7 research outputs found

    Renormalization of the one-body off-diagonal Coulomb field in nuclei

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    Isospin violation effects in nuclei are investigated within a microscopic approach which takes into account the influence of the residual strong interaction on the Coulomb interaction. The renormalization of the off-diagonal Coulomb field acting within a nucleus, by the residual strong interaction is calculated analytically in a simplified RPA. From the expression for the suppression coefficient of the isospin violating part of the Coulomb field, the isospin violating spreading widths of isobaric analog states are derived. The resulting reduction of the width is in agreement with the data on the isospin symmetry restoration and with some earlier evaluations of the isospin violating spreading widths.Comment: 11 pages, Late

    Light clusters in nuclear matter of finite temperature

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    We investigate properties and the distribution of light nuclei (A<4) in symmetric nuclear matter of finite temperature within a microscopic framework. For this purpose we have solved few-body Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas type equations for quasi-nucleons that include self-energy corrections and Pauli blocking in a systematic way. In a statistical model we find a significant influence in the composition of nuclear matter if medium effects are included in the microscopic calculation of nuclei. If multiplicities are frozen out at a certain time (or volume), we expect significant consequences for the formation of light fragments in a heavy ion collision. As a consequence of the systematic inclusion of medium effects the ordering of multiplicities becomes opposite to the law of mass action of ideal components. This is necessary to explain the large abundance of α\alpha-particles in a heavy ion collision that are otherwise largely suppressed in an ideal equilibrium scenario.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, epja-style file

    Quark Matter 99 Summary: Hadronic Signals

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    I review the new data presented at QM99. The main emphasis is placed on the CERN SPS hadron production systematics concluding that the boundary between a partonic and a hadronic phase has now been located at T=180±10MeVT=180 \pm10\:MeV and ϵ1GeV\epsilon \approx 1 \:GeV per fm3fm^3.Comment: 18 page

    Modeling Cluster Production at the AGS

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    Deuteron coalescence, during relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, is carried out in a model incorporating a minimal quantal treatment of the formation of the cluster from its individual nucleons by evaluating the overlap of intial cascading nucleon wave packets with the final deuteron wave function. In one approach the nucleon and deuteron center of mass wave packet sizes are estimated dynamically for each coalescing pair using its past light-cone history in the underlying cascade, a procedure which yields a parameter free determination of the cluster yield. A modified version employing a global estimate of the deuteron formation probability, is identical to a general implementation of the Wigner function formalism but can differ from the most frequent realisation of the latter. Comparison is made both with the extensive existing E802 data for Si+Au at 14.6 GeV/c and with the Wigner formalism. A globally consistent picture of the Si+Au measurements is achieved. In light of the deuteron's evident fragility, information obtained from this analysis may be useful in establishing freeze-out volumes and help in heralding the presence of high-density phenomena in a baryon-rich environment.Comment: 31 pages REVTeX, 19 figures (4 oversized included as JPEG). For full postscript figures (LARGE): contact [email protected]

    Fosterdiagnostikk - Hva kan vi finne ut om fosteret og hvilke etiske problemstillinger skaper dette

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    Background: The debate concerning prenatal diagnostics have been going on in Norwegian politics for years, but with the proposition of introducing a new diagnostic method called NIPT the debate was reinforced in 2017. This debate is both ethical and political and regards the advantages and disadvantages of NIPT as a test, but also more fundamental questions about what kind of society we want for people with disabilities and how we are going to regulate new developments in the field of biotechnology. Method: In this paper I have made an overview over the arguments used in the national debate concerning prenatal diagnostics. I have used articles found in the Norwegian newspapers during one year from January 2017 to January 2018. The search was made in the database ATEKST with relevant search words. I excluded articles that were not relevant to the debate or that were copies of earlier articles, this left 149 relevant articles. The arguments found in the articles were sorted in subgroups with similar arguments. The different subgroups were later sorted into main groups. Results: I identified 485 arguments regarding prenatal diagnostics in the articles. Of them 311 were against a more liberal use of prenatal diagnostics, 167 argued for a more liberal use and 7 could be interpreted both for and against a more liberal use. The arguments were sorted in 6 main groups and 24 subgroups. Discussion: The potential reasons for getting a bias in the results are discussed in this part of the paper. I also made an overview of the most important themes of the debate and what the disagreements concerns

    Oksygenbehandling av slagpasienter - Et kvalitetsforbedringsprosjekt ved akuttmottaket, Ahus

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    Problemstilling Hos pasienter med akutt hjerneslag som tentativ diagnose i akuttmottaket, vil en mer restriktiv heller enn liberal SpO2-basert tilnærming til oksygenbehandling øke overlevelse? Kunnskapsgrunnlag En stor metaanalyse fra 2018 samt en klinisk retningslinje publisert i BMJ i 2019 anbefaler å gi oksygenbehandling ved akutt hjerneslag bare hvis pasienten har < 93 % SpO2 ved romluft. Tiltak/kvalitetsindikator Tiltakene vi ønsker å implementere er opplæring av ansatte, endringer i kvalitetssystemet, samt påminnelse om indikasjon for O2-behandling festet til NIHSS-skjema. For å måle effekten av tiltakene bruker vi en prosessindikator som innebærer å telle andelen som får O2-tilskudd når SpO2 er > 92 %. Prosess, ledelse og organisering Prosjektet struktureres etter G. Langley og T. Nolan sin modell for kvalitetsforbedring. Prosjektgruppen vil bestå av fagsykepleier, avdelingssykepleier, en uavhengig sykepleier, nevrolog og avdelingsoverlege. Etter iverksetting av tiltak gjennomføres jevnlige kontroller og det er utarbeidet en plan for håndtering av eventuelle utfordringer. Konklusjon Prosjektet bør gjennomføres da kunnskapsgrunnlaget er sterkt, gevinsten av endringene vil være store og det vil kreve lite ressurser å utføre