843 research outputs found

    Dynamic interplay between defective UiO‐66 and protic solvents in activated processes

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    UiO-66, composed by Zr-oxide inorganic bricks [Zr-6(mu(3)-O)(4)(mu(3)-OH)(4)] and organic terephthalate linkers, is one of the most studied metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) due to its exceptional thermal, chemical, and mechanical stability. Thanks to its high connectivity, the material can withstand structural deformations during activation processes such as linker exchange, dehydration, and defect formation. These processes do alter the zirconium coordination number in a dynamic way, creating open metal sites for catalysis and thus are able to tune the catalytic properties. In this work, it is shown, by means of first-principle molecular-dynamics simulations at operating conditions, how protic solvents may facilitate such changes in the metal coordination. Solvent can induce structural rearrangements in the material that can lead to undercoordinated but also overcoordinated metal sites. This is demonstrated by simulating activation processes along well-chosen collective variables. Such enhanced MD simulations are able to track the intrinsic dynamics of the framework at realistic conditions

    Influence of a confined methanol solvent on the reactivity of active sites in UiO-66

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    UiO-66, composed of Zr-oxide bricks and terephthalate linkers, is currently one of the most studied metal-organic frameworks due to its exceptional stability. Defects can be introduced in the structure, creating undercoordinated Zr atoms which are Lewis acid sites. Here, additional BrOnsted sites can be generated by coordinated protic species from the solvent. In this Article, a multilevel modeling approach was applied to unravel the effect of a confined methanol solvent on the active sites in UiO-66. First, active sites were explored with static periodic density functional theory calculations to investigate adsorption of water and methanol. Solvent was then introduced in the pores with grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, followed by a series of molecular dynamics simulations at operating conditions. A hydrogen-bonded network of methanol molecules is formed, allowing the protons to shuttle between solvent methanol, adsorbed water, and the inorganic brick. Upon deprotonation of an active site, the methanol solvent aids the transfer of protons and stabilizes charged configurations via hydrogen bonding, which could be crucial in stabilizing reactive intermediates. The multilevel modeling approach adopted here sheds light on the important role of a confined solvent on the active sites in the UiO-66 material, introducing dynamic acidity in the system at finite temperatures by which protons may be easily shuttled from various positions at the active sites

    Uncovering functional brain signature via random matrix theory

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    The brain is organized in a modular way, serving multiple functionalities. This multiplicity requires that both positive (e.g. excitatory, phase-coherent) and negative (e.g. inhibitory, phase-opposing) interactions take place across brain modules. Unfortunately, most methods to detect modules from time series either neglect or convert to positive any measured negative correlation. This may leave a significant part of the sign-dependent functional structure undetected. Here we present a novel method, based on random matrix theory, for the identification of sign-dependent modules in the brain. Our method filters out the joint effects of local (unit-specific) noise and global (system-wide) dependencies that empirically obfuscate such structure. The method is guaranteed to identify an optimally contrasted functional `signature', i.e. a partition into modules that are positively correlated internally and negatively correlated across. The method is purely data-driven, does not use any arbitrary threshold or network projection, and outputs only statistically significant structure. In measurements of neuronal gene expression in the biological clock of mice, the method systematically uncovers two otherwise undetectable, negatively correlated modules whose relative size and mutual interaction strength are found to depend on photoperiod. The neurons alternating between the two modules define a candidate region of functional plasticity for circadian modulation

    The aging brain: sleep, the circadian clock and exercise

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    Aging is a multifactorial process likely stemming from damage accumulation and/or a decline in maintenance and repair mechanisms in the organisms that eventually determine their lifespan. In our review, we focus on the morphological and functional alterations that the aging brain undergoes affecting sleep and the circadian clock in both human and rodent models. Although both species share mammalian features, differences have been identified on several experimental levels, which we outline in this review. Additionally, we delineate some challenges on the preferred analysis and we suggest that a uniform route is followed so that findings can be smoothly compared. We conclude by discussing potential interventions and highlight the influence of physical exercise as a beneficial lifestyle intervention, and its effect on healthy aging and longevity. We emphasize that even moderate age-matched exercise is able to ameliorate several aging characteristics as far as sleep and circadian rhythms are concerned, independent of the species studied.Circadian clocks in health and diseas

    Brief light exposure at dawn and dusk can encode day-length in the neuronal network of the mammalian circadian pacemaker

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    The central circadian pacemaker in mammals, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), is important for daily as well as seasonal rhythms. The SCN encodes seasonal changes in day length by adjusting phase distribution among oscillating neurons thereby shaping the output signal used for adaptation of physiology and behavior. It is well-established that brief light exposure at the beginning and end of the day, also referred to as "skeleton" light pulses, are sufficient to evoke the seasonal behavioral phenotype. However, the effect of skeleton light exposure on SCN network reorganization remains unknown. Therefore, we exposed mice to brief morning and evening light pulses that mark the time of dawn and dusk in a short winter- or a long summer day. Single-cell PER2::LUC recordings, electrophysiological recordings of SCN activity, and measurements of GABA response polarity revealed that skeleton light-regimes affected the SCN network to the same degree as full photoperiod. These results indicate the powerful, yet potentially harmful effects of even relatively short light exposures during the evening or night for nocturnal animals.Circadian clocks in health and diseas

    Comparing Epileptiform Behavior of Mesoscale Detailed Models and Population Models of Neocortex

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    Two models of the neocortex are developed to study normal and pathologic neuronal activity. One model contains a detailed description of a neocortical microcolumn represented by 656 neurons, including superficial and deep pyramidal cells, four types of inhibitory neurons, and realistic synaptic contacts. Simulations show that neurons of a given type exhibit similar, synchronized behavior in this detailed model. This observation is captured by a population model that describes the activity of large neuronal populations with two differential equations with two delays. Both models appear to have similar sensitivity to variations of total network excitation. Analysis of the population model reveals the presence of multistability, which was also observed in various simulations of the detailed model

    Synthesis of new pyridazino[4,5-b]indol-4-ones and pyridazin-3(2H)-one analogs as DYRK1A inhibitors

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    International audienceNew pyridazino[4,5-b]indol-4-ones and pyridazin-3(2H)-one analogs were synthesized and their inhibitory activities against DYRK1A, CDK5/p25, GSK3α/ÎČ and p110-α isoform of PI3K evaluated using harmine as reference. Both furan-2-yl 10 and pyridin-4-yl 19 from the two different series, exhibited submicromolar IC50 against DYRK1A with no activities against the three other kinases. In addition, compound 10 exhibited antiproliferative activities in the Huh-7, Caco2 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines

    Reduced Plasticity in Coupling Strength in the Aging SCN Clock as Revealed by Kuramoto Modeling

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    The mammalian circadian clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and consists of a network of coupled neurons, which are entrained to the environmental light-dark cycle. The phase coherence of the neurons is plastic and driven by the duration of daylight. With aging, the capacity to behaviorally adapt to seasonal changes in photoperiod reduces. The mechanisms underlying photoperiodic adaptation are largely unknown, but are important to unravel for the development of novel interventions to improve the quality of life of the elderly. We analyzed the phase coherence of single-cell PERIOD2::LUCIFERASE (PER2::LUC) expression rhythms in the SCN of young and old mice entrained to either long or short photoperiod. The phase coherence was used as input to a 2-community noisy Kuramoto model to estimate the coupling strength between and within neuronal subpopulations. The model revealed a correlation between coupling strength and photoperiod-induced changes in the phase relationship among neurons, suggesting a functional link. We found that the SCN of young mice adapts in coupling strength over a large range, with weak coupling in long photoperiod (LP) and strong coupling in short photoperiod (SP). In aged mice, we also found weak coupling in LP, but a reduced capacity to reach strong coupling in SP. The inability to respond with an increase in coupling strength suggests that manipulation of photoperiod is not a suitable strategy to enhance clock function with aging. We conclude that the inability of aged mice to reach strong coupling contributes to deficits in behavioral adaptation to seasonal changes in photoperiod. Circadian clocks in health and diseas
