32 research outputs found

    International students’ perception of teaching microbiology, virology and immunology at medical universities in Ukraine

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    The increase in the number of international students at medical universities in Ukraine has made great demands for the quality of instruction in the first three years of study when adaptation of these students takes place. The aim of the paper is to analyse international students’ perceptions of teaching Microbiology, Virology and Immunology (MBVI) at Bogomolets National Medical University and outline the recommendations. A mixed research method was applied; the questionnaire with close-ended and open ended questions grouped in nine sets was developed. Anonymous survey was conducted with the students (N=104) after completing the MBVI course with English as a medium of instruction. The survey has indicated general satisfaction of the respondents with the course. Insufficient proficiency in English often affects the quality of learning, and a low level of the Ukrainian or Russian language skills create difficulties in their communication and effective integration to the Ukrainian cultural environment. The survey results have shown the positive attitude of the respondents to the lectures with the requirement to have more interactive communication between the lecturer and students as well as have identified the difficulties concerning practical classes and self-study. The recommendations on how to improve academic performance of international medical students have been given. The focus is on increasing and maintaining language skills, consideration of ethnic and psychological features of students from different countries and implementing interactive teaching methods so that effective interaction in the learning environment could be achieved

    Integral Approach to Vulnerability Assessment of Ship’s Critical Equipment and Systems

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    The digital transformation of the maritime industry is almost a fait accompli. Merchant ships today use computing and cyber-dependent technologies for navigation, communications, cargo operations, environmental monitoring, and many other purposes. Nowadays, entire industries and businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on data arrays, and the maritime sector is fully experiencing this transformation. A modern commercial ship is unthinkable without digital technology, and the reasons for the deep digitalization of the fleet are numerous. Emergency systems such as safety monitoring, fire detection and alarms are increasingly reliant on cyber technology. Therefore, cybersecurity is a critical component of ship and shipping safety, and cyber-attacks on maritime transport are a very likely problem. These risks will only increase with the further development of information technology. This article proposes approaches to identifying cyber threats as well as a probabilistic assessment of ship cybersecurity, which is based on an integral approach to assessing the vulnerability of shipboard critical equipment and systems. Estimated probabilities of target and non-target cybersecurity breaches of the ship, as well as their overall probability, which allows considering all chains of events leading to a certain consequence associated with potential losses. The model of probability assessment of ship cybersecurity violation and its consequences, which allows evaluation of possible losses as a result of these events, is presented and mathematically described

    Pedagogical interaction in the context of humanization of education

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    The article deals with the problem of pedagogical interaction, its potential in educational and upbringing processes directed to humanization of relations between teacher and pupils. On the basis of analysis of the research it can be concluded that pedagogical science operates with a conception of pedagogical interaction, that is considered to be one of the principal categories of pedagogics. It has to be emphasized thatthe conception “interaction” in general understanding reflects the universal general form of movement and influence of objects at each other. For man it is their characteristic aspiration in the interaction with different objects of the surrounding world. Through the interaction men learns about natural and social phenomena, conform to law, processes and determine the methods of their thinking andbehaviour. Men’s need in communication, studying, education and his own development are connected with this concept

    Preschool Children’s Speech Pedagogical Sound Culture Correction

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    Objective: The article aims to reveal the features of correction of the sound culture of the preschool-age children's speech, the effectiveness of which has been tested experimentally. Background: The sound culture of speech is a multicomponent formation, which covers the phonetic correctness of speech; general language skills and orthoepic correctness of speech. Pedagogical correction of the sound culture of speech is focused on the correct the errors caused by a violation of the sound articulation, sound pronunciation, orthoepic norms of pronunciation, voice strength, etc. Method: In the study, the author's method of pedagogical correction of the sound culture of children’s speech was used. Also, it was used comparative analysis and method of successive analysis of adjustment variants of the speech sound culture. Results: An individual model of pedagogical correction of the sound culture of the child's speech was developed. Training to deepen knowledge, improvement of abilities, and skills of teachers were held. The exercises in sound pronunciation and intonational speech expressiveness were developed. Conclusion: Positive dynamics of developmental levels of the sound culture of children’s speech, which has been confirmed by the results of quantitative and qualitative analysis, confirms the effectiveness of the experimental methods of pedagogical correction of the sound culture of speech

    Rural population residing the radioactively contaminated areas income and employment evaluation

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    Currently the state activity in the direction of overcoming the consequences of the disaster significantly decreased, that has deepened economic, social and demographic problems of this region and negatively affected the radioactively contaminated areas rural population living standards indicators. There is an urgent need to study the contaminated areas rural residents level of income, their formation sources and establish the relationship of population living standards with their social status and social benefits. The research is dedicated to major factors of income level formation and employment of the rural population in the radioactive contamination grounding. Significant income stratification of Zhytomyr region rural contaminated areas population was found during the research. It was established that 64.8 % rural population resisting the radioactively contaminated areas live below the poverty line. Radioactively contaminated areas rural resident’s income is formed mainly due to pension payments (57.1 % of respondents’ answers) and wages (41.9 %). A quarter of radioactive contamination areas rural families’ income is received from household grown products sales, 14.3 % – forest origin products. Public sector, forestry and agriculture enterprises are major employers in the radioactive contamination area. A low level of income and high differentiation degree are observed on the territory of rural areas that was affected from radioactive contamination. Rural resident’s self-employment desire and revenues from household production and forest industry significant proportion is the main tendency of revenues formation. High level and duration of unemployment on radioactive contamination rural area is caused by labor market conjuncture violations

    Економіка підприємства

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    У підручнику розглянуто сучасні актуальні процеси розвитку підприємств: правові засади власності, інтелектуальний капітал, мережеві структури, конкурентну політику, трансформацію та реструктуризацію підприємств; проаналізовано інструментарій, що забезпечує порівнянну вартісну оцінку витрат і результатів діяльності; приділено увагу питанням пошуку і реалізації найбільш ефективних напрямів розвитку підприємства в умовах невизначеності. Для викладачів і студентів економічних спеціальностей, для тих, хто вивчає економічні дисципліни на неекономічних спеціальностях, для фахівців і керівників підприємств.В учебнике рассмотрены современные актуальные процессы развития предприятий: правовые основы собственности, интеллектуальный капитал, сетевые структуры, конкурентную политику, трансформацию и реструктуризацию предприятий; проанализированы инструментарий, обеспечивающий сравнимую стоимостную оценку затрат и результатов деятельности; уделено внимание вопросам поиска и реализации наиболее эффективных направлений развития предприятия в условиях неопределенности. Для преподавателей и студентов экономических специальностей, для тех, кто изучает экономические дисциплины на неэкономических специальностях, для специалистов и руководителей предприятий.The textbook considers the modern current processes of enterprise development: legal principles of ownership, intellectual capital, network structures, competition policy, transformation and restructuring of enterprises; comparable cost-benefit analysis; the book focuses on the search and implementation of the most significant areas of enterprise development in conditions of uncertainty. For teachers and students of economic specialties, those who study economic disciplines in non-economic specialties, for professionals and business leaders


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    The increase in the number of international students at medical universities in Ukraine has made great demands for the quality of instruction in the first three years of study when adaptation of these students takes place. The aim of the paper is to analyse international students’ perceptions of teaching Microbiology, Virology and Immunology (MBVI) at Bogomolets National Medical University and outline the recommendations. A mixed research method was applied; the questionnaire with close-ended and open-ended questions grouped in nine sets was developed. Anonymous survey was conducted with the students (N=104) after completing the MBVI course with English as a medium of instruction. The survey has indicated general satisfaction of the respondents with the course. Insufficient proficiency in English often affects the quality of learning, and a low level of the Ukrainian or Russian language skills create difficulties in their communication and effective integration to the Ukrainian cultural environment. The survey results have shown the positive attitude of the respondents to the lectures with the requirement to have more interactive communication between the lecturer and students as well as have identified the difficulties concerning practical classes and self-study. The recommendations on how to improve academic performance of international medical students have been given. The focus is on increasing and maintaining language skills, consideration of ethnic and psychological features of students from different countries and implementing interactive teaching methods so that effective interaction in the learning environment could be achieved

    The effects of introducing and terminating loyalty programs

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    Purpose – The goal of this paper is to empirically investigate the effects of an loyalty program (LP) introduction and termination, accounting for simultaneous effects of LP designs, cross-customer effects and competition effects. Despite firms across the globe spend billions of dollars on LPs, it is not clear: whether these programs enhance customer loyalty, what happens if a program is terminated and which LP design elements enhance effectiveness of LPs. Design/methodology/approach – The authors empirically investigate to what extent the effects of introducing and terminating a LP depend on: its monetary and non-monetary design elements, customer characteristics and competition. The empirical evidence is based on a bivariate hierarchical linear model, using a large-scale dataset involving 9,783 consumers rating 24 different LPs across eight industries. Findings – While the characteristics of LP are more important in influencing customer behavior when they join the LP, the competitive environment and the duration of membership in an LP are the primary drivers of customer reactions to LP termination. Non-monetary discrimination between members and non-members is a more powerful tool in creating customer loyalty than offering higher discounts or saving points. The effect of discrimination on loyalty sustains when an LP is terminated. Research limitations/implications – This is the first research to empirically investigate the effect of an LP termination, accounting for simultaneous effects of LP designs and competition effects. The authors measured behavioral intentions in a hypothetical case of LP termination. Future research could assess the effects of LP termination and the moderating role of both monetary and non-monetary design elements on other behavioral loyalty variables based on, e.g. household panel data, when such data on LP terminations across industries becomes available. Practical implications – When a firm considers the introduction of an LP or changing an existing one, non-monetary discrimination between members and non-members seems to be the most effective tool in building sustainable customer loyalty. Further, offering a relatively low saving rate is a viable way to keep costs down because the savings percentage does not significantly affect loyalty. For the same reason, firms can also consider reducing or eliminating LP-based discounts. The competitive environment and the duration of membership in an LP are the primary drivers of customer reactions to LP termination. Originality/value – To the best of authors’ knowledge, the potential effects of LP termination have not been addressed in the current literature. The authors empirically assess the effects of LP termination and effects of those programs at the introduction. Understanding the factors that moderate the potential negative impact of terminating an LP is of crucial importance to managers and researchers alike. The paper is of great value for firms that consider introducing, modifying or terminating an LP. </jats:sec

    Speaking to the mind or the heart: effects of matching hedonic versus utilitarian arguments and products

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    Message arguments influence beliefs about product benefits which influence overall product evaluations. Three studies show that matching hedonic versus utilitarian arguments and products enhance evaluations of utilitarian products, but not hedonic products. The results generalize across several argument manipulations and several product categories