7 research outputs found

    Comportamiento espacial y temporal de Thrips simplex Morison (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) en la región norte del Estado de México

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    The gladiolus is the most widely cultivated ornamental in Mexico. Its flowers are commercialized year-round, though demand is particularly high on specific dates, such as Father's Day and Day of the Dead. Principal phytosanitary problems include trips, whitefly, rust, and drying. Trips are considered the main insect pest due to the extensive damage they cause to flower quality, leading to economic loss in addition to the already high investment in their control. The objective of this work was to determine the spatial and temporal behavior of Thrips simplex (Morison, 1930) in commercial plots of roja borrega variety gladiolus. Thrip density was evaluated using 121 yellow-colored traps during three phenological stages in each of the two plots evaluated, during the winter-spring and summer-fall growing cycles of 2013 and 2014. Traps were georeferenced and placed according on a 10m x 10m grid in each plot. A geostatistical analysis was carried out to obtain the experimental semivariograms for adjusted theoretical models and generate density maps. Thrips simplex was found to be present throughout all stages of the gladiolus phenological cycle in both years of the study, and showed an aggregated spatial and temporal behavior, adjusted to different spatial patterns. Densities varied little among sampling dates, though the location and dispersal of aggregation centers differed among the three phenological stages in each plot, when visualized using the maps generated in the two production cycles evaluated.El gladiolo es la ornamental de mayor superficie sembrada en México, su flor se comercializa durante todo el año, aunque en fechas específicas como el día del padre y el día de muertos presenta fuerte demanda. Sus principales problemas fitosanitarios son trips, mosquita blanca, roya y secamiento. Los trips son considerados la plaga más limitante por los fuertes daños que ocasionan a la calidad de la flor, generan pérdidas económicas aunadas a la fuerte inversión que implica su control. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el comportamiento espacial y temporal de Thrips simplex (Morison, 1930) en parcelas comerciales de gladiolo de la variedad roja borrega. Se evaluó su densidad en 121 trampas de color amarillo, durante tres etapas fenológicas, en cada una de las dos parcelas evaluadas durante los ciclos invierno-verano y verano-otoño de los años 2013-2014. Las trampas fueron georeferenciadas, se colocaron en forma de una malla de 10x10 m en cada parcela. Se realizó el análisis geoestadístico para obtener los semivariogramas a modelos ajustados y validados para elaborar mapas de densidad. Thrips simplex mostró un comportamiento espacial de tipo agregado, ajustándose a diferentes patrones espaciales y temporales. Las densidades presentaron poca variación entre las diferentes fechas de muestreo, aunque la ubicación y dispersión de los centros de agregación fue diferente en las tres etapas fenológicas para la misma parcela, visualizándose con los mapas generados en los dos ciclos de producción evaluados

    Fig. 2 in New Distribution and Host Records for the GenusZabrotesHorn (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

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    Fig. 2. Rhynchosia seed showing Zabrotes sinaloensis emerging.Published as part of <i>Nápoles, Jesús Romero, Kingsolver, John M. & Gómez, Elizabeth Mejorada, 2011, New Distribution and Host Records for the GenusZabrotesHorn (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), pp. 294-296 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 65 (3)</i> on page 295, DOI: 10.1649/072.065.0310, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10112557">http://zenodo.org/record/10112557</a&gt

    Fig. 1 in New Distribution and Host Records for the GenusZabrotesHorn (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

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    Fig. 1. Dorsal (left) and lateral (right) views of an adult male of Zabrotes sinaloensis.Published as part of <i>Nápoles, Jesús Romero, Kingsolver, John M. & Gómez, Elizabeth Mejorada, 2011, New Distribution and Host Records for the GenusZabrotesHorn (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), pp. 294-296 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 65 (3)</i> on page 295, DOI: 10.1649/072.065.0310, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10112557">http://zenodo.org/record/10112557</a&gt

    New Distribution and Host Records for the GenusZabrotesHorn (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

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    Nápoles, Jesús Romero, Kingsolver, John M., Gómez, Elizabeth Mejorada (2011): New Distribution and Host Records for the GenusZabrotesHorn (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 65 (3): 294-296, DOI: 10.1649/072.065.0310, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1649/072.065.031

    Diversity of trips (Insecta: Thysanoptera: Thripidae) associated with gladiolus in Mexico.

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    Gladiolus is a cut flower with the highest year-round demand in Mexico, generating strong economic and social activity. Thrips are the pest that most affects gladiolus and require the most control, but which species cause damage are still unknown. This study aimed to characterize the diversity of thrip species associated with gladiolus cultivation in two production regions of Mexico State. Two plots were established: one in Ixtlahuaca, in the northern part of the state, characterized by less intensive management, and one in Villa Guerrero, in the southeastern part of the state, characterized by intensive management and considered the main production region for ornamentals. Thrips were captured from 100 floral spikes per plot at the end of the cultivation cycle. Results showed the presence of two genera and five species of phytophagous thrips, as well as one predatory thrip genus, in the northern region, while in the southeast region the same two genera were represented but with 12 species, one of which is new for Mexico. Thrips simplex was the most abundant species in both plots evaluated

    Diversidad de trips (Insecta: Thysanoptera: Thripidae) asociados al cultivo de gladiolo en México

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    Gladiolus is a cut flower with the highest year-round demand in Mexico, generating strong economic and social activity. Thrips are the pest that most affects gladiolus and require the most control, but which species cause damage are still unknown. This study aimed to characterize the diversity of thrip species associated with gladiolus cultivation in two production regions of Mexico State. Two plots were established: one in Ixtlahuaca, in the northern part of the state, characterized by less intensive management, and one in Villa Guerrero, in the southeastern part of the state, characterized by intensive management and considered the main production region for ornamentals. Thrips were captured from 100 floral spikes per plot at the end of the cultivation cycle. Results showed the presence of two genera and five species of phytophagous thrips, as well as one predatory thrip genus, in the northern region, while in the southeast region the same two genera were represented but with 12 species, one of which is new for Mexico. Thrips simplex was the most abundant species in both plots evaluated.El gladiolo es una planta ornamental de corte con alta demanda durante todo el año en México, generando una fuerte actividad económica y social. Los trips son la principal plaga que lo afecta, y que mayor control requiere, pero se desconoce la identidad de las especies que lo dañan. El presente estudio tuvo la finalidad de conocer la diversidad de especies de trips asociadas al cultivo de gladiolo en dos regiones productoras del estado de México. Se establecieron dos parcelas: la parcela uno ubicada en Ixtlahuaca, de la región norte, caracterizada por un manejo poco intensivo; en tanto que la parcela dos estuvo en Villa Guerrero, de la región sureste, caracterizada por un manejo intensivo y considerada la principal región productora de ornamentales. Se utilizaron 100 espigas florales por parcela para capturar los trips al final del ciclo de cultivo. Los resultados indicaron la presencia de dos géneros, cinco especies fitófagas presentes en la región norte, y un género depredador; mientras que en la región sureste se presentaron los dos mismos géneros pero con la presencia de 12 especies, una de las cuales es nueva para México. Thrips simplex fue la especie más abundante en las dos parcelas evaluadas

    Comportamiento espacial y temporal de Thrips simplex Morison (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) en la región norte del Estado de México

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    "El gladiolo es la ornamental de mayor superficie sembrada en México, su flor se comercializa durante todo el año, aunque en fechas específicas como el día del padre y el día de muertos presenta fuerte demanda. Sus principales problemas fitosanitarios so