56 research outputs found

    SisÀltölÀhtöinen markkinointiviestintÀ Facebookissa : case SilminnÀkijÀ

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    OpinnÀyte on kaksiosainen. Tuoteosa on televisiodokumentti Yleisradiolle. Toisessa osassa pohdin SilminnÀkijÀ-ohjelman Facebook-sisÀltömarkkinointia. Tavoitteena on tuottaa toimenpide-ehdotuksia ohjelman Facebook-sivun sisÀltömarkkinoinnin kehittÀmiseksi. Teoriaosuudessa kÀsitellÀÀn verkkoviestinnÀn tavoitteenasettelua ja kohderyhmÀn muuttunutta roolia sekÀ keinoja valitun kohderyhmÀn tavoittamiseen ja sitouttamiseen. LisÀksi kÀsitellÀÀn sosiaalisen median eri mÀÀritelmiÀ ja Facebook-yhteisöpalvelua. TutkimusmenetelmÀt ovat sekÀ mÀÀrÀllisiÀ ettÀ laadullisina. Aineistona kÀytetÀÀn ohjelman Fa-cebook-sivulle julkaistuja sisÀltöjÀ ja taustahaastattelua. JohtopÀÀtös on, ettÀ vaikuttavan ja tehokkaan Facebook-sisÀltömarkkinoinnin suunnittelemiseksi ja toteuttamiseksi tarvitaan laajempi nÀkemys koko verkkoviestinnÀn tavoitteista ja kohderyhmistÀ. TÀllÀ hetkellÀ SilminnÀkijÀ-ohjelma tavoittelee Facebook-yhteisöpalvelun kautta liian suurta kohderyhmÀÀ. Uuden kohderyhmÀn valitseminen ja sille hyödyllisten ja kiinnostuvien sisÀltöjen tuottaminen on tÀrkein askel kohti parempaa sisÀltömarkkinointia Facebookissa

    KvÀvemineralisering i en sydafrikansk jord gödslad med rötslam

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    Sewage sludge is a solid, semi-solid or liquid byproduct produced by waste water treatment plants. It contains both compounds of agricultural value (e.g. organic material, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and to a lesser extent calcium, sulphur and magnesium), and pollutants (e.g. heavy metals, pathogens and toxic organics). The quality of sludge is dependent on its origins, i.e. whether it is domestic or industrial. Sludge can be disposed in many ways, e.g. through land application, incineration and land filling. Generally the least cost option, land application, has become the most common disposal method in many countries. Sludge production has increased dramatically due to population growth and increased indutrialization and it is very important to reduce and utilize the digested sewage sludge and to minimize its environmental impact. One way to achieve this is to apply sludge on farm land. Land application has many advantages and is expected to become the dominant disposal method in the future. This is especially true for small communities which have high quality sludge in terms of lower concentrations of chemical pollutants. In sludge, N is in organic form but is mineralized to NH4+ and NO3- and therefore becomes plant available. The main aim of the present study was to compare N mineralization between two treatments (sludge amended soil (Sludge) and fertilization with ammonium nitrate (AN)) and a control (C) in a incubation experiment. A second aim was to quantify the effect of the treatments on soil pH. In both Sludge and AN, equal amounts of total N in organic and inorganic form were added. The upper limit for the amount of sludge farmers are allowed to apply on arable land in South Africa is 8 tonnes dry matter ha-1 year -1 and this was also the amount used in this incubation study. In all three treatments, mineral N changed significantly during the incubation. For Sludge and C, mineral N increased with time while it decreased for AN. This decrease in inorganic N was unexpected and might be due to gaseous N losses. The pH did not change significantly with time for Sludge and C but decreased significantly for AN as the soil became more and more acidified due to proton release during nitrification.Rötslam Ă€r den slutprodukt som bildas nĂ€r vatten och avlopp frĂ„n hushĂ„ll och industrier renats vid reningsverken. Slammet innehĂ„ller bĂ„de nyttiga substanser som organiskt material, kvĂ€ve, fosfor, kalium och i en mindre utstrĂ€ckning kalcium, svavel och magnesium men Ă€ven föroreningar som tung metaller, sjukdomsalstrande organismer och oorganiska substanser. Alla dessa egenskaper Ă€r beroende av rötslammets ursprung. Rötslam kan anvĂ€ndas bl.a. inom jordbruket som nĂ€ringskĂ€lla, till uppfyllning av landomrĂ„den eller förbrĂ€nnas. Problem sĂ„som befolkningsökning och ökad industrialisering gör att alternativ till deponering mĂ„ste hittas och tack vare de mĂ„nga fördelarna hos rötslam sĂ„ ökar nu efterfrĂ„gan inom jordbrukat. Det organiska kvĂ€vet i rötslammet mineraliseras med hjĂ€lp av mikroorganismerna i jorden till oorganiskt kvĂ€ve som dĂ„ blir vĂ€xttillgĂ€ngligt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka mineraliseringen av kvĂ€ve i jorden för tvĂ„ olika behandlingar samt en kontroll dĂ€r lika mĂ€ngd total N tillsatts bĂ„da. I en av behandlingarna har rötslam tillsats och i den andra ammoniumnitrat. Även pH jĂ€mförs mellan behandlingarna. I Sydafrika fĂ„r 8 ton torrmassa av rötslam tillföras Ă„kermarken varje Ă„r. Denna mĂ€ngd rötslam har anvĂ€nts Ă€ven i denna studie. Resultaten visar att i rötslamsbehandlingen skedde en positiv nettomineralisering, dvs mĂ€ngden oorganiskt kvĂ€ve ökade med tiden, medan den minskade i ammoniumnitratbehandlingen. Denna minskning kan bero pĂ„ att miljön förĂ€ndrades i jorden sĂ„ att N2, N2O och NO producerades. I den först nĂ€mnda behandlingen sĂ„ ökade pH med tiden Ă€ven om ökningen hĂ€r inte var signifikant. I den tredje behandlingen sĂ„ blev jorden surare med tiden pĂ„ grund av oxidationen av ammonium till nitrat varvid det bildas ett överskott av protoner

    Measures for reduced CO2-emissions from freight transport in the Nordic countries

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    Although there is an international obligation to reduce GHG from the transport sector by 2030, it appears that emissions, especially from heavy transport, continue to increase. In a project financed by NORDEN (Nordic Council of Ministers), measures for CO2-emissions from freight transport in the Nordic region, with emphasis on road transport, will be reviewed. The Nordic countries have quite a variety of freight transport patterns, linked to the different business structure, geographic conditions and infrastructure. Therefore, different use of instruments in this area can have different impacts. Emphasis will therefore be placed on a comparative analysis of means in the Nordic countries for reducing emissions from road transport and transfer of freight from road to rail and sea (modal shift). This analysis will cover the full range of instruments: economic (as fees), technical (as emission standards) and other means to stimulate technological development that reduces CO2-emissions per tonne km, as well as transport and land planning. The project will start in March 2018 and should be finished in August. Therefore, the results are not available yet, but will be presented as a new analysis at the conference

    Content strategy as a tool in youth film social media marketing planning - case Stupid Young Heart

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    Kandidaatin kirjallinen opinnäytetyöni käsittelee sisältöstrategian hyödyntämistä kotimaisen nuortenelokuvan sosiaalisen median markkinoinnissa. Case-esimerkkinä tutkimuksessani toimii Tuffi Films -tuotantoyhtiön tuottama Hölmö nuori sydän -elokuva (2018). Opinnäytteeni tavoitteena on selvittää, miltä osin sisältöstrategia soveltuu käytettäväksi kotimai- sessa elokuvamarkkinoinnissa, erityisesti nuortenelokuvia markkinoidessa. Mitä hyötyä sisältöstra- tegian käytöstä on elokuvamarkkinoinnissa? Entä miltä osin prosessi ei sovi hyödynnettäväksi kotimaisten elokuvien markkinointiin? Työssä käydään läpi sisältöstrategiaprosessin vaiheet ja pohditaan näiden soveltuvuutta kotimaisen elokuva-alan tarpeisiin nuortenelokuvien näkökulmasta. Tutkimukseni lähteenä käytän kirjallisuutta, joka käsittelee elokuvamarkkinointia ja sisältömarkkinointia. Työn esimerkit ovat Hölmö nuori sydän -elokuvan sosiaalisen median markkinointikampanjasta, jonka suunnittelin ja toteutin elokuvan tuotantoyhtiölle palkattuna työntekijänä. Opinnäytteeni ydinlöydös on, että sisältöstrategian hyödyntämisen merkittävin ongelma liittyy datan saatavuuteen. Elokuvamarkkinoinnin näkökulmasta olisi erityisen tärkeää päästä käsiksi elokuvateattereiden lipunmyynnin dataan, jotta tätä voitaisiin käyttää osana sisältöstrategiaprosessia. Tämän puutteen vuoksi sisältöstrategian laajamittainen hyödyntäminen ei ole mahdollista ainakaan elokuvatuotantoyhtiön tuottamassa sosiaalisen median markkinointikampanjassa. Tästä huolimatta sisältöstrategia on kuitenkin edelleen työkalu, josta elokuvamarkkinoijat voivat inspiroitua ja hyödyntää sitä omien resurssiensa puitteissa.My bachelor’s thesis studies the utilization of the content strategy in the social media marketing for domestic youth films. This case study covers the film Hölmö nuori sydĂ€n (2018) produced by Tuffi Films. The aim of my thesis is to find out whether the content strategy is a suitable tool to use in domestic film marketing, focusing youth films. What are the benefits of using a content strategy in film marketing? And to what extent is the process suitable for marketing domestic films? The work covers the stages of the content strategy process and considers the tool’s suitability for the needs of the Finnish film industry from the perspective of young films. The literature includes film marketing and content marketing. The examples for the thesis are collected from the marketing campaign of the film Hölmö nuori sydĂ€n. I was responsible for the film’s social media campaign. The core finding of my thesis is that the most significant problem in utilizing the content strategy is related to data availability. From a film marketing perspective, it would be particularly important to gain access to cinema ticket sales data in order to use this data as a part of the content strategy process. Due to this shortcoming, large-scale utilization of the content strategy is not possible, at least in a social media marketing campaign produced by a film production company. Nevertheless, the content strategy remains a tool for film marketers to inspire and leverage within their own resources

    Nautical mile : Shipping, environment and economy

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    This report provides an overview of the environmental impact of shipping. The environmental issues covered in this report are airborne emissions from the combustion of bunker fuel, oil spills, introduction of alien species through ballast water, discharges of toxic chemicals into the marine environment from anti-fouling systems and waste, shoreline erosion and dismantling of ships. This is followed by a presentation of various policy measures that exist today and seek to limit the environmental impact of shipping, at local, national, EU and international (International Maritime Organization, IMO) level. Furthermore, instruments that are under discussion within the EU and IMO, e.g. a maritime emission trading scheme, are presented. Finally, further research questions with socio-economic relevance are suggested based on the material presented in this report. The questions under consideration are as follows: Guidelines for the calculation and valuation of maritime externalities, analysis of policy instrument impact on the emission dispersion, the design and consequences of an emission trading scheme for carbon dioxide as well as carbon dioxide differentiated fairway dues

    Impact analyses of changed fairway dues and pilot fees : study on behalf of the Swedish Maritime Administration

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    In our impact analysis we have assumed the changes of the fairway dues and pilot fees which the Swedish Maritime Administration is planning. We have divided these into the following steps: - 1. Increased fairway dues (the Swedish fairway dues consist of two parts: one is based on the ships\u92 gross tonnage and the other part on the amount of cargo loaded/unloaded. A ten percent increase is assumed for the part based on the gross tonnage and a 25 percent increase for cargo defined as low valued) and a five percent increase for the pilot fees in 2011. - 2a. Increases according to point 1, and a pilot fee increase by another five per cent in 2012. - 2b. Increases according to point 2a and a pilot fee increase by another five per cent in 2013. - 3. Increases according to point 2b and the planned increases of the rail user charges in Sweden. - 4. Increases according to point 1 and the planned increases of the rail user charges in Sweden. The basis for the analysis consists of a literature review, including previous model based analyses of changed costs for maritime transports and a number of transport examples that have been collected in cooperation with the Inquiry of the competition conditions for shipping under the Swedish flag. Focus is on the short-term consequences for the transport industry and cargo owners

    Health effects of transport emissions : a review of the state of the art of methods and data used for external costs calculations

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    The purpose is to provide a background for a discussion concerning the methods and values used in cost-benefit analysis in Sweden for air pollutions', from traffic, impact on human health and the research needs in this area. We provide an overview of the current state of the art of models used for and input needed for external cost calculations of the health impacts. The calculations are not straightforward and depend on the collaboration between several research disciplines. In the ExternE projects, which have been used as a reference point in this study, there are still uncertainties concerning which pollutants to take into consideration. Regarding the health impacts, we have recapitulated some of the main conclusions in a review by the American Heart Association (2010). They state that e.g. the following issues need further research: the importance of ultrafine particles, what constituent parts make traffic related air pollution more harmful than PM2.5 in general and the importance of coarse particles

    Swedish goods study based on national and international literature : International survey - passenger transport: Within the assignment of the potential for transfer of transportation between modes of transport

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    VTI has been commissioned by SIKA to carry out a goods study as well as an international survey of transfers of passenger transport with the aim of reducing the climate impact. The goods study is based on national and international literature, complemented by a discussion meeting with representatives of the business sector, research sector and public authorities. The international survey is based on literature. Economic instruments, correctly designed, are cost-effective in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Railway investments are not a climate measure but should be carried out if they are socially efficient. There is a great potential for reducing emissions within the respective mode of transport. The largest transfer potential for goods transport is within long-distance lorry transport to combined rail-road transport. Several impediments such as inefficient use of the railway infrastructure and unclear responsibility for combi terminals can limit the measures. Insufficient flexibility and co-operation among transport purchasers and companies can have similar effects. Several measures are often combined for passenger transport to reduce car use and provide incentives to use public transport, cycle or walk. Reductions in travelling time are mainly discussed in the case of high-speed trains. Impediments for the introduction of instruments include political resistance as well as the difficulty of changing travel habits. Measures such as improved accessibility and more efficient cars may also counteract transfer to more climate-friendly modes of transport. The climate policy goal is not transfer but the reduction of the climate impact
