641 research outputs found

    Tunneling calculations for GaAs-Al(x)Ga(1-x) as graded band-gap sawtooth superlattices

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    Quantum mechanical tunneling calculations for sawtooth (linearly graded band-gap) and step-barrier AlGaAs superlattices were performed by means of a transfer matrix method, within the effective mass approximation. The transmission coefficient and tunneling current versus applied voltage were computed for several representative structures. Particular consideration was given to effective mass variations. The tunneling properties of step and sawtooth superlattices show some qualitative similarities. Both structures exhibit resonant tunneling, however, because they deform differently under applied fields, the J-V curves differ

    Treatment of patients with rare bleeding disorders in the Netherlands:Real-life data from the RBiN study

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    Background Patients with rare inherited bleeding disorders (RBDs) exhibit hemorrhagic symptoms, varying in type and severity, often requiring only on-demand treatment. Prolonged bleeding after invasive procedures is common. Adequate peri-procedural therapy may reduce this bleeding risk. Objective To describe general treatment plans of RBD patients and evaluate the use of peri-procedural hemostatic therapy. Methods In the Rare Bleeding Disorders in the Netherlands (RBiN) study, RBD patients from all six Dutch Hemophilia Treatment Centers were included. General treatment plans were extracted from patient files. Patients with a dental or surgical procedure in their history were interviewed about use of peri-procedural treatment and bleeding complications. Results Two-hundred sixty-three patients with a rare coagulation factor deficiency or fibrinolytic disorder were included. Eighty-four percent had a documented general treatment plan. General treatment plans of patients with the same RBD were heterogeneous, particularly in factor XI deficiency. Overall, 308 dental and 408 surgical procedures were reported. Bleeding occurred in 50% of dental and 53% of surgical procedures performed without hemostatic treatment and in 28% of dental and 19% of surgical procedures performed with hemostatic treatment. Not only patients with severe RBDs, but also patients with mild deficiencies, experienced increased bleeding without proper hemostatic treatment. Conclusion Large heterogeneity in general treatment plans of RBD patients was found. Bleeding after invasive procedures was reported frequently, both before and after RBD diagnosis, irrespective of factor activity levels and particularly when peri-procedural treatment was omitted. Improved guidelines should include uniform recommendations for most appropriate hemostatic products per RBD and emphasize the relevance of individual bleeding history

    Special and inclusive education in the Republic of Ireland: reviewing the literature from 2000 to 2009

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    Provision for pupils with special educational needs in Ireland has undergone considerable change and review in the first decade of the twenty first century. In response to international demands for a more equitable education system which recognises diversity and considers how schools might address the needs of pupils who have been previously marginalised, Irish legislation has focused upon the development of inclusive schooling. Researchers during this period have endeavoured to understand how responses to the demand for greater inclusion have impacted upon the perceived need for change. This paper reviews the research literature for this period and identifies four key themes under which research has been conducted. The literature pertaining to these themes is explored and a possible agenda for future researchers identifie

    Recommendations for a step-wise comparative approach to the evaluation of new screening tests for colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: New screening tests for colorectal cancer continue to emerge, but the evidence needed to justify their adoption in screening programs remains uncertain.METHODS: A review of the literature and a consensus approach by experts was undertaken to provide practical guidance on how to compare new screening tests with proven screening tests.RESULTS: Findings and recommendations from the review included the following: Adoption of a new screening test requires evidence of effectiveness relative to a proven comparator test. Clinical accuracy supported by programmatic population evaluation in the screening context on an intention-to-screen basis, including acceptability, is essential. Cancer-specific mortality is not essential as an endpoint provided that the mortality benefit of the comparator has been demonstrated and that the biologic basis of detection is similar. Effectiveness of the guaiac-based fecal occult blood test provides the minimum standard to be achieved by a new test. A 4-phase evaluation is recommended. An initial retrospective evaluation in cancer cases and controls (Phase 1) is followed by a prospective evaluation of performance across the continuum of neoplastic lesions (Phase 2). Phase 3 follows the demonstration of adequate accuracy in these 2 prescreening phases and addresses programmatic outcomes at 1 screening round on an intention-to-screen basis. Phase 4 involves more comprehensive evaluation of ongoing screening over multiple rounds. Key information is provided from the following parameters: the test positivity rate in a screening population, the true-positive and false-positive rates, and the number needed to colonoscope to detect a target lesion.CONCLUSIONS: New screening tests can be evaluated efficiently by this stepwise comparative approach. Cancer 2016;122:826-39. © 2016 The Authors. Cancer published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Cancer Society.</p

    Performance and calibration of the CHORUS scintillating fiber tracker and opto-electronics readout system

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    An essential component of the CERN WA95/CHORUS experiment is a scintillating fiber tracker system for precise track reconstruction of particles. The tracker design, its opto-electronics readout and calibration system are discussed. Performances of the detector are presented

    Indomethacin induces apoptosis via a MRP1-dependent mechanism in doxorubicin-resistant small-cell lung cancer cells overexpressing MRP1

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    Small-cell lung cancers (SCLCs) initially respond to chemotherapy, but are often resistant at recurrence. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin is an inhibitor of multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) function. The doxorubicin-resistant MRP1-overexpressing human SCLC cell line GLC4-Adr was highly sensitive for indomethacin compared with the parental doxorubicin-sensitive line GLC4. The purpose of this study was to analyse the relationship between hypersensitivity to indomethacin and MRP1 overexpression. The experimental design involved analysis of the effect of MRP1 downregulation on indomethacin-induced cell survival and apoptosis in GLC4-Adr and GLC4, using siRNA. In addition the effect of indomethacin on glutathione levels and mitochondrial membrane potential was investigated. Small interfering RNAs directed against MRP1 reduced MRP1 mRNA levels twofold and reduced efflux pump function of MRP1, which was reflected by a 1.8-fold higher accumulation of MRP1 substrate carboxyfluorescein, in si-MRP1 versus si-Luciferase-transfected GLC4-Adr cells. Multidrug resistance protein 1 downregulation decreased initial high apoptosis levels 2-fold in GLC4-Adr after indomethacin treatment for 24 h, and increased cell survival (IC50) from 22.8±2.6 to 30.4±5.1 ΌM following continuous indomethacin exposure. Multidrug resistance protein 1 downregulation had no effect on apoptosis in GLC4 or on glutathione levels in both lines. Although indomethacin (20 ΌM) for 2 h decreased glutathione levels by 31.5% in GLC4-Adr, complete depletion of cellular glutathione by L-buthionine (S,R)-sulphoximine only resulted in a small increase in indomethacin-induced apoptosis in GLC4-Adr, demonstrating that a reduced cellular glutathione level is not the primary cause of indomethacin-induced apoptosis. Indomethacin exposure decreased mitochondrial membrane potential in GLC4-Adr cells, suggesting activation of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. Indomethacin induces apoptosis in a doxorubicin-resistant SCLC cell line through an MRP1-dependent mechanism. This may have implications for the treatment of patients with MRP1-overexpressing tumours

    Investigation of type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease susceptibility loci for association with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: There is strong evidence suggesting that juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) shares many susceptibility loci with other autoimmune diseases. OBJECTIVE: To investigate variants robustly associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D) or coeliac disease (CD) for association with JIA. METHODS: Sixteen single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) already identified as susceptibility loci for T1D/CD were selected for genotyping in patients with JIA (n=1054) and healthy controls (n=3129). Genotype and allele frequencies were compared using the Cochrane-Armitage trend test implemented in PLINK. RESULTS: One SNP in the LPP gene, rs1464510, showed significant association with JIA (p(trend)=0.002, OR=1.18, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.30). A second SNP, rs653178 in ATXN2, also showed nominal evidence for association with JIA (p(trend)=0.02, OR=1.13, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.25). The SNP, rs17810546, in IL12A showed subtype-specific association with enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) subtype (p(trend)=0.005, OR=1.88, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.94). CONCLUSIONS: Evidence for a novel JIA susceptibility locus, LPP, is presented. Association at the SH2B3/ATXN2 locus, previously reported to be associated with JIA in a US series, also supports this region as contributing to JIA susceptibility. In addition, a subtype-specific association of IL12A with ERA is identified. All findings will require validation in independent JIA cohorts

    Cytotoxicity of rhein, the active metabolite of sennoside laxatives, is reduced by multidrug resistance-associated protein 1

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    Anthranoid laxatives, belonging to the anthraquinones as do anthracyclines, possibly increase colorectal cancer risk. Anthracyclines interfere with topoisomerase II, intercalate DNA and are substrates for P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein 1. P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 protect colonic epithelial cells against xenobiotics. The aim of this study was to analyse the interference of anthranoids with these natural defence mechanisms and the direct cytotoxicity of anthranoids in cancer cell lines expressing these mechanisms in varying combinations. A cytotoxicity profile of rhein, aloe emodin and danthron was established in related cell lines exhibiting different levels of topoisomerases, multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 and P-glycoprotein. Interaction of rhein with multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 was studied by carboxy fluorescein efflux and direct cytotoxicity by apoptosis induction. Rhein was less cytotoxic in the multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 overexpressing GLC4/ADR cell line compared to GLC4. Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 inhibition with MK571 increased rhein cytotoxicity. Carboxy fluorescein efflux was blocked by rhein. No P-glycoprotein dependent rhein efflux was observed, nor was topoisomerase II responsible for reduced toxicity. Rhein induced apoptosis but did not intercalate DNA. Aloe emodin and danthron were no substrates for MDR mechanisms. Rhein is a substrate for multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 and induces apoptosis. It could therefore render the colonic epithelium sensitive to cytotoxic agents, apart from being toxic in itself

    Minimum requirements for publishing hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur stable-isotope delta results (IUPAC Technical Report)

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    Stable hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur (HCNOS) isotope compositions expressed as isotope-delta values are typically reported relative to international standards such as Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW), Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) or Vienna Cañon Diablo Troilite (VCDT). These international standards are chosen by convention and the calibration methods used to realise them in practice undergo occasional changes. To ensure longevity and reusability of published data, a comprehensive description of (1) analytical procedure, (2) traceability, (3) data processing, and (4) uncertainty evaluation is required. Following earlier International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry documents on terminology and notations, this paper proposes minimum requirements for publishing HCNOS stable-isotope delta results. Each of the requirements are presented with illustrative example
