20 research outputs found

    The correlation of subordinate-leader intimacy and job satisfaction with organizational commitment / Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani

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    The objective of this research was to study the correlation of subordinate-leader intimacy and job satisfaction with organization commitment. A total respondent of this research 216 employees of Government Organization in Cilegon, Indonesia were selected to fill up the questionnaires. A set of questionnaire consist of self developed Intimacy Questionnaire, Porter and Smith’s Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ), Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) by Weiss, Dawis, England, and Lofquist, and respondents’ personal data was administered to the respondents. The data were analyzed by Person Correlation and Multiple Regression analysis of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 12.0. The result showed that there were positive correlation between organization commitment and leader – subordinate intimacy, between organization commitment and job satisfaction, and between subordinate–leader intimacy and job satisfaction. Intimacy between leader and subordinate and Job Satisfaction were simultaneosly contribute to the organization commitment. The research found that there was no correlation between demographic factors and all tested variables. As the leader and subordinate intimacy become closer and more satisfied employee, the organization commitment is proven to be higher

    Employee Well-being as mediator of correlation between Psychological Capital and Psychological Climate

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    Individual differences are one of the factors that influence the psychological climate. The existence of bias and the existence of the perception of the influence of other factors on an individual, so that in the same neighborhood but in different individuals our own ingrained perceptions would be different. It affects individual’s self-efficacy as one of dimension on psychological capital, psychological capital associated with a person's perception of well-being of employees or referred to as employee well-being, where the employee well-being as well as a factors effect of psychological climate. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether employee well-being as a mediator of the relationship between psychological capital and psychological climate of hospitality employees. Respondents were 378 hospitality employees, the analysis used regression analysis model 4 v3.0 mediation process by Hayes. The results showed that employee well-being acts as a partial mediator in the relationship between psychological capital and psychological climate, so that with the existence of employee well-being the relationship between psychological capital and psychological climate will be greater. Research found that the contribution dimension to psychological climate has the greatest relationship with the dimension of psychological well-being in employee well-being, other than that there were differences in employee well-being in the age range of 18-30 years with ages 31-60 years and also differences in psychological climate in the age range from 18-30 years with ages 31-60 years

    Kompetensi Pekerja dan Efeknya Terhadap Work Engagement: Riset pada Pekerja dengan Horizontal Education Mismatch

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    Salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi work engagement adalah kompetensi. Terdapat inkonsistensi dengan penelitian sebelumnya mengenai peran dari perceived competency terhadap work engagement di kalangan pekerja yang mangalami horizontal education mismatch. Oleh karena itu, penelitian dilakukan untuk menguji apakah ada pengaruh perceived competency terhadap work engagement terutamanya pada pekerja yang mengalami horizontal education mismatch. Responden penelitian ini terdiri dari 566 pekerja yang mengalami horizontal education mismatch, dengan rentang usia 19-55 tahun dan merupakan lulusan sekolah kejuruan ataupun sarjana strata 1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived competency memiliki efek positif terhadap work engagement pekerja yang mengalami horizontal education mismatch di Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, dan Bekasi. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi intelektual memberikan pengaruh terbesar kepada work engagement, terutamanya pada dimensi vigor dan dedication. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pekerja yang memiliki kompentensi intelektual yang tinggi juga akan menunjukkan vigor dan dedication yang tinggi di tempatnya bekerja

    The relationship between employees’ adaptability, employees’ judgment toward the benefit of the organization merger and organizational commitment / Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani and Okina Fitriani

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    The main objective of this research was to examine the relationship between employees’ adaptability, employees’ judgment towards the benefit of the organization merger and organizational commitment. The subject of the study consisted of 209 employees of the oil company in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data was collected using a set of questionnaires which covered the understanding of the employees’ adaptability, the employee’s judgment towards the benefit of the merger, the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire and subject’s demographic information. The result of the study suggests that there were significant effect of the employees’ adaptability and social judgment towards the organizational merger with the organizational commitment. The effect was proven to exist both individually and in combination. The adaptability provided 10.4 percent effect to estimate organizational commitment while the social judgment gives more significant effect, i.e. 42.4 percent. The study has also indicated there was an explicit positive relationship between the employees’ adaptability and the employees’ social judgment towards the benefit of organizational merger. The employees’ judgment of the benefit of the merger was found to be different depends on the origin where they were work, either acquirer company or acquired company. However, there was no difference in the employees’ commitment to the merged company from both original companies. The validity and reliability of the three psychometric tools that have been used in this study was considered adequate to measure the employees’ adaptability, social judgment towards the benefit of he merger and the organizational commitment


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    Purpose: This study realizing the importance of psychological capital on employee's as well as individual components, this study addresses to investigate the mediating role of quality of work-life in the relationship between psychological capital and work engagement. Methodology: The data collected from 356 employees of multinational companies in Indonesia, with technique cluster sampling.  There are three measuring instruments used in this study namely the Quality of Work Life Model by Walton, which consists of 35 items; Implicit Psychological Capital (IPCQ) 24 items by Harm and Luthan, and The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) by Schaufeli and Bakker, which consists of 17 items. The analysis used mediation regression model no. 4 V3.0 PROCESS by Andrew F. Hayes. Main Findings: The results of this study indicate the quality of work-life partially mediated the relationship between psychological capital and work engagement. Psychological capital has both direct and indirect impacts to work engagement and quality of work-life as mediators. The result found a positive relationship between psychological capital and work engagement, psychological capital, and quality of work-life, also work engagement and quality of work-life. Applications: This study throws light on literature psychology, especially the industry and organization field. Also, as a torchlight in companies and employees to create and implement strategies and programs for the development of existing human resources. So that employees have the expected performance so that the goals of the company can achieve and employees feel involved in the company's development and generate feelings of confidence and sense of worth on his job. The results of this study also give some contributions to developing the existing body of knowledge, especially in positive psychology literature. Novelty/Originality: The critical role of Quality of work-life as a mediator on the relationship between psychological capital and work engagement among employees in Developing Countries

    Peran Father Involvement terhadap Self Esteem Remaja

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the role of fathers involvement in parenting towards the development of self esteem in adolescents. This research used quantitative method with purposive sampling technique. The participants were 149 adolescents who live with the their fathers. This study used self esteem scale by Rosenberg and father involvement scale which was developed by researcher based on the theory of Goncy and Van Dullman. The data analysis result using regression test shows that the contribution of the role of the father involvement on adolescent's self esteem is 38%, while the other 62% was caused by other factors. This finding indicate that the greater role of father in parenting, the higher self esteem. This study hopefully can increase father’s awareness and brings new pattern of family parenting about their roles that not only in economic but also for the psychological effect, especially self esteem

    Effect of Core Self-Evaluation and Career Competencies on Employee WellBeing in the New Normal Era

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    Employee well-being is a crucial aspect for companies, as it enables employees to perform optimally and make their most significant contributions. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of core self-evaluation and career competencies on employee wellbeing in the new normal era. The sample population consisted of 366 employees in the Greater Jakarta area from several industrial sectors, such as trade, services, education, military, civil service, and telecommunications. The results showed that core self-evaluation and career competencies had a simultaneous effect on employee well-being in the new normal era. The dimension of self-esteem within core self-evaluation variable had the highest influence on employee well-being, particularly the psychological well-being dimension. The findings of this study were expected to provide insight to employees and agencies regarding the importance of self-evaluation in maximizing the competencies of employees and achieving prosperity in the workplace, social environment, and daily life

    The Influence of Food Delivery Application Attributes in Developing e-Loyalty: The Mediating Role of e-Satisfaction

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    Food delivery application or FDA is a promising online food delivery service today. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA is helping restaurants grow and helping consumers order food. This study fills the gap in the FDA literature by analyzing and empirically testing the mediating effect of e- satisfaction on the relationship between FDA attributes and e-loyalty. The FDA attributes are represented in information quality, visual design, and navigational design. Data was collected using an online questionnaire for 651 FDA user respondents in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data is analyzed using Partial Least Square. The findings of this study indicate that customer e-satisfaction is proven to mediate partially from visual design, navigation design with e-loyalty, and customer e-satisfaction is proven to fully mediate information quality with e-loyalty. This research closes with theoretical and managerial implications, as well as limitations


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    Advances in communication technological know-how are very unexpectedly providing changes in the social order. The internet is broadly diagnosed with the aid of enterprise conduct as one of the equipment (tools) to enhance business in the future. As one of the social media, YouTube has the traits of content material via users or higher acknowledged as User Generated Content. YouTube has emerge as a platform the place humans can upload and share movies online, till now YouTube has become a part of the entertainment industry. In this regard, community carrier activities associated to managing social media as a enterprise probability or mediapreunership will be carried out for young adults at SMKN 1 Tangerang. This exercise targets to provide an grasp to the target market that by means of managing YouTube, it can come to be a location for entrepreneurship.   Keywords: Digitial Tecnhology, Mediapreunership, YouTube, Yout

    Perkaitan konflik kerja dan keluarga terhadap kepuasan keibubapaan dalam kalangan wanita bekerja semasa tempoh perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP)

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    Pandemik Covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia pada tahun 2020 sehingga sekarang telah memberi kesan kepada semua aspek kehidupan manusia termasuklah pengaruh konflik kerja dan keluarga terhadap kepuasaan keibubapaan wanita bekerja. Oleh yang demikian kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh konflik kerja dan keluarga terhadap tahap kepuasan ibu bapa dalam kalangan wanita dwikerjaya sepanjang tempoh PKP. Seramai 339 respondan yang terdiri daripada wanita yang berkerja dari seluruh negara telah mengikuti kajian ini. Para responden dikehendaki untuk menjawab soal selidik yang terdiri daripada Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) dan Work-Family Conflict Scale (WAFCS). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa konflik kerja dan konflik keluarga yang dialami oleh responden akan mempengaruhi tahap kepuasan keibubapaan dalam kalangan wanita sepanjang tempoh PKP. Konflik kerja dan konflik keluarga yang dihadapi oleh wanita yang berperanan sebagai pekerja dan ibu dalam rumahtangga mempengaruhi kepuasaan keibubapaan wanita tersebut. Adalah amat penting untuk mengkaji perkara ini dengan lebih mendalam dalam kajian-kajian seterusnya supaya pihak tertentu dapat membantu bagaimana untuk mengurangkan konflik kerjad an keluarga dalam kalangan wanita bekerja terutamanya semasa pandemik