91 research outputs found

    Sockerbetans uppkomst och tillvÀxt i olika sÄbÀddar

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    The quality of the seedbed is a determining factor for the establishment of the sugar beet. A favorable distribution of the aggregate size and the content of plant available water are contributing factors to a fast emergence. A high rate of emergence results in seedlings with a higher energy content, which increase the early growth. An early leaf development contributes to increase the interception of the solar energy in the sugar beet canopy. A high amount of intercepted energy gives the sugar beet a higher potential in yield. This work is about a pair study of sugar beet producing farms with similar soil type and climate conditions, but with divergent yields in sugar. The examinations concentrated on describing the quality of the seedbed, as for example the aggregate size distribution, the amount of plant available water, the depth of the seedbed and the sowing depth. The establishment and development of the sugar beet were examined after emergence, the groundcover was measured with digital technique. The purpose of this work was to find limiting factors in the emergence and the early growth in the 14 examined sugar beet fields . The management of the fields was studied in the purpose to find differences that could hence to the difference in yield. The number of crossings the farmer chose to do before sowing varied and there were no connection between the intensity in the preparation of the seedbed and the plant establishment. The compact den sit y and specific weight in the seedbed were estimated. The degree of compaction in this layer has a influence on the sugar beet seedlings. The examination showed a connection between a low density in the seedbed bottom and a high plant establishment. The farms with a higher yield produced a more even seedbed bottom and had a higher precision in the seed placing. The groundcover was measured with a digital camera and the pictures were analyzed. The sugar beet leaf development in June and July was estimated for each of the 14 fields. These trials showed a connection between an early leaf growth and a high yield in sugar. There were also a relation between an early date of sowing and a high and early leaf growth. These two observations indicate that there is a correlation between an early sowing and a high sugar yield

    A Program Proposal for the Sveapark in Hedemora : how can Spatiality Be Designed to Engender Restoration?

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    En av parkers viktiga funktioner Ă€r den rekreation och vĂ€lmĂ„ende som de ger dess besökare, och det skulle vara vĂ€rdefullt om dessa effekter kunde förstĂ€rkas ytterligare. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att undersöka hur gestaltningen kan förbĂ€ttra dessa funktioner med ett fokus pĂ„ att gestalta rumsligheter. Uppsatsen har anvĂ€nt forskning frĂ„n tvĂ„ teorier: Den första uppmĂ€rksamhetsĂ„terhĂ€mtningsteorin (U.Å.T.) vilket beskriver fyra egenskaper som gynnar Ă„terhĂ€mtning, 1) att vara nĂ„gon annanstans, 2) vidstrĂ€ckthet 3) fascination och 4) kompatibilitet och den andra preferensmatrisen vilket menar att vi trivs pĂ„ platser som bĂ„de stimulerar oss till utforskning och samtidigt förmedlar en förstĂ„else av vad platsen handlar om. DĂ€refter har en gestaltning av den nuvarande stadsparken i Hedemora gjorts med fokus pĂ„ att skapa olika typer av rumsligheter (med vĂ€xter) för att generera egenskaperna som de tvĂ„ teorierna beskriver. Hur rumsligheterna skulle gestaltas var baserade pĂ„ de tvĂ„ teorierna anpassat efter platsens förutsĂ€ttningar. Gestaltningen visade att rumslighet var ett bra angreppssĂ€tt för att skapa dessa egenskaper, de viktigaste resultaten blev den stora mĂ€ngden smĂ„ rumselement (buskar) i midje och ögonhöjd som anvĂ€ndes. BĂ„de bredvid gĂ„ngvĂ€gar vilket e.g. stimulerar utforskning) och i platser för vila eller social interaktion vilket bidrar till e.g. 1,3 och 4 i U.Å.T. Ett annat resultat var trĂ€d och högre buskar vilka anvĂ€ndes för att definiera parkens grĂ€nser och avskĂ€rma vissa delar av den.One of the parks important functions is how it restores the wellbeing and cognitive functions of its visitor, and it would be valuable if these effects could be amplified. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the design could amplify these functions with a focus on designing spaciousness in different forms and expressions. The essay has used two theories for this: The first Attention Restoration Theory (A.R.T.) which describes four qualities that engender restoration, 1) Being away, 2) Extent, 3) Fascination and 4) Compatibility. The second is the Preference Matrix which proposes that we prefer places which both stimulates our desire for exploration and conveys an understanding for what is going on there. Then a design proposal of an already existing city park, called Sveaparken in Hedemora Sweden, have been done with a focus of designing different types of spatial expressions and configurations (using plants) with the purpose of engendering the qualities from the two theories mentioned above. So the qualities from the two theories above was adapted to be created by spatiality and for the conditions of the park. The design showed that spatiality was a useful focus for creating these qualities. The most important finding was the large use of smaller spatial elements up to mid height or eye level which was used both in proximity to pathways (which stimulates exploration) and in creating and in relation to social and relaxing places (which engenders the qualities 1,3 and 4 in A.R.T.). Another finding was the use of trees and large shrubs for making a spatial frame for the park and at some places warding off the park from the outside

    Field Method for Characterization of Deciduous Wooden Shingles

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    In the Nordic countries, a major part of the built heritage is constructed of wood and on churches it is still common for the roofing to consist of shingles. In the 20th century, there was a paradigm shift when the heritage authorities made new standards where, for example, the variety of species used throughout history was replaced by pine with sapwood. Today, it is evident that the broken traditions have resulted in roofings with shorter life spans (Göllas & Lindblad, 2021). Further, changes in forestry during the last century made old mature pines, appropriate for shingles, a scarcity. Until last year, it was common that wood for shingles was imported from Russia and northern Finland, which is questionable from more than one perspective. In a project by the Craft Laboratory, the aim is to reclaim traditional know-how through craft research. Old built-in shingle roofs are examined, old forestry and building literature is inventoried and tradition bearers are interviewed. Several of these sources put forward oak and aspen as species well suited for long-lasting shingle roofing. The focus of the exhibition is the development of a field method in which we present features to define wood species on the weathered surfaces of shingles using sight and touch characterization. A built-in roof with both aspen and oak shingles in Tönnersjö church in Halland will serve as an example

    Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome : a randomized controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: Few treatments have been able to effectively manage pediatric irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (Internet-CBT) based on exposure for abdominal symptoms is effective for adult IBS. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Internet-CBT based on behavioral exposure for adolescents with IBS. METHODS: Adolescents with IBS fulfilling the Rome III criteria were randomized to either Internet-CBT or a wait-list control. The Internet-CBT was a 10-week intervention where the main component was exposure to IBS symptoms by reduction of avoidance of abdominal symptoms and instead stepwise provocation of symptoms. The primary outcome was total score on Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale for IBS (GSRS-IBS). Secondary outcomes included adolescent- and parent-rated quality of life and parent-rated gastrointestinal symptoms. Difference between groups was assessed from pretreatment to posttreatment and the Internet-CBT group was also evaluated at 6 months after treatment completion. RESULTS: A total of 101 adolescents with IBS (13-17 years of age) were included in this study. Dropout rates were low (6%) and all randomized patients were included in intent-to-treat analyses based on mixed effects models. Analyses showed a significant larger pretreatment to posttreatment change on the primary outcome GSRS-IBS (B=-6.42, P=0.006, effect size Cohen's d=0.45, 95% confidence interval (0.12, 0.77)) and on almost all secondary outcomes for the Internet-CBT group compared with the control group. After 6 months, the results were stable or significantly improved. CONCLUSIONS: Internet-CBT based on exposure exercises for adolescents with IBS can effectively improve gastrointestinal symptoms and quality of life.Jane and Dan Olsson foundation, 4-1559/2013Kempe-Carlgrenska foundationRuth and Richard Julin foundation, 2012Juli0048Ishizu Matsumurais DonationMajblomman foundationBengt Ihre research fellowshipBengt Ihre foundation, SLS-331861The Samariten foundationThe Swedish society of medicine, SLS-331681, SLS-410501VĂ€rkstadststiftelsenGadelius foundationSwedish Research Council, 521-2013-2846Regional agreement on medical training and clinical research between Stockholm County Council and Karolinska Institutet, 20130129Accepte

    "Utan Ă„ngesten kan man ju inte skapa" -

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    Syfte: Att undersöka hur musikpedagoger/instrumentalpedagoger pÄ gymnasiet hanterar elever med prestationsÄngest. HuvudfrÄgor: Vad anser musikpedagoger att en trygg och bra lÀrandemiljö innebÀr? Hur arbetar instrumentallÀrare med prestationsÄngestprevention? Metod och material:Som metod för vÄr uppsats har vi anvÀnt oss utav kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi har intervjuat 6 instrumentalpedagoger som undervisar pÄ det estetiska programmet med inriktning musik. VÄrt huvudsakliga teoretiska fundament Àr dels pedagogisk psykologi och dels forskning i prestationsÄngest. Betydelse för lÀraryrket:Undersökningen handlar om prestationsÄngest i gymnasiemiljö. Vi anser att den kunskap denna studie ger Àr till gagn för alla pedagoger och kan bidra till ett mer professionellt förhÄllningssÀtt nÀr det gÀller att arbeta med prestationsÄngest bland utsatta elever inom ramarna för verksamheten. Resultat:Genom denna studie har vi kunnat kartlÀgga en del av de problem, bÄde av psykologisk och social karaktÀr som inbegriper det problemomrÄde som prestationsÄngest innefattar. Det handlar dels om lÀrarens roll men ocksÄ elevernas beteenden gentemot varandra. Vi har förstÄtt att pedagogerna har olika strategier för att möta elevernas prestationsÄngest men att de i liten eller ingen utstrÀckning tar hjÀlp av kolleger eller skolledning - detta trots att alla lÀrare ser ett behov av att arbeta mer med probleme

    Ett tillgÀngligt system för personaliserat nehetsinnehÄll

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    The World Wide Web as a channel of information is growing increasingly important. While sighted persons usually have no problems in obtaining their flow of daily news events, web pages that were not created with accessibility in mind make it is more of a challenge to visually impaired persons. Also, mobile use is lacking. For many of these persons, the content presentation could easily be improved to serve both them and persons with normal sight. For others, the printed media format is not suitable at all. With help of technologies such as speech synthesis and portable audio players (or even properly equipped mobile phones), these users could be served with audio content in accordance with their preferences. Viewable users also find it relatively easy to scan though news articles, looking for relevant news by looking at the headlines. As the news flow grows further, automatic personalization can help out with the basic scan. Since scanning through news is even harder without sight, visually impaired users could benefit greatly from a news service that is personalized for their needs. This Master's Thesis explores the issues related to creating such a system, and especially focuses on building accessible web interfaces. Some effort is put into making the system suitable for multi-language deployment, and we also discuss the server side technology needed to realize the personalized, accessible web interfaces. An accessible system for providing visually impaired users with news content (of many formats) is developed. The created system is evaluated according to accessibility standard compliance, and since accessibility issues were taken into consideration in the planning, it passes most of them, obtaining WCAG 1.0 Conformance Level Double-A

    An accessible system for personalized news content:Master's thesis

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    An accessible system for personalized news content:Master's thesis

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    Abuse of Rights eller The Right to Abuse - En undersökning om treaty shopping inom internationell investeringsrÀtt

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    International investment law is regulated by a system of bilateral investment agreements. These protect international investments through a number of substantive rights. One of the principle rights conferred is through the dispute settlement clause, which generally dictates that disputes shall be settled through arbitration. Thus, investors have the possibility of suing states through an arbitration tribunal. States can opt out of this system, by not signing any BITs. They can alternatively sign BITs with only a few states they wish to have active cooperation with. However, through treaty shopping, just one BIT can open the doors to a flock of investors they were not counting on, to sue them through arbitration. Treaty shopping is the investors act of gaining access to a BIT previously not included in. This is done through strategic planned corporate structures and restructuring, establishing shell company’s in states selected for their BITs, and funnelling their investments through these. Once a dispute in relation to a BIT has risen in cases of treaty shopping, arbitration tribunals have had to judge whether they have jurisdiction over the dispute. This has been done with regards to four separate grounds, which are ratione personae, ratione materiae, ratione temporis and abuse of rights. Through an analysis of precedents, this essay intends to examine how these grounds have been applied in cases of treaty shopping. The essay concludes that the act of treaty shopping is not prohibited per se. Nor has the interpretation of these grounds entailed any real obstacle to conducting treaty shopping. The closest existing ban of treaty shopping, is the principle of abuse of rights. It can be applied when a restructuring is undertaken in order to gain access to a BIT, when a specific future dispute was foreseeable. This principle does however not entail a rather large obstacle, and the act of treaty shopping is still very much allowed.Den internationella investeringsrĂ€tten regleras i stort genom ett system av bilaterala investeringsavtal upprĂ€ttat tvĂ„ stater emellan. Dessa skyddar internationella investeringar genom en rad olika substantiella rĂ€ttigheter. Det utmĂ€rkande skyddet de erbjuder Ă€r dock rĂ€tten till skiljeförfarande. Genom skiljeklausuler i investeringsavtal har investerare möjlighet att stĂ€mma stater genom skiljeförfarande. Stater kan vĂ€lja att stĂ„ utanför detta systemet, eller att endast erbjuda sagda skydd genom investeringsavtal med ett visst antal stater. Genom förfarande av treaty shopping, kan dock ett enda investeringsavtal öppna dörrarna för en stor skara investerare som kan stĂ€mma staten genom skiljeförfarande. Treaty shopping innebĂ€r investerares förfaranden att komma i Ă„tnjutande av investeringsavtal den inte var avsedd att omfattas av. Förfarandet sker genom strategiskt planerade företagsstrukturer och omstruktureringar av dessa, placering av skalföretag i utvalda stater och investeringar gjorda genom dessa. DĂ„ tvister grundade i investeringsavtal har uppkommit i fall av treaty shopping, har skiljedomstolar haft att ta stĂ€llning till om de verkligen haft jurisdiktion över tvisten. De fyra grunder bedömningen har avgjorts pĂ„, Ă€r ratione personae, ratione materiae, ratione temporis och abuse of rights. Genom en rĂ€ttsfallsanalys Ă€mnar denna uppsatts att undersöka hur dessa grunder har tillĂ€mpats i fall av treaty shopping. I dagens lĂ€ge finns inget förbud mot treaty shopping. TillĂ€mpningen av ovanstĂ„ende grunder för jurisdiktion har inte heller stĂ€llt upp sĂ€rskilt stora hinder mot förfaranet. Det nĂ€rmsta som kommit ett förbud mot treaty shopping hittills Ă€r abuse of rights. Principen kan tillĂ€mpas dĂ„ en omstrukturering av företagskedjan skedde för att Ă„tkomma ett investeringsavtal inför en specifik tvist som gick att förutse. Även denna princip stĂ€ller dock inte upp ett sĂ€rskilt stort hinder, och förfarandet Ă€r fortfarande i stor utstrĂ€ckning tillĂ„tet
