21 research outputs found

    Changes Regarding Attitudes Towards Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Sweden: The Diversity Barometer (2005-2018)

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    This article aims to discuss changes in attitudes towards immigrants in Sweden from 2015 onwards, based on the results of the longitudinal Diversity Barometer studies from 2005-2014, 2016 and 2018. The Diversity Barometer studies are based on a national, representative, and randomly selected sample from the Swedish population, with a new sample selected each time. We have analyzed the changes from a sociological perspective, using theories such as contact theory and group conflict theory. The results show an increase in negative attitudes towards ethic and cultural diversity generally, and towards immigrants specifically. Diversity in culture and religion – especially towards Islam – is more negatively perceived as compared to diversity in the work domain. Societal groups with extensive experience from contact with foreigners, those who identify themselves as women, those who are more educated, younger people and city dwellers, have all a more positive attitude towards diversity than others

    Survey of sleep status and its related factors among Hospitalized patients with heart failure

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    Background: Sleep disorders among heart failure (HF) patients negatively influence the quality of life. Awareness of sleep disturbances, as one of the disturbing factors of the quality of life among HF patients, and its related factors would help health care staff to provide more comprehensive care. Hence, this study was conducted to determine the quality of sleep and its related factors in hospitalized patients with HF. Methods: This cross-sectional survey study was conducted on 240 patients with HF hospitalized in one of the health centers of Guilan University of Medical Sciences between July and December 2013. Samples were selected by convenience sampling. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and a researcher-designed questionnaire on sleep disturbing factors were the instruments of this study. The correlation and relationship between sleep quality and variables related to personal, environmental, and disease factors were assessed. Results: The majority of the samples (91.2) had a poor sleep quality. A significant positive correlation was found between sleep quality and age (r = 0.322; p value < 0.001), body mass index (r = 0.212; p value < 0.001), number of comorbidities (r = 0.205; p value = 0.001), number of hospitalizations (r = 0.202; p value < 0.001), number of drugs consumed (r = 0.178; p value = 0.003), and length of stay in hospital (r = 0.149; p value = 0.011). Also, significant differences were seen between sleep quality and sex (p value = 0.014), smoking (p value = 0.038), educational level (p value = 0. 047), and hospital noise (p value = 0. 004). Conclusion: Age, sex, educational level, smoking, and obesity were the most significant factors affecting the sleep quality in our HF patients. © 2015 Tehran Heart Center. All rights reserved

    The welfare state´s stepchildren : An intersectional perspective on ethnic relations and discrimination in Sweden

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    Författaren har förlagets tillstånd att publicera fulltexten av detta bokkapitel.</p

    The welfare state´s stepchildren : An intersectional perspective on ethnic relations and discrimination in Sweden

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    Författaren har förlagets tillstånd att publicera fulltexten av detta bokkapitel.</p

    Sociologiska texter om familj, etnicitet, feminism och rasism

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    Sociologiska texter om familj, etnicitet, feminism och rasism utgör en sammanställning av några artiklar av Mehrdad Darvishpour som tidigare publicerats i olika tidskrifter. I sin helhet visar artikelsamlingen hur ett universalistiskt perspektiv kan vara värdefullt att lägga an i en analys av enskilda frågor såsom familjeupplösning i Sverige, invandrarflickor och familjesituationen i Sverige, islamisk feminism etc. Författaren har även en annan poäng med att samla sina texter; nämligen att verka överbryggande mellan de forskare som har inriktat sig på kvinnosituationen bland invandrare och i islamiska länder utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv och de forskare som ifrågasätter eurocentristiska och rasistiska diskurser i etniska relationer. I analysen av samhällsproblem som berör genus och etniska relationer menar författaren att man kan - och bör – kombinera de två aspekterna. Enligt författaren ger begreppet intersektionalitet, som kombinerar dimensioner såsom klass, kön och etnicitet, en bra utgångspunkt för analysen. Artiklarna som finns med i samlingen visar hur en forskare kan kombinera en feministisk och en antirasistisk utgångspunkt i sin analys av olika samhällsproblem

    Möjlighet och utmaningar till inkludering av utrikesfödda kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden och i samhället : En rapport om utbildnings- och forskningscirklar inom KLARA-projektet

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    Denna rapport är resultat av ett samverkansprojekt mellan forskare från Mälardalens universitet och samordningsförbudnet RAR Sörmland. Projektet KLARA (https://rarsormland.se/insats/klara/) siktar på att öka utrikesföddas kvinnors integration på arbetsmarknaden och i övriga samhället</p

    Möjlighet och utmaningar till inkludering av utrikesfödda kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden och i samhället : En rapport om utbildnings- och forskningscirklar inom KLARA-projektet

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    Denna rapport är resultat av ett samverkansprojekt mellan forskare från Mälardalens universitet och samordningsförbudnet RAR Sörmland. Projektet KLARA (https://rarsormland.se/insats/klara/) siktar på att öka utrikesföddas kvinnors integration på arbetsmarknaden och i övriga samhället</p

    Honour-Related Problems in School Contexts in Sweden - theoretical perspective and prevention

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    This report: Honour-Related Problems in School Contexts in Sweden - theoretical perspctive and prevention, presents an outline of definitions, problems areas and theoretical perspctive within this reserach field. It also provides a description of the preventataive measures schools should take to confront honour-related problems experienced by pupils. Some questions pinpointed in this report ramain urgent matters. The repot highlights the relationship between integrations politics and school policies concerning honour-related problems. The writers raise certain dilemmas which can become issues in the conflict between children's right and parent's right and wich may be manifested in the contact between school ans home

    The securitization of asylum seeking in Sweden after 2015 in light of experiences of asylum-seeking girls with roots in Afghanistan

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    This chapter aims to shed light from a gender perspective on the issue of security for asylum seeking adolescent girls in context of increased securitisation of the asylum-seeking process following the migration vogue of 2015. Half of those 163,000 asylum-seeking people who arrived to Sweden in 2015 were children, and half of them were unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC), a majority being boys from Afghanistan. As a response Sweden has reversed its open asylum regime to the minimum EU standard in 2016, including restrictive attitude towards granting residency for UASC. This article explores how the securitization radically changed the preconditions for the establishment of asylum-seeking adolescent girls. Beyond the review of previous research and new data sources it also explores the issue through the analyses of the life stories of two girls of Afghan origin. One of them arrived with her parents through family affiliation with her brother who had previously received asylum as an UASC. The other girl arrived as an UASC in 2015. The narrative analysis provides a voice to two girls and their experiences, and is to complement the research on post 2015 securitisation with focus on gender based vulnerabilities of adolescent girls.  Nyanländ

    The securitization of asylum seeking in Sweden after 2015 in light of experiences of asylum-seeking girls with roots in Afghanistan

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    This chapter aims to shed light from a gender perspective on the issue of security for asylum seeking adolescent girls in context of increased securitisation of the asylum-seeking process following the migration vogue of 2015. Half of those 163,000 asylum-seeking people who arrived to Sweden in 2015 were children, and half of them were unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC), a majority being boys from Afghanistan. As a response Sweden has reversed its open asylum regime to the minimum EU standard in 2016, including restrictive attitude towards granting residency for UASC. This article explores how the securitization radically changed the preconditions for the establishment of asylum-seeking adolescent girls. Beyond the review of previous research and new data sources it also explores the issue through the analyses of the life stories of two girls of Afghan origin. One of them arrived with her parents through family affiliation with her brother who had previously received asylum as an UASC. The other girl arrived as an UASC in 2015. The narrative analysis provides a voice to two girls and their experiences, and is to complement the research on post 2015 securitisation with focus on gender based vulnerabilities of adolescent girls.  Nyanländ