235 research outputs found

    The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Rhizophagus irregularis on soil microorganisms assessed by metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbioses with approximately 80% of plant species and potentially benefit their hosts (e.g. nutrient acquisition) and the soil environment (e.g. soil aggregation). AMF also affect soil microbiota and soil multifunctionality. We manipulated AMF presence (via inoculation of non-sterile soil with Rhizophagus irregularis and using a hyphal compartment design) and used RNA-seq and metaproteomics to assess AMF roles in soil. The results indicated that AMF drove an active soil microbial community expressing transcripts and proteins related to nine metabolic functions, including the metabolism of C and N. We suggest two possible mechanisms: 1) the AMF hyphae produce exudates that select a beneficial community, or, 2) the hyphae compete with other soil microbes for available nutrients and consequently induce the community to mineralize nutrients from soil organic matter. We also identified candidate proteins that are potentially related to soil aggregation, such as Lpt and HSP60. Our results bridge microbial ecology and ecosystem functioning. We show that the AMF hyphosphere contains an active community related to soil respiration and nutrient cycling, thus potentially improving nutrient mineralization from soil organic matter and nutrient supply to the plants

    Promoting solar water disinfection in schools: experiences and lessons learnt in Latin America

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    Assessments of WASH promotion programmes showed that it is difficult to produce sustainable habit changes at community level. Teaching of children and transferring the message from school to the community is a promising approach to increase impact and sustainability. The Fundación SODIS implemented projects promoting household water treatment, with a special focus on solar water disinfection, and improved hygiene in more than 1,000 schools in Latin America, training more than 8'000 teachers and 170'000 Students. The experiences made during these projects showed that children do assimilate new behaviour faster and better than adults and that they can function as triggers for behaviour change and consolidation of new habits in the community. The most important factor to support assimilation was the ritual combination of elements to a complex behaviour pattern. Implementation of SODIS in small, rural schools was very successful, while promotion in big urban schools encountered difficulties

    Multiplex primer extension analysis for rapid detection of major European mitochondrial haplogroups

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    The evolution of the human mitochondrial genome is reflected in the existence of eth- nically distinct lineages or haplogroups. Alterations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been instrumental in studies of human phylogeny, in population genetics, and in molecular medicine to link pathological mutations to a variety of human diseases of complex etiology. For each of these applications, rapid and cost effective assays for mtDNA haplogrouping are invaluable. Here we describe a hierarchical system for mtDNA haplogrouping that combines multiplex PCR amplifications, multiplex single- base primer extensions, and CE for analyzing ten haplogroup-diagnostic mitochondrial single nucleotide polymorphisms. Using this rapid and cost-effective mtDNA geno- typing method, we were able to show that within a large, randomly selected cohort of healthy Austrians ( n = 1172), mtDNAs could be assigned to all nine major European haplogroups. Forty-four percent belonged to haplogroup H, the most frequent hap- logroup in European Caucasian populations. The other major haplogroups identified were U (15.4%), J (11.8%), T (8.2%) and K (5.1%). The frequencies of haplogroups in Austria is within the range observed for other European countries. Our method may be suitable for mitochondrial genotyping of samples from large-scale epidemiology stud- ies and for identifying markers of genetic susceptibility

    Viability Assessment in Liver Transplantation—What Is the Impact of Dynamic Organ Preservation?

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    Based on the continuous increase of donor risk, with a majority of organs classified as marginal, quality assessment and prediction of liver function is of utmost importance. This is also caused by the notoriously lack of effective replacement of a failing liver by a device or intensive care treatment. While various parameters of liver function and injury are well-known from clinical practice, the majority of specific tests require prolonged diagnostic time and are more difficult to assess ex situ. In addition, viability assessment of procured organs needs time, because the development of the full picture of cellular injury and the initiation of repair processes depends on metabolic active tissue and reoxygenation with full blood over several hours or days. Measuring injury during cold storage preservation is therefore unlikely to predict the viability after transplantation. In contrast, dynamic organ preservation strategies offer a great opportunity to assess organs before implantation through analysis of recirculating perfusates, bile and perfused liver tissue. Accordingly, several parameters targeting hepatocyte or cholangiocyte function or metabolism have been recently suggested as potential viability tests before organ transplantation. We summarize here a current status of respective machine perfusion tests, and report their clinical relevance

    A novel variant of the 13C-methacetin liver function breath test that eliminates the confounding effect of individual differences in sytemic CO2 kinetics

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    The principle of dynamic liver function breath tests is founded on the administration of a 13C-labeled drug and subsequent monitoring of 13CO2 in the breath, quantified as time series delta over natural baseline 13CO2 (DOB) liberated from the drug during hepatic CYP-dependent detoxification. One confounding factor limiting the diagnostic value of such tests is that only a fraction of the liberated 13CO2 is immediately exhaled, while another fraction is taken up by body compartments from which it returns with delay to the plasma. The aims of this study were to establish a novel variant of the methacetin-based breath test LiMAx that allows to estimate and to eliminate the confounding effect of systemic 13CO2 distribution on the DOB curve and thus enables a more reliable assessment of the hepatic detoxification capacity compared with the conventional LiMAx test. We designed a new test variant (named "2DOB") consisting of two consecutive phases. Phase 1 is initiated by the intravenous administration of 13C-bicarbonate. Phase 2 starts about 30 min later with the intravenous administration of the 13C-labelled test drug. Using compartment modelling, the resulting 2-phasic DOB curve yields the rate constants for the irreversible elimination and the reversible exchange of plasma 13CO2 with body compartments (phase 1) and for the detoxification and exchange of the drug with body compartments (phase 2). We carried out the 2DOB test with the test drug 13C-methacetin in 16 subjects with chronic liver pathologies and 22 normal subjects, who also underwent the conventional LiMAx test. Individual differences in the systemic CO2 kinetics can lead to deviations up to a factor of 2 in the maximum of DOB curves (coefficient of variation CV ≈ 0.2) which, in particular, may hamper the discrimination between subjects with normal or mildly impaired detoxification capacities. The novel test revealed that a significant portion of the drug is not immediately metabolized, but transiently taken up into a storage compartment. Intriguingly, not only the hepatic detoxification rate but also the storage capacity of the drug, turned out to be indicative for a normal liver function. We thus used both parameters to define a scoring function which yielded an excellent disease classification (AUC = 0.95) and a high correlation with the MELD score (RSpearman = 0.92). The novel test variant 2DOB promises a significant improvement in the assessment of impaired hepatic detoxification capacity. The suitability of the test for the reliable characterization of the natural history of chronic liver diseases (fatty liver-fibrosis-cirrhosis) has to be assessed in further studies

    Identification of Universally Applicable and Species-Specific Marker Peptides for Bacillus anthracis

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    Anthrax is a zoonotic infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis (BA). Specific identification of this pathogen often relies on targeting genes located on two extrachromosomal plasmids, which represent the major pathogenicity factors of BA. However, more recent findings show that these plasmids have also been found in other closely related Bacillus species. In this study, we investigated the possibility of identifying species-specific and universally applicable marker peptides for BA. For this purpose, we applied a high-resolution mass spectrometry-based approach for 42 BA isolates. Along with the genomic sequencing data and by developing a bioinformatics data evaluation pipeline, which uses a database containing most of the publicly available protein sequences worldwide (UniParc), we were able to identify eleven universal marker peptides unique to BA. These markers are located on the chromosome and therefore, might overcome known problems, such as observable loss of plasmids in environmental species, plasmid loss during cultivation in the lab, and the fact that the virulence plasmids are not necessarily a unique feature of BA. The identified chromosomally encoded markers in this study could extend the small panel of already existing chromosomal targets and along with targets for the virulence plasmids, may pave the way to an even more reliable identification of BA using genomics- as well as proteomics-based techniques

    Mutual Zonated Interactions of Wnt and Hh Signaling Are Orchestrating the Metabolism of the Adult Liver in Mice and Human

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    The Hedgehog (Hh) and Wnt/β-Catenin (Wnt) cascades are morphogen pathways whose pronounced influence on adult liver metabolism has been identified in recent years. How both pathways communicate and control liver metabolic functions are largely unknown. Detecting core components of Wnt and Hh signaling and mathematical modeling showed that both pathways in healthy liver act largely complementary to each other in the pericentral (Wnt) and the periportal zone (Hh) and communicate mainly by mutual repression. The Wnt/Hh module inversely controls the spatiotemporal operation of various liver metabolic pathways, as revealed by transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome analyses. Shifting the balance to Wnt (activation) or Hh (inhibition) causes pericentralization and periportalization of liver functions, respectively. Thus, homeostasis of the Wnt/Hh module is essential for maintaining proper liver metabolism and to avoid the development of certain metabolic diseases. With caution due to minor species-specific differences, these conclusions may hold for human liver as well

    Next-generation ultrasonic recorders facilitate effective bat activity and distribution monitoring by citizen scientists

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    Time and budgetary resources are often a limiting factor in the collection of large-scale ecological data. If data collected by citizen scientists were comparable to data collected by researchers, it would allow for more efficient data collection over a broad geographic area. Here, we compare the quality of data on bat activity collected by citizens (high school students and teachers) and researchers. Both researchers and citizen scientists used the same comprehensive instructions when choosing study sites. We found no statistically significant difference in total bat activity minutes recorded by citizens and researchers. Instead, citizen scientists collected data from a wider variety of habitats than researchers. Involvement of citizens also increased the geographical coverage of data collection, resulting in the northernmost documentation of the Nathusius’s pipistrelle so far in Finland. Therefore, bat research can benefit from the use of citizen science when participants are given precise instructions and calibrated data collection equipment. Citizen science projects also have other far-reaching benefits, increasing, for example, the scientific literacy and interest in natural sciences of citizens. Involving citizens in science projects also has the potential to enhance their willingness to conserve nature.Peer reviewe

    Transcriptomic and proteomic insight into the effects of a defined European mistletoe extract in Ewing sarcoma cells reveals cellular stress responses

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    Background The hydrophobic triterpenes, oleanolic and betulinic acid as well as the hydrophilic mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins possess anticancer properties. They do all occur in combination in European mistletoe (Viscum album L.). Commercial Viscum album L. extracts are aqueous, excluding the insoluble triterpenes. We have previously shown that mistletoe lectins and triterpene acids are effective against Ewing sarcoma in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. Methods We recreated a total mistletoe effect (viscumTT) by combining an aqueous extract (viscum) and a triterpene extract (TT) solubilised with cyclodextrins and analysed the effects of viscumTT and the single extracts on TC-71 Ewing sarcoma cells in vitro by transcriptomic and proteomic profiling. Results Treatment with the extracts strongly impacted Ewing sarcoma cell gene and protein expression. Apoptosis-associated and stress-activated genes were upregulated, proteasomal protein abundance enhanced and ribosomal and spliceosomal proteins downregulated. The mechanism of action of viscum, TT and viscumTT in TC-71 and MHH-ES-1 cells suggests the involvement of the unfolded protein response. While viscum and viscumTT extract treatment indicate response to oxidative stress and activation of stress-mediated MAPK signalling, TT extract treatment suggests the involvement of TLR signalling and autophagy. Conclusions Since the combinatory extract viscumTT exerts highly effective pro-apoptotic effects on Ewing sarcoma cells in vitro, this phytopolychemotherapy could be a promising adjuvant therapeutic option for paediatric patients with Ewing sarcoma

    Metabolic enhancement of mammalian developmental pausing

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    The quest to model and modulate embryonic development became a recent cornerstone of stem cell and developmental biology. Mammalian developmental timing is adjustable in vivo by preserving preimplantation embryos in a dormant state called diapause. Inhibition of the growth regulator mTOR (mTORi) pauses mouse development in vitro, yet constraints to pause duration are unrecognized. By comparing the response of embryonic and extraembryonic stem cells to mTORi-induced pausing, we identified lipid usage as a bottleneck to developmental pausing. Enhancing fatty acid oxidation (FAO) boosts embryo longevity, while blocking it reduces the pausing capacity. Genomic and metabolic analyses of single embryos point toward a deeper dormant state in FAO-enhanced pausing and reveal a link between lipid metabolism and embryo morphology. Our results lift a constraint on in vitro embryo survival and suggest that lipid metabolism may be a critical metabolic transition relevant for longevity and stem cell function across tissues
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