26,926 research outputs found


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    Jalan Ahmad Yani Kota Banda Aceh, salah satu jalan perkotaan dimana terletak pusat kegiatan perekonomian seperti tempat kuliner, bangunan-bangunan pertokoan, dan juga fasilitas umum seperti hotel, dan perkantoran. Pada sore dan malam hari kegiatan kuliner paling dominan dilakukan sehingga banyak pengunjung yang melewati dan perparkiran sangat dibutuhkan pada kawasan ini untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja jalan pada jalan tersebut. Jalan Ahmad Yani merupakan jalan satu arah dengan lebar jalan 16,85 m dan panjang jalan 200 m serta memiliki dua lajur efektif dengan lebar 3,50 m per lajurnya akibat adanya on-street parking dan aktifitas pedagang kaki lima (PKL). Perilaku masyarakat yang kurang peduli terhadap larangan parkir dan kegiatan manuver kendaraan keluar dan masuk parkir menimbulkan kurang efektifnya kinerja jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kebutuhan parkir di sisi jalan pada kondisi eksisting dan penanganan parkir yang efektif terhadap kinerja jalan. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada hari Sabtu 16 Mei 2015, hari Minggu 17 Mei 2015 dan hari Senin 18 Mei 2015 pada pukul 17.00-22.00 WIB. Data primer yang diamati berupa kendaraan masuk ke lokasi parkir, kendaraan keluar dari lokasi parkir, kendaraan yang telah ada di lokasi parkir, data hambatan samping, volume lalu-lintas, waktu tempuh serta ukuran panjang dan lebar on-street parking. Data sekunder berupa data jumlah penduduk dan lokasi penelitian yang didapat dari instansi terkait. Berdasarkan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data, didapat volume puncak terjadi di hari Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015 pada pukul 20.00-21.00 WIB sebesar 1456,4 smp/jam dengan kelas hambatan samping tinggi (573,2 kej/jam). Kecepatan tempuh aktual pada kondisi eksisting 20,168 km/jam dan derajat kejenuhan sebesar 0,605. Hal ini membuktikan lalu-lintas yang terjadi pada ruas jalan ini pada kondisi eksisting masih tergolong baik namun hampir mendekati DS < 0,75 (syarat MKJI) dengan Jalan Ahmad Yani merupakan kawasan kuliner dimana banyak lalu-lintas dan parkir beroperasi secara tidak teratur, maka dilakukan penataan ulang pola parkir 450 menjadi pola parkir 300 sehingga diperoleh derajat kejenuhan sebesar 0,536 dengan kapasitas jalan sebesar 2718,14 smp/jam dan kecepatan tempuh perhitungan 38,5 km/jam. Hal ini membuat jalan yang awalnya lebar jalur efektif 3,5 m diperoleh 3,75 m per lajurnya. Kata kunci: kapasitas jalan, derajat kejenuhan, kecepatan tempuh, pola parki

    The measured equation of invariance: a new concept in field computation

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    Computations of electromagnetic fields are based either on differential equations or on integral equations. The differential equation approach using finite difference or finite element methods results in sparse matrices, which is an advantage, but has to cover large volumes, which is a disadvantage. The integral equation approach using the method of moments (MOM) limits the mesh to the surface of the object, which is an advantage, but results in full matrices, which is a disadvantage. It is noted that the ideal case would be to reduce the finite difference type equations close to the object surface and still preserve the sparsity of the matrices. The measured equation of invariance is a new concept in field computation capable of approaching this ideal situation. The mathematics and reasonings to reach a novel computational method based on this concept are presented. It is shown that the method is robust for both convex and concave objects, is much faster than the MOM, and uses a fraction of the memory.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    THE DETERMINANT OF FINANCIAL HEALTH ON SHARIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (Empirical Research on Sharia Life Insurance Company in Indonesia Period 2010-2015)

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    Financial health is a term used to describe the state of one's personal or company financial situation. Considering the many factors that affect the level of health of the company, this research will develop research to analyze the effect of Firm Size (siz), Investment Performance (IP), Liquidity Ratio (LR), Incurred Loss Ratio (ILR) on Financial Health of Sharia Insurance company. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the factors that affect the Financial Health of Sharia Life Insurance Company in Indonesia the period 2010 to 2015. The Financial Health measured by two methods, namely by Altman Zscore and the second with a Risk Based Capital (RBC) with Firm Size (siz), Investment Performance (IP), Liquidity Ratio (LR), Incurred Loss Ratio (ILR) as independent variables . Samples used in this study as many as 14 Sharia Life Insurance, where the method used is purposive sampling is a sampling method that takes an object with certain criteria and using cross section data, where every year the amount of data taken is not same. Analysis of data using multiple regression analysis. The results of data analysis or regression results indicate that simultaneous Firm Size (siz), Investment Performance (IP), Liquidity Ratio (LR), and Incurred Loss Ratio (ILR) affects Financial Health (Z) and Financial Health (RBC). While partially produced different results, which is only variable Investment Performance (IP) which partially affects Financial Health (Z), but on the Financial Health (RBC), Investment Performance (IP), Liquidity Ratio (LR), Incurred Loss Ratio ( ILR) partially affect the Financial Health (RBC). The magnitude of the coefficient of determination (adjusted R-square) Financial Health (Z) is equal to 0.376. This means that 37.6% dependent variable, namely the Financial Health 1 (Z) can be explained by four independent variables, ie variables Firm Size (siz), Investment Performance (IP), Liquidity Ratio (LR), Incurred Loss Ratio (ILR) while the remaining 62.4% level Financial Health (Z) is explained by variables or other causes beyond the model. Then, magnitude of the coefficient of determination (adjusted R-square) Financial Health (RBC) is approximately 0.567. This means that 56.7% dependent variable 2, namely the Financial Health (RBC) can be explained by four independent variables are variables Firm Size (siz), Investment Performance (IP), Liquidity Ratio (LR), Incurred Loss Ratio (ILR) while the remaining 43.3% Financial Health (RBC) is explained by variables or other causes beyond the model

    Periodicities in the occurrence of aurora as indicators of solar variability

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    A compilation of records of the aurora observed in China from the Time of the Legends (2000 - 3000 B.C.) to the mid-18th century has been used to infer the frequencies and strengths of solar activity prior to modern times. A merging of this analysis with auroral and solar activity patterns during the last 200 years provides basically continuous information about solar activity during the last 2000 years. The results show periodicities in solar activity that contain average components with a long period (approx. 412 years), three middle periods (approx. 38 years, approx. 77 years, and approx. 130 years), and the well known short period (approx. 11 years)

    BMO is the intersection of two translates of dyadic BMO

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    Let T be the unite circle on R2R^2. Denote by BMO(T) the classical BMO space and denote by BMO_D(T) the usual dyadic BMO space on T. We prove that, BMO(T) is the intersction of BMO_D(T) and a translate of BMO_D(T).Comment: 4 page

    Jefferson\u27s Patient Encounter Log System (PELS)

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    The measured equation of invariance and its application to transmission line modelling

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    The Measured Equation of Invariance (MEI) is a geometry-dependent Finite Difference equation that can be used to terminate a mesh extremely close to the object of interest. The mesh can be terminated much closer than what absorbing boundary conditions would allow, but still keeping the locality of the equations. In this paper, this new concept is applied to the numerical simulation of transmission lines and their discontinuities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version