12 research outputs found

    Seed and pod characteristics of different seed coat color beans collected from Black Sea Region

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    Bu çalışmada Karadeniz Bölgesi'nden toplanan farklı tohum renklerine sahip sırık taze fasulye gen kaynaklarının bazı tohum ve bakla özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Şalpazarı'ndan 24 genotip, Ulukışla ve Çiftehan'dan 5 farklı genotip, 1 adet ticari sırık fasulye çeşidi ile 1 adet yurtdışından getirtilen genotip olmak üzere toplam 31 genotipte çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. UPOV karakterizasyonlarında; tohum boyuna kesitinde böbrek şeklinin, enine kesitinde orta eliptik şeklin, tane uzunluğunda orta uzunluğun, tanede renk sayısında kahverenginin, tane ikincil renginin dağılımında ikincil renklerin tanenin tamamında olmasının ve tanede damarlanmanın az olmasının baskın karakterler olduğu ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Tohum ve baklalarda parametreler açısından önemli farklılık ve çeşitliliğin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre, tohum büyüklüğü ile bakla büyüklüğü arasında bir ilişki bulunmamakla birlikte, bakla uzunluğunun artışı, bakladaki dane sayısının da artışına sebep olmuştur.In this study some seed and pod characters of indeterminate green bean accessions having different seed coat color collected from Black Sea region of Turkey were determined. Within the scope of this project, 24 genotypes collected from Trabzon Şalpazarı, 5 different genotypes from Ulukışla and Çiftehan, 1 commercial indeterminate green bean cultivar, 1 genotype obtained from abroad and a total of 31 genotypes were used. In seed characterizations performed according to UPOV descriptor it was determined that dominated characters were kidney shape, in seed shape of longitudinal section; medium eliptic, in seed shape of cross section; medium length, in seed length; bicolor, in grain number of colors; brown, in grain main color; on whole grain, in distribution of secondary color and low, in ratio of wrinkles on grain. Significant diversity and variation were also determined regarding quantitative measurements of seed and pods. According to our research results, although no relationship between seed size and pod size, a linear relation was determined between pod length and grain number in pod

    The Investigation of Kinetic Characterization of Sea Salt via Thermoluminescence Method

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    The calculation of the kinetic parameters of a thermoluminescence material (kinetic order (b), activation energy (E) and frequency factor (s)) by using the thermoluminescence (TL) method is extremely important in determining the kinetic characterization of the materials. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is an inorganic salt. It is a crystal well known for its luminescent properties, with a simple cubic structure and its band gap is rather large (~ 8.5 eV). In this work, it was reported the TL response of the material in the range of 50– 400 oC and calculated kinetic parameters of sea salt. Two glow peaks were observed at 100 oC and 235 oC in the TL glow curve of sea salt with a heating rate 2 oC/s after X-ray irradiation. The Tm-Tstop method was used to determine the overlapping peaks under the main peak at 100 oC. With the computerized glow curve deconvolution (CGCD) method, the peak analysis was performed. In addition, kinetic parameters were calculated using various heating rates and peak shape. The b = 1.5, E = 0.88 eV and s = 1.7x1011 s-1 values were calculated using the peak shape methodThe calculation of the kinetic parameters of a thermoluminescence material (kinetic order (b), activation energy (E) and frequency factor (s)) by using the thermoluminescence (TL) method is extremely important in determining the kinetic characterization of the materials. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is an inorganic salt. It is a crystal well known for its luminescent properties, with a simple cubic structure and its band gap is rather large (~ 8.5 eV). In this work, it was reported the TL response of the material in the range of 50– 400 oC and calculated kinetic parameters of sea salt. Two glow peaks were observed at 100 oC and 235 oC in the TL glow curve of sea salt with a heating rate 2 oC/s after X-ray irradiation. The Tm-Tstop method was used to determine the overlapping peaks under the main peak at 100 oC. With the computerized glow curve deconvolution (CGCD) method, the peak analysis was performed. In addition, kinetic parameters were calculated using various heating rates and peak shape. The b = 1.5, E = 0.88 eV and s = 1.7x1011 s-1 values were calculated using the peak shape metho

    Evaluation of immunization status in patients with cerebral palsy: a multicenter CP-VACC study

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    Children with chronic neurological diseases, including cerebral palsy (CP), are especially susceptible to vaccine-preventable infections and face an increased risk of severe respiratory infections and decompensation of their disease. This study aims to examine age-appropriate immunization status and related factors in the CP population of our country. This cross-sectional prospective multicentered survey study included 18 pediatric neurology clinics around Turkey, wherein outpatient children with CP were included in the study. Data on patient and CP characteristics, concomitant disorders, vaccination status included in the National Immunization Program (NIP), administration, and influenza vaccine recommendation were collected at a single visit. A total of 1194 patients were enrolled. Regarding immunization records, the most frequently administrated and schedule completed vaccines were BCG (90.8%), hepatitis B (88.9%), and oral poliovirus vaccine (88.5%). MMR was administered to 77.3%, and DTaP-IPV-HiB was administered to 60.5% of patients. For the pneumococcal vaccines, 54.1% of children received PCV in the scope of the NIP, and 15.2% of children were not fully vaccinated for their age. The influenza vaccine was administered only to 3.4% of the patients at any time and was never recommended to 1122 parents (93.9%). In the patients with severe (grades 4 and 5) motor dysfunction, the frequency of incomplete/none vaccination of hepatitis B, BCG, DTaP-IPV-HiB, OPV, and MMR was statistically more common than mild to moderate (grades 1-3) motor dysfunction (p = 0.003, p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p < 0.00, and p < 0.001, respectively). Physicians' influenza vaccine recommendation was higher in the severe motor dysfunction group, and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.029)

    Kültürel Bellek 2016

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    Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tarihi ve Kültürel Mirası Araştırma Merkezi HÜTKAM olarak kültürel bellek çalışmalarına katkıda bulunmayı görevimiz kabul ediyoruz. 2016 yılında, yönetim kurulu olarak bu serüvene başlamaya karar verdik. Güvendiğimiz dostlarımız, arkadaşlarımız ve elbette hocalarımız çağrımızı yanıtsız bırakmadı. Birbirinden değerli araştırmalarla zenginleştik ve tarihe not düşmek adına kültürel bellek çalışmalarına biz de katıldık. Kültürel mirasın evrensel olduğu, oralı/buralı, sizden/bizden, uzak/yakın ayırmadan, hepimizin olduğu fikrinden yola çıktık. Bizi biz yapan, toplumları oluşturan, birleştiren kültürel belleğimizdir. Kimi zaman insan eliyle, cehaletle, yıkıcılıkla bazen adamsendecilikle, bilinçsizlikle tahrip edilen, yok edilen tarihi ve kültürel miras, belleğimizin önemli, çok önemli bir parçasıdır. Her zaman önünden geçtiğimiz bir yapı bir gecede yıkıldıysa, çocukluk anılarımızı biriktirdiğimiz mahallemiz yok olduysa, sokağımızın, meydanımızın adı değiştiyse eksiliriz. Bizi büyüten oyunlar kaybolduysa, bir tekerleme artık hatırlanmıyorsa, çocukluğumuzun sanatçıları göçmüşse, eski şarkılar plaklarda bile yoksa eksiliriz. Hafızamızı tetikleyen imgeler, kokular, sesler, tatlar değişirse bireysel belleğimiz, yaşadığımız kentin ve toplumun belleği zarar görür, eksiliriz. Bireysel tarihimizde, belleğimizdeki insanları yitirdikçe nasıl azalıyorsak tarihi ve kültürel mirası, ortak belleği yitirdikçe de öyle zayıflar ve giderek yok oluruz. İşte bu nedenle biz hatırlamayı, öğrenmeyi, görmeyi, araştırmayı seçiyoruz. Unutmamak için, unutulduysa hatırlamak ve hatırlatmak için, bilmeyenlere göstermek, anlatmak ve belleğimize sahip çıkmak için başladığımız bu serüvende çağrımızı kırmayan değerli araştırmacılara şükranlarımızı sunuyoruz. Unutmayalım ki kültürel bellek, hepimizi birleştiren güçtür

    Mihmanlı’nın MİDE KANSERİ VE CERRAHİ TEDAVİSİ’’ 3. Baskı

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    Characteristics of pediatric multiple sclerosis: The Turkish pediatric multiple sclerosis database

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    Objective To document the clinical and paraclinical features of pediatric multiple sclerosis (MS) in Turkey. Methods Data of MS patients with onset before age 18 years (n = 193) were collected from 27 pediatric neurology centers throughout Turkey. Earlier-onset (<12 years) and later-onset (?12 years) groups were compared. Results There were 123 (63.7%) girls and 70 (36.3%) boys aged 4–17 years, median 14 years at disease onset. Family history of MS was 6.5%. The first presentation was polysymptomatic in 55.4% of patients, with brainstem syndromes (50.3%), sensory disturbances (44%), motor symptoms (33.2%), and optic neuritis (26.4%) as common initial manifestations. Nineteen children had facial paralysis and 10 had epileptic seizures at first attack; 21 (11%) were initially diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Oligoclonal bands were identified in 68% of patients. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed periventricular (96%), cortical/juxtacortical (64.2%), brainstem (63%), cerebellum (51.4%), and spinal cord (67%) involvement. Visual evoked potentials (VEP) were abnormal in 52%; serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were low in 68.5% of patients. The earlier-onset group had a higher rate of infection/vaccination preceding initial attack, initial diagnosis of ADEM, longer interval between first 2 attacks, and more disability accumulating in the first 3 years of the disease. Conclusion Brainstem and cerebellum are common sites of clinical and radiological involvement in pediatric-onset MS. VEP abnormalities are frequent even in patients without history of optic neuropathy. Vitamin D status does not appear to affect the course in early disease. MS beginning before 12 years of age has certain characteristics in history and course

    Re-examining the characteristics of pediatric multiple sclerosis in the era of antibody-associated demyelinating syndromes.

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    Background: The discovery of anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-IgG and anti-aquaporin 4 (AQP4)-IgG and the observation on certain patients previously diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) actually have an antibody-mediated disease mandated re-evaluation of pediatric MS series. Aim: To describe the characteristics of recent pediatric MS cases by age groups and compare with the cohort established before 2015. Method: Data of pediatric MS patients diagnosed between 2015 and 2021 were collected from 44 pediatric neurology centers across Turkiye. Clinical and paraclinical features were compared between patients with dis-ease onset before 12 years (earlier onset) and >= 12 years (later onset) as well as between our current (2015-2021) and previous (< 2015) cohorts. Results: A total of 634 children (456 girls) were enrolled, 89 (14%) were of earlier onset. The earlier-onset group had lower female/male ratio, more frequent initial diagnosis of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), more frequent brainstem symptoms, longer interval between the first two attacks, less frequent spinal cord involvement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and lower prevalence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-restricted oligoclonal bands (OCBs). The earlier-onset group was less likely to respond to initial disease-modifying treatments. Compared to our previous cohort, the current series had fewer patients with onset < 12 years, initial presentation with ADEM-like features, brainstem or cerebellar symptoms, seizures, and spinal lesions on MRI. The female/male ratio, the frequency of sensorial symptoms, and CSF-restricted OCBs were higher than reported in our previous cohort. Conclusion: Pediatric MS starting before 12 years was less common than reported previously, likely due to exclusion of patients with antibody-mediated diseases. The results underline the importance of antibody testing and indicate pediatric MS may be a more homogeneous disorder and more similar to adult-onset MS than previously thought

    Koneman’xxs Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic MicrobiologyKoneman Renkli Atlas ve Tanısal Mikrobiyoloji Kitabı Türkçe Baskısı

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