18 research outputs found

    A review of Tai Chi Chuan and parameters related to balance

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    Introduction: Previous systematic reviews of the literature on the effects of Tai Chi Chuan(TCC)on balance have focussed either on determining the quality of the research design or have provided just a general description of the studies.To the best of our knowledge none have approached this topic by conducting an analysis from the point of view of the factors which affect balance.It is important to present this perspective as it will help to guide future research in this field. Methodology: Seven electronic data bases were searched for publications dated between 1996 and 2012.The inclusion criteria were;randomized controlled trials(RCT)written in English. Results: From a total of 397 articles identified, 27 randomized controlled trials were eligible for the analysis. Conclusions: Studies reviewed appear to confirm that TCC improves static and dynamic balance and in the functional factors which affect balance in persons of over 55 years of age.Only one study was identified on people affected with problems with the vestibular system. No studies on the influence of TCC on improvement in balance in individuals suffering from deteriorated brain function were identified

    Higher levels of physical fitness are associated with a reduced risk of suffering sarcopenic obesity and better perceived health among elderly. The EXERNET multi-center study

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    Objective: To evaluate the associations between physical fitness levels, health related quality of life (HRQoL) and sarcopenic obesity (SO) and to analyze the usefulness of several physical fitness tests as a screening tool for detecting elderly people with an increased risk of suffering SO. Design: Cross-sectional analysis of a population-based sample. Setting: Non-institutionalized Spanish elderly participating in the EXERNET multi-centre study. Participants: 2747 elderly subjects aged 65 and older. Measurements: Body weight, height and body mass index were evaluated in each subject. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance. Four SO groups were created based on percentage of body fat and relative muscle mass; 1) normal group, 2) sarcopenic group, 3) obesity group and 4) SO group. Physical fitness was evaluated using 8 tests (balance, lower and upper body strength, lower and upper body flexibility, agility, walking speed and aerobic capacity). Three tertiles were created for each test based on the calculated scores. HRQoL was assessed using the EuroQol visual analogue scale. Results: Participants with SO showed lower physical fitness levels compared with normal subjects. Better balance, agility, and aerobic capacity were associated to a lower risk of suffering SO in the fittest men (odds ratio < 0.30). In women, better balance, walking speed, and aerobic capacity were associated to a lower risk of suffering SO in the fittest women (odds ratio < 0.21) Superior perceived health was associated with better physical fitness performance. Conclusions: Higher levels of physical fitness were associated with a reduced risk of suffering SO and better perceived health among elderly. SO elderly people have lower physical functional levels than healthy counterparts

    Proposal for a customer complaints management system to reduce service times in a retail company using queueing theory and automatic text analysis

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    En los últimos años el sector retail tuvo un crecimiento debido a la pandemia por coronavirus (COVID-19) que inició en marzo de 2019, esta trajo consigo restricciones de ciertas actividades económicas y sociales, dando lugar a un incremento de compras en la forma tradicional y más aún en la digital. Sin embargo, este incremento de compras vino acompañado de un aumento en las reclamaciones de los clientes. La empresa retail, la cual es objeto de estudio en esta tesis, también fue alcanzada por este incremento de las reclamaciones, el cual no fue soportado por los procesos internos de la empresa para poder brindar una atención y solución en el tiempo oportuno ante una reclamación del cliente. A partir de este problema se planteó brindar una propuesta de solución tecnológica, usando teoría de colas y análisis automático de textos, la cual a través de un sistema web en la nube los analistas del área de experiencia al cliente podrán atender con mayor rapidez y equitativamente las reclamaciones, esto contribuye a la empresa en la mejora de la gestión de reclamaciones del cliente y con el objetivo principal que es la reducción de los tiempos de atención de las reclamaciones. El impacto de esta solución con el cliente es reforzar el vínculo con la empresa y afianzar la confianza para su permanencia en el retail.In the last years, the sector retail had growth due to the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID 19) that this had started in march of 2019. It brought a lot restrictions on certain activities economic and social giving an increase in purchases in the traditional way and even more in the digital one. Nevertheless this increase in the purchases was accompanied by an increase in customer complaints. The retail company, which is the object of study in this thesis it was reached by this increase in claims too. This was not supported by the internal process of the company to be able to provide an attention and solution at the right time before a customer claim. From that problem, it was proposed to provide a proposal for a technology solution using queuing theory and automatic text analysis. which, through a web system in the cloud the analyst of the customer experience area will be able to attend to claims more quickly and fairly. This contributes to the company in improving the management of customer claims and with the main objective of reducing the time it takes to attend to claims The impact of this solution with the client is to reinforce the bond with the company and strengthen the trust for its permanence in the retail.Tesi

    Understanding migration to protected area buffer zones in Costa Rica utilizing cultural consensus analysis

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    Human migration to the world’s protected areas’ (PA) buffer zones is widely seen as a significant threat to conserving biodiversity. Research since 2005 has demonstrated some evidence for global migration trends but also highlighted the simultaneous need to understand the local, contextual factors that drive migration around individual PAs. Investigation into human migration patterns to these buffer zones has frequently relied on methods that do not accurately capture the calculus used by migrants in their decisions. The research presented here uses a mixed-methods, cognitive anthropological approach to assess the motivations of Costa Rican migrants to the buffer zones of three national parks. Employing cultural consensus analysis methodology in combination with a demographic analysis based on the Costa Rican census, this study was able to develop important insights into Costa Rican migrant motivations. Importantly, the research finds that there is not a single cultural model among the migrants surveyed regarding conditions driving their decisions. However, data collected indicate significant trends in migrants’ evaluation of critical variables driving decisions, how they relate to one another, and their significance to these migrants. Thus, migrant assessments of the conditions of these variables in both previous and current communities reveal a more complex, contextual picture. This work demonstrates the potential of cognitive anthropological methods to help unpack migrant decision making and help conservation managers understand the factors that drive migration to surrounding communities. The analysis provides further evidence supporting calls for methods that help managers and communities understand the particularities of migration behavior in PA contexts

    HIF1α Suppresses Tumor Cell Proliferation through Inhibition of Aspartate Biosynthesis

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    Cellular aspartate drives cancer cell proliferation, but signaling pathways that rewire aspartate biosynthesis to control cell growth remain largely unknown. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF1α) can suppress tumor cell proliferation. Here, we discovered that HIF1α acts as a direct repressor of aspartate biosynthesis involving the suppression of several key aspartate-producing proteins, including cytosolic glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase-1 (GOT1) and mitochondrial GOT2. Accordingly, HIF1α suppresses aspartate production from both glutamine oxidation as well as the glutamine reductive pathway. Strikingly, the addition of aspartate to the culture medium is sufficient to relieve HIF1α-dependent repression of tumor cell proliferation. Furthermore, these key aspartate-producing players are specifically repressed in VHL-deficient human renal carcinomas, a paradigmatic tumor type in which HIF1α acts as a tumor suppressor, highlighting the in vivo relevance of these findings. In conclusion, we show that HIF1α inhibits cytosolic and mitochondrial aspartate biosynthesis and that this mechanism is the molecular basis for HIF1α tumor suppressor activity.ISSN:2666-3864ISSN:2211-124