52 research outputs found

    The systematization of nursing Assistance in care when a patient with Anemia Falciform with Leg Ulcer

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    Objective: To raise the nursing diagnoses more evident and their interventions according to Nursing Diagnostic Terminology (NANDA) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). Method: This is an exploratory study which had methodological design based on the experience of the authors in the dressing clinic in a public hospital specializing in hematology, as part of the residency program in nursing. Results: DE was determined eight, two and six real risk, which were described as NANDA Taxonomy I. It also sought after determination of these diagnoses, propose nursing interventions based on the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). Conclusion: The findings revealed that meet the nursing diagnoses of subjects with leg ulcers secondary to sickle cell disease is extremely important for nurses to plan individual care provided to these patients

    Extranodal B Cell Lymphoma in the Trachea of a Domestic Cat

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    Background: Primary tracheal tumors are considered uncommon in veterinary medicine and among them extranodal tracheal lymphoma, which is a neoplastic type, has rarely been described, especially with the use of immunophenotyping. Consequently, there is a lack of knowledge inherent to the characteristics of this tumor type in felines and as a result little information on how to deal with animals affected by this disease. Therefore, there is a need for more studies focusing on this matter. The objective of this work is to report a case of extranodal B cell lymphoma in the trachea of a domestic cat and point out the clinical and pathological characteristics of this neoplastic type.Case: A 5-year-old domestic cat, of an oriental breed, was taken to a veterinary clinic exclusively for cats in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The main complaint was difficulty in breathing and loss of appetite and historical data included intolerance to exercise. A clinical examination confirmed inspiratory dyspnea and upper respiratory sounds. Hematological and serum biochemical exams did not evidence any noteworthy changes and the cat was considered negative for feline viral leukemia and feline immunodeficiency viruses through serological and molecular testing. However, in the radiographic examination of the thoracic cervical region, an opacity was observed that occluded part of the tracheal lumen and this was suggestive of a mass in the initial third of the trachea, measuring 0.5 cm in diameter. The animal was stabilized and then 24 h after admission underwent inspection of the oral cavity and a biopsy of the tracheal mass was performed. Cytology of the specimen was suggestive of lymphoma. The treatment of choice was: lomustine with a single, oral dose of 10 mg; vincristine sulfate with a single intravenous dose of 0.75 mg/m²; and methylprednisolone acetate with a single intramuscular dose of 20 mg. A second radiograph taken 24 h after the chemotherapy showed that the tracheal mass had shrunk to 0.3 cm in diameter. Seven days after the treatment adopted for lymphoma, the mass was no longer visible. Histopathological analysis and immunohistochemistry supported the diagnosis of B cell lymphoma. A 36-month follow-up after the initial admission showed that the cat was in good health, without any respiratory signs and/or alterations in imaging tests that could suggest neoplastic recurrence.Discussion: The majority of animals with tracheal lymphoma are more than seven years old; thus, this report is one of the few that describes this tumor type in a young cat, and therefore highlights the importance of considering tracheal lymphoma as a differential diagnosis in young cats with clinical findings compatible with this condition. The successful treatment carried out here was attributed to the immunophenotyping of the neoplasia, because when B cell trachea lymphoma is diagnosed early and correctly there is usually a good prognosis. Type T lymphomas exhibit a poorer clinical response through therapy than B cell lymphomas. As far as the authors know, this is only the fifth report in which immunophenotyping of a tracheal lymphoma in a cat has been performed. The relevance of studies involving the immunohistochemistry of this tumor type in cats is asserted, so that the differentiation between B or T cell lymphomas can provide greater accuracy in dealing with animals affected with this disease

    Anti-Candida activity of terpenes from Salvia ovalifolia, S. procurrens and S. uliginosa, native to South Brazil

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    The essential oils of Salvia ovalifolia, S. procurrens and S. uliginosa were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The three species displayed very low amounts of essential oils, consisting of a few sesquiterpenes, and aliphatic compounds such as aldehydes and long-chain fatty acids. From the leaves of S. uliginosa, an exudate was obtained which presented the diterpene icetexone as the major component. The exudate and icetexone were evaluated for the activity against Candida species, both showing inhibition of fungal growth

    Infância e Escolarização: a inserção das crianças no ensino fundamental

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    A partir de uma pesquisa de abordagem etnográfica em educação, baseada em observação participante, videogravações e entrevistas, acompanhamos o início do processo de inserção de uma turma de crianças de seis anos no Ensino Fundamental. Em nosso estudo, procuramos caracterizar aspectos do início desse processo considerando a cultura escolar como algo em constante movimento, povoada por embates e contradições, e em íntima relação com a construção da cultura de pares. Destacamos alguns aspectos essenciais que caracterizaram a inserção dessas crianças no Ensino Fundamental: a rotina diariamente escrita no quadro, a preocupação com o bem-estar físico das crianças, o cuidado com os artefatos escolares, o tom de voz baixo da professora, a roda de conversa e a prática de uma criança ajudar a outra

    Potentiation of action of lipophilic products from Hypericum species native to south Brazil

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    Plantas do gênero Hypericum (Hypericaceae) são reconhecidas fontes de moléculas com fins terapêuticos. Para espécies nativas do sul do Brasil, atividades como antifúngica e antinociceptiva já foram relatadas, atribuídas principalmente a compostos extraídos em suas frações lipofílicas como derivados de floroglucinol, benzopiranos e benzofenonas. Neste estudo, o potencial sinérgico entre frações lipofílicas de H. carinatum e o fármaco fluconazol, frente a fungos leveduriformes emergentes, foi avaliado por duas metodologias distintas: checkerboard e isobolograma. Para isolados de Candida krusei e C. famata o efeito da associação foi superior ao do fármaco isolado. Dessa forma, o perfil de suscetibilidade observado sugere que a fração esteja auxiliando a ação do fármaco. Ainda abordando o potencial terapêutico de espécies de Hypericum, a investigação da atividade antinociceptiva (via oral) do benzopirano HP1 de H. polyanthemum, quando incorporado em nanoemulsões, foi avaliada. Os resultados demonstraram que HP1 pode ser adequadamente incorporado em nanoemulsões, dada sua solubilidade no núcleo oleoso. Em relação ao efeito antinociceptivo, nanoemulsões contendo HP1 demonstraram o mesmo efeito do composto livre, em magnitude, porém em dose inferior. A redução da dose ativa sugere que uma melhor solubilização do composto possa ter ocorrido quando o mesmo está inserido em nanoemulsões. Nesse contexto, estudos de permeabilidade intestinal ex vivo (Ussing chambers) de HP1, na sua forma livre e incorporado em nanoemulsões, foram realizados. Os resultados demonstraram que a permeabilidade intestinal do benzopirano HP1, quando incorporado em nanoemulsões, foi cerca de 4 vezes maior em relação a forma livre. Além disso, experimentos de lipólise in vitro mostraram que enzimas presentes no trato gastrointestinal são hábeis em hidrolisar nanoemulsões a espécies coloidais, mais solúveis e facilmente absorvíveis pelas células intestinais. Ainda, a permeabilidade intestinal do benzopirano HP1, na sua forma livre, no sentido absortivo foi maior que no sentido secretório indicando que transportadores ativos estão, ao menos em parte, auxiliando a absorção deste composto pelas células intestinais. Dessa forma, com vistas a elucidar o provável transportador ativo de HP1, dada a semelhança estrutural deste benzopirano com moléculas canabinoides e a relação existente entre os sistemas opioide e canabinoide, a influência deste último na absorção de HP1 foi investigada. Os resultados demonstraram que o benzopirano HP1 pode estar relacionado ao sistema canabinoide, mas a natureza dessa ligação, seja de transporte, agonismo/antagonismo ou físico-química, não foi possível de ser elucidada. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese são relevantes à medida que espécies de fungos leveduriformes emergentes se mostram cada vez mais resistentes aos fármacos comumente utilizados. Além disso, a importância destes resultados se dá pela viabilidade de incorporação do benzopirano HP1 em nanoemulsões e a capacidade desses sistemas em reduzir a dose ativa no benzopirano HP1 por uma maior solubilização do composto e assim, melhor absorção. Dessa maneira, os resultados deste trabalho representam o alto potencial biológico de espécies de Hypericum e abrem possibilidade para mais estudos utilizando estas plantas.Plants from genus Hypericum (Hypericaceae) are recognized as a source of therapeutical agents. To south Brazil species, acitivities like antifungal and antinociceptive had already been demonstrated, attributed mainly to compounds from lipophilic fractions as phloroglucinol derivatives, benzophenones and benzopyrans. In this study, antifungal potential of lipophilic fractions of H. carinatum and fluconazole against emerging yeasts was evaluated by two methodologies for multiple dose-response analyzes: checkerboard and isobologram. To Candida krusei and C. famata isolates the effect of association was higher than the effect of fluconazole alone. Thus, the susceptibility profile observed for these species suggests that, somehow, the fractions are facilitating the action of drug. Still on therapeutical potential of Hypericum species, the antinociceptive study of a benzopyran (HP1) isolated from H. polyanthemum, incorporate in nanoemulsions, was evaluated. The results demonstrated that HP1 could be incorporated in a nanoemulsion system, given the high solubility in the oil core. Regarding the antinociceptive effect, HP1 loaded in nanoemulsions showed the same effect of free form, in magnitude, at lower doses. These results suggest a better solubilization of HP1 when loaded in nanoemulsions, and, thus, better absorption by organism. In this context, ex vivo intestinal permeability studies (Ussing chambers) of HP1 free form and loaded in nanoemulsions were performed. The results showed that the intestinal permeability of HP1 loaded in nanoemulsions were about 4 times higher than HP1 free form. Besides, the intestinal permeability of HP1 free form in absorptive direction was higher than secretory direction indicating that active transporters are, at least in part, involved in HP1 intestinal absorption. Thus, in order to elucidate the probable active transporter of HP1 and since its structure looks like a cannabinoid molecule and there is a relation between the opioid and cannabinoid pathways, the influence of intestinal cannabinoid system in HP1 absorption was investigated. The results indicated that the benzopyran HP1 may be related to cannabinoid system, but the nature of this interaction: transport, agonism/antagonism or physico-chemical is still unknown. The outcomes obtained are relevant since the resistance of emerging yeast species to available drugs, used for a variety of fungal infections, is increasing. The importance of these findings lies also in the feasibility of incorporating HP1 into nanoemulsions, and the capacity of these systems in reduce the antinociceptive active doses, by higher solubilization, and thus, absorption. Then, together the results represent the high biological potential of Hypericum species and open new possibilities to further studies with these plants