13 research outputs found

    A figura do juiz de garantias e a imparcialidade no processo penal

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    This article seeks to analyze the implementation of the guarantee judgment in the Brazilian criminal process, as a way to ensure the impartiality of the judge. The current model adopted by the penal procedure code, allows the judge to become aware of the evidence produced in the investigation phase, occurring a psychic contamination of the judge, considering that the principles of the adversary and wide defense are mitigated in this phase, causing a certain advantage for the prosecution. Thus, the judge creates certain conceptions about the cause which, later, becomes difficult to be overcome, as narrated by the theory of cognitive dissonance, applied in the criminal process. The experience compared with Latin countries, as in the case of Uruguay, shows that the implementation of the guarantee judgment is an important way to hinder the contamination of the judge, guaranteeing his impartiality. Brazil recently passed Law 13,964, which introduced the figure of the guarantee judgment in the criminal process. However, the Minister of the Supreme Federal Court, Luiz Fux in judgment of ADI 6298, suspended the implementation of the institute, arguing practical issues that would influence the structure of the Judiciary. Importantly, it should be noted that the decision was left to the STF plenary, and what is expected is its approval with the correct implementation of the guarantee judgment in the Brazilian criminal process, in order for the judge to be more impartial, ensuring that constitutional principles are respected.Este artigo busca analisar a implementação do juízo de garantias no processo penal brasileiro, como forma de assegurar a imparcialidade do julgador. O atual modelo adotado pelo código de processo penal, permite que o juiz tome conhecimento das provas produzidas na fase de investigação, ocorrendo uma contaminação psíquica do julgador, tendo em vista que os princípios do contraditório e ampla defesa são mitigados nessa fase, acarretando uma certa vantagem para a acusação. Assim, o julgador cria certas concepções sobre a causa o que, posteriormente, torna-se difícil de ser superada, conforme narrado pela teoria da dissonância cognitiva, aplicada no processo penal. A experiência comparada com países latinos, como é o caso do Uruguai, demonstra que a implementação do juízo de garantias é uma forma importante de dificultar a contaminação do julgador, garantido a sua imparcialidade. Recentemente o Brasil aprovou a Lei 13.964, que introduziu a figura do juízo de garantias no processo penal. Todavia, o Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Luiz Fux em julgamento da ADI 6298, suspendeu a implementação do instituto, argumentando questões de ordem prática que influenciariam na estrutura do Poder Judiciário. Importante, ressaltar que a decisão ficou a cargo do plenário do STF, e o que se espera é a sua aprovação com a correta implementação do juízo de garantias no processo penal brasileiro, a fim de que ocorra uma maior imparcialidade do julgador, garantindo que os princípios constitucionais sejam respeitados

    Statement of Second Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Ventilarion : part I

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    The Rio Pardo salient, northern Araçuaí orogen: an example of a complex basin-controlled fold-thrust belt curve

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    European Reference Genome Atlas Community - Phase 1 Members - 2020-2023

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    This dataset presents a comprehensive list of members registered as part of the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA, erga-biodiversity.eu) Community during ERGA Phase 1, which spanned from 2020 to 2023. The dataset includes information on the various roles undertaken by these members, particularly those who played a key role in establishing ERGA. Founding members are individuals who joined ERGA prior to the first leadership elections in February 2021, and they were instrumental in building the initial structure of ERGA. Some of these founding members were also involved in the establishment of different ERGA Committees. The dataset further includes details about the current and former core members and chairs of the ERGA committees. Additionally, it provides a list of the current (2023) and former Council members, along with the countries they represent. The dataset is organised in alphabetical order for ease of reference. The co-authors of this dataset encompass both current and former ERGA Council members, listed in alphabetical order, and the current ERGA chair, as the last author