133 research outputs found

    Agenda 2030, ODS e educação hídrica: revisão sistemática da literatura e análise bibliométrica

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    Since 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have been the main work of the United Nations (UN) and its agencies. One of the focuses, mainly related to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is the education, in different levels, for the SDGs. Regarding its integration and interdisciplinarity, in addition to their possible relationship with themes related to Geography, this paper is based on the relationship between SDG 4 – quality educations, and SDG 6 – water and sanitation, and aims to present this connection through a systematic review of the literature combined with a bibliometric analysis on water education. The results concluded that, despite the relevance and multidisciplinarity of the theme, there is a gap on the subject and that, in most of the cases, the literature on water education presents reports of classes and school pedagogical projects, in which, invariably, the theme of water is used only as a background for the application and testing of a specific pedagogical methodology.Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) são, desde 2015, o principal eixo de trabalho da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e seus diversos órgãos. Um dos focos, sobretudo do trabalho da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, Ciência e Cultura (UNESCO), é a educação, em diversos níveis, para os ODS. Considerando a integração e a interdisciplinaridade destes, além de sua possível relação com os temas que permeiam a Geografia, este trabalho se baseia na relação entre o ODS 4 – educação de qualidade, e o ODS 6 – água potável e saneamento, e tem como objetivo apresentar essa conexão, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura aliada a uma análise bibliométrica sobre educação hídrica. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, apesar da relevância e multidisciplinaridade do tema, há uma lacuna sobre o assunto e que, na maior parte dos casos, a literatura sobre educação hídrica apresenta relatos de aulas e projetos pedagógicos escolares, nos quais, invariavelmente, a temática da água é utilizada apenas como pano de fundo para a aplicação e testagem de uma determinada metodologia pedagógica

    Curved canal morphological changes after over instrumentation and apical foramen shaping with R-Pilot®, ProDesign Logic® and ProGlider®

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    Aim: To evaluate the apical canal morphological change, centering ability, and apical trans-portation of curved canals after foraminal enlargement 1 mm beyond the apex with different instruments and after apical foramen shaping. Methodology: Thirty-three mesiobuccal molars’ canals with curvatures between 25 and 35 and a radius of less than 10 mm were selected and divided according to the instrument used 1 mm beyond the apical foramen: R-Pilot #12.5/.04(RPG), ProDesign Logic #25/.01(PDG), and ProGlider #16/.02(PGG). After over instrumentation, #25/.05 ProDesign Logic prepared the canals until the apical foramen. Micro-CT scans obtained before instrumentation (time point 1), after instruments use 1 mm beyond foramen (time point 2) and after final prepa-ration (time point 3) were used to evaluate apical canal morphological changes according to the area, the ratio of Feret’s diameters and circularity, transportation and centering. Data were analyzed by parametrical or non-parametrical tests (α=0.05). Results: PDG increased the apical foramen area from time point 1 to 3 (P=0.03). There were no differences in the ratio of Feret’s diameters or circularity (P>.05). In all groups, apical transportation was in mesial direction and increased after final preparation in RPG (P=0.01). Instrument centering ability was better at time point 3 than 2 in PDG (P=0.01), and PDG presented better centering than RPG at time point 3 (P=0.02). Conclusion: Instruments used 1 mm beyond the apical foramen combined with #25/.05 final preparation did not lead to apical canal morphological change. ProDesign Logic #25/.01 followed by #25/.05 improved centering without increasing transportation in root canals


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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the efficiency of companies in the ceramic sector located in the region of Carajás / PA, based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), using as information base data collected from 21 local companies. For this, the SIAD v3 tool was used to determine the efficiency of the processes of these companies from three inputs and three outputs, as relevant criteria for analysis. The CCR and BCC models were applied to compare the results obtained in four groups: standard efficiency, boundary efficiency, composite efficiency and normalized composite efficiency. The results showed that only one of the companies presented efficiency in all four groups. The companies located in the municipality of Marabá present average efficiency above the companies located in Eldorado of Carajás

    Conservação de alimentos pelo uso de aditivos: Uma Revisão

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    Desde a antiguidade, várias técnicas para conservação dos alimentos são utilizadas pela humanidade para preservar as características dos alimentos devido a necessidade de importantes às grandes períodos de escassez. No entanto, o emprego dos aditivos químicos, como os conservantes, é fundamental para atender a demanda do mercado quando os alimentos não podem ser aplicar a aplicação de métodos de conservação tradicionais. O objetivo do estudo é realizar uma revisão bibliográfica referente ao uso de aditivos na conservação dos alimentos, conservadores e antioxidantes. Os estudos realizados foram selecionados nas seguintes bases de dados: Scielo, Lilacs, Bireme e Pubmed,publicado no período de 2000 a 2019. Também foram utilizadas como fontes de pesquisa de livros da área de Nutrição e Tecnologia de Alimentos considerados relevantes em relação ao tema estudado. Os resultados demonstram uma importância, aplicação e mecanismo de ação dos conservantes mais utilizados na indústria alimentícia, bem como os riscos associados ao consumo, inocuidade e toxicidade. Pode-se concluir que a utilização de aditivos em alimentos tornou-se praticamente indispensável. Os aditivos conservadores possuem funções importantes na manutenção da vida útil dos alimentos. Entretanto, é possível verificar que os mesmos podem efeitos trazer adversos a curto ou longo prazo, por isso é necessária sua utilização dentro dos limites

    Seeking the meaning of reaching adolescence in a shelter institution

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    Objective: To reveal the meaning of adolescence in a shelter institution, through the main reasons that led to this experience; to inquire about the representation of the family and the care before the institutionalized living and to identify what are the expectations of life of the adolescents in relation to the future. Methods: This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach, in which the focal group technique was used. Data were analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse. Results: The research revealed the following central ideas: 1) The private world of shelter institutions; 2) Representation of family X care under the eyes of adolescents and 3) Perspectives, dreams and desires regarding the future. Conclusion: There is evidence of the need for new debates about the adolescents' experience of difficulties in relation to the universe they are facing


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    Objective: To increase the solubility/dissolution of benznidazole (BNZ) in water using two systems: solid dispersions (SD) with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) inclusion complexes (IC).Methods: The samples were obtained by physical mixtures (PM), kneading (KN), evaporation (EV) and by spray-dryer (SY) atomization The analysis was based on results of in vitro dissolution and molecular modeling techniques.Results: Molecular modeling showed that BNZ can form β-CD complexes in different ways such as in an aqueous solution or a vacuum. In vitro dissolution showed significant improvement in BNZ solubility in the PM, SD and IC, and also that the β-CD IC promoted better solubility than SD with HPMC.Conclusion: Considering the data obtained, it is possible to consider the technique for the formation of β-CD IC as a more effective technique in promoting the improvement of BNZ solubility compared with getting SD with HPMC which, in turn, may increase the bioavailability of the drug and improve their pharmaceutical potential

    Indicadores de qualidade em terapia enteral: aplicação e proposição de novos indicadores

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    Objective: To evaluate the quality of Enteral Nutritional Therapy (ENT) prescribed to patients admitted to a public hospital and propose new indicators. Method: This is a descriptive, observational and prospective study whose population consisted of all adult patients (≥ 18 years) using exclusive enteral nutritional therapy hospitalized in critical and non-critical areas in a public hospital in Sergipe. The indicators of quality in enteral nutritional therapy were applied according to the published by the International Life Sciences Institute-Brazil, in addition to the proposal of new indicators. Results: Among the indicators evaluated in the semester, those that were farther from the goal were: diarrhea frequency (54.3%), frequency of measurement or estimation of energy expenditure and protein requirements (22.9%) and frequency of patients with hypoglycemia (34.3%). The use of quality indicators is of fundamental importance to assess adverse events related to ENT. Conclusion: It is necessary to apply the new indicators proposed in this study in the practice of evaluating the quality of ENT to accumulate experience and define its goals.    Objetivo: Avaliar a Qualidade da Terapia Nutricional Enteral (TNE) prescrita aos pacientes internados em um hospital público e propor novos indicadores. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, observacional e prospectivo, cuja população foi composta por todos os pacientes adultos (≥ 18 anos) em uso de terapia nutricional enteral exclusiva internados em áreas críticas e não críticas em um hospital público de Sergipe. Os indicadores de qualidade em terapia nutricional enteral foram aplicados de acordo com o publicado pela International Life Sciences Institute-Brasil, além da proposição de novos indicadores.Resultados: Dentre os indicadores avaliados no semestre, os que se apresentaram mais distantes da meta foram: frequência de diarreia (54,3%), frequência de medida ou estimativa do gasto energético e necessidades proteicas (22,9%) e frequência de pacientes com hipoglicemia (34,3%).  A utilização de indicadores de qualidade é de fundamental importância para avaliar eventos adversos relacionados a TNE. Conclusão: É necessário aplicar os novos indicadores propostos nesse estudo na prática de avaliação da qualidade da TNE para acumular experiência e definir suas metas. Palavras-Chave: Terapia nutricional; Terapia Nutricional Enteral; Indicadores de Qualidade de Terapia Nutricional

    Blastocystis subtypes in patients with diabetes mellitus from the Midwest region of Brazil

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    Blastocystis sp. is an enteric protist commonly found in human fecal samples. In Brazil, few studies have been developed, but none of them has explored the presence of Blastocystis in patients with diabetes mellitus. We evaluated the occurrence and molecular identification of Blastocystis sp. among patients with diabetes mellitus in the Midwest region, Goias State, Brazil. Genomic DNA was obtained from 175 fecal samples (99 from the diabetic group and 76 from the control group). PCR was performed using pan-Blastocystis primers from the SSU-rDNA gene. Microscopic examination revealed positivity of 12.1% and 7.9% for Blastocystis in diabetics and in controls, respectively. Amplification of Blastocystis DNA was observed in 34.4% (34 of 99) and 30.3% (23 of 76) from the diabetic and control groups, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses and BLAST searches revealed six subtypes among Blastocystis isolates in the diabetic group, represented by ST1 (38.2%), ST2 (11.8%), ST3 (35.3%), ST6 (2.9%), ST7 (2.9%) and ST8 (8.8%). In the control group, ST1 (21.8%), ST2 (21.8%), ST3 (43.5%), ST6 (4.4%) and ST8 (8.7%) were identified. This study is the first report regarding the occurrence and subtypes distribution of Blastocystis in patients with diabetes mellitus in Brazil. The results reinforce the potential risk of Blastocystis infection in patients with diabetes, in addition, it contributes to the understanding of the genetic diversity of this enigmatic organism

    Adolescentes em situação de abortamento: perfil sociodemográfico e obstétrico / Adolescents in abortion situation: sociodemographic and obstetric profile

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    Esta revisão integrativa teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil sociodemográfico e obstétrico das adolescentes em situação de abortamento. Os artigos foram publicados em um período de 10 anos e ao final da busca foram selecionados cinco artigos. O presente trabalho indica que a maioria dos abortos foram provocados, oriundos de gravidez indesejada e na maioria dos casos o ato foi realizado de forma insegura. Por conseguinte, intercorrências e complicações tem mais chance de ocorrer assim colocando em risco a vida da adolescente e aumentando os custos do sistema de saúde. 