37 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Economy of the Town District Brno-Kohoutovice

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou financování územně samosprávných celků a zhodnocením hospodaření městské části Brno-Kohoutovice. První část je zaměřena na teoretické poznatky o rozpočtové soustavě, členěním státu, městské části a rozpočtu městské části. Druhá část je zaměřena na analýzu a zhodnocení rozpočtového hospodaření městské části Brno-Kohoutovice v letech 2009 - 2012. Třetí část obsahuje návrhy na možné zlepšení hospodaření městské části Brno-Kohoutovice.The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of finance territorial autonomy units and economy evaluation of the Brno-Kohoutovice The first part of the work is focused on theoretical knowledge of the budgetary system, state structure, part of the city and the budget of the part of the city. The second part is aimed at analysis and evaluation of Brno-Kohoutovice budget management in the years 2009 - 2012. The third part offers ideas for possible improvement of the management of the part of the city.

    The State of the Soil Organic Matter and Nutrients in the Long-Term Field Experiments with Application of Organic and Mineral Fertilizers in Different Soil-Climate Conditions in the View of Expecting Climate Change

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    Soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role in the terrestrial ecosystems and agroecosystems. Changes in the agricultural sector in the countries of the Central and Eastern Europe (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, etc.) within the past 25 years have negatively affected the SOM and contributed to the soil degradation. The aim of this chapter is the evaluation of the long-term application of mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure: the Control (without fertilization), farmyard manure (FYM + 0), FYM accompanied with NPK (FYM + N3PK), and FYM with mineral nitrogen FYM + N (FYM + N2), on the essential chemical properties of the soil and yield of the fundamental arable crops in the long-term field experiments, established in different soil and climate conditions (black soils, brown soils, cambisols, altitude ranging from 260 to 650 m a.s.l.) of the Czech Republic in 1955, using the modern multi-criteria statistical methods (PCA, FA, CLU, etc.). The long-term and regular application of organic manure and organic manure with mineral fertilizers (FYM + N3PK and FYM + N2) optimize the soil characteristics, stabilize crop and feedstuff production, and increase the adaptation potential of the soil in the Czech Republic, which is supposed to be weakened due to the expected changes of the environmental conditions in the near future

    Carbon Dynamic after Conversion of Permanent Grassland into Arable Soil

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    Carbon input and balance in soils is regarded as the main criterion of agricultural sustainability. Generally, carbon dynamic depends not only on the carbon input and its decomposition rate, but it is also influenced by various agronomic practices. Therefore, changes in organic carbon stock and humic substances quality were evaluated in two different agricultural management systems (permanent grassland and intensive crop sequences). Haplic Cambisol (Czech-Moravian Highland, locality Vatín, Czech Republic) was sampled twice a year (spring and autumn) in the depth 0-20 cm during the period 2010-2016. Soil was sandy-loam textured, with middle organic carbon content and very low humic substances quality. Results showed that crop management practices directly influenced soil cumulative potential, quality of humic substances, soil reaction and amount of nutrients. Statistically significant differences were found

    Application of non-destructive archeological methods at the Department of Archaeology in Plzen

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    Non-destructive archaeological approaches and methods have become an inseparable part of archaeological monument survey. They are also frequently used at the Department of Archaeology in Plzen. Here, over the past years, they have been applied in a number of cases. These include non-destructive documentation works on barrow burial and hill top sites, or the Middle Age and Modern settlements in forested areas Other significant activities have been carried out by means of geophysical surveys or aerial photography and remote sensing of Earth.Non-destructive archaeological approaches and methods have become an inseparable part of archaeological monument survey. They are also frequently used at the Department of Archaeology in Plzen. Here, over the past years, they have been applied in a number of cases. These include non-destructive documentation works on barrow burial and hill top sites, or the Middle Age and Modern settlements in forested areas Other significant activities have been carried out by means of geophysical surveys or aerial photography and remote sensing of Earth

    Carbon Dynamic after Conversion of Permanent Grassland into Arable Soil

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    Carbon input and balance in soils is regarded as the main criterion of agricultural sustainability. Generally, carbon dynamic depends not only on the carbon input and its decomposition rate, but it is also influenced by various agronomic practices. Therefore, changes in organic carbon stock and humic substances quality were evaluated in two different agricultural management systems (permanent grassland and intensive crop sequences). Haplic Cambisol (Czech-Moravian Highland, locality Vatín, Czech Republic) was sampled twice a year (spring and autumn) in the depth 0-20 cm during the period 2010-2016. Soil was sandy-loam textured, with middle organic carbon content and very low humic substances quality. Results showed that crop management practices directly influenced soil cumulative potential, quality of humic substances, soil reaction and amount of nutrients. Statistically significant differences were found

    Early medieval pottery from the Kněží hora hillfort, near Katovice (Strakonice district)

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    Kněží hora u Katovic (okr. Strakonice) patří mezí největší jihočeská raně středověká hradiště z 9. až počátku 10. století. Dosavadní poznání tohoto hradiště vycházelo především z výzkumu B. Dubského z roku 1946. V posledních letech je hradiště systematicky zkoumáno katedrou archeologie Západočeské univerzity v Plzni prostřednictvím nedestruktivních a málo destruktivních metod. V letech 2016-2017 proběhly na akropoli hradiště vzorkovací sondáže vyvolené porušením lokality lesním hospodářstvím a nelegálními aktivitami hledačů kovů. Z výzkumu byly získány stratifikované a početněji výraznější soubory raně středověké keramiky, jejíž podrobný rozbor významně přispívá k datování lokality do středohradištního období s těžištěm v 9. století, které podporuje i radiokarbonové datování uhlíků pocházejících z horní destrukce dřevohliněné hradby.This work aims at data preparation for OCR systems based on recurrent neural networks. Precisely annotated data are necessary for training a network as well as for evaluation of OCR methods. Manual annotation is still needed in many cases, especially in the case of historical documents we are focusing on. Although there are several complex systems for historical document processing, to the best of our knowledge, a simple annotation tool for OCR data is missing. Therefore, we propose and implement a set of tools utilizing artificial intelligence that simplify the annotation process. These tools create ground truths for line images that are used for training of nowadays OCR systems