132 research outputs found

    Average Scores Integration in Official Star Rating Scheme

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    Purpose: Evidence suggests that electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) plays a highly influential role in decision-making when booking hotel rooms. The number of online sources where consumers can obtain information on hotel ratings provided has grown exponentially. Hence, a number of companies have developed average scores to summarize this information and to make it more easily available to consumers. Furthermore, official star rating schemes are starting to provide these commercially developed average scores to complement the information their schemes offer. The purpose of this paper is to examine the robustness of these systems. Design/methodology/approach: Average scores from different systems, and the scores provided by one rating site were collected for 200 hotels and compared. Findings: Findings suggested important differences in the ratings and assigned descriptive word across websites. Research limitations/implications: The results imply that the application of average scores by official organizations is not legitimate and identifies a research gap in the area of consumer and star rating standardization. Originality/value: The paper is of value to the industry and academia related to the examination of rating scales adopted by major online review tourism providers. Evidence of malpractice has been identified and the adoption of this type of scales by official star rating schemes is questioned.Peer reviewe

    Word of Mouth, the Importance of Reviews and Ratings in Tourism Marketing

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    The Internet and social media have given place to what is commonly known as the democratization of content and this phenomenon is changing the way that consumers and companies interact. Business strategies are shifting from influencing consumers directly and induce sales to mediating the influence that Internet users have on each other. A consumer review is “a mixture of fact and opinion, impression and sentiment, found and unfound tidbits, experiences, and even rumor” (Blackshaw & Nazarro, 2006). Consumers' comments are seen as honest and transparent, but it is their subjective perception what shapes the behavior of other potential consumers. With the emergence of the Internet, tourists search for information and reviews of destinations, hotels or services. Several studies have highlighted the great influence of online reputation through reviews and ratings and how it affects purchasing decisions by others (Schuckert, Liu, & Law, 2015). These reviews are seen as unbiased and trustworthy, and considered to reduce uncertainty and perceived risks (Gretzel & Yoo, 2008; Park & Nicolau, 2015). Before choosing a destination, tourists are likely to spend a significant amount of time searching for information including reviews of other tourists posted on the Internet. The average traveler browses 38 websites prior to purchasing vacation packages (Schaal, 2013), which may include tourism forums, online reviews in booking sites and other generic social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Après moi, le déluge de Lluïsa Cunillé: política i sostracció.

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    Notes sobre fonts shakespearianes en la poesia de Carles Riba

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    [cat] L'article tracta de demostrar l'empremta shakespeariana en la poesia de Carles Riba i, tot establint les relacions cronològiques entre aquells articles de la crítica ribiana en els quals s'hi interpreta Shakespeare i els poemes que l'intertextualitzen, clarificar-ne alguns passatges obscurs.[eng] The article attempts to evince traces of Shakespeare in Carles Riba's poetry and, by crossing the relevant poems with articles of his on Shakespeare of similar date, to offer interpretations of some obscure passages

    Après moi, le déluge de Lluïsa Cunillé: política i sostracció

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    [cat] L'article reinterpreta la trajectòria de Lluïsa Cunillé a partir d''Après moi, le déluge' (2007), una peça que recull els pressupòsits formals del drama contemporani en consonància amb l'estil de l'autora i que emfasitza la dimensió política que caracteritza els seus darrers textos. [eng] This article reinterprets Lluïsa Cunillé's trajectory since Après moi, le déluge (2007), a play which accommodates the formal requirements of contemporary drama to the author's own style and emphasises the political dimension which characterizes her later works.[eng] This article reinterprets Lluïsa Cunillé’s trajectory since Après moi, le déluge (2007), a play which accommodates the formal requirements of contemporary drama to the author’s own style and emphasises the political dimension which characterizes her later work

    Nightmares in “the happiest place on earth”: dissatisfaction in theme parks during the post-COVID era

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    ©2022 This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Leisure Studies. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2022.2115112This study examines the negative effects of COVID health and safety protocols implemented by theme parks in the context of the ‘new normal’ (summer 2021) on the number of visitors the park has received and their (dis)satisfaction levels. The study uses actual content analysis from 1,142 online reviews from two different time periods (before and after the COVID-19 pandemic), obtained from TripAdvisor, for a cross-country analysis. Results from analysis of variance and linear regression models show that dissatisfaction has rocketed since the pre-COVID era. Reasons for this dissatisfaction differ among parks, indicating that there may be different ways in which tourist agents can deal with these COVID protocols, ways that may be more or less successful in terms of improving consumer satisfaction

    Psicoanálisis freudiano en Psicología de 2º de Bachillerato

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    Freud desarrollaría a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX el concepto de psicoanálisis y metodología catárquica. A pesar de que ciertas ideas de este autor quedaron anticuadas y fueron criticadas en su época, el aporte del psicoanálisis en la Psicología y el arte fueron muy significativos. En esta Unidad Didáctica, trataremos de impartir dichos conocimientos a través de la metodología de aprendizaje significativo ―y teniendo en cuenta la taxonomía de Bloom― en la asignatura de Psicología de 2º de Bachillerato, dentro de un contexto presencial en el año 2021, donde la crisis del Covid-19 aún estaba presente y cuyas consecuencias afectaron al rendimiento académico de muchos alumnos en el periodo de Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato. Además, debido a la presencia de un aula LGTBI+ en el instituto donde se puso en práctica esta Unidad Didáctica, realizaremos una revisión de conceptos como la homofobia y la misoginia en la ciencia psicológica de los años XX

    Accessibility in Inclusive Tourism? Hotels Distributed Through Online Channels

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    There is a lack of comprehensive international studies on accommodations for people with disabilities; only small, local-level studies exist. This study aims to show the status of the tourist accommodation sector through the online distribution channel in terms of accessibility to offer more inclusive tourism. A descriptive analysis has been carried out with more than 31,000 hotels from the online travel agency Booking.com, in the 100 most touristic cities in the world. For the first time, an accurate picture of adaptation in the hotel sector for people with disabilities is presented. Results show that the adapted hotel infrastructures by countries are uneven. The main adaptations are those that help to avoid mobility barriers, and in contrast, hotels offer very few adaptations for sensory disabilities such as visual disabilities. Moreover, this study shows that, worldwide, countries with the highest income per capita, such as the United States of America, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Qatar or the United Arab Emirates, have the highest degree of hotel adaptation.This research was funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness for the granting of the TURCOLAB project (ECO2017–88984–R) and research project (TIN2015-71799-C2-2-P)

    Prevention of behavior problems thanks to development of emotional education in Early Childhood Education

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    En este artículo se pone de manifiesto la importancia que tiene la incorporación de la educación emocional en el marco de la Educación Infantil, con la finalidad principal de prevenir posibles conflictos y problemas de conducta en las siguientes etapas educativas, por ejemplo: hostigamiento, rabietas, conductas disruptivas, conductas desafiantes, agresiones físicas y psicológicas, aislamiento socioafectivo, etc. Al mismo tiempo que se desarrollan el resto de los beneficios inherentes de la inteligencia emocional en el alumnado.This article highlights the importance of the incorporation of emotional education in the framework of Early Childhood Education, with the main purpose of preventing possible conflicts and behavior problems in the following educational stages, for example: harassment, tantrums, disruptive behaviors, challenging behaviors, physical and psychological aggressions, socio-emotional isolation, etc. At the same time that the rest of the inherent benefits of emotional intelligence are developed in the students of this educational stage