1,470 research outputs found

    Reproducing the observed Cosmic microwave background anisotropies with causal scaling seeds

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    During the last years it has become clear that global O(N) defects and U(1) cosmic strings do not lead to the pronounced first acoustic peak in the power spectrum of anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background which has recently been observed to high accuracy. Inflationary models cannot easily accommodate the low second peak indicated by the data. Here we construct causal scaling seed models which reproduce the first and second peak. Future, more precise CMB anisotropy and polarization experiments will however be able to distinguish them from the ordinary adiabatic models.Comment: 6 pages 2 figures, revtex; minor corrections and references adde

    Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature at Galaxy Clusters

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    We have deduced the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature in the Coma cluster (A1656, z=0.0231z=0.0231), and in A2163 (z=0.203z=0.203) from spectral measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect over four passbands at radio and microwave frequencies. The resulting temperatures at these redshifts are TComa=2.7890.065+0.080T_{Coma} = 2.789^{+0.080}_{-0.065} K and TA2163=3.3770.102+0.101T_{A2163} = 3.377^{+0.101}_{-0.102} K, respectively. These values confirm the expected relation T(z)=T0(1+z)T(z)=T_{0}(1+z), where T0=2.725±0.002T_{0}= 2.725 \pm 0.002 K is the value measured by the COBE/FIRAS experiment. Alternative scaling relations that are conjectured in non-standard cosmologies can be constrained by the data; for example, if T(z)=T0(1+z)1aT(z) = T_{0}(1+z)^{1-a} or T(z)=T0[1+(1+d)z]T(z)=T_{0}[1+(1+d)z], then a=0.160.32+0.34a=-0.16^{+0.34}_{-0.32} and d=0.17±0.36d = 0.17 \pm 0.36 (at 95% confidence). We briefly discuss future prospects for more precise SZ measurements of T(z)T(z) at higher redshifts.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, ApJL accepted for publicatio

    Towards a future singularity?

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    We discuss whether the future extrapolation of the present cosmological state may lead to a singularity even in case of "conventional" (negative) pressure of the dark energy field, namely w=p/ρ1w=p/\rho \geq -1. The discussion is based on an often neglected aspect of scalar-tensor models of gravity: the fact that different test particles may follow the geodesics of different metric frames, and the need for a frame-independent regularization of curvature singularities.Comment: 8 pages. Essay written for the "2004 Awards for Essays on Gravitation" (Gravity Research Foundation, Wellesley Hills, MA, USA), and selected for "Honorable Mention

    Constraints on a New Post-General Relativity Cosmological Parameter

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    A new cosmological variable is introduced which characterizes the degree of departure from Einstein's General Relativity (GR) with a cosmological constant. The new parameter, \varpi, is the cosmological analog of \gamma, the parametrized post-Newtonian variable which measures the amount of spacetime curvature per unit mass. In the cosmological context, \varpi measures the difference between the Newtonian and longitudinal potentials in response to the same matter sources, as occurs in certain scalar-tensor theories of gravity. Equivalently, \varpi measures the scalar shear fluctuation in a dark energy component. In the context of a "vanilla" LCDM background cosmology, a non-zero \varpi signals a departure from GR or a fluctuating cosmological constant. Using a phenomenological model for the time evolution \varpi=\varpi_0 \rho_{DE}/\rho_{M} which depends on the ratio of energy density in the cosmological constant to the matter density at each epoch, it is shown that the observed cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies limit the overall normalization constant to be -0.4 < \varpi_0 < 0.1 at the 95% confidence level. Existing measurements of the cross-correlations of the CMB with large-scale structure further limit \varpi_0 > -0.2 at the 95% CL. In the future, integrated Sachs-Wolfe and weak lensing measurements can more tightly constrain \varpi_0, providing a valuable clue to the nature of dark energy and the validity of GR.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; added reference

    Limitations to the Accuracy of Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Measurements: Atmospheric Fluctuations

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    We discuss the ultimate limits posed by atmospheric fluctuations to observations of cosmic background anisotropies (CBAs) in ground-based and balloon-borne experiments both in the radio and millimetric regions. We present correlation techniques useful in separating CBAs from atmospheric fluctuations. An experimental procedure is discussed for testing a site in view of possible CBA observations. Four sites with altitudes ranging from 0 up to 3.5 km have been tested

    Triple Experiment Spectrum of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in the Coma Cluster: H_0

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    The Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect was previously measured in the Coma cluster by the Owens Valley Radio Observatory and Millimeter and IR Testa Grigia Observatory experiments and recently also with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe satellite. We assess the consistency of these results and their implications on the feasibility of high-frequency SZ work with ground-based telescopes. The unique data set from the combined measurements at six frequency bands is jointly analyzed, resulting in a best-fit value for the Thomson optical depth at the cluster center, tau_{0}=(5.35 \pm 0.67) 10^{-3}. The combined X-ray and SZ determined properties of the gas are used to determine the Hubble constant. For isothermal gas with a \beta density profile we derive H_0 = 84 \pm 26 km/(s\cdot Mpc); the (1\sigma) error includes only observational SZ and X-ray uncertainties.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Planck-scale modifications to Electrodynamics characterized by a space-like symmetry-breaking vector

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    In the study of Planck-scale ("quantum-gravity induced") violations of Lorentz symmetry, an important role was played by the deformed-electrodynamics model introduced by Myers and Pospelov. Its reliance on conventional effective quantum field theory, and its description of symmetry-violation effects simply in terms of a four-vector with nonzero component only in the time-direction, rendered it an ideal target for experimentalists and a natural concept-testing ground for many theorists. At this point however the experimental limits on the single Myers-Pospelov parameter, after improving steadily over these past few years, are "super-Planckian", {\it i.e.} they take the model out of actual interest from a conventional quantum-gravity perspective. In light of this we here argue that it may be appropriate to move on to the next level of complexity, still with vectorial symmetry violation but adopting a generic four-vector. We also offer a preliminary characterization of the phenomenology of this more general framework, sufficient to expose a rather significant increase in complexity with respect to the original Myers-Pospelov setup. Most of these novel features are linked to the presence of spatial anisotropy, which is particularly pronounced when the symmetry-breaking vector is space-like, and they are such that they reduce the bound-setting power of certain types of observations in astrophysics

    An improved cosmological bound on the thermal axion mass

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    Relic thermal axions could play the role of an extra hot dark matter component in cosmological structure formation theories. By combining the most recent observational data we improve previous cosmological bounds on the axion mass m_a in the so-called hadronic axion window. We obtain a limit on the axion mass m_a < 0.42eV at the 95% c.l. (m_a < 0.72eV at the 99% c.l.). A novel aspect of the analysis presented here is the inclusion of massive neutrinos and how they may affect the bound on the axion mass. If neutrino masses belong to an inverted hierarchy scheme, for example, the above constraint is improved to m_a < 0.38eV at the 95% c.l. (m_a < 0.67eV at the 99% c.l.). Future data from experiments as CAST will provide a direct test of the cosmological bound.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 Figure

    The power spectrum of systematics in cosmic shear tomography and the bias on cosmological parameters

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    Cosmic shear tomography has emerged as one of the most promising tools to both investigate the nature of dark energy and discriminate between General Relativity and modified gravity theories. In order to successfully achieve these goals, systematics in shear measurements have to be taken into account; their impact on the weak lensing power spectrum has to be carefully investigated in order to estimate the bias induced on the inferred cosmological parameters. To this end, we develop here an efficient tool to compute the power spectrum of systematics by propagating, in a realistic way, shear measurement, source properties and survey setup uncertainties. Starting from analytical results for unweighted moments and general assumptions on the relation between measured and actual shear, we derive analytical expressions for the multiplicative and additive bias, showing how these terms depend not only on the shape measurement errors, but also on the properties of the source galaxies (namely, size, magnitude and spectral energy distribution). We are then able to compute the amplitude of the systematics power spectrum and its scaling with redshift, while we propose a multigaussian expansion to model in a non-parametric way its angular scale dependence. Our method allows to self-consistently propagate the systematics uncertainties to the finally observed shear power spectrum, thus allowing us to quantify the departures from the actual spectrum. We show that even a modest level of systematics can induce non-negligible deviations, thus leading to a significant bias on the recovered cosmological parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 5 tables, 4 figure