101 research outputs found
Diseño de la segunda etapa del sistema de drenaje pluvial para el barrio Israel Galeano del distrito VII de la ciudad de Managua.
El presente documento consiste en elaborar el diseño de la segunda etapa
del drenaje pluvial en el sector más bajo del Barrio Israel Galeano, del distrito VII
de la ciudad de Managua, específicamente ubicado en las coordenadas
geodésicas: Norte 1339302.4310; Este 588300.6229, para darle continuidad al
proyecto de construcción de la primera etapa del drenaje pluvial que la Alcaldía de
Managua está llevando a cabo
Bocashi más humus líquido en una mezcla forrajera de Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium pratense y Trifolium repens
La presente investigación se realizó para determinar el tratamiento óptimo al aplicar una mezcla forrajera de Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium pratense y Trifolium repens, bajo el efecto de diferentes niveles de Bocashi más una base estándar de humus líquido, la misma se realizara en el Cantón Píllaro sector de Guanguibana; teniendo una duración de 130 días. Para el estudio de las variables se aplicó un Diseño de Bloques Completamente al Azar en arreglo combinatorio AxB (DBCA), conformados por 4 tratamientos de bocashi (0, 2, 4 y 6 Tn/ha) más una base estándar de humus líquido (200 l/ha), con tres repeticiones. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: cobertura basal y aérea, producción de forraje verde, materia seca y proteína, composición botánica, análisis bromatológico, análisis de suelo inicial y final, análisis beneficio-costo. Los resultados registrados, en los dos cortes evaluados presentaron diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas, (P<0,01), para producción de forraje verde (24,03 y 26,84Tn/ha/corte), producción materia seca (8,22 y 9,43Tn/ha/corte), pero con menor contenido de proteína (0,63 y 1,39 Tn/ha), dándose este comportamiento eficiente con la fertilización a los 15 días. Se obtiene una alta rentabilidad en el primer corte con 1,84 de beneficio/costo y el segundo corte con rentabilidades económicas de 2,02 respectivamente, lo que permite fomentar la aplicación de la simbiosis en las praderas. Por lo que se recomienda usar en la mezcla forrajera 6Tn/ha de Bocashi + 200l/ha Humus líquido.
Palabras clave: Humus, Bocashi, Mezcla forrajera, Tiempos de aplicación, beneficio, costo.The present research was carried out to determine the optimal treatment when applying a fodder mixture of Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens, under the effect of different levels of Bocashi plus a standard base of liquid humus, the same will be carried out in the canton Píllaro sector from Guanguibana; having a duration of 130 days. For the study of the variables a completely randomized block design was applied in combinatorial arrangement AxB (DBCA), consisting of 4 treatments of bocashi (0, 2, 4 and 6 Tn / ha) plus a standard base of liquid humus (200 l / ha), with three repetitions. The parameters evaluated were basal and aerial coverage, production of green fodder, dry matter and protein, botanical composition, bromatological analysis, initial and final soil analysis, benefit-cost analysis. The registered results in the two evaluated sections showed highly significant statistical differences (P˂0, 01), for green fodder production (24,03 and 26,84Tn / ha / cut), dry matter production (8,22 and 9.43 Tn / ha / cut), but with a lower protein content (0.63 and 1.39 Tn / ha), this behaviour being efficient with fertilization at 15 days. A profitability can be obtained in the first cut with 1.84 of profit/cost and the second cut with the economic profitability of 2.02 respectively, which allows promoting the application of the symbiosis in the grasslands. So it is recommended to use in the fodder mixture 6 Tn / ha of Bocashi + 200 / ha Humus liquid.
Keywords: Humus, Bocashi, Fodder mixture, Times of application, benefit, cost
Manejo kinésico en paciente con disfunción cráneo-cervico-mandibular: estudio de caso
48 p.La etiología de las disfunciones cráneo-cérvico-mandibulares (DCCM), es compleja y multifactorial, y pueden dar lugar a alteraciones en la musculatura, articulaciones y la dentadura. Los síntomas principales son dolor y disfunción. El Odontólogo es el encargado de diagnosticar este tipo de disfunciones, pero es el Kinesiólogo el profesional que estudia, analiza y trata las alteraciones del movimiento, es decir restablece la normalidad o en su defecto, recupera y mantiene la funcionalidad del movimiento humano, a través de diferentes tipos de técnicas de tratamiento: fisioterapia, terapia manual, reeducación postural, entre otras. El objetivo de este estudio es describir los resultados del tratamiento kinésico en una paciente de 23 años con DCCM sin diagnóstico específico. Para este efecto, se realizó un examen clínico pre y post intervención kinésica, la cual consistió en 9 sesiones de tratamiento. Los resultados muestran cambios favorables: disminución de las alteraciones musculares, mejoras en la dinámica mandibular, disminución del dolor articular, aumento de la movilidad de columna cervical, y mejoras en el control neuromuscular. Sin embargo no se apreciaron cambios posturales. Los resultados del estudio guardan relación con lo que propone la literatura actual, que a pesar de presentar dificultades metodológicas si ha demostrado resultados clínicos favorables a través de diferentes intervenciones terapéuticas. Sería de gran interés replicar la evaluación para medir la duración de los efectos de la terapia kinésica, además de determinar cuál debe ser el número adecuado de sesiones de tratamiento, su frecuencia y duració
An analysis in vivo of intracanal bacterial load before and after chemo-mechanical preparation: a comparative analysis of two irrigants and two activation techniques
Background: The goals of this randomized double-blind trial were to assess the antimicrobial activity
in vivo
of Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) vs. chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) used in combination either with EndoActivator®
or IRRI S® files in patients with apical periodontitis.
Material and Methods: A total of 120 patients with apical periodontitis (in single or multiple root canals) were
randomly assigned to the four irrigation protocols outlined below: Group A: 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
+ EndoActivator®; Group B: 5.25% NaOCl + IRRI S® files; Group C: 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) +
EndoActivator®; Group D: 2% CHX + IRRI S® files. Paper points were used to collect microbiological samples
before (1A samples) and after (1B samples) irrigation. Viable colony-forming units (CFU) were quantified twice:
(1) without speciation, and (2) only for
Enterococcus Faecalis
). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
22.0 for Windows.
Results: No significant differences were observed between NaOCl and CHX in the reduction of CFU; in fact, reduction was > 93% for the two irrigants. Conversely, statistically significant differences were found between the two
activation techniques (sonic and ultrasonic) in the reduction of
Enterococcus faecalis
). Thus, the effectiveness
of ultrasonic activation was significantly higher (> 93%; p=0.012) as compared to sonic activation. Following the
combination of the two irrigants with the two activation techniques (groups A, B, C and D), significant differences
were observed between group A and B (
=0.025) in the reduction of
populations, reaching up to 94%.
Conclusions: NaClO and CHX are effective in reducing intracanal bacterial load. Ultrasonic activation is the most
effective activation technique in reducing
Fock quantization of a Klein-Gordon field in the interior geometry of a nonrotating black hole
We study the canonical quantization of a scalar field in a Kantowski-Sachs
spacetime. For simplicity, we consider compactified spatial sections, since
this does not affect the ultraviolet behavior. A time-dependent canonical
transformation is performed prior to quantization. As in previously studied
cases, the purpose of this canonical transformation is to identify and extract
the background contribution to the field evolution which is obstructing a
unitary implementation of the field dynamics at the quantum level. This
splitting of the time dependence into a background piece and the part to be
seen as true quantum evolution is to a large extent determined by the unitarity
requirement itself. The quantization is performed in the usual setup of Fock
representations, demanding the preservation of the spatial symmetries. Under
the joint requirements of quantum unitary dynamics and compatibility with those
classical symmetries, the quantization is shown to be unique, in the sense that
any two representations with these properties are unitarily equivalent. This
confirms the validity of our conditions as criteria to discriminate among
possibly inequivalent quantum descriptions. The interest of this analysis goes
beyond cosmological applications since the interior of a nonrotating black hole
has a geometry of the Kantowski-Sachs type.Comment: 13 page
Similar plasma lipidomic profile in people living with HIV treated with a darunavir-based or an integrase inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy
Cardiovascular disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in people living with HIV (PLWH), who commonly experience lipid disturbances. The aim of this study was to determine whether the plasma lipidomic profile differs between PLWH receiving a darunavir-based ART and those receiving integrase inhibitor-based ART. This was a cross-sectional study of unselected patients for whom metabolomic analysis was performed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Data for the two subgroups were compared by calculating the log2 of the fold change for each metabolite and then grouping these into the main lipid families. Sixty-two PLWH aged 49.3 +/- 8.6 years (82% men) were included: 12 patients (19.4%) had hypertension, 8 (12.9%) had type 2 diabetes, 25 (41.0%) had dyslipidaemia and 9 (14.5%) were taking statins, without significant differences in all these variables between the two groups. Twenty-five (40.3%) received darunavir-based ART and 37 (59.7%) integrase inhibitor-based ART. Although the differences were not statistically significant, patients treated with darunavir-based ART had higher concentrations of total cholesterol (211 mg/dL vs 194 mg/dL), LDL-cholesterol (132 mg/dL vs 117 mg/dL) and triglycerides (155 mg/dL vs 122 mg/dL), and lower HDL-cholesterol concentration (50 mg/dL vs 52 mg/dL). The main lipid families and metabolites differed slightly between groups (log2-fold change; P-value): ceramides (-0.07; 0.49), phosphatidylinositols (-0.05; 0.63), diacylglycerols (0.10; 0.64), phosphatidylethanolamines (0.03; 0.78), triacylglycerols (0.27; 0.18) and lysophosphatidylethanolamines (0.03; 0.83). In the integrase inhibitor-based group, the use of tenofovir alafenamide fumarate significantly increases the majority of lipid fractions, when compared with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. The lipidomic profile did not differ between PLWH treated with darunavir-based or integrase inhibitor-based ART. This was especially true for ceramides, which are involved in cardiovascular disease. Further studies are needed to study the impact of ART in lipidomic profile
Medicion de la inteligencia emocional de los trabajadores de la Mutual de Seguridad de Talca
110 p.En la actualidad las empresas y las organizaciones realizan reducciones en el personal y en los costos; en donde la Mutual de Seguridad no esta exenta de esta realidad. Se le puede agregar a lo anterior que la Mutual posee un sistema de turnos diferente al resto de las empresas lo que provoca las tensiones y problemas propios de el trabajar en horarios diferentes al común del resto de las empresas. Es por esto y por una gran cantidad de razones mas que es de vital importancia el poseer una adecuada Inteligencia Emocional. El presente estudio se realizo con la finalidad de medir la Inteligencia Emocional de los trabajadores de la Mutual de Seguridad de Talca. Para lograr dicho objetivo se aplico un cuestionario probado y estadísticamente confiable a todos los trabajadores de la Mutual de Seguridad de Talca, en otras palabras se realizo un Censo. La investigación se baso en dos tipos de estudios: primero se realizo un estudio exploratorio a través de un cuestionario a los trabajadores de la empresa Mega Salud con el objeto de identificar las preguntas ambiguas o difíciles de entender. Posteriormente la investigación se baso en un estudio descriptivo a través de un cuestionario aplicado a la totalidad de los trabajadores de la Mutual de Seguridad de Talca. Ambos estudios permitieron recolectar información para concluir que la mayoría de los trabajadores de la Mutual de Seguridad de Talca se encuentra en los rangos deficientes de inteligencia emocional; estos son vulnerabilidad y cautela
Endodontic re-treatment and restorative treatment of a dens invaginatus type II through new technologies
Background: The complex anatomy of dens invaginatus makes access cavity to root canal system difficult, which has an impact on the prognosis of these teeth. A novel technique, based on new technologies, is proposed to make access cavity conservative and guided with minimal dental structure lost. Material and Methods: This case report shows the root canal retreatment and the endodontic surgery of a dens invaginatus type II in a left lateral upper incisor previously treated which was affected by a chronic apical abscess and an apical fracture. A Cone Beam Computed Tomography was performed to better diagnosis the dental anatomy. An intraoral scan was performed to get a digital 3D model. A computer-guided implant planning software was used to plan the access cavity and design the splint guided. Finally, the clinical crown was restored by a resin nanoceramic veneer made by a chairside system made up of an intraoral scanning unit and a grinding unit. Last, the authors carried through the endodontic surgery to extract the apical fractured fragment. Results: Follow-up appointments at 6, 12 and 18 months showed a radiographic reduction of the periapical lesion and absence of clinical signs. Conclusions: The splint guide allowed a guided and conservative access cavity to root canal system. It facilitates the root canal retreatment and improves the prognosis of the teeth with dental malformations
Intestinal Dysbiosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Link between Gut Microbiota and the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Characterization and understanding of gut microbiota has recently increased representing a wide research eld, especially in autoimmune diseases. Gut microbiota is the major source of microbes which might exert benecial as well as pathogenic effects on human health. Intestinal microbiome’s role as mediator of inammation has only recently emerged. Microbiota has been observed to differ in subjects with early rheumatoid arthritis compared to controls, and this nding has commanded this study as a possible autoimmune process. Studies with intestinal microbiota have shown that rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by an expansion and/or decrease of bacterial groups as compared to controls. In this review, we present evidence linking intestinal dysbiosis with the autoimmune mechanisms involved in the development of rheumatoid arthritis
Aspectos a considerar para integrar o enfoque de resultados de aprendizagem no desenho curricular universitário
The purpose of this article is to present the findings of the research conducted to identify important aspects that should be considered when using the learning outcomes approach in the university curriculum. The research design was qualitative and exploratory, since it was the first approach to the topic. The method used was literature review and interviews with experts in the field. Throughout the article, topics related with this approach such as writing, coherence of learning outcomes in relation to curricular components, use of taxonomies for the classification of knowledge levels, curricular mapping, benefits and challenges are addressed. As main results, it is found that the approach is known at both national and international level and that there are educational proposals that already have it, specifically, the profile, methodology and evaluation. However, at the level of curricular realization in subjects or courses, the efforts are isolated and there is a lack of further treatment of the topic. On the other hand, it is evident that it is essential to have a taxonomy for the writing of learning outcomes, being Bloom's, revised Bloom's and SOLO the most used.El presente artículo tiene como finalidad presentar los hallazgos de la investigación realizada para identificar aspectos importantes, con el fin de considerarlos al utilizar el enfoque de resultados de aprendizaje en el currículo universitario. El diseño de la investigación fue de corte cualitativo y, se considera de tipo exploratorio; pues resultó el primer acercamiento al tema. Se trabajó con el método de revisión de literatura y entrevista a personas expertas en el campo. A lo largo del artículo se abordan temáticas asociadas a este enfoque como: redacción, coherencia de los resultados de aprendizaje en relación con los componentes curriculares, uso de taxonomías para la clasificación de los niveles de conocimiento, mapeo curricular, beneficios y retos. Como principales resultados se halla que tanto a nivel nacional como internacional se conoce del enfoque de resultados de aprendizaje y existen propuestas educativas que lo incluyen, específicamente, en el perfil, la metodología y la evaluación. Sin embargo, a nivel de concreción curricular en asignaturas o cursos, los esfuerzos son aislados y falta mayor tratamiento del tema. Por otra parte, se evidencia que es fundamental contar con una taxonomía para la redacción de los resultados de aprendizaje, las de Bloom, Bloom revisado y SOLO son las más utilizadas.
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os resultados da pesquisa realizada paraidentificar aspectos importantes, a fim de considerá-los ao usar a abordagem de resultados de aprendizagemno currículo da faculdade. O desenho da pesquisa foi qualitativo e é considerado exploratório;Bem, foi a primeira abordagem do assunto. O método de revisão da literatura e entrevista foi usadoespecialistas na área. Ao longo do artigo, são abordados tópicos associados a esta abordagem, tais como:escrita, coerência dos resultados de aprendizagem em relação aos componentes curriculares, uso detaxonomias para classificar níveis de conhecimento, mapeamento curricular, benefícios e desafios.Como principais resultados, verifica-se que tanto a nível nacional como internacional a abordagem deresultados de aprendizagem e há propostas educacionais que incluem especificamente no perfil, na metodologia avaliação. Porém, ao nível da concretização curricular em disciplinas ou cursos, os esforçoseles estão isolados e carecem de um tratamento mais aprofundado do assunto. Por outro lado, é evidente que é essencial ter um taxonomia para escrever resultados de aprendizagem, aqueles de Bloom, Bloom revisado e SOLO são os mais usava
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