76 research outputs found

    Results of the blue whiting otolith exchange

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    At the Blue Whiting Assessment Working Group, it was agreed to carry out an otolith exchange programme to solve the ageing problems pointed out by ACFM. A sample of 115 otoliths from Division IXa was exchanged, and seven countries are taking part in the exchange, although it has not yet been completed. One otolith from each fish was sectioned and the other preserved in aqueous solution. In the whole otoliths a tendency to lose one or two early rings was observed, and in the sectioned otoliths the presence of false rings was the cause of misreading. A combination of both methods would probably improve the age determinations, but is unfortunately time consuming. The agreement between the readers was in general low, from both sliced and whole otoliths.The ANOVA with a significance level of 5% showed that the mean age of the sample is different for various readers, and the Tukey test showed that there are no significant differences between three readers, at the same significance level. Considering the importance of ageing in the .assessment, new investigations are needed to improve the agreement, and it is suggested that further samples are exchanged, or that an otolith workshop should be convened

    Mergeable weighted majority games and characterizations of some power indices

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    In this paper, we introduce a notion of mergeable weighted majority games with the aim of providing the first characterization of the Colomer–Martínez power index (Colomer and Martínez in J Theor Polit 7(1):41–63, 1995). Furthermore, we define and characterize a new power index for the family of weighted majority games that combines ideas of the Public Good (Holler in Polit Stud 30(2):262–271, 1982) and Colomer–Martínez power indices. Finally, we analyze the National Assembly of Ecuador using these and some other well-known power indicesWe would like to thank Balbina V. Casas-Méndez and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments. This work is part of the R+D+I project grants MTM2017-87197-C3-2-P, MTM2017-87197-C3-3-P, PID2021-124030NB-C32, and PID2021-124030NB-C33, that were funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”/EU. This research was also funded by Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2020/03 and ED431C-2021/24 from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidades, Xunta de Galicia. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureS

    O impacto da identidade rexional propia nas industrias creativas e culturais : un estudo para as rexións da Unión Europea

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en EconomíaNeste traballo analizamos o impacto que ten a identidade cultural e a autonomía política na capacidade das rexións europeas para desenvolver o sector das industrias creativas e culturais. Para facelo organizamos o traballo en dúas partes, máis unhas conclusións o seu remate. Nunha primeira parte, de carácter teórico, facemos unha recopilación da literatura existente sobre o tema, definindo os conceptos chave e establecendo as relación existentes entre elas dende un punto de vista teórico. Desta forma, neste apartado, xustificamos as variables empregadas na seguinte fase, de carácter empírico. Fundamentalmente basámonos nas aportacións de Richard Florida sobre a aparición e crecemento da clase creativa así como nas teorías de aglomeración espacial das actividades económicas, tomando como base as achegas de Alfred Marshall. Posteriormente discutimos o papel da identidade propia e os seus posibles efectos sobre o desenvolvemento de actividades de carácter creativo, se ben neste caso a literatura existente está pouco desenvolvida. Pasando xa a parte empírica, o que plantexamos é a construcion de varios modelos econométricos, para ilustrar as relacións. No primiero apartado presentamos a nosa base de datos. No segundo describimos o procedemento para a construción dos modelos e os problemas e solucións requeridas. Para rematar co apartado empírico presentamos os catro mellores modelos obtidos. Finalmente expoñemos as principais conclusións do traballo que poden resumirse na existencia dun impacto positivo da identidade propia e da autonomía política no desenvolvemento do sector das industrias creativas e culturais nas rexións europeas

    Acoustic abundance estimates of blue whiting off the Spanish Atlantic coast in march-april 1991

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    This document describes the abundance and distribution whiting from an acoustic survey on the Spanish continental shelf (Divisions VIIIc and IXa2). The total biomass was 171 thousand tonnes, corresponding million fish. of b1ue Atlantic estimated to 4800 Only young fish were recorded in the whole area surveyed, with similar length and age distribution to those found in the fishery (Ages 0-5). Older fish were not detected in this area, at least in the spawning season. A comparison of the distribution and densities of blue whiting observed in this survey with those recorded in 1984 show that the distribution pattern in this area is quite stable

    Abundance estimation and distribution of sardine in Northern Spain (north of IXa and VIIIc divisions)

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    Since 1986, an acoustic survey programme have been carried out for assessment of sardine: stock in Atlantic waters of the Iberian Peninsula. Sardine abundance estimated by length and age groups and oceanographic conditions in Galician and Cantabrian waters from 1986 to 1993 were studied. The biomass decreased after 1986 despite the occurrence of two very good year classes 1983 (the strongest ever recorded since 1976) and in 1987. The 1991 recruiting year c1ass seems to be a good one in the 1993 survey.Depuis 1986, un programme de sondage acoustique a été fait pour l'evaluation du stock de sardines dans les eaux atlantiques de la Peninsule Iberique. L'abondance de sardines, estimée par des groupes de taille et d'age, et les conditions oceanographiques dans les eaux de la Galicie et de la mer Cantabrique a été étududiée depuis 1986 jusqu'à 1993. La biomasse a diminué après 1986, malgre la presence de deux bonnes années 1983 (la plus forte jamais registrée depuis 1976) et 1987

    Myofascial release therapy in the treatment of occupational mechanical neck pain: a randomized parallel group study

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    [Abstract] Objective: As myofascial release therapy is currently under development, the objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of myofascial release therapy with manual therapy for treating occupational mechanical neck pain. Design: A randomized, single-blind parallel group study was developed. The sample (n = 59) was divided into GI, treated with manual therapy, and GII, treated with myofascial release therapy. Variables studied were intensity of neck pain, cervical disability, quality of life, craniovertebral angle, and ranges of cervical motion. Results: At five sessions, clinical significance was observed in both groups for all the variables studied, except for flexion in GI. At this time point, an intergroup statistical difference was observed, which showed that GII had better craniovertebral angle (P = 0.014), flexion (P = 0.021), extension (P = 0.003), right side bending (P = 0.001), and right rotation (P = 0.031). A comparative analysis between therapies after intervention showed statistical differences indicating that GII had better craniovertebral angle (P = 0.000), right (P = 0.000) and left (P = 0.009) side bending, right (P = 0.024) and left (P = 0.046) rotations, and quality of life. Conclusions: The treatment of occupational mechanical neck pain by myofascial release therapy seems to be more effective than manual therapy for correcting the advanced position of the head, recovering range of motion in side bending and rotation, and improving quality of life

    Is Myofascial Release Therapy Cost-Effective When Compared with Manual Therapy to Treat Workers’ Mechanical Neck Pains?

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    [Abstract] Objective: The aim of this study was to do a cost-benefit analysis of myofascial release therapy (MRT) compared to manual therapy (MT) for treating occupational mechanical neck pain. Methods: Variables regarding the outcomes of the intervention were intensity of neck pain, cervical disability, quality of life, craniovertebral angle, and ranges of cervical motion. Costs were assessed based on a social perspective using diary costs. Between-groups differences in average cost, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility ratios were assessed using bootstrap parametric techniques. The economic cost-benefit evaluation was with regard to an experimental parallel group study design. There were 59 participants. Results: Myofascial released therapy showed significant improvement over MT for cervical mobility (side bending, rotation, and craniovertebral angle). The total cost of MRT was approximately 20% less ( 519.81;95interval,519.81; 95% confidence interval, 1193.67 to $100.31) than that of MT, although this was not statistically significant. Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility ratios showed that MRT could be associated with lower economic costs. Conclusion: With probabilities of 93.9% and 95.8%, MRT seems to be cost-effective for treating mechanical neck pain without the need to add any additional cost to obtain a better clinical benefit. Consequently, we believe it could be included in the clinical practice guidelines of different Spanish health care institutions