45 research outputs found

    Ultra-broadband Noise-Insulating Periodic Structures Made of Coupled Helmholtz Resonators

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    Acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals represent a promising platform for the development of noise-insulating systems characterized by a low weight and small thickness. Nevertheless, the operational spectral range of these structures is usually quite narrow, limiting their application as substitutions of conventional noise-insulating systems. In this work, the problem is tackled by demonstration of several ways for the improvement of noise-insulating properties of the periodic structures based on coupled Helmholtz resonators. It is shown that tuning of local coupling between the resonators leads to the formation of ultra-broad stop-bands in the transmission spectra. This property is linked to band structures of the equivalent infinitely periodic systems and is discussed in terms of band-gap engineering. The local coupling strength is varied via several means, including introduction of the so-called chirped structures and lossy resonators with porous inserts. The stop-band engineering procedure is supported by genetic algorithm optimization and the numerical calculations are verified by experimental measurements

    On the class SI of J-contractive functions intertwining solutions of linear differential equations

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    In the PhD thesis of the second author under the supervision of the third author was defined the class SI of J-contractive functions, depending on a parameter and arising as transfer functions of overdetermined conservative 2D systems invariant in one direction. In this paper we extend and solve in the class SI, a number of problems originally set for the class SC of functions contractive in the open right-half plane, and unitary on the imaginary line with respect to some preassigned signature matrix J. The problems we consider include the Schur algorithm, the partial realization problem and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem. The arguments rely on a correspondence between elements in a given subclass of SI and elements in SC. Another important tool in the arguments is a new result pertaining to the classical tangential Schur algorithm.Comment: 46 page

    Some news about oblique graphs

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    A k-gon alpha of a polyhedral graph G(V,E,F) is of type if the vertices incident with alpha in cyclic order have degrees b1, b2,...,bk and $ is the lexicographic minimum of all such sequences available for alpha. A polyhedral graph G is oblique if it has no two faces of the same type. Among others it is shown that an oblique graph contains vertices of degree 3

    Mechanical, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Ferrogels with Embedded Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Obtained by Laser Target Evaporation: Focus on Multifunctional Biosensor Applications

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    Hydrogels are biomimetic materials widely used in the area of biomedical engineering and biosensing. Ferrogels (FG) are magnetic composites capable of functioning as magnetic field sensitive transformers and field assisted drug deliverers. FG can be prepared by incorporating magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) into chemically crosslinked hydrogels. The properties of biomimetic ferrogels for multifunctional biosensor applications can be set up by synthesis. The properties of these biomimetic ferrogels can be thoroughly controlled in a physical experiment environment which is much less demanding than biotests. Two series of ferrogels (soft and dense) based on polyacrylamide (PAAm) with different chemical network densities were synthesized by free-radical polymerization in aqueous solution with N, N'-methylene-diacrylamide as a cross-linker and maghemite Fe2O3 MNPs fabricated by laser target evaporation as a filler. Their mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties were comparatively analyzed. We developed a giant magnetoimpedance (MI) sensor prototype with multilayered FeNi-based sensitive elements deposited onto glass or polymer substrates adapted for FG studies. The MI measurements in the initial state and in the presence of FG with different concentrations of MNPs at a frequency range of 1-300 MHz allowed a precise characterization of the stray fields of the MNPs present in the FG. We proposed an electrodynamic model to describe the MI in multilayered film with a FG layer based on the solution of linearized Maxwell equations for the electromagnetic fields coupled with the Landau-Lifshitz equation for the magnetization dynamics.This work was supported in part within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 3.6121.2017/8.9; RFBR grants 16-08-00609-a, 18-08-00178, and by the ACTIMAT ELKARTEK grant of the Basque Country Government. Selected studies were made at SGIKER Common Services of UPV-EHU and URFU Common Services. We thank I.V. Beketov, A.A. Chlenova, S.O. Volchkov, V.N. Lepalovskij, A.M. Murzakaev and A.A. Svalova for special support

    Новые комбинации и названия сосудистых растений Азиатской России.

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    In this paper, we present nomenclatural novelties required in the course of the preparation of the second, revised version of the checklist of vascular plants of Asian Russia. The first version was published in 2012 (Baikov 2012). At the family level, we accepted the modern classification systems (APG IV for flowering plants, PPG I for lycophytes and ferns, and GPG for gymnosperms). At the genus level, we follow the generic concepts applied for particular taxonomic groups according to the Catalogue of Life (COL; https://www.catalogueoflife.org/), version COL23.5. At the species level, we consistently apply the monotypic species concept (also known in Russia as Komarov’s concept). In total, this paper presents one new nothogenus name (× Sibirotrisetokoeleria Chepinoga nom. nov., Poaceae) and 156 new names in the rank of species, in 28 families: Amaranthaceae Juss. (1 name), Amaryllidaceae J. St.-Hil. (1), Apiaceae Lindl. (2), Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl (12), Boraginaceae Juss. (4), Caryophyllaceae Juss. (11), Crassulaceae J. St.-Hill. (3), Cyperaceae Juss. (8), Ericaceae Juss. (2), Fabaceae Lindl. (16), Gentianaceae Juss. (1), Geraniaceae Juss. (1), Juncaceae Juss. (1), Lamiaceae Martinov (1), Menyanthaceae Dumort. (1), Orchidaceae Juss. (1), Orobanchaceae Vent. (1), Papaveraceae Juss. (4), Plantaginaceae Juss. (1), Poaceae Barnhart (49), Polygonaceae Juss. (4), Primulaceae Batsch. ex Borkh. (6), Ranunculaceae Juss. (4), Rosaceae Juss. (5), Salicaceae Mirb. (2), Saxifragaceae Juss. (11), Vitaceae Juss. (1), Zygophyllaceae R. Br. (2 names)