27 research outputs found

    The SPTPoL extended cluster survey

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    We describe the observations and resultant galaxy cluster catalog from the 2770 deg2 SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey (SPT-ECS). Clusters are identified via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect and confirmed with a combination of archival and targeted follow-up data, making particular use of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). With incomplete follow-up we have confirmed as clusters 244 of 266 candidates at a detection significance ξ ≥ 5 and an additional 204 systems at 4 4 threshold, and 10% of their measured SZ flux. We associate SZ-selected clusters, from both SPT-ECS and the SPT-SZ survey, with clusters from the DES redMaPPer sample, and we find an offset distribution between the SZ center and central galaxy in general agreement with previous work, though with a larger fraction of clusters with significant offsets. Adopting a fixed Planck-like cosmology, we measure the optical richness-SZ mass (l - M) relation and find it to be 28% shallower than that from a weak-lensing analysis of the DES data-a difference significant at the 4σ level-with the relations intersecting at λ = 60. The SPT-ECS cluster sample will be particularly useful for studying the evolution of massive clusters and, in combination with DES lensing observations and the SPT-SZ cluster sample, will be an important component of future cosmological analyses

    The Future Landscape of High-Redshift Galaxy Cluster Science

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    Large scale structure and cosmolog

    Veldkeien als landmerken

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    Een huis en zijn bewoners

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    Geschiedenis van perceel Breestraat 2

    De Kattenkampen te Amersfoort

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    De herkomst van de naam van dit buurtj

    Een stadsgezicht van J. van Groenestein

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    Gezicht op Amersfoort in de 19de eeu

    Uit het manuscript van Ds. J.F. Asma

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    Bezoek van Ds. Joan Frederik Asma (1802-1884) o.a. aan Utrecht op 3 september 183

    Bezoek aan "Nimmerdor" in 1875

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    Bezoek van Ds. Joan Frederik Asma (1802-1884) op 13 juli 1875 aan het landhuis Nimmerdor te Leusde

    Huis en heerlijkheid Stoutenburg

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    Amersfoort of Rhenen?

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    N.a.v. schilderijen van Hercules Segher