77 research outputs found

    Agro de Nogueira, Melide, A Coruña : new data and new problematic

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    A propósito de uma data de AMS realizada para os restos de incineração da cista pequena de Agro de Nogueira os autores equacionam novas problemáticas sobre esta estação arqueológica e sobre a introdução do rito de incineração no Noroeste Peninsular.Based on a AMS date obtained from the burning remains of the small cist of Agro Nogueira the authors of this paper pose new hypotheses about this archaeological place and about the introduction of the rite of incineration in the Northwest of Iberian Peninsula

    CAR T-Cell Therapy Predictive Response Markers in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma and Therapeutic Options After CART19 Failure

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    Immunotherapy with T cells genetically modified with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) has shown significant clinical efficacy in patients with relapsed/refractory B-cell lymphoma. Nevertheless, more than 50% of treated patients do not benefit from such therapy due to either absence of response or further relapse. Elucidation of clinical and biological features that would predict clinical response to CART19 therapy is of paramount importance and eventually may allow for selection of those patients with greater chances of response. In the last 5 years, significant clinical experience has been obtained in the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients with CAR19 T cells, and major advances have been made on the understanding of CART19 efficacy mechanisms. In this review, we discuss clinical and tumor features associated with response to CART19 in DLBCL patients as well as the impact of biological features of the infusion CART19 product on the clinical response. Prognosis of DLBCL patients that fail CART19 is poor and therapeutic approaches with new drugs are also discussed

    Delirium asociado a imipenem en paciente ingresado en una unidad quirúrgica. Diagnóstico etiológico del delirium

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    A 82 year-old woman with chronic renal failure who entered for acute diverticulitis in the General Surgery service. With medical treatment of rest digestive, antibiotic, parenteral nutrition, she evolves torpid until the improvement. In relation to the onset of imipenem, delirium presents a good evolution after its suspension. The identification of the risk factors and precipitating causes of delirium, investigating especially the associated drugs, are necessary for its treatment and prevention.Mujer de 82 años con insuficiencia renal crónica que ingresa por diverticulitis aguda en el servicio de Cirugía General. Con tratamiento médico de reposo digestivo, antibiótico y nutrición parenteral evoluciona tórpidamente hasta la mejoría. En relación con el inicio de imipenem presenta delirium con buena evolución tras su suspensión. La identificación de los factores de riesgo y de las causas precipitantes del delirium, investigando sobre todo los fármacos asociados, son necesarios para su tratamiento y prevención

    An approach with a Business-as-Usual scenario projection to 2020 for the Covenant of Mayors from the Eastern Partnership

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    The methodology for the Covenant of Mayors – East needed to be extended with a business-as-usual projection of the emissions for 2020, from which national coefficients for the previous years are derived. In this way, signatories will be able to do their emission inventories of the present situation, and estimate which their emissions in 2020 will be. Then they will commit to an emission reduction target based on their projections of emissions for 2020 following the business-as-usual scenario. The factors are country-specific, calculated both for CO2 and CO2eq (CO2, CH4, N2O using the GWP100metric) in order to allow signatories to choose the approach they prefer. Moreover an urban dimension is provided, providing a margin on the projections.JRC.H.2-Air and Climat

    Soil moisture content determines the effectiveness of the urease inhibitor NBPT on N2O emissions

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    Among the mitigation strategies to prevent nitrogen (N) losses from ureic fertilizers, urease inhibitors (UIs) have been demonstrated to promote high N use efficiency by reducing ammonia (NH3) volatilization. In the last few years, some field experiments have also shown its effectiveness in reducing nitrous oxide (N2O) losses from fertilized soils under conditions of low soil moisture. An incubation experiment was carried out with the aim of assessing the main biotic mechanisms behind N2O emissions once that the UIs N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamid (NBPT) and phenil phosphorodiamidate (PPDA) were applied with Urea (U) under different soil moisture conditions (40, 60 and 80 % water-filled pore space, WFPS). In the same study we tried to analyze to what extent soil WFPS regulates the effect of these inhibitors on N2O emissions. The use of PPDA in our study allowed us to compare the effect of NBPT with that of another commercially available urease inhibitor, aiming to see if the results were inhibitor-specific or not. Based on the results from this experiment, a WFPS (i.e. 60 %) was chosen for a second study (i.e. mesocosm experiment) aiming to assess the efficiency of the UIs to indirectly affect N2O emissions through influencing the pool of soil mineral N. The N2O emissions at 40 % WFPS were almost negligible, being significantly lower from all fertilized treatments than that produced at 60 and 80 % WFPS. When compared to U alone, NBPT+U reduced the N2O emissions at 60 % WFPS but had no effect at 80 % WFPS. The application of PPDA significantly increased the emissions with respect to U at 80 % WFPS whereas no significant effect was found at 60 %. At 80 % WFPS, denitrification was the main source of N2O emissions for all treatments. In the mesocosm study, the application of NBPT+U was an effective strategy to reduce N2O emissions (75 % reduction compared to U alone), due to a lower soil ammonium (NH4 +) content induced by the inhibitor. These results suggest that adequate management of the UI NBPT could provide, under certain soil conditions, an opportunity for mitigation of N2O emissions from fertilized soils

    Silent T-cell receptor cutaneous T-cell lymphoma associated to a clonal plasma cell proliferation

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    Within T-cell lymphomas (TCL) there are 2 entities expressing gamma-delta TCR: hepatosplenic gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma (HSGDTL) and the primary cutaneous gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma (PCGDTL). PCGDTL is a rare form of Tcell lymphoma with specific tropism for skin that have a dismal prognosis. Although even rarer, there have been reports of TCL with loss of expression of the TCR, which have been termed peripheral TCL TCR-silent type. We report the case of a cutaneous TCR-silent type lymphoma associated to a clonal plasma cell proliferation with an ominous outcome that led to a lot of discussion in its classification. Due to the aggressiveness of the disease and the scant evidence about therapy in this strange entity the outcome was fatal. We report a unique case of a TCR-silent cutaneous TCL with an exceptional histopathology, prolonged clinical evolution and a subsequent plasma cell clonal expansion

    Seasonal trends and environmental controls of methane emissions in a rice paddy field in Northern Italy

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    Rice paddy fields are one of the greatest anthropogenic sources of methane (CH4), the third most important greenhouse gas after water vapour and carbon dioxide. In agricultural fields, CH4 is usually measured with the closed chamber technique, resulting in discontinuous series of measurements performed over a limited area, that generally do not provide sufficient information on the short-term variation of the fluxes. On the contrary, aerodynamic techniques have been rarely applied for the measurement of CH4 fluxes in rice paddy fields. The eddy covariance (EC) technique provides integrated continuous measurements over a large area and may increase our understanding of the underlying processes and diurnal and seasonal pattern of CH4 emissions in this ecosystem. For this purpose a Fast Methane Analyzer (Los Gatos Research Ltd.) was installed in a rice paddy field in the Po Valley (Northern Italy). Methane fluxes were measured during the rice growing season with both EC and manually operated closed chambers. Methane fluxes were strongly influenced by the height of the water table, with emissions peaking when it was above 10–12 cm. Soil temperature and the developmental stage of rice plants were also responsible of the seasonal variation on the fluxes. The measured EC fluxes showed a diurnal cycle in the emissions, which was more relevant during the vegetative period, and with CH4 emissions being higher in the late evening, possibly associated with higher water temperature. The comparison between the two measurement techniques shows that greater fluxes are measured with the chambers, especially when higher fluxes are being produced, resulting in 30% higher seasonal estimations with the chambers than with the EC (41.1 and 31.7 gCH4 m−2 measured with chambers and EC respectively) and even greater differences are found if shorter periods with high chamber sampling frequency are compared. The differences may be a result of the combined effect of overestimation with the chambers and of the possible underestimation by the EC technique.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    Ecohydrological changes after tropical forest conversion to oil palm

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    Given their ability to provide food, raw material and alleviate poverty, oil palm (OP) plantations are driving significant losses of biodiversity-rich tropical forests, fuelling a heated debate on ecosystem degradation and conservation. However, while OP-induced carbon emissions and biodiversity losses have received significant attention, OP water requirements have been marginalized and little is known on the ecohydrological changes (water and surface energy fluxes) occurring from forest clearing to plantation maturity. Numerical simulations supported by field observations from seven sites in Southeast Asia (five OP plantations and two tropical forests) are used here to illustrate the temporal evolution of OP actual evapotranspiration (ET), infiltration/runoff, gross primary productivity (GPP) and surface temperature as well as their changes relative to tropical forests. Model results from large-scale commercial plantations show that young OP plantations decrease ecosystem ET, causing hotter and drier climatic conditions, but mature plantations (age > 8−9 yr) have higher GPP and transpire more water (up to +7.7%) than the forests they have replaced. This is the result of physiological constraints on water use efficiency and the extremely high yield of OP (six to ten times higher than other oil crops). Hence, the land use efficiency of mature OP, i.e. the high productivity per unit of land area, comes at the expense of water consumption in a trade of water for carbon that may jeopardize local water resources. Sequential replanting and herbaceous ground cover can reduce the severity of such ecohydrological changes and support local water/climate regulation.This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation grant no. 152019 (r4d - Ecosystems) ‘Oil Palm Adaptive Landscapes’. AM and AK were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the framework of the collaborative German- Indonesian research project CRC990 - EFForTS. The authors confirm that they have no interest or relationship, financial, or otherwise that might be perceived as influencing objectivity with respect to this work