abuse - a worrying phenomenon, as illicit drug consumption is on the rise, most notably in younger subjects. While evidence in these regards is still far from solid, mostly as a result of several confounding factors, it is safe to assume that cessation of tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and recreational drug addiction might represent the best course of action for any couple trying to achieve pregnancy

    The role of vitamin D in male fertility: A focus on the testis

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    In the last decade, vitamin D has emerged as a pleiotropic molecule with a multitude of autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions, mediated by classical genomic as well as non-classical non-genomic actions, on multiple target organs and systems. The expression of vitamin D receptor and vitamin D metabolizing enzymes in male reproductive system, particularly in the testis, suggests the occurrence of vitamin D synthesis and regulation as well as function in the testis. The role of vitamin D in the modulation of testis functions, including hormone production and spermatogenesis, has been investigated in animals and humans. Experimental studies support a beneficial effect of vitamin D on male fertility, by modulating hormone production through genomic and non-genomic actions, and, particularly, by improving semen quality essentially through non-genomic actions. However, clinical studies in humans are controversial. Indeed, vitamin D seems to contribute to the modulation of the bioavailable rather than total testosterone. Moreover, although an increased prevalence or risk for testosterone deficiency was reported in men with vitamin D deficiency in observational studies, the majority of interventional studies demonstrated the lack of effect of vitamin D supplementation on circulating levels of testosterone. The most consistent effect of vitamin D was reported on semen quality. Indeed, vitamin D was shown to be positively associated to sperm motility, and to exert direct actions on spermatozoa, including non-genomic driven modulation of intracellular calcium homeostasis and activation of molecular pathways involved in sperm motility, capacitation and acrosome reaction. The current review provides a summary of current knowledge on the role of vitamin D in male fertility, by reporting clinical and experimental studies in humans and animals addressing the relationship between vitamin D and testis function

    Application of long-read sequencing to elucidate complex pharmacogenomic regions: a proof of principle

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    The use of pharmacogenomics in clinical practice is becoming standard of care. However, due to the complex genetic makeup of pharmacogenes, not all genetic variation is currently accounted for. Here, we show the utility of long-read sequencing to resolve complex pharmacogenes by analyzing a well-characterised sample. This data consists of long reads that were processed to resolve phased haploblocks. 73% of pharmacogenes were fully covered in one phased haploblock, including 9/15 genes that are 100% complex. Variant calling accuracy in the pharmacogenes was high, with 99.8% recall and 100% precision for SNVs and 98.7% precision and 98.0% recall for Indels. For the majority of gene-drug interactions in the DPWG and CPIC guidelines, the associated genes could be fully resolved (62% and 63% respectively). Together, these findings suggest that long-read sequencing data offers promising opportunities in elucidating complex pharmacogenes and haplotype phasing while maintaining accurate variant calling.Personalised Therapeutic

    From gene to dose: long-read sequencing and -allele tools to refine phenotype predictions of CYP2C19

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    Background: Inter-individual differences in drug response based on genetic variations can lead to drug toxicity and treatment inefficacy. A large part of this variability is caused by genetic variants in pharmacogenes. Unfortunately, the Single Nucleotide Variant arrays currently used in clinical pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing are unable to detect all genetic variability in these genes. Long-read sequencing, on the other hand, has been shown to be able to resolve complex (pharmaco) genes. In this study we aimed to assess the value of long-read sequencing for research and clinical PGx focusing on the important and highly polymorphic CYP2C19 gene.Methods and Results: With a capture-based long-read sequencing panel we were able to characterize the entire region and assign variants to their allele of origin (phasing), resulting in the identification of 813 unique variants in 37 samples. To assess the clinical utility of this data we have compared the performance of three different *-allele tools (Aldy, PharmCat and PharmaKU) which are specifically designed to assign haplotypes to pharmacogenes based on all input variants.Conclusion: We conclude that long-read sequencing can improve our ability to characterize the CYP2C19 locus, help to identify novel haplotypes and that *-allele tools are a useful asset in phenotype prediction. Ultimately, this approach could help to better predict an individual's drug response and improve therapy outcomes. However, the added value in clinical PGx might currently be limited.Horizon 2020 (H2020)Personalised Therapeutic

    CACTUS: integrating clonal architecture with genomic clustering and transcriptome profiling of single tumor cells

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    Background: Drawing genotype-to-phenotype maps in tumors is of paramount importance for understanding tumor heterogeneity. Assignment of single cells to their tumor clones of origin can be approached by matching the genotypes of the clones to the mutations found in RNA sequencing of the cells. The confidence of the cell-to-clone mapping can be increased by accounting for additional measurements. Follicular lymphoma, a malignancy of mature B cells that continuously acquire mutations in parallel in the exome and in B cell receptor loci, presents a unique opportunity to join exome-derived mutations with B cell receptor sequences as independent sources of evidence for clonal evolution.Methods: Here, we propose CACTUS, a probabilistic model that leverages the information from an independent genomic clustering of cells and exploits the scarce single cell RNA sequencing data to map single cells to given imperfect genotypes of tumor clones.Results: We apply CACTUS to two follicular lymphoma patient samples, integrating three measurements: whole exome, single-cell RNA, and B cell receptor sequencing. CACTUS outperforms a predecessor model by confidently assigning cells and B cell receptor-based clusters to the tumor clones.Conclusions: The integration of independent measurements increases model certainty and is the key to improving model performance in the challenging task of charting the genotype-to-phenotype maps in tumors. CACTUS opens the avenue to study the functional implications of tumor heterogeneity, and origins of resistance to targeted therapies. CACTUS is written in R and source code, along with all supporting files, are available on GitHub (https://github.com/LUMC/CACTUS).Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Molecular analysis of the apoptotic effects of BPA in acute myeloid leukemia cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background:</p> <p>BPA (bisphenol A or 2,2-bis(4-hydroxy-phenol)propane) is present in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins, which can be used in impact-resistant safety equipment and baby bottles, as protective coatings inside metal food containers, and as composites and sealants in dentistry. Recently, attention has focused on the estrogen-like and carcinogenic adverse effects of BPA. Thus, it is necessary to investigate the cytotoxicity and apoptosis-inducing activity of this compound.</p> <p>Methods:</p> <p>Cell cycle, apoptosis and differentiation analyses; western blots.</p> <p>Results:</p> <p>BPA is able to induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in three different acute myeloid leukemias. Although some granulocytic differentiation concomitantly occurred in NB4 cells upon BPA treatment, the major action was the induction of apoptosis. BPA mediated apoptosis was caspase dependent and occurred by activation of extrinsic and intrinsic cell death pathways modulating both FAS and TRAIL and by inducing BAD phosphorylation in NB4 cells. Finally, also non genomic actions such as the early decrease of both ERK and AKT phosphorylation were induced by BPA thus indicating that a complex intersection of regulations occur for the apoptotic action of BPA.</p> <p>Conclusion:</p> <p>BPA is able to induce apoptosis in leukemia cells via caspase activation and involvement of both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis.</p

    p53 convergently activates Dux/DUX4 in embryonic stem cells and in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy cell models

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    p53 activates Dux in mouse embryos and embryonic stem cells, as well as DUX4 in human facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy cell models.In mammalian embryos, proper zygotic genome activation (ZGA) underlies totipotent development. Double homeobox (DUX)-family factors participate in ZGA, and mouse Dux is required for forming cultured two-cell (2C)-like cells. Remarkably, in mouse embryonic stem cells, Dux is activated by the tumor suppressor p53, and Dux expression promotes differentiation into expanded-fate cell types. Long-read sequencing and assembly of the mouse Dux locus reveals its complex chromatin regulation including putative positive and negative feedback loops. We show that the p53-DUX/DUX4 regulatory axis is conserved in humans. Furthermore, we demonstrate that cells derived from patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) activate human DUX4 during p53 signaling via a p53-binding site in a primate-specific subtelomeric long terminal repeat (LTR)10C element. In summary, our work shows that p53 activation convergently evolved to couple p53 to Dux/DUX4 activation in embryonic stem cells, embryos and cells from patients with FSHD, potentially uniting the developmental and disease regulation of DUX-family factors and identifying evidence-based therapeutic opportunities for FSHD.Molecular Technology and Informatics for Personalised Medicine and HealthFunctional Genomics of Muscle, Nerve and Brain Disorder

    Genome-wide: the new frontiers of epigenetics

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    Contains fulltext : 149033.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 9 december 2015Promotor : Stunnenberg, H.G.188 p