2,145 research outputs found


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    Since the late 1960s the discussion about the limits of growth fueled the development of sustainable development as a paradigm that has dominated strategies and policies, including the proposal in 2012 of Green Economies. Nonetheless, progress has not been achieved, among other reasons for the absence of integrated public policies. With a general perspective, the experience of Mexico’s federal public administration and recent planning instruments is revisited, including the creation of green jobs. With such analysis the conclusion about the importance of integrated public policies is duplicated


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    Since the late 1960s the discussion about the limits of growth fueled the development of sustainable development as a paradigm that has dominated strategies and policies, including the proposal in 2012 of Green Economies. Nonetheless, progress has not been achieved, among other reasons for the absence of integrated public policies. With a general perspective, the experience of Mexico’s federal public administration and recent planning instruments is revisited, including the creation of green jobs. With such analysis the conclusion about the importance of integrated public policies is duplicated

    On the Empirics of Sudden Stops: The Relevance of Balance-Sheet Effects

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    Using a sample of 32 developed and developing countries we analyze the empirical characteristics of Sudden Stops in capital flows and the relevance of balance-sheet effects in the likelihood of their occurrence. We find that large real exchange rate (RER) fluctuations accompanied by Sudden Stops are basically an emerging market (EM) phenomenon. Sudden Stops seem to come in bunches, grouping together countries that are different in many respects. However, countries are similar in that they remain vulnerable to large RER fluctuations. This may be the case because countries are forced to make large adjustments in the absorption of tradable goods, and/or because the size of dollar liabilities in the banking system (i. e. , domestic liability dollarization, or DLD) is large. Openness, understood as a large supply of tradable goods that reduces leverage over the current account deficit, in combination with DLD, is a key determinant of the probability of Sudden Stops. The relationship between Openness and DLD in the determination of the probability of Sudden Stops is highly non-linear, implying that the interaction of high current account leverage and high dollarization may be a dangerous cocktail.

    Systemic Sudden Stops: The Relevance of Balance-Sheet Effects and Financial Integration

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    Using a sample of 110 developed and developing countries for the period 1990-2004, this paper analyzes the characteristics of systemic sudden stops (3S) in capital flows and the relevance of balance-sheet effects in the likelihood of their materialization. A small supply of tradable goods relative to their domestic absorption?a proxy for potential changes in the real exchange rate?and large foreign-exchange denominated debts towards the domestic banking system are claimed to be key determinants of the probability of 3S, producing a balancesheet effect with non-linear impacts on the probability of 3S. While financial integration is up to a point associated with a higher likelihood of 3S, beyond that point financial integration is associated with a lower likelihood of 3S.

    Calibration Satellite for Ultra-sensitive Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Ground-based Experiments

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    ABSTRACT: In this work, the implementation of a calibration satellite called CalSat is proposed. This mission will be flying in a low earth orbit (LEO) in a sun-synchronous orbit (SSO), and is designed to support ground-based experiments looking for Bmodes polarization signals in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). CalSat will emit a series of known polarized signals in order to calibrate experiments looking for the CMB polarization B-modes. Given their weakness, these experiments need a robust calibration processes in order to detect them. The celestial sources utilized nowadays to these calibrations, are not well characterized, which has direct impact on measurement uncertainties. The proposed calibration source on CalSat will be composed of three center frequencies, at 40, 90 and 150 GHz, which are frequencies of interest in the search of the expected B-modes. CalSat will improve the instrumental accuracy, which will facilitate the detection of the expected B-mode polarized signals, for instance reducing the polar angle error to the level of 1 arc-minute. In addition, given the proposed calibration strategy, CalSat will count with optimal visibility for ground-based experiments located in Atacama and Tenerife. Finally, our results about the thermal control, determine that CalSat will not saturate any studied experiment due to the thermal emission.RESUMEN: En este trabajo se propone la implementación de un satélite de calibración llamado CalSat. Esta misión volará en una órbita terrestre baja (LEO) en una órbita heliosincrónica (SSO), y está diseñada para apoyar experimentos en tierra que buscan los modos B de la polarización del fondo cósmico de microondas (CMB, por sus siglas en inglés). CalSat emitirá una serie de señales polarizadas conocidas para calibrar experimentos en busca de dichos modos B. Sin embargo, dada la debilidad de los mismos, estos experimentos necesitan procesos de calibración robustos para poder detectarlas. Las fuentes naturales utilizadas hoy en día para estas calibraciones no están bien caracterizadas lo que tiene un impacto directo en las incertidumbres de medición. La fuente de calibración propuesta en CalSat estará compuesta por tres frecuencias centrales, a 40, 90 y 150 GHz, que son frecuencias de interés en la búsqueda de los esperados modos B. CalSat mejorará la precisión instrumental, lo que facilitará la detección de los modos B de polarización, por ejemplo, reduciendo el error del ángulo polar al nivel del minuto de arco. Además, gracias a la estrategia de calibración propuesta, CalSat contará con una visibilidad óptima para experimentos en tierra ubicados en Atacama y Tenerife. Finalmente, nuestros resultados sobre el control térmico, determinan que CalSat no saturará ningún experimento estudiado debido a la emisión térmica.Máster en Física de Partículas y del Cosmo

    The Role of Family Ties in Agency Contracts.

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    Drawing on data based on the entire population of Spanish newspapers over 27 years (1966-93), this study shows that firm performance and business risk are much stronger predictors of chief executive tenure when a firm's owners and its executive have family ties and that the organizational consequences of CEO dismissal are more favorable when the replaced CEO is a member of the family owning the firm. The study also demonstrates that executives operating under weakly relational (less ambiguous) contracts are held more accountable for firm performance and business risk outcomes, even under nonfamily contracting.

    Temperature robust PCA based stress monitoring approach

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    In this paper, a guided wave temperature robust PCA-based stress monitoring methodology is proposed. It is based on the analysis of the longitudinal guided wave propagating along the path under stress. Slight changes in the wave are detected by means of PCA via statistical T2 and Q indices. Experimental and numerical simulations of the guided wave propagating in material under different temperatures have shown significant variations in the amplitude and the velocity of the wave. This condition can jeopardize the discrimination of the different stress scenarios detected by the PCA indices. Thus, it is proposed a methodology based on an extended knowledge base, composed by a PCA statistical model for different discrete temperatures to produce a robust classification of stress states under variable environmental conditions. Experimental results have shown a good agreement between the predicted scenarios and the real onesPostprint (author's final draft

    The Devil is in the Details. Sex Differences in Simple Bargaining Games

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    The study of gender differences in social preferences has shown mixed results, preventing economists and other social scientists from drawing definitive conclusions on this topic. Several original investigations and experimental reviews have hypothesized that the main reason of this heterogeneity of results is the myriad of experimental designs used to study gender differences. In this paper we test this hypothesis by making male and female participants to face two different but related experimental games and two different information treatments. Through this 2x2 factorial design, we obtain results in line with some recent papers: women are sensitive to the design and context of the experiment in ways that men are not. In addition, we go further providing a well-grounded account on the importance of the context for female decision-making

    Flow estimation in a steel pipe using guided waves

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    In this investigation, a flow rate estimation guided wave based scheme in pipes is proposed. The effect of the fluid over the propagation of longitudinal waves has been experimentally studied by using several laminar flows of water transported by a steel pipe. Results have shown a decrease of the guided wave pattern repeatability and the signal energy as the flow rate increase as a result of the energy leakage from the pipe to the fluid. A Matlab® script is used to excite the PZT actuator via picoscope 2208 of Picotech®, the captured signal is acquired also by the picoscope and the data is processed in Matlab. The test bench utilized is composed by a 1” sch 40 A-106 pipe, a needle valve and a centrifugal pump provides the flow energy. A couple of PZTs are used in a picth-catch configuration to produce and capture the longitudinal waves along the cross section of the pipe.Postprint (author's final draft

    Prevalence and incidence rates of dementia and cognitive impairment no dementia in the Mexican population: data from the Mexican Health and Aging Study

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    Objective To estimate the prevalence and incidence of dementia and cognitive impairment without dementia (CIND) in the Mexican population. Methods The MHAS study is a prospective panel study of health and aging in Mexico with 7,000 elders that represent 8 million subjects nationally. Using measurements of cognition and activities of daily living of dementia cases and CIND were identified at baseline and follow up. Overall incidence rates and specific rates for sex, age and education were calculated. Results Prevalence was 6.1% and 28.7% for dementia and CIND, respectively. Incidence rates were 27.3 per 1,000 person-years for dementia and 223 per 1,000 persons-year for CIND. Rates of dementia and CIND increased with advancing age and decreased with higher educational level; sex had a differential effect depending on the age strata. Hypertension, diabetes and depression were risk factors for dementia but not for CIND. Discussion These data provide estimates of prevalence and incidence of dementia and cognitive impairment in the Mexican population for projection of future burden