444 research outputs found

    Small integral membrane protein 10 like 1 downregulation enhances differentiation of adipose progenitor cells

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    Small integral membrane protein 10 like 1 (SMIM10L1) was identified by RNA sequencing as the most significantly downregulated gene in Phosphatase and Tensin Homologue (PTEN) knockdown adipose progenitor cells (APCs). PTEN is a tumor suppressor that antagonizes the growth promoting Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT/mechanistic Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) cascade. Diseases caused by germline pathogenic variants in PTEN are summarized as PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (PHTS). This overgrowth syndrome is associated with lipoma formation, especially in pediatric patients. The mechanisms underlying this adipose tissue dysfunction remain elusive. We observed that SMIM10L1 downregulation in APCs led to an enhanced adipocyte differentiation in two- and three-dimensional cell culture and increased expression of adipogenesis markers. Furthermore, SMIM10L1 knockdown cells showed a decreased expression of PTEN, pointing to a mutual crosstalk between PTEN and SMIM10L1. In line with these observations, SMIM10L1 knockdown cells showed increased activation of PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling and concomitantly increased expression of the adipogenic transcription factor SREBP1. We computationally predicted an α-helical structure and membrane association of SMIM10L1. These results support a specific role for SMIM10L1 in regulating adipogenesis, potentially by increasing PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling, which might be conducive to lipoma formation in pediatric patients with PHTS

    Discoidin domain receptor 1 kinase activity is required for regulating collagen IV synthesis

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    Discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) is a receptor tyrosine kinase that binds to and is activated by collagens. DDR1 expression increases following kidney injury and accumulating evidence suggests that it contributes to the progression of injury. To this end, deletion of DDR1 is beneficial in ameliorating kidney injury induced by angiotensin infusion, unilateral ureteral obstruction, or nephrotoxic nephritis. Most of the beneficial effects observed in the DDR1-null mice are attributed to reduced inflammatory cell infiltration to the site of injury, suggesting that DDR1 plays a pro-inflammatory effect. The goal of this study was to determine whether, in addition to its pro-inflammatory effect, DDR1 plays a deleterious effect in kidney injury by directly regulating extracellular matrix production. We show that DDR1-null mice have reduced deposition of glomerular collagens I and IV as well as decreased proteinuria following the partial renal ablation model of kidney injury. Using mesangial cells isolated from DDR1-null mice, we show that these cells produce significantly less collagen compared to DDR1-null cells reconstituted with wild type DDR1. Moreover, mutagenesis analysis revealed that mutations in the collagen binding site or in the kinase domain significantly reduce DDR1-mediated collagen production. Finally, we provide evidence that blocking DDR1 kinase activity with an ATP-competitive small molecule inhibitor reduces collagen production. In conclusion, our studies indicate that the kinase activity of DDR1 plays a key role in DDR1-induced collagen synthesis and suggest that blocking collagen-mediated DDR1 activation may be beneficial in fibrotic diseases

    Combining machine learning with structurebased protein design to predict and engineer post-Translational modifications of proteins

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    Post-Translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins play a vital role in their function and stability. These modifications influence protein folding, signaling, protein-protein interactions, enzyme activity, binding affinity, aggregation, degradation, and much more. To date, over 400 types of PTMs have been described, representing chemical diversity well beyond the genetically encoded amino acids. Such modifications pose a challenge to the successful design of proteins, but also represent a major opportunity to diversify the protein engineering toolbox. To this end, we first trained artificial neural networks (ANNs) to predict eighteen of the most abundant PTMs, including protein glycosylation, phosphorylation, methylation, and deamidation. In a second step, these models were implemented inside the computational protein modeling suite Rosetta, which allows flexible combination with existing protocols to model the modified sites and understand their impact on protein stability as well as function. Lastly, we developed a new design protocol that either maximizes or minimizes the predicted probability of a particular site being modified. We find that this combination of ANN prediction and structure-based design can enable the modification of existing, as well as the introduction of novel, PTMs. The potential applications of our work include, but are not limited to, glycan masking of epitopes, strengthening protein-protein interactions through phosphorylation, as well as protecting proteins from deamidation liabilities. These applications are especially important for the design of new protein therapeutics where PTMs can drastically change the therapeutic properties of a protein. Our work adds novel tools to Rosetta s protein engineering toolbox that allow for the rational design of PTMs

    The collagen receptor discoidin domain receptor 1b enhances integrin β1-mediated cell migration by interacting with talin and promoting Rac1 activation.

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    Integrins and discoidin domain receptors (DDRs) 1 and 2 promote cell adhesion and migration on both fibrillar and non fibrillar collagens. Collagen I contains DDR and integrin selective binding motifs; however, the relative contribution of these two receptors in regulating cell migration is unclear. DDR1 has five isoforms (DDR1a-e), with most cells expressing the DDR1a and DDR1b isoforms. We show that human embryonic kidney 293 cells expressing DDR1b migrate more than DDR1a expressing cells on DDR selective substrata as well as on collagen I in vitro. In addition, DDR1b expressing cells show increased lung colonization after tail vein injection in nude mice. DDR1a and DDR1b differ from each other by an extra 37 amino acids in the DDR1b cytoplasmic domain. Interestingly, these 37 amino acids contain an NPxY motif which is a central control module within the cytoplasmic domain of β integrins and acts by binding scaffold proteins, including talin. Using purified recombinant DDR1 cytoplasmic tail proteins, we show that DDR1b directly binds talin with higher affinity than DDR1a. In cells, DDR1b, but not DDR1a, colocalizes with talin and integrin β1 to focal adhesions and enhances integrin β1-mediated cell migration. Moreover, we show that DDR1b promotes cell migration by enhancing Rac1 activation. Mechanistically DDR1b interacts with the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) Breakpoint cluster region protein (BCR) thus reducing its GAP activity and enhancing Rac activation. Our study identifies DDR1b as a major driver of cell migration and talin and BCR as key players in the interplay between integrins and DDR1b in regulating cell migration