137 research outputs found

    Estereotipos de género en universitarios españoles sobre el riesgo psicosocial en la infancia

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    Recent studies have shown that gender stereotypes are not sensitive to social changes. There is a gap in how gender is treated in college. This study is part of an innovation project to improve teaching quality in university. We aim to analyze the presence of gender stereotypes related to at-risk childhood in a sample of 113 university students. Most students considered that some circumstances, like substance consumption, are more likely in boys. On the contrary, they think that looking after siblings or anxiety are more common in girls. Results show the need to incorporate the gender perspective into universities. The special needs of the at-risk girls require further research and specialized training.Estudios recientes han mostrado que los estereotipos de género no son sensibles a los cambios sociales. Hay un vacío sobre cómo el género es tratado en la educación universitaria. Este estudio se enmarca en un proyecto de innovación para la mejora de la calidad docente en la universidad. Pretendemos analizar la presencia de estereotipos de género relacionados con menores en riesgo en una muestra de 113 universitarios. La mayoría de los estudiantes considera que algunas circunstancias, como el uso de sustancias, son más probables en chicos. Por el contrario, piensan que el tener que cuidar de los hermanos o la ansiedad son más comunes en chicas. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de incorporar la perspectiva de género en las universidades. Las necesidades de las chicas en riesgo requieren más investigación y formación especializada

    Social and educative inclusion, perspectives and challenges: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana from Ecuador and Universidad de Sevilla - Spain

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    The social and educative inclusion have been turned into a challenge for University Institutions last years, boosting programs and initiatives oriented to promote a model of University, where the attention to diversity and more inclusive teaching and learning processes cover special importance. The gradual presence of these students in the institutions has led significant changes about rules to legislate, infrastructure which helps to break the existent architectural barriers, curricular aspects, foster a major awareness and training among teachers. Nevertheless, despite the advance which has been produced in the last decades, the challenges that Europe and Latin America should handle to talk about inclusive university are numerous. A reflection and a description about perspectives and challenges of social and educative inclusion in the field of higher education, is made in this paper, according to legislative framework and different actions that two institutions have been making to foster educative inclusion and equality of opportunities: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana from Ecuador and Universidad de Sevilla from Spain.La inclusión social y educativa se ha convertido en los últimos años en un reto para instituciones universitarias impulsando programas e iniciativas orientados a promover un modelo de Universidad donde cobre especial importancia la atención a la diversidad, y procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje más inclusivos. La presencia paulatina de este alumnado en los centros ha propiciado significativos cambios en lo que se refiere a normativa que lo legisle, a infraestructura que ayude a romper con las barreras arquitectónicas existentes, a aspectos curriculares, e incluso a fomentar una mayor sensibilización y formación entre los docentes. No obstante, a pesar de los avances que se han producido en la última década, aún son muchos los desafíos que tanto Europa como Latinoamérica deben enfrentar para hablar de espacios universitarios inclusivos. En el presente artículo se analiza la inclusión como necesidad de la sociedad en general, a partir de lo cual se realiza una descripción y una reflexión en torno a las perspectivas y desafíos de la inclusión socioeducativa en el ámbito de la Educación Superior, según el marco legislativo y las diferentes acciones que se vienen realizando para fomentar la inclusión y la igualdad de oportunidades en dos instituciones: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Ecuador y Universidad de Sevilla de España

    Environmental change rate and dispersion pattern modulate the dynamics of evolutionary rescue of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa

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    The rate of biodiversity loss is so high that some scientists affirm that we are being witnesses of the sixth mass extinction. In this situation, it is necessary to ask the following question: can the organisms be able to resist the environmental changes that are taking place? Recent studies have shown the possibility of a population recovering from a stress situation through evolutionary rescue (ER) events. These events depend on the size of the population, its previous history and the rate of the environmental change. The aim of this work is to add more knowledge about the ER dynamics creating stress situations with selective agents (sulphur and salinity) and using the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa as a model organism. The experiments are based on exposing populations to severe stress and analyze the effect of previous dispersal events and deterioration rates on the occurrence of ER events among populations. The model consists in three different rates of environmental change (constant, slow and fast; under salinity stress we only used the first two treatments) and three dispersal models (isolated, local or global). In total, 324 and 720 populations were exposed to stressful conditions caused by sulphur and salinity, respectively. The results showed that the dispersal modes and the environmental deterioration rates modulated the occurrence of ER events. It has been observed that dispersal favours ER events for both selective agents. Regarding the rate of environmental change, we observed an increase of ER events under constant changes in the populations exposed to sulphur stress. However, ER events were higher when there was previous deterioration (i.e., slow environmental change rate) under saline stress. As a conclusion, ER events in M. aeruginosa depend on selective agent, being the probability higher for salinity than for sulphur. Thus, it could be hypothesized that general conclusions in ER studies must take into account the selective agent.This work has been financially supported by the projects CGL2014- 53682-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and CGL2017-87314-P (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad), and the Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estudio del estado del arte de las tecnologías de desarrollo para aplicaciones web

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    El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es la realización de una revisión del estado del arte de diversas tecnologías utilizadas en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, así como la generación de contenidos y la implementación de una batería de ejemplos prácticos para utilizar como apoyo a la docencia en asignaturas que abordan estas tecnologías. En particular, se realiza un estudio del posicionamiento web o SEO, analizando las diferentes técnicas de desarrollo web que se utilizan en la actualidad. También se revisa y analiza el proceso de diseño de bases de datos relacionales, complementando la teoría con varios ejemplos. Por último, se estudia en profundidad el lenguaje SQL, basándose en el SGBD MySQL. Como complemento, se diseña una base de datos específica, que se utiliza como caso de estudio para realizar ejemplos prácticos con carácter didáctico.Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Específicas de Telecomunicació

    Characterization of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. isolated from extreme sulphureous water from Los Baños de la Hedionda (S Spain)

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    Los Baños de la Hedionda (Málaga, S Spain) is a natural sulphureous spa (150-200 µM sulphide). Although this high sulphide levels can affect the photosynthetic process, there are numerous photosynthetic microorganisms inhabiting the spa. Among them, we isolated a strain of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp., a genus well known by its tolerance to sulphide. Objectives Firstly, to analyze the photosynthetic characteristics and growth rate of the isolated strain, as well as the effect of the presence of sulphide in both processes. Secondly, to determine the limit of genetic adaptation of this strain to sulphide. Methods The resistance of the isolated strain to sulphide was studied by analyzing the effect of increasing sulphide levels (up to 1600 µM) on photosynthetic performance and growth. The limit of genetic adaptation was explored using an evolutionary experimental design named as ratchet protocol. This design allows discerning the maximum capacity of genetic adaptation of Oscillatoria sp. to the exposure of increasing doses of sulphide Conclusions The strain showed maximum growth rates at 200 µM sulphide although reduced rates can be found up to 800 µM sulphide. A significant increase in resistance was achieved in all derived populations during the ratchet experiment (surviving at sulphide concentrations higher than 2 mM). Moreover, they showed different evolutionary potential to adapt to sulphide, depending on historical contingency.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through CGL2014-53682-P project. Predoctoral State Grant from Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation Plan, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness I+D+i ECC/1402/2013, 201

    Disentangling mechanisms involved in the adaptation of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa to the extreme sulphureous water from Los Baños de la Hedionda (S Spain)

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    Backgrounds Los Baños de la Hedionda (Málaga, S Spain) is a natural sulphureous spa where sulphide can reach a concentration of 150-200 µM. Although this ion has biocide properties, including inhibition of the photosynthetic process, a rich flora can be found in this extreme environment. Objectives To study the adaptation mechanisms allowing resistance of photosynthetic microorganisms to these sulphureous waters Methods For this purpose, a modified Luria–Delbrück fluctuation analysis was carried out. The adaptation to La Hedionda waters of three different strains of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing (isolated from a non-sulphureous freshwater reservoir) was analyzed in order to find out if it was achieved by a physiological adaptation process (acclimation) or by the selection of rare spontaneous mutations (genetic adaptation). Conclusions Several resistant strains were obtained after 6 weeks of cultivation with La Hedionda waters. The fluctuation analysis showed that genetic adaptation was the phenomenon that allowed resistant M. aeruginosa cells from the three strains to survive, with similar mutation rates in the order of magnitude of 1 mutant resistant cell per 106-107 cell division-1. It could be hypothesized that this cyanobacterium could adapt to sulphureous environment by the selection of favoured mutants.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through CGL2014-53682-P project. Predoctoral State Grant from Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation Plan, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness I+D+i ECC/1402/2013, 201

    Inclusión socioeducativa, perspectivas y desafíos: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador y Universidad de Sevilla-España

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    La inclusión social y educativa se ha convertido en los últimos años en un reto para instituciones universitarias impulsando programas e iniciativas orientados a promover un modelo de Universidad donde cobre especial importancia la atención a la diversidad, y procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje más inclusivos. La presencia paulatina de este alumnado en los centros ha propiciado significativos cambios en lo que se refiere a normativa que lo legisle, a infraestructura que ayude a romper con las barreras arquitectónicas existentes, a aspectos curriculares, e incluso a fomentar una mayor sensibilización y formación entre los docentes.No obstante, a pesar de los avances que se han producido en la última década, aún son muchos los desafíos que tanto Europa como Latinoamérica deben enfrentar para hablar de espacios universitarios inclusivos. En el presente artículo se analiza la inclusión como necesidad de la sociedad en general, a partir de lo cual se realiza una descripción y una reflexión en torno a las perspectivas y desafíos de la inclusión socioeducativa en el ámbito de la Educación Superior, según el marco legislativo y las diferentes acciones que se vienen realizando para fomentar la inclusión y la igualdad de oportunidades en dos instituciones: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Ecuador y Universidad de Sevilla de España. // The social and educative inclusion have been turned into a challenge for University Institutions last years, boosting programs and initiatives oriented to promote a model of University, where the attention to diversity and more inclusive teaching and learning processes cover special importance. The gradual presence of these students in the institutions has led significant changes about rules to legislate, infrastructure which helps to break the existent architectural barriers, curricular aspects, foster a major awareness and training among teachers. Nevertheless, despite the advance which has been produced in the last decades, the challenges that Europe and Latin America should handle to talk about inclusive university are numerous. A reflection and a description about perspectives and challenges of social and educative inclusion in the field of higher education, is made in this paper, according to legislative framework and different actions that two institutions have been making to foster educative inclusion and equality of opportunities: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana from Ecuador and Universidad de Sevilla from Spain

    The limit of sulphide adaptation in the sulphide-sensitive cyanobacterium "Microcystis aeruginosa"

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    Libro de resúmenes de ponencias y comunicaciones. XXVII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología 2019, p 276 , ISBN 978-84-09-02644-9Although sulphide has played an important role in the evolution of photosynthesis, it produces a lethal effect on most photosynthetic organisms due to its redox activity on certain enzymes, inhibiting oxygenic photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport. However, cyanobacteria vary in sulphide tolerance, showing different degrees of sulphide resistant oxygenic photosynthesis and even some taxa have the capacity to perform anoxygenic sulphide-dependent photosynthesis. Microcystis aeruginosa is a sulphide-sensitive species. However, it is known that genetic adaptation of aquatic photosynthetic microorganisms to selective agents can be rapidly achieved, even at lethal levels, as the consequence of single mutations. The aim of this work was to determine the maximum sulphide concentration to which this sulphide-sensitive species is able to adapt in order to shed light on the process of sulphide adaptation in cyanobacteria. We used three M. aeruginosa strains, Ma1Vc, Ma5Vc and MaAVc, isolated from a non-sulphureous environment, and whose lethal doses were 0.10, 0.16 and 0.20 mM sulphide, respectively. To study the adaptation of these strains to sulphide a modified ratchet experiment was carried out [...]. The M. aeruginosa strains reached different limits of sulphide adaptation. Ma5Vc and Ma1Vc strains adapted up to 0.40 mM sulphide, i.e. 2,5-fold and 4-fold their initial lethal doses, respectively. However, the MaAVc strain, which showed an initial higher sulphide tolerance, adapted up to only 0.27 mM. Sulphide-lethal dose and photosynthetic performance of the resistant strains obtained in the ratchet experiment were characterized. The lethal dose of the M. aeruginosa Ma1Vc and Ma5Vc mutant strains was 0.40 and 0.72 mM sulphide, respectively. These resistant strains showed lower growth and photosynthetic rates than wild-type ones in the absence of sulphide, which indicates the physiological cost of the mutation conferring sulphide resistance.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The limit of the genetic adaptation to herbicides in freshwater phytoplankton and the adaptation photosynthetic cost

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    Background: One of the most important anthropogenic impacts on freshwater aquatic ecosystems is the continuous increase of herbicide concentrations, which impacts on the structure of phytoplankton communities. Objectives: The maximum adaptation of two green microalgae (Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) and a cyanobacterium (Microcystis aeruginosa) to two widely used herbicides: glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) and diuron (C9H10Cl2N2O, 3-(3,4-diclorofenil)- 1,1-dimetilurea) was explored. Additionally, the cost of the herbicide resistance on photosynthesis and growth rate was evaluated. Methods: We used an eco-evolutionary approach (ratchet protocol) to explore the maximum genetic adaptation. We characterised the photosynthetic performance by oxygen production and PSII chlorophyll a fluorescence. Results: A dose of 1 μM diuron or 40 ppm glyphosate completely inhibited the growth of M. aeruginosa and D. chlorelloides, whereas C. reinhardtii growth was completely abolished at 2 μM diuron or 90 ppm glyphosate. However, an increase in resistance to both herbicides was achieved in certain populations during the ratchet experiment. Microcystis aeruginosa and D. chlorelloides were able to adapt up to 8 μM diuron and 80 ppm glyphosate, whereas C. reinhardtii adapted up to twice these herbicide concentrations. The photosynthetic performance was generally lower in the resistant than in the wild-type strains in the three species. These results suggest that increasing concentrations of these herbicides in freshwater bodies could induce the selection of herbicideresistant mutants in phytoplankton communities but showing lower primary production than original populations.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Kurzzeitwirkung eines kleinräumigen Buschfeuers auf Psammodromus algirus (linnaeus, 1758): eine vorher-nachher-Vergleichsuntersuchung (squamata: sauria: lacertidae)

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    In Mediterranean environments, wildfires are key in modelling landscapes, ecological succession and the dynamics of species and communities. however, in recent years, wildfires have increased in number and extent, resulting in a conservation concern. still, it is generally thought that reptiles are usually not harmed by wildfires, or even may be benefited. here, the authors used a Before-after-control-impact design to examine the effect of a small wildfire (16 ha) on the abundance of a lizard, Psammodromus algirus (linnaeUs, 1758). The findings suggest that the local population crashed as a result of the wildfire, although juvenile lizards quickly recolonized the burnt area from adjacent sites. almost a year after the fire, an adult P. algirus was detected in the burnt area. Therefore, the present study highlights that even a very small wildfire may negatively impact a Mediterranean lizard.This work was partially funded by the spanish Ministerio de ciencia e innovación, project cgl2009-13185