597 research outputs found

    La trata de personas como objeto del Derecho Internacional.

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    El presente trabajo de tesis contiene imágenes, diagramas y tablas.El presente trabajo se creó por la necesidad que existe en la actualidad de erradicar uno de los peores delitos en la historia de la humanidad, “la esclavitud” mejor conocida en la época actual como “trata de personas, la esclavitud moderna”, gran negocio que deja ganancias extraordinarias para el crimen organizado alrededor de todo el mundo. Como se verá impactante son las cifras dadas por diversas organizaciones internacionales las cuales ya han identificado a este delito y sus múltiples variables como un delito transnacional, lo anterior significa que trasciende las fronteras nacionales pudiendo ser perseguibles por el derecho nacional de cada país, cuestión que se dificulta al existir una multiplicidad de nacionalidades, así como la complejidad del delito en cuestión, lo que convierte como solución inmediata la colaboración internacional, con la única finalidad de tener una más efectiva persecución de los victimarios existiendo o no convenios o tratados internacionales

    cuando lloro

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    There are moments where I am suddenly hit with a deep sentimental longing for a time that no longer exists, one that has transformed into a deep nostalgia, one that becomes more and more conflicted as time passes. Often thought of as a yearning for a recent past, or homesickness, nostalgia can be difficult to define. Although the concept and emotion associated with nostalgia may seem familiar, the word is in fact complex. Nostalgia, for the immigrant, is an escape from their marginalization; an opportunity to embrace the complexities. Painting then becomes an embrace, a direct connection between the present and the past, between what is still here and what is gone

    Moscas de la fruta Tephritoidea: tephritidae y lonchaeidae en dos municipios del departamento de Arauca

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    54 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLas verdaderas moscas de la fruta son insectos del orden D?ptera (Tephritidae y Lonchaeidae), muchas de las cuales son consideradas plagas de importancia econ?mica a nivel mundial, que limitan el comercio interno y externo de frutas. Actualmente en Colombia, los levantamientos sistem?ticos realizados en Arauca y en los departamentos de los Llanos Orientales son escasos, por lo cual tampoco se conocen sus especies hospederas, s?lo se tiene informaci?n en esta regi?n mediante los boletines epidemiol?gicos realizados por el ICA. El objetivo de este proyecto es el de contribuir al conocimiento de las moscas de la fruta pertenecientes a las familias Tephritidae y Lonchaeidae, presentes en los Llanos Orientales. Este estudio se realiz? en los municipios de Saravena y Arauca, en el departamento de Arauca y en cada uno de ellos se muestrearon dos sitios, un huerto dom?stico y un parche de bosque. La colecta de moscas adultas se realiz? por medio de trampas Multilure (tipo McPhail) cebadas con prote?na hidrolizada de ma?z y de frutos posibles hospederos. Se obtuvieron 258 ejemplares pertenecientes a ocho especies, cuatro de la familia Tephritidae y cuatro de Lonchaeidae, incluyendo nuevos registros para el departamento (Anastrepha bezzii, Neosilba batesi, Neosilba zadolicha y dos especies de Lonchaea sin identificar). Anastrepha obliqua y Neosilba batesi fueron las especies m?s abundantes del estudio. Mediante la colecta de frutos se asociaron cinco especies de hospederos s?lo a las especies de Lonchaeidae, registrando en ambos municipios ?ndices de infestaci?n bajos e ?ndice poblacional (MTD) con valores por debajo de 1. Palabras clave: hospederos, diversidad, Anastrepha sp., Neosilba sp., Lonchaea sp.The true fruit flies are insects belonging to the Diptera order (Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae), many of which are considered worldwide pests of economic importance because they limit the internal and external trade of fruits. Nowadays in Colombia, the systematic surveys carried out in Arauca and in the departments of the Eastern Plains are scarce; therefore, their host species are not known; in this region, the information is only available through the epidemiological bulletins made by the ICA. The objective of this project is to contribute to the knowledge of fruit flies belonging to the Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae families, that are presented in the Eastern Plains. This study was conducted in the municipalities of Saravena and Arauca, in the Arauca department, and two areas were sampled in each one: domestic orchards and forest patches. The collection of adult flies was carried out with Multilure traps (McPhail type) baited with corn hydrolyzed protein; and the collection of possible wildlife and cultivated species of fruit host. A total of 258 adult flies belonging to eight species were obtained: four from Tephritidae family and four from Lonchaeidae, including new records for the department (Anastrepha bezzii, Neosilba batesi, Neosilba zadolicha and two unidentified species of Lonchaea). Anastrepha obliqua and Neosilba batesi were the most abundant species of the study. Through the collection of fruits, five hosts species were only associated with the species of the Lonchaeidae family, registering in both municipalities low infestation indexes and the population index (FTD) under 1.0. Keywords: hosts, diversity, Anastrepha sp., Neosilba sp., Lonchaea s


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    Positive-stranded (+) RNA viruses are the largest family of viruses that infect plants, causing important economic losses in different crops. Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), a small positive-stranded RNA virus, has emerged as a model virus to study virus-host interactions. TBSV encodes for only five proteins, therefore, to infect the host cell TBSV co-opts selected host components and subverts specific molecular pathways. Firstly, I performed a proteomic screening using Arabidopsis proteins. I found that TBSV viral replication proteins interact with 88 host proteins, including the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 2 (Ubc2), fructose 1,6 biphosphate aldolase (Fba1), and several members of the Hps70 family. Ubc2 and its yeast ortholog Rad6 act as pro-viral factors promoting TBSV replication in plants and yeasts. Ubc2 and Rad6 ubiquitinate TBSV replication proteins to subvert ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) proteins for the viral replication complex (VRC) assembly. Similar to the yeast cytosolic Hsp70 (SSA1 and SSA2) I found that tombusviruses co-opt the constitutively expressed plant Hsp70-2 and the plant-specific stress-inducible Erd2 (early responsive to dehydration 2) to assemble the VRC and activate the TBSV RdRp, named p92pol. More, tombusviruses increase the accumulation levels of Hsp70 and Erd2 proteins in the cell during infection. These discoveries demonstrate that TBSV is able to co-opt more than one member of the Hsp70 family to promote viral replication. In addition, I found that TBSV viral replication proteins interact with Fructose 1,6 biphosphate aldolase (FBA1), a key enzyme in plants involved in glycolysis and glucogenesis. I discovered that FBA1 is a pro-viral factor necessary to locally produce ATP within the viral replication compartments and support tombusvirus replication. I used Legionella pneumophila effectors to disrupt actin dynamics and I found that the expression of the RavK effector, which cleaves the actin filaments, reduces tombusvirus replication in yeast and plants whereas the VipA effector, which polymerizes and stabilizes the actin filaments, enhances tombusvirus replication. Using RavK and VipA effectors as tools to study virus-hosts interactions, I found that actin dynamics is important for the efficient recruitment of glycolytic enzymes into the VRC to productively generate ATP at the replication sites. More, tombusviruses use Rpn11 deubiquitinase pro-viral host factor to recruit the glycolytic and fermentation enzymes to the site of replication via the actin network, thus the virus co-opts entire pathways facilitating viral replication and infection. Finally, I discovered that actin dynamics also affect the recruitment of cell-intrinsic restriction factors (CIRFs), like cyclophilins, co-chaperons, and helicases, to the replication sites. The stabilized actin network enhances the recruitment of pro-viral factors and reduces the recruitment of CIRFs into the VRC. Manipulation of the host actin network by tombusviruses during the early stage of infection is key for the tug-of-war between the virus and the host

    Understanding Eating Behaviors of New Dehli\u27s Youth

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    This qualitative study documents perceived benefits of and barriers to engaging in healthy eating behaviors among adolescents in New Delhi, India. Researchers explored factors that influenced the consumption of breakfast, fruits and vegetables, and soft drinks in this population and adolescents’ ideas about how to intervene to encourage or discourage, respectively, these behaviors. Students (n=151 6th and 8th graders) from five private schools participated in focus group discussions. Findings showed that the majority of youth eat breakfast that may consist of traditional and Western choices. Despite sound knowledge of the benefits of fruits and vegetables consumption, adolescents do not eat the recommended daily servings due to flavor preferences. Soft drink consumption was, reportedly, universal. Several factors influenced these decisions and details are herein provided. The paucity of studies on this subject provides researchers with the opportunity to explore how eating patterns of Indian youth might be shaping the health and disease landscape of India in the upcoming decades. The study adds to the slim body of literature on the subject and could be used to inform future nutrition interventions in India

    Novel application assigned to toluquinol: inhibition of lymphangiogenesis by interfering with VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 signalling pathway

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Lymphangiogenesis is an important biological process associated with the pathogenesis of several diseases, including metastatic dissemination, graft rejection, lymphoedema and other inflammatory disorders. The development of new drugs that block lymphangiogenesis has become a promising therapeutic strategy. In this study, we investigated the ability of toluquinol, a 2-methyl-hydroquinone isolated from the culture broth of the marine fungus Penicillium sp. HL-85-ALS5-R004, to inhibit lymphangiogenesis in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH We used human lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) to analyse the effect of toluquinol in 2D and 3D in vitro cultures and in the ex vivo mouse lymphatic ring assay. For in vivo approaches, the transgenic Fli1:eGFPy1 zebrafish, mouse ear sponges and cornea models were used. Western blotting and apoptosis analyses were carried out to search for drug targets. KEY RESULTS Toluquinol inhibited LEC proliferation,migration, tubulogenesis and sprouting of new lymphatic vessels. Furthermore, toluquinol induced apoptosis of LECs after 14 h of treatment in vitro, blocked the development of the thoracic duct in zebrafish and reduced the VEGF-C-induced lymphatic vessel formation and corneal neovascularization in mice. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that this drug attenuates VEGF-C-induced VEGFR-3 phosphorylation in a dose-dependentmanner and suppresses the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/2. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Based on these findings, we propose toluquinol as a new candidate with pharmacological potential for the treatment of lymphangiogenesis-related pathologies. Notably, its ability to suppress corneal neovascularization paves the way for applications in vascular ocular pathologies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work has been supported by personal funding by FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MGC). Acknowledged are the supporting grants from the Action de Recherche Concertée (ARC) (Université de Liège), the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS (F.R.S.-FNRS), the Foundation Against Cancer (foundation of public interest), the Centre Anticancéreux près l’Université de Liège, the Fonds Léon Fredericq (University of Liège), the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme-Belgian Science Policy (all from Belgium) and the Plan National Cancer (« Service Public Federal » from Belgium). Research in the lab of A.R.Q. and M.A.M. was supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER) and P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER)


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