280 research outputs found

    Diagnosticand pronostic utility of serum microrna-21 in colorectal cancer

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    Los microRNAs son estructuras moleculares de 20-22 nucleótidos con actividad post-transcripional que están implicados en la carcinogénesis mediante una regulación genética post-transcripcional. Presentamos un estudio prospectivo donde se determina la expresión sérica de microRNA-21 en pacientes con diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de colon. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo de al menos 100 pacientes con diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de colon, y de al menos 60 pacientes con apendicitis aguda como grupo control. Se realizó el análisis de microRNA-21 sérico mediante PCR de las muestras sanguíneas de los pacientes obtenidas de forma preoperatoria. RESULTADOS. La comparación de la expresión del microRNA-21 sérico fue mayor en los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal que en los pacientes del grupo control, siendo el área bajo la curva de 0,603. En el análisis univariante, la expresión del miR- 21 se relaciona de forma estadísticamente significativa con la recidiva local (p=0,025) y con la mortalidad (p=0,029). En el análisis multivariante también se puso de manifiesto que las expresiones mayores (sobreexpresiones) de miR-21 se relacionaban con una reducción del riesgo derecidiva del 51%, mientras que dicha sobreexpresión se relacionaba con una reducción de mortalidad del 50%. CONCLUSIONES. La expresión del microRNA-21 sérico podría ser considerado como un potencial marcador diagnóstico para el cáncer colorrectal. La expresión sérica del microRNA-21 se correlaciona con la recidiva y mortalidad en el cáncer colorrectal. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el miR-21 sérico es un prometedor marcador diagnóstico y pronóstico, y pone de manifiesto su potencial utilidad clínica en el cáncer colorrectalMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, noncoding RNAs that are involved in carcinogenesis through postranscriptional gene regulatory activity. Few studies have focused on the detection of miR-21 in serum rather than in tissue. The current study aimed to measure serum miR-21 expression levels and to evaluate their association with the outcome of colorectal cancer (CRC). METHODS. Blood samples were collected from almost 100 CRC patients undergoing surgery with curative intent, and almost 60 control patients. The expression levels of miR-21 were measured using a quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). RESULTS. Serum microRNA-21 expression was higher in colorectal cancer patients than in control patients, with a ROC curve of 0.603. A univariate analysis revealed that lower expression levels of serum miR-21 were associated with higher local recurrence (p=0.025) and mortality (p=0.029). A logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the relative overexpression of miR-21 (expression >1) was associated with a 51% reduction in the risk of recurrence. A Cox regression analysis identified that a relative increase in miR-21 expression (>1) was associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of mortality CONCLUSIONS. Serum microRNA-21 expression could be considered as a potential diagnostic marker for colorectal cancer. The expression level of serum miR-21 correlates with the recurrence and mortality of CRC patients. Our results suggest that circulating serum miR-21 is a promising diagnostic and prognostic tumour marker, and they highlight the potential clinical utility of miR-21 in colorectal cancerEl presente estudio ha sido financiado con la ayuda otorgada por la Fundación para la Investigación Sanitaria en Castilla La Mancha (FISCAM) y por la Fundación Mutua Madrileña Investigación Médic

    Colorectal cancer carcinogenesis

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    El cáncer colorrectal representó en el año 2008 el tercer tumor más diagnosticado en España, siendo la segunda neoplasia que causó más fallecimientos. El conocimiento del proceso carcinogenético de este tipo de enfermedad permitirá el descubrimiento de nuevas terapéuticas que conlleven menores tasas de incidencia y mortalidad. El continuo avance en la enfermedad tumoral hace que esta revisión sea una puesta al día en el conocimiento de la carcinogénesis del cáncer colorrectalIn 2008, colorectal cancer represented the third most commonly diagnosed tumor in Spain, and the second tumor that caused more deaths. Knowledge of the carcinogenetic process of this disease will allow the discovery of new therapies involving lower rates of incidence and mortality. The continuous progress in tumor disease makes this review an update on the knowledge of colorectal cancer carcinogenesi

    Inestabilidad de laderas en el Valle del Meredal (Asturias, NO de España)

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    [Resumen] En el valle del Meredal se han identificado 64 movimientos en masa que incluyenmovimientos complejos, deslizamientos rotacionales, flujos y avalanchas rocosas, cuyo desarrollo está condicionado por el diferente comportamiento mecánico de los materiales del sustrato. La aplicación de distintos criterios de cronología relativa basados en el grado de superposición y conservación de las formas ha permitido diferenciar cinco clases de movimientos en masa en cuanto a su edad. Desde el punto de vista regional, la incisión de la red fluvial asociada a los cambios climáticos cuaternarios y a la elevación del margen cantábrico parece ser el factor determinante del origen de esta dinámica.[Abstract] In the Meredal valley 64 landslides, including complex movements, rock slumps,flows and rock avalanches have been identified. The development of these landslides is conditioned by the mechanical behaviour of the different bedrock lithologies. Five chronological classes of movements have been established by applying several relative chronology criteria, as superposition and preservation degree of the landslides. From the regional point of view, fluvial drainage incision linked to quaternary climate changes and to the uplift of the cantabrian margin seems to be determinant in the origin of this dynamics

    Effect of different interpolation methods on the accuracy of the reconstruction of spiral k-space trajectories in MRI

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    [Poster] 4th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, May 27 - 30, 2009This work is supported in part by the projects CdTeaM (CeniT-ingenio 2010), Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación, and Ciber Cb07/09/0031 CiberSaM, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo.Publicad

    Quantitative comparison of partial fourier reconstruction algorithms in MRI at 7T

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    [Poster] 4th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, May 27 - 30, 2009In this work we present a quantitative comparison at 7T of the most common partial fourier reconstruction algorithms: conjugate synthesis with phase correction, Margosian method, homodyne reconstruction, PoCS algorithm and iterative homodyne reconstructionThis work is supported in part by the projects CdTeaM (CeniT-ingenio 2010), Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación, and Ciber Cb07/09/0031 CiberSaM, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo.Publicad

    Development and Initial testing of a Virtual Laboratory for the Build-up and Testing of Microgrid Management Algorithms

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    In a bid of facilitating the increasing penetration of intermittent and random renewable energies, microgrids along with their management algorithms are becoming crucial assets. To prove their effectiveness, these algorithms need to be tested in real environments and/or laboratories, which can be very difficult in many cases, especially at the initial development stages. To solve this issue, this article proposes the use of a laboratory digital twin, i.e., a virtual laboratory with a behaviour that is similar to that of real installations, aimed at facilitating the development, testing and debugging of microgrids management algorithms. The proposed solution is demonstrated to be safe and complete when it comes to test these algorithms.Acknowledgement This publication is part of the Sistemas energéticos aislados 100% renovables ENERISLA (exp. CER-20191002) Project which has received a grant from the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI, Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial in Spanish) under the Ministry of Science and Innovation in the call Acreditación y Concesión de Ayudas destinadas a Centros Tecnológicos de Excelencia “Cervera” in 2019. This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation under grant agreement no. 893857

    Quantification of SPIO using T2* and phase imaging

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    Proceeding of: 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 18-24 April, 2009, Honolulu, Hawai, USAPublicad

    Development of a Multicriteria Scheme for the Identification of Strategic Areas for SUDS Implementation:A Case Study from Gijón, Spain

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    Spain has been pinpointed as one of the European countries at major risk of extreme urban events. Thus, Spanish cities pursue new urban plans to increase their resilience. In this scenario, experiences in the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) have increased substantially. Nevertheless, few cities have developed a global urban strategy for SUDS, lacking, in many cases, a method to identify strategic areas to maximize their synergetic benefits. Furthermore, there is still a need for a holistic Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) framework that considers the four pillars of SUDS design. The city of Gijón, NW Spain, has been selected as a case study due to its environmental and climatic stresses. This research presents the methodology developed for this city, which aims to analyze the need for SUDS implementation throughout the identification of strategic areas. With this aim, a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) software and the MCDA Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) were proposed. The results show the potential for SUDS’ implementation, according to nine criteria related to the SUDS’ design pillars. We found that the areas where the implementation of SUDS would bring the greatest functional, environmental and social benefits are mainly located in consolidated urban areas

    Clinical and epidemiological characterization of a lymphogranuloma venereum outbreak in Madrid, Spain: co-circulation of two variants

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    AbstractThe lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) outbreak described in the Netherlands in 2003, increased the interest in the genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis. Although international surveillance programmes were implemented, these studies slowly decreased in the following years. Now data have revealed a new accumulation of LGV cases in those European countries with extended surveillance programmes. Between March 2009 and November 2011, a study was carried out to detect LGV cases in Madrid. The study was based on screening of C. trachomatis using commercial kits, followed by real-time pmpH-PCR discriminating LGV strains, and finally ompA gene was sequenced for phylogenetic reconstruction. Ninety-four LGV infections were identified. The number of cases increased from 10 to 30 and then to 54 during 2009–2011. Incidence of LGV was strongly associated with men who have sex with men; but in 2011, LGV cases were described in women and heterosexual men. Sixty-nine patients were also human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive, with detectable viral loads at the moment of LGV diagnosis, suggesting a high-risk of co-transmission. In fact, in four patients the diagnosis of HIV was simultaneous with LGV infection. The conventional treatment with doxycycline was prescribed in 75 patients, although in three patients the treatment failed. The sequencing of the ompA gene permitted identification of two independent transmission nodes. One constituted by 25 sequences identical to the L2b variant, and a second node including 37 sequences identical to L2. This epidemiological situation characterized by the co-circulation of two LGV variants has not been previously described, reinforcing the need for screening and genotyping of LGV strains