2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Varietas dan Pupuk Petroganik Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi dan Viabilitas Benih Jagung (Zea mays L.)

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    The Effect of Varieties and Petroganik Fertilizer to Growth, Production, and SeedViability of Corn (Zea mays L) ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of varieties and Petroganik fertilizer on the growth , production, and seed viability of corn as well as the interaction that occurbetween the two treatments . This study was conducted in the Experimental Laboratory of theFaculty of Agriculture and Laboratory of Seed Science and Technology, Syiah Kuala University from March to August 2013. The design used both in the field and the laboratory wasRandomized Block Design (RBD ) factorial with 2 treatment. The first treatment was doses ofPetroganik fertilizer with 4 levels , namely 0 kg / ha ( P0 ) , 500 kg / ha ( P1 ) , 750 kg / ha ( P2 )and 1000 kg / ha ( P3 ) and the second was varieties with 3 different varieties namely Srikandi(V1) , Lamuru ( V2 ) and Bisma ( V3 ), and repeated three times. The parameters observed in the field include plant height ( cm ) , stem diameter ( mm ) , number of leaves ( strands ) , leaf length( cm ), width of leaf ( cm ) , number of cobs per plant , cob weight with cornhusk (g) , cob weight without cornhusk ( g ) , cob length without cornhusk ( cm ) , cob without cornhusk diameter ( mm ) , dried shelled weight ( g ) and the potential yield / ha ( kg ) . For observations in the laboratory include growth potential, germination, growth speed , growth simultaneity and dry weight of normal seedling ( g ). The results showed that the use of Petroganik fertilizers witha dose of 1000 kg / ha showed the best results in almost every parameter of observation , whereas for varieties , use of Srikandi varieties showed the best results in almost all parameters of the observations in terms of growth , yield and seed viability in laboratory level. Keyword : Varities, Petroganik Fertilizer, Corn PENGARUH VARIETAS DAN PUPUK PETROGANIK TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN,PRODUKSI DAN VIABILITAS BENIH JAGUNG (Zea mays L.). ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh varietas dan pemberian pupuk Petroganik terhadap pertumbuhan, produksi, dan viabilitas benih jagung serta interaksi yang terjadi diantara perlakuan pupuk Petroganik dan perlakuan varietas. Penelitian inidilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian dan Laboratorium Ilmu dan TeknologiBenih Universitas Syiah Kuala. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret sampai dengan Agustus2013, Rancangan yang digunakan baik di lapangan maupun di laboratorium adalah RancanganAcak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu dosis pupuk Petroganik dengan4 taraf, yaitu 0 kg/ha (P0), 500 kg/ha (P1), 750 kg/ha (P2) dan 1000 kg/ha (P)dan perlakuankedua yaitu varietas dengan 3 varietas yang berbeda yaitu Srikandi (V1),Lamuru (V2) dan Bisma(V3) dengan tiga ulangan. Parameter yang diamati di lapangan meliputi tinggi tanaman (cm),diameter pangkal batang (mm), jumlah daun (helai), panjang daun (cm) lebar daun (cm), jumlah tongkol per tanaman, bobot tongkol berkelobot (g), bobot tongkol tanpa kelobot (g), panjang tongkol tanpa kelobot (cm), diameter tongkol tanpa kelobot (mm), berat pipilan kering (g) danpotensi hasil/ha (kg). Untuk pengamatan di laboratorium antara lain potensi tumbuh, daya berkecambah, kecepatan tumbuh, keserempakan tumbuh dan berat kering kecambah normal (g). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pupuk Petroganik dengan dosis 1000 kg/hamenunjukkan hasil terbaik hampir pada setiap parameter pengamatan, sedangkan untuk varietas, penggunaan varietas Srikandi menunjukkan hasil terbaik hampir di seluruh parameter pengamatan baik dari segi pertumbuhan, hasil dan tingkat viabilitas benih di laboratorium.Banda Ace

    Enzymatic-Assisted Modification of Thermomechanical Pulp Fibers To Improve the Interfacial Adhesion with Poly(lactic acid) for 3D Printing

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    The present study is about the enzymatic modification of thermomechanical pulp (TMP) fibers for reduction of water uptake and their use in bio-based filaments for 3D printing. Additionally, TMP was used as a fiber reinforcing material and poly­(lactic acid) (PLA) as the polymer matrix. The hydrophilic TMP fibers were treated via laccase-assisted grafting of octyl gallate (OG) or lauryl gallate (LG) onto the fiber surface. The modified TMP fibers showed remarkable hydrophobic properties, as demonstrated by water contact angle measurements. Filaments reinforced with OG-treated fibers exhibited the lowest water absorption and the best interfacial adhesion with the PLA matrix. Such higher chemical compatibility between the OG-treated fibers and the PLA enabled better stress transfer from the matrix to the fibers during mechanical testing, which led to the manufacture of strong filaments for 3D printing. All of the manufactured filaments were 3D-printable, although the filaments containing OG-treated fibers yielded the best results. Hence, laccase-mediated grafting of OG onto TMP fibers is a sustainable and environmentally friendly pathway for the manufacture of fully bio-based filaments for 3D printing