326 research outputs found

    Predictive carboplatin treatment response models for epithelial ovarian cancer : comparison of 2D, 3D and in-vivo models

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    L’adĂ©nocarcinome Ă©pithĂ©lial de l’ovaire (CEO) est le cancer gynĂ©cologique le plus mortel. La recherche de nouvelles thĂ©rapies repose principalement sur des modĂšles prĂ©cliniques 2D et in vivo avec des lignĂ©es cellulaires (LC) pour gĂ©nĂ©rer les Ă©vidences nĂ©cessaires Ă  l’initiation d’essais cliniques. Ce processus requiert des fonds substantiels en recherche/santĂ© qui est associĂ© Ă  un taux d’attrition Ă©levĂ© laissant supposer des lacunes dans le modĂšle actuel. Nos publications antĂ©rieures suggĂšrent que la sensibilitĂ© in vitro de nos LC du CEO Ă  la chimiothĂ©rapie carboplatin varie en 2D ou 3D. Il reste Ă  Ă©lucider lequel de ces modĂšles est le plus reprĂ©sentatif de la rĂ©ponse in vivo. De ce fait, nous avons Ă©mis l’hypothĂšse que le modĂšle 3D reflĂ©terait plus Ă©troitement la sensibilitĂ© in vivo. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de caractĂ©riser la rĂ©ponse au carboplatin de nos LC du CEO en monocouches et en sphĂ©roĂŻdes (3D), puis de les comparer Ă  leur rĂ©ponse in vivo (xĂ©nogreffes). Un total de 6 LC du CEO a Ă©tĂ© injectĂ© dans des souris qui ont reçues trois diffĂ©rentes concentrations de carboplatin. Leurs rĂ©ponses ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es/classĂ©es selon leurs mesures de volume tumoral et l’immunofluorescence. Ces mĂȘmes LC ont Ă©tĂ© ensemencĂ©es dans des plaques Ă  trĂšs faible adhĂ©rence pour former des sphĂ©roĂŻdes et les traiter. Des analyses de cytomĂ©trie en flux ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es afin de classer les LC selon leur concentration inhibitrice mĂ©diane (CI50). Nous avons comparĂ© le tout aux rĂ©sultats 2D (CI50) prĂ©cĂ©demment publiĂ©s. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que le systĂšme 3D dĂ©montre la meilleure concordance avec le modĂšle in vivo. Notamment, notre LC ultra-rĂ©sistance en 2D devient plus sensible en modĂšle murin ou encore en 3D. Inversement, une LC ultra-sensible en 2D est plus rĂ©sistante en xĂ©nogreffe et en sphĂ©roĂŻde. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©coulant de notre Ă©tude sont importants Ă  considĂ©rer lors d’investissement de temps et de fonds dans les Ă©tudes de criblage et de prĂ©diction de rĂ©ponses thĂ©rapeutiques.Epithelial ovarian adenocarcinoma (EOC) is the most lethal gynecological cancer. The drug discovery pipeline is heavily based on preclinical models. Typically, 2D cell line (CL)-based models are used to screen compounds followed by validation in animal models to generate the evidence needed to design clinical trials. This process incurs a high cost to the research pipeline and still results in high drug attrition rates. This may in part reflect the poor translation of preclinical to clinical results and points to deficiencies in modeling. Previous work from our laboratory shows that the sensitivity of our EOC CLs to carboplatin therapy varies between 2D and 3D in vitro models, however it is unclear how these differences align with the in vivo response. We hypothesize that 3D models will more closely reflect therapeutic in vivo response. The objective of this study was to characterize the carboplatin sensitivity of EOC CLs in 2D and 3D-spheroids and compare them to in vivo response using mouse xenografts. We injected mice with 6 different EOC CLs that were treated with 3 different carboplatin concentrations. Tumor volume measurements and immunofluorescence viability stains were used to categorize CLs by their sensitivity. The same CLs were seeded in low attachment plates to form, and thereafter treat, spheroids. Flow cytometry analysis was used to classify CLs by their 50% inhibitory response (IC50). The 2D response (IC50) for these CLs has previously been published. Our results show that therapeutic response changes significantly for a single CL between different systems, and the 3D model was most concordant with the in vivo model. Our ultra-resistant CL in 2D became more sensitive in 3D/mouse models. In contrast, the highly 2D sensitive CL became more resistant in our xenograft/spheroid models. The results are important to consider when investing time/funds in drug screening and therapeutic response prediction studies

    “Freedom of speech requires actions” : Exploring the discourse of politicians convicted of hate‐speech against Muslims

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    This study explores how politicians convicted of hate‐speech against Muslims account for their actions in statements on their Facebook‐pages as well as in reported interviews. Taking a critical discursive psychological perspective, the study examines the strategies through which the politicians discursively claim and resist various subject positions, thus managing to construct their hate‐speech as everything from trivial mishaps to acts of virtue. The study examines the multifaceted dynamics of these constructions, and shows how elements from the Five Step Social Identity Model of the Development of Collective Hate are flexibly deployed in the discourse to serve distinct social and political purposes. By allowing the Social Identity and (critical) discursive approaches to challenge and develop each other, the study advances social psychological research on political communication and persuasion, and contributes to the debate on the boundaries between hate‐speech and freedom of speech.Peer reviewe

    Progress on the implementation of Energy Performance Certificates in EU

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    Energy performance certificates (EPCs) are a key policy tool to inform about and to foster improvements to the energy performance of the building stock. Since their introduction in 2002 by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), EPCs have been implemented across Member States (MSs) in different ways, depending on the political and legal context, the available technical capacities, as well as the characteristics of the buildings stock and buildings market in general. In 2021, in the context of ?Fit for 55? legislative package, the European Commission proposed the third revision of the EPBD. The proposal improves the provisions on EPCs, their issuing and display, and their databases. In particular, it pursues harmonisation across MSs through a mandatory template for EPCs and a harmonised scale of energy performance classes. This report presents the results of a survey conducted by JRC among MSs to collect information on how each MS has implemented the EPC scheme. It highlights differences among MSs regarding the energy uses included in the calculation, the floor area considered, the definition of energy classes, the main indicator(s), the number of EPCs issued, the availability of a national register, the mechanisms in place to ensure the quality of EPCs

    Reproduction and stress response endocrinology in blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and gray (Eschrichtius robustus) whales

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2020Identification of biomarkers that reflect physiological status is fundamental for assessing population health, as well as providing more accurate estimates of life history parameters. Blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and gray (Eschrichtius robustus) whale populations feed on lower trophic levels and migrate between the eastern Tropical and the eastern North Pacific Ocean. With increasing disturbances (e.g., changing environment and human activities), understanding the stress response, resultant coping mechanisms, and the subsequent effects on reproduction, is of growing importance. While extensive knowledge is available on photo-identification and ecology of these two species, information on physiology is limited and what exists is outdated. This dissertation validated and measured a suite of steroid hormones in blubber tissue using an enzyme immunoassay technique to develop physiological biomarkers for reproduction and metabolism in these two species. Coupled with sighting history data, progesterone and testosterone were validated as biomarkers for reproductive physiology. In both species, progesterone concentrations were higher in pregnant females and mixture models were developed to estimate reproductive status for whales of unknown status. Testosterone showed greater variability in adult males and concentrations were higher in samples collected during fall, suggesting physiological preparation for mating. Additionally, progesterone concentrations in gray whales were higher in calves of both sexes, indicating maternal transfer through lactation, while in blue whales, testosterone was detectable only in males and in pregnant whales, suggesting its biosynthesis or metabolism is altered during gestation. Biomarkers for stress response were developed through analytical and biological validation of three corticosteroid hormones: cortisol, corticosterone and aldosterone. First, analytical validations (i.e., parallelism and accuracy tests) were used to determine detectability and measurement accuracy of these hormones using commercially available kits. Hormone concentrations were tested for any relationships with life history parameters (e.g., age and reproductive state) as well as with area and time of sampling within presumably "healthy" (biopsies) whales and "stressed" (stranded) whales. "Stressed" whales, especially those that perished due to trauma and/or nutritional stress, had higher concentrations of all three corticosteroid hormones than "healthy" whales, suggesting ongoing alteration of metabolic status due to a stress response. In female "healthy" whales, reproductive status appeared to be a major factor influencing corticosterone concentrations in blue whales and for cortisol in gray whales. Overall, cortisol was determined to be a valid marker for body conditions in both species. These results set a milestone for assisting to better understand the impact of a changing environment on the physiology of these species and can be used to develop more accurate reproductive and survival rates to use in population dynamics models for management of subsistence resources and for conservation of endangered species.Fulbright Scholarship, Alaska IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Graduate Research Award, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), Calvin-Lensink Fellowship, and the UAF Graduate School Dissertation completion award, INBRE, Biomaedical Learning and students training (BLaST), Society of Marine Mammalogy, Bill Samara Research Award, the Goering Family Scholarship, Cascadia Research CollectiveGeneral introduction -- Chapter 1: Blubber endocrine profiles provide insights on reproductive biology in blue whales from the eastern North Pacific Ocean -- Chapter 2: The use of endocrine biomarkers to update information on gray whale reproductive physiology -- Chapter 3: Corticosteroid hormones as biomarkers for stress response in blubber of blue and gray whales -- General conclusion -- References: General introduction and conclusion

    Can households decrease their carbon dioxide emissions by consuming vegetables that are in season?

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    Climate change has become an increasingly topical subject. Recently debate on how our food affects the environment has flared. It has been shown that how the food we eat is grown and transported could be one the bigger contributors to the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The aim of this study is to see how consumer's choices of vegetables affect release of carbon dioxide. The results show that emissions of carbon dioxide can be lowered by consuming vegetables that have been grown on open land. Vegetables that have to be grown in heated greenhouses in Sweden should perhaps be exchanged for such that have been grown in unheated greenhouses in southern Europe, even though the transport distance is significant.KlimatförÀndringarna har blivit ett alltmer aktuellt Àmne. Under senare tid har debatterna kring hur vÄr mat pÄverkar miljön blossat upp. Det har visat sig att odling och transport av maten vi Àter kan vara en av de större kÀllorna till koldioxidutslÀppen. Syftet med detta arbete Àr att studera hur konsumenternas val av fÀrska grönsaker pÄverkar koldioxidutslÀppen. Resultaten visar att om man konsumerar grönsaker som kan odlas pÄ friland i Sverige minskar man utslÀpp av koldioxid. Grönsaker som mÄste odlas i uppvÀrmda vÀxthus i Sverige bör kanske bytas ut mot sÄdana som odlats i ouppvÀrmda vÀxthus i södra Europa, trots den lÄnga transporten

    La presunta “neutralità” del diritto transnazionale dello sport

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    Sport has reached an economic and social dimension that has led top sports institutions, led by the IOC, to equip themselves with tools to preserve its autonomy. The Olympic Charter aims to achieve this goal through the principle of "political neutrality", according to which sports leaders often avoid taking a position on thorny "political" issues, which come to concern the protection of the athletes' fundamental rights, although the same rights appear at least underlying the Charter itself. This work, through a comparative survey that also reflects on the transnational sports law, aims to shed light on the possible contradiction of sports institutions, who struggle to combine the role of sport as a promoter of fundamental rights and social inclusion with the purely sporting (and economic) dimension of the same, which they try to keep away from political conditioning
