590 research outputs found

    Bankruptcy and the Automobile Dealer

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    Dose-Duration Reciprocity for G protein activation: Modulation of kinase to substrate ratio alters cell signaling

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    In animal cells, activation of heterotrimeric G protein signaling generally occurs when the system’s cognate signal exceeds a threshold, whereas in plant cells, both the amount and the exposure time of at least one signal, D-glucose, are used toward activation. This unusual signaling property called Dose-Duration Reciprocity, first elucidated in the genetic model Arabidopsis thaliana, is achieved by a complex that is comprised of a 7-transmembrane REGULATOR OF G SIGNALING (RGS) protein (AtRGS1), a Gα subunit that binds and hydrolyzes nucleotide, a Gβγ dimer, and three WITH NO LYSINE (WNK) kinases. D-glucose is one of several signals such as salt and pathogen-derived molecular patterns that operates through this protein complex to activate G protein signaling by WNK kinase transphosphorylation of AtRGS1. Because WNK kinases compete for the same substrate, AtRGS1, we hypothesize that activation is sensitive to the AtRGS1 amount and that modulation of the AtRGS1 pool affects the response to the stimulant. Mathematical simulation revealed that the ratio of AtRGS1 to the kinase affects system sensitivity to D-glucose, and therefore illustrates how modulation of the cellular AtRGS1 level is a means to change signal-induced activation. AtRGS1 levels change under tested conditions that mimic physiological conditions therefore, we propose a previously-unknown mechanism by which plants react to changes in their environment

    Controversies Surrounding Renal Denervation:Lessons Learned From Real-World Experience in Two United Kingdom Centers

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    Renal denervation (RDN) is a therapy that targets treatment‐resistant hypertension (TRH). The Renal Denervation in Patients With Uncontrolled Hypertension (Symplicity) HTN‐1 and Symplicity HTN‐2 trials reported response rates of >80%; however, sham‐controlled Symplicity HTN‐3 failed to reach its primary blood pressure (BP) outcome. The authors address the current controversies surrounding RDN, illustrated with real‐world data from two centers in the United Kingdom. In this cohort, 52% of patients responded to RDN, with a 13±32 mm Hg reduction in office systolic BP (SBP) at 6 months (n=29, P=.03). Baseline office SBP and number of ablations correlated with office SBP reduction (R=−0.47, P=.01; R=−0.56, P=.002). RDN appears to be an effective treatment for some patients with TRH; however, individual responses are highly variable. Selecting patients for RDN is challenging, with only 10% (33 of 321) of the screened patients eligible for the study. Medication alterations and nonadherence confound outcomes. Adequate ablation is critical and should impact future catheter design/training. Markers of procedural success and improved patient selection parameters remain key research aims

    1938: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text

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    Delivered in the Auditorium of Abilene Christian College, February, 1938 Abilene, Texas. Published October, 1939 PRICE, $1.00 FIRM FOUNDATION PUBLISHING HOUSE Austin, Texas

    The Impossibility of a Perfectly Competitive Labor Market

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    Using the institutional theory of transaction cost, I demonstrate that the assumptions of the competitive labor market model are internally contradictory and lead to the conclusion that on purely theoretical grounds a perfectly competitive labor market is a logical impossibility. By extension, the familiar diagram of wage determination by supply and demand is also a logical impossibility and the neoclassical labor demand curve is not a well-defined construct. The reason is that the perfectly competitive market model presumes zero transaction cost and with zero transaction cost all labor is hired as independent contractors, implying multi-person firms, the employment relationship, and labor market disappear. With positive transaction cost, on the other hand, employment contracts are incomplete and the labor supply curve to the firm is upward sloping, again causing the labor demand curve to be ill-defined. As a result, theory suggests that wage rates are always and everywhere an amalgam of an administered and bargained price. Working Paper 06-0

    Epidemiology, prehospital care and outcomes of patients arriving by ambulance with dyspnoea: An observational study

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    Background: This study aimed to determine epidemiology and outcome for patients presenting to emergency departments (ED) with shortness of breath who were transported by ambulance. Methods: This was a planned sub-study of a prospective, interrupted time series cohort study conducted at three time points in 2014 and which included consecutive adult patients presenting to the ED with dyspnoea as a main symptom. For this sub-study, additional inclusion criteria were presentation to an ED in Australia or New Zealand and transport by ambulance. The primary outcomes of interest are the epidemiology and outcome of these patients. Analysis was by descriptive statistics and comparisons of proportions. Results: One thousand seven patients met inclusion criteria. Median age was 74 years (IQR 61-68) and 46.1 % were male. There was a high rate of co-morbidity and chronic medication use. The most common ED diagnoses were lower respiratory tract infection (including pneumonia, 22.7 %), cardiac failure (20.5%) and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (19.7 %). ED disposition was hospital admission (including ICU) for 76.4 %, ICU admission for 5.6 % and death in ED in 0.9 %. Overall in-hospital mortality among admitted patients was 6.5 %. Discussion: Patients transported by ambulance with shortness of breath make up a significant proportion of ambulance caseload and have high comorbidity and high hospital admission rate. In this study, >60 % were accounted for by patients with heart failure, lower respiratory tract infection or COPD, but there were a wide range of diagnoses. This has implications for service planning, models of care and paramedic training. Conclusion: This study shows that patients transported to hospital by ambulance with shortness of breath are a complex and seriously ill group with a broad range of diagnoses. Understanding the characteristics of these patients, the range of diagnoses and their outcome can help inform training and planning of services

    Phylogeography and Genetic Ancestry of Tigers (Panthera tigris)

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    Eight traditional subspecies of tiger (Panthera tigris), of which three recently became extinct, are commonly recognized on the basis of geographic isolation and morphological characteristics. To investigate the species' evolutionary history and to establish objective methods for subspecies recognition, voucher specimens of blood, skin, hair, and/or skin biopsies from 134 tigers with verified geographic origins or heritage across the whole distribution range were examined for three molecular markers: (1) 4.0 kb of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence; (2) allele variation in the nuclear major histocompatibility complex class II DRB gene; and (3) composite nuclear microsatellite genotypes based on 30 loci. Relatively low genetic variation with mtDNA, DRB, and microsatellite loci was found, but significant population subdivision was nonetheless apparent among five living subspecies. In addition, a distinct partition of the Indochinese subspecies P. t. corbetti into northern Indochinese and Malayan Peninsula populations was discovered. Population genetic structure would suggest recognition of six taxonomic units or subspecies: (1) Amur tiger P. t. altaica; (2) northern Indochinese tiger P. t. corbetti; (3) South China tiger P. t. amoyensis; (4) Malayan tiger P. t. jacksoni, named for the tiger conservationist Peter Jackson; (5) Sumatran tiger P. t. sumatrae; and (6) Bengal tiger P. t. tigris. The proposed South China tiger lineage is tentative due to limited sampling. The age of the most recent common ancestor for tiger mtDNA was estimated to be 72,000–108,000 y, relatively younger than some other Panthera species. A combination of population expansions, reduced gene flow, and genetic drift following the last genetic diminution, and the recent anthropogenic range contraction, have led to the distinct genetic partitions. These results provide an explicit basis for subspecies recognition and will lead to the improved management and conservation of these recently isolated but distinct geographic populations of tigers

    On the fatigue response of a bonded repaired aerospace composite using thermography

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    Lock-in thermography was employed to investigate the repair efficiency of a bonded repaired aerospace composite subjected to step-wise cycling mechanical loading. The studied component (substrate) was artificially damaged with a 5 mm circular notch and subsequently repaired with a tapered bonded patch. Critical and sub-critical damage of the repaired component was monitored via thermography during 5 Hz tension–tension fatigue. The examination of the acquired thermographs enabled the identification of the patch debonding propagation as well as the quantification of the stress magnification at the patch ends and the locus of the circular notch. It was found that fatigue mechanical loading yields both thermoelastic and hysterestic phenomena with the latter being more prominent prior to the failure of the studied repaired component