1,289 research outputs found

    Asking why: building a culture for growth at outsystems

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    The growth of a solid, knowledge-intensive firm, OutSystems—an IT company recognized in 2003 by Fortune magazine as one of the most promising start-ups in the world—is accompanied by efforts to create a strong culture that preserves the traits that have driven OutSystems’ success and that drives innovation, adaptability, high performance, and accountability. The lessons OutSystems learned from previous international experiences are presented along with its latest growth model of branded local partners. The case study is intended to introduce concepts related to organizational culture, traits of cultures that drive innovation, national versus organizational culture, and the challenges of globalization. It is designed to be used in Organizational Behavior classes and is appropriate for MBA- and Master’s-level courses in the area of management. It is suggested as a guideline for 60- to 90-minute classes. Participants are invited to discuss the importance of organizational cultures and their fit with the company strategy. Participants are also encouraged to brainstorm about the best approach to face OutSystems’ new stage of growth, specifically the advantages and consequences of growing as a metanational company. Finally, in the conclusion, the most relevant findings taken from the discussions proposed are revisited: The importance of an organizational culture adapted to the market needs and the potential of innovation behind metanational companies. Other considerations are made about: how the case illustrates the importance of leadership, group age, and group size in the process of building a culture; and how OutSystems’ culture solves the apparent contradiction behind adaptable culture

    Biofilm formation by Pseudomonas fluorescens

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    The formation of biofilms on heat exchange surfaces was studied using water contaminated with Pseudomonas fluorescens. The rate of deposition and the maximum amount of deposit decrease as the fluid velocity increases. The processes occurring at the interface and in the biofilm appear to govern the build-up of the deposit. together with the removal (shear stress) mechanism. Values of the attachment and biological growth rates were calculated from the changes observed in the biofilm thermal resistances after suppressing the addition of nutrients to the flowing water. In both cases there is a decrease for higher velocities.JNICT. Portugal. through Project no. 8750

    As interações sociais dos surdos na internet - mapeamento sistemático da literatura

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    A maior disponibilização de publicação científica na web resultou na criação de protocolos de análise e investigação das tendências de pesquisa científica, tais como o Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura - MSL, que provê uma visão geral de uma área de pesquisa com detalhes suficientes para responder a questões de pesquisa exploratória. Nossa questão de pesquisa é: A comunidade científica preocupa-se em estudar as interações sociais dos surdos na internet? Para responder essa pergunta optou-se pelo uso do MSL com coleta de dados no RCAAP e no Google Académico, enfatizando publicações de países lusófonos. Os estudos evidenciaram a preocupação com adequação das TIC de uso frequente na web, visando facilitar a expressão dos surdos nesses ambientes. Essas evidências reafirmam a importância de estudar a interação a partir da análise da rede social estabelecida pelos surdos entre si e com ouvintes, a fim de conceber estratégias de dinamização da interação que propiciem maior inclusão social.Programa Ciência Sem Fronteiras - Brasi

    Chinese Coins In Copper Based Alloys: Elemental And Microstructural Characterization

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    The Chinese cast coin collection from the CCCM’s Museum in Lisbon (Portugal) was accessible for analytical and metallographic characterization. In spite of the considerable number of similar items that populate museums and private collectors in Europe and North America, studies carried out in the western world are very scarce. Firstly, elemental characterization by EDXRF spectrometry was performed on 380 copper-based coins, revealing different types of alloys (coppers, bronzes and brasses) with variable alloy elemental composition. In bronze coins one of the main constituents was lead, which sometimes presented considerable content variations between the obverse and reverse of the same coin. Brass coins were found to be rich in zinc (<63 wt.%), but often presented traces or small contents of lead, tin, antimony, iron and arsenic. Metallographic techniques used in the study of 109 coins microstructures could confirm the production process consistency (sand casting), and establish a parallel between the elemental contents (obtained by micro-EDXRF) and the present metallic phases (observed by OM and SEM, and analyzed by SEM-EDS and micro-XRD), resorting to equilibrium phase diagrams. A comparison between the corrosion susceptibility of metallic phases in bronze coins showed preferential transglobular corrosion of lead-rich globules, and also that lead and/or tin corrosion by-products are often deposited at the surface of these coins. When considering brass coins, the most common corrosion process was dezincification. Also, the presence of some minor elements was found to greatly influence the corrosion susceptibility, demoting (e.g., Fe) or promoting (e.g., Sn, Sb and As) the corrosion resistance of the phases in which these elements are in higher concentration. The obtained results are an added value to the characterization of similar alloys, namely through the co-relation between their elemental contents and the current micro-constituents. Also, the corrosion susceptibilities in bronze and brass metallic phases can contribute to an improved macroscopic diagnose for conservation purposes in similar items. All the results obtained during this study support the coins authenticity

    Dynamics study and temperature effect on biological traits of two Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) of S. Miguel Island

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    Dissertação de Mestrado - Biotecnologia em Controlo Biológico.Os factores ambientais, tais como a temperatura, afectam a fisiologia e comportamento dos insectos. Nos parasitóides de ovos de lepidópteros, este efeito pode ser verificado na alteração de parâmetros biológicos como a longevidade, parasitismo e emergência da descendência. Para além disto, características dos ovos, como o seu conteúdo nutricional ou tamanho, podem afectar a descendência. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo o estudo da dinâmica, em campo, das duas espécies de Trichogramma estabelecidas na ilha de São Miguel: Trichogramma cordubensis Vagas & Cabello e Trichogramma achaeae Nagaraja & Nagarkatti. Também foi determinado em laboratório o efeito da temperatura em vários dos seus parâmetros biológicos: esterilidade e mortalidade das fêmeas, tempo de desenvolvimento, parasitismo, emergência e a relação entre o número de fêmeas e machos na descendência. T. achaeae foi observado em todos os locais de recolha, ao contrário do T. cordubensis que apenas foi encontrado em dois deles. A primeira espécie, embora estabelecida há menos tempo, encontrava-se em maior quantidade no campo. Verificou-se que em condições naturais os parasitóides partilham espécies hospedeiras. Em relação à influência da temperatura, tal como esperado, ocorreram alterações nos parâmetros biológicos estudados em ambas as espécies. T. cordubensis demonstrou ser a espécie mais eficiente no parasitismo de ovos de Ephestia Kuehniella Zeller (Lep. Pyralidae).ABSTRACT: The environmental factors such as the temperature, affect the physiology and behavior of the insects. In lepidopteran eggs parasitoid wasps this effect can be seen in biological parameters such as longevity, parasitic performance and emergence. Also, the host eggs characteristics such as the nutritional content or size can have an effect on the parasitoids offspring. The present work had as the objectives the study of the field dynamics of the two Trichogramma species established on the island of São Miguel: Trichogramma cordubensis Vargas & Cabello and Trichogramma achaeae Nagaraja & Nagarkatti. In addition, the effect in the following biological parameters, for both species, was determined in the laboratory: sterility and mortality of females, time of development, parasitism, emergence and sex-ratio. T. achaeae was observed in all collection points while T. cordubensis was only registered for two. Even though the first parasitoid species established more recently, in the field, than T. cordubensis, nevertheless it is present in a larger amount. It was verified that under field conditions the parasitoids shared host species. As expected, temperature had an impact on the studied parameters between the two Trichogramma species. T. cordubensis proved to be the more efficient in the parasitism of Ephestia Kuehniella Zeller (Lep. Pyralidae), eggs

    A criação de unidades locais de saúde na região Alentejo : impacto na mortalidade precoce hospitalar

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    RESUMO - Introdução: A integração de cuidados de saúde tem sido o modelo organizacional procurado para ajudar os sistemas de saúde a ultrapassar os constantes desafios impostos e para obterem ganhos na qualidade dos cuidados e nos resultados para os utentes. A taxa de mortalidade precoce no ambiente hospitalar é um indicador que permite avaliar a performance dos sistemas de saúde, refletindo os resultados em saúde. Esta é expressa a partir do cálculo dos anos de vida potencialmente perdidos (AVPP). Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da criação de Unidades Locais de Saúde (ULS) na região Alentejo. Metodologia: Em primeiro lugar determinou-se a taxa de mortalidade precoce em ambiente hospitalar e os respetivos AVPP, analisando os diagnósticos principais associados, entre 2000 e 2011, nas ULS do Norte Alentejano e Baixo Alentejo. Para calcular o impacto da criação das ULS nos AVPP foi realizado o método Difference in Difference. Resultados: Foram analisados 605 825 episódios de internamento, dos quais 5258 (0,87%) resultaram em óbito hospitalar em utentes com <70 anos. Desta análise resultaram 102 270 AVPP para ambos os sexos. Após a criação das ULS do Norte Alentejano e Baixo Alentejo, verificou-se uma diminuição no número de AVPP de – 2, 7% e – 2, 6% respetivamente. Conclusões: Com a criação das ULS na região de saúde do Alentejo, o número de AVPP em ambiente hospitalar diminuiu, no entanto torna-se necessário aumentar a população em estudo e incluir mais variáveis que possam influenciar os AVPP por forma a retirarem-se conclusões mais específicas.ABSTRACT - Introduction: The organizational model of integration of health care has been applied in order to help the systems overcome challenges, to achieve high quality care and good outcomes for the patients. The rate of premature mortality at hospital environment is an indicator that evaluates the health systems performance. The results in health are expressed by the Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL). Objective: Evaluate the impact of implementing a Local Health Unit (LHU) in the Alentejo region. Methods: First the rate of premature mortality at hospital environment and the YPLL were determined through the analysis of the main diagnosis associated, between 2000 and 2011, in the LHU of Norte Alentejano and Baixo Alentejo. The method Difference in Difference was used to calculate the impact of the implement of the LHU in the YPLL. Results: From the 605 825 hospital admissions analyses, 5258 (0,87%) resulted in death for patients with <70 years old. This analysis resulted in 102 270 YPLL or both genders. After the implementation of the LHU in the Norte Alentejano and Baixo Alentejo there was a decrease in the number of YPLL, - 2,7% and -2,6% respectively. Conclusions: With the implementation of the LHU at the Alentejo region, the number of YPLL decreased, however it is necessary to increase the population number at study and include more variables that may influence the YPLL in order to achieve specific conclusions

    Direito Administrativo Global: Reflexões sobre estratégia e substância à luz de O Príncipe de Niccolò Machiavelli

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    Aware of the countless questions that globalization raises, and specifically the problems of legitimacy and accountability of power in the global legal space, we propose to reflect one of the solution projects that have gained notoriety in recent years, notably, the Global Administrative Law project. Also, we will carry out this weighting through the help of lectures given in a classic of political strategy, namely in The Prince, by Niccolò Machiavelli. The objective will be an innovative reflection on the substantial and strategic benefits of the Global Administrative Law project, compared to other projects.Conscientes de los innumerables interrogantes que plantea la globalización, y en concreto los problemas de legitimidad y responsabilidad del poder en el espacio jurídico global, nos proponemos reflexionar sobre uno de los proyectos de solución que han cobrado notoriedad en los últimos años, en concreto, el proyecto de Derecho Administrativo Global. Asimismo, llevaremos a cabo esta ponderación a través de la ayuda de lecturas realizadas en un clásico de la estrategia política, concretamente en El Príncipe, de Nicolás Maquiavelo. El objetivo será una reflexión innovadora sobre las ventajas sustanciales y estratégicas del proyecto de Derecho Administrativo Global, en comparación con otros proyectos.Cientes das inúmeras interpelações que a globalização suscita, e concretamente dos problemas de legitimidade e responsabilização do poder no espaço jurídico global, propomo-nos refletir um dos projetos de solução que tem ganho notoriedade nos últimos anos, notadamente, o Direito Administrativo Global. Mais. Realizaremos esta ponderação com o auxílio das preleções efetuadas em um clássico de estratégia política, designadamente em O Príncipe, de Niccolò Machiavelli. O objetivo será uma reflexão inovadora sobre os benefícios materiais e estratégicos do projeto de Direito Administrativo Global, em comparação com projetos outros

    Discoloration of historical plastic objects: New insight into the degradation of β-naphthol pigment lakes

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e a Tecnologia, Minist?rio da Ci?ncia Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES), Portugal, through doctoral programme CORESPD/00253/2012, PB/BD/114412/2016 doctoral grant. Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry? LAQV,(PTDC/IVC-HFC/5174/2014). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Light is a determining factor in the discoloration of plastics, and photodegradation processes can affect the molecular structures of both the polymer and colorants. Limited studies focused on the discoloration of heritage plastics in conservation science. This work investigated the discoloration of red historical polyethylene (PE) objects colored with PR 48:2 and PR 53:1. High-density and low-density PE reference polymers, neat pigment powders, and historical samples were assessed before and after accelerated photoaging. The applied methodology provided insight into the individual light-susceptibility of polyethylenes, organic pigment lakes, and their combined effect in the photoaging of historical plastic formulations. After light exposure, both PE references and historical samples yellowed, PR53:1 faded, and PR 48:2 darkened; however, both organic pigments faded severely in the historical samples. This highlights the role played by the plastic binder likely facilitating the pigment photofading. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry techniques—EGA-MS, PY-GC/MS, and TD-GC/MS—were successfully employed for characterizing the plastic formulations and degradation. The identification of phthalic compounds in both aged β-naphthol powders opens new venues for studies on their degradation. This work’s approach and analytical methods in studying the discoloration of historical plastics are novel, proving their efficacy, reliability, and potentiality.publishersversionpublishe

    A review of the parasites of deep-water fishes from Macaronesian Islands, North-East Atlantic Ocean

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    The deep-water fish fauna of Macaronesian islands is currently estimated at a total of 1029 different fish species, but records of both ecto- and endoparasites are from only about 30 of those species. This fact presents an exciting field of research for scientists interested in fish parasitology, by exploring the structure of parasite communities and their connections with ecological and oceanographic variables. Research on the effect of climatic changes on the parasite faunas, on the occurrence of fish parasites in man and its impact on human health, has not been carried out to date. The present review aims to collate our present knowledge about the parasites of deep-water fishes of Macaronesia, and to suggest directions for future research on the parasites of fishes from the deepwater realm. A checklist of the parasites infecting the deep-water fishes from this region is included.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio