104 research outputs found

    A fully discrete ε-uniform method for convection-diffusion problem on equidistant meshes

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    For a singularly-perturbed two-point boundary value problem, we propose an ε-uniform finite difference method on an equidistant mesh which requires no exact solution of a differential equation. We start with a full-fitted operator method reflecting the singular perturbation nature of the problem through a local boundary value problem. However, to solve the local boundary value problem, we employ an upwind method on a Shishkin mesh in local domain, instead of solving it exactly. We further study the convergence properties of the numerical method proposed and prove it nodally converges to the true solution for any ε

    Effect on perception of bronchoconstriction of moderate-dose fluticason plus salmeterol in elderly asthmatics

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    Amaç: Orta-doz Flutikazon ve salmeterol tedavisinin bronkokonstriksiyonun algılanmasına etkisinin yaşlı ve genç astımlılarda değerlendirilmesi. Metot: Yirmidokuz yaşlı astımlı (geqgeq60 yaş) ve 21 genç astımlı (<60 yaş) hasta çalışmaya katıldı. Yaşlı astımlılar semptom sürelerine göre iki gruba ayrıldı (geç başlangıçlı astım <5 yıl; erken başlangıçlı astım geqgeq5 yıl). Orta persistan astımlı 50 hasta bir yıl boyunca günde iki defa 250 ug flutikazon propionat ve 50ug salmeterol tedavisi aldı. Her hastaya başlangıçta ve bir yıl sonra histamin ile bronş provokasyon testi yapıldı. Nefes darlığı modifiye Borg skalası ile değerlendirildi. Birinci saniye zorlu vital kapasite'de (FEVİ) %20'lik bir düşmenin olduğu Borg skoru Algılama skoru 20 (AS20) olarak saptandı.Sonuçlar: Geç başlangıçlı yaşlı astımlılarda başlangıç ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.21 ± 0.18) ile tedavi sonrası ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.32 ± 0.22) arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0.7). Erken başlangıçlı yaşlı astımlılarda başlangıç ortalama AS20 değerleri ile (1.45 ± 0.14) tedavi sonrası ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.11 ± 0.30) arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0.2). Genç astımlılarda başlangıç ortalama AS20 değerleri (2.27 ±0.25) ile tedavi sonrası ortalama AS20 değerleri (2.07 ± 0.29) arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0.3). Yaşlı astımlılarda başlangıç ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.31 ± 0.12; 2.27 ± 0.25 p=0.001) ve tedavi sonrası ortalama AS20 değerleri (1.23 0.18; 2.07 ± 0.29 p=0.01) genç astımlılardan düşüktü. Yorum:Çahşma orta doz flutikazon ve salmeterol tedavisinin yaşlı ve genç astımlılarda bronkokonstriksiyonun algılanmasını değiştirmediğini düşündürmektedir.Ancak yaşlı astımlıların başlangıçtaki ve bir yıl sonraki algılamaları genç astımlılardan daha düşük bulunmuştur.We evaluate the effect of moderate-dose fluticasone plus salmeterol on perception of bronchoconstriction in elderly and in young asthmatics. Twenty-one young asthmatics (aged &lt;60yrs) and 29 elderly asthmatics (geqgeq60 yrs ) were studied. The elderly asthmatics were separated into two groups according to the duration of symptoms (late-onset asthma &lt;5 year, early-onset asthma geqgeq5 year). 50 patients with moderate asthma were assigned to a 1yr treatment with 250 ug of fluticason propionate plus 50ug salmetorol, twice daily.At entry and after 1 yr , histamine challenge test was performed for each patient. Dyspnea was assessed by modified Borg scale. The Borg score in FEVi reduction by 20% was determined as perception score 20 (PS20). Results: There was no significant difference between mean PS20 values at entry (1.21 &plusmn; 0.18) and after the first year(1.32 &plusmn; 0.22) for late onset elderly asthmatics (p=0.7). There was no significant difference between mean PS20 values at entry (1.45 &plusmn; 0.14) and after the first year (1.11 &plusmn; 0.30) for early onset elderly asthmatics (p=0.2). There was no difference between mean PS20 values at entry (2.27 &plusmn; 0.25) and after the first year (2.07 &plusmn; 0.29) for young asthmatics (p=0.3). The mean PS20 value of elderly asthmatics at entry (1.31 &plusmn; 0.12, 2.27 &plusmn; 0.25 p=0001) and after the first year (1.23 &plusmn; 0.18, 2.07 &plusmn; 0.29 p=0.01) was lower than young asthmatics. Conclusion: Our study suggested that the treatment of moderate-dose fluticasone plus salmeterol did not change perception of bronchoconstriction in elderly asthmatics. Perception of elderly asthmatics at entry and after 1 yr was lower than young asthmatics

    Sıçanlarda gentamisin ile indüklenmiş oksidatif stres aracılı nefrotoksisiteye karşı krill yağının koruyucu etkisi

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    This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of krill oil against nephrotoxicity caused by gentamicin. Distilled water was given orally to the control and second groups (GI) for seven days while 500 mg/kg krill oil was given to the third (GII), fourth (GIII) groups. In addition, isotonic saline was administered subcutaneously to the control and GIII groups throughout the study, while 80 mg/kg gentamicin was administered to the GI, and GII groups. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) peptidase, total cholesterol, urea, and creatinine levels in plasma and, malondialdehyde (MDA) and total antioxidant status (TAS) levels in both plasma and kidney tissue supernatant were evaluated. Histopathological changes in tubules and glomeruli and vascular changes were evaluated by scoring. Urea level and ALT activity were found to be significantly lower in the GII and GIII groups compared to the GI group (p<0.001; p≤0.001). As a result, it was observed that degenerative damage and glomerular changes in the tubule at the histological level mediated by oxidative stress were consistent with the increase in ALT, urea, and MDA levels. In this respect, it is suggested that krill oil can be used as a nephroprotective food supplement to contribute to treatment in cases of toxicity.Bu çalışmada, gentamisin'in neden olduğu nefrotoksisiteye karşı kril yağının koruyucu etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmada yedi gün boyunca oral yolla kontrol ve ikinci grubuna (GI) distile su verilirken, üçüncü (GII) ve dördüncü (GIII) gruplarına 500mg/kg krill yağı verildi. Ayrıca çalışma boyunca subkutan yolla kontrol ve GIII gruplarına izotonik tuzlu su uygulanırken, GI ve GII gruplarına 80 mg/kg gentamisin uygulandı. Plazma alanin aminotransferaz (ALT) ve gama glutamiltransferaz (GGT), total kolesterol, üre ve kreatinin düzeylerine, hem plazma hem de böbrek doku süpernatından ise malondialdehit (MDA) ve total antioksidan kapasitesi (TAS) düzeylerine değerlendirildi. Histopatolojik olarak tubul ve glomeruluslardaki değişimler ile damarsal değişiklikler skorlanarak değerlendirildi. Üre düzeyi ve ALT aktivitesi GI gruba göre GII ve GIII verilen grupta anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulundu (p<0.001; p≤0.001). Sonuç olarak, oksidatif stres aracılı olarak histolojik düzeyde tubulde dejeneratif hasar ve glomerular değişikliklerin özellikle ALT, üre ve MDA düzeyleri artışıyla uyumlu olduğu görüldü. Bu bakımdan, krill yağı nefroprotektif bir gıda takviyesi olarak toksisite durumlarında tedaviye katkı sağlamak için kullanılabileceği önerilmektedir

    Elderly and aged asthma have different characteristics: results of a multicenter study

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    Background/aim: Characteristics of asthma in the elderly population is not well-known. The aim of the present study was to evaluate asthma in the elderly population, to compare disease characteristics between patients diagnosed <60 (aged asthma) and ≥60 (elderly asthma) years of age. Materials and methods: The study was a prospective, multicenter, cross-sectional type. A questionnaire was filled out to patients 60 years of age and over, that have been followed for asthma for at least 3 months. Asthma Control Test (ACT), eight-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) was filled out, inhaler device technique was assessed. Results: A total of 399 patients were included from 17 tertiary care centers across the country. Mean age was 67.11 years and 331 (83%) were female. The age at asthma diagnosis was ≥60 in 146 (36.6%) patients. Patients diagnosed ≥60 years were older (p < 0.001), had higher education level (p < 0.001), more commonly had first-degree relative with asthma (p = 0.038), asthma related comorbidities (p = 0.009) and accompanying rhinitis/rhinosinusitis (p = 0.005), had better asthma control (p = 0.001), were using less controller medications (p = 0.014). Inhaler technique was correct in 37% of the patients with no difference in between the groups. Treatment compliance was better in elderly asthma patients (p < 0.001). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, having well-controlled asthma (odds ratio = 1.61, CI = 1.04-2.51), and high medication adherence rate (odds ratio = 2.43, CI = 1.48-4.0) were associated with being in the elderly asthma group. Conclusion: The characteristics of asthma are different among patients aged 60 years and over which seems to be related to onset age of asthma. In our cohort, the elderly asthma patients had higher education level, and treatment adherence and asthma control was better. Patients diagnosed ≥60 years of age did not have more severe disease

    Prevalence of Self-Reported Asthma in Urban and Rural Areas of Turkey

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    WOS: 000305537900011PubMed: 22502860Background and purpose. The risk factors for asthma in rural and urban population of Turkey are not well known. In this study we examined the effects of risk factors on the prevalence of asthma in adults living in rural and urban areas using data from a representative sample. Methods. Parents and grandparents of students from 20 randomly selected primary schools in urban and rural areas of Kirikkale, Turkey, were asked about respiratory diseases using the respiratory questionnaire, which were returned to us by their children. Results. Out of 13,225 parents and grandparents of primary school students 12,270 returned the questionnaires, for an overall response rate of 92.7%. The prevalence of asthma was more common in adults living in rural areas than in urban areas (10.8% vs. 6.2%, p < .0001, respectively). Asthma was more prevalent in women exposed to biomass smoke than those who were not exposed to it in rural areas (14.8% vs. 6.6%, p = .0001, respectively). Frequent childhood respiratory infections were more common in adults living in rural areas than in urban areas (18.2% vs. 10.9%, p < .0001, respectively). Exposure to biomass smoke and frequent childhood respiratory infections were associated with an increased risk of asthma, after adjusting for possible confounding factors in the logistic model for rural subjects. Chronic rhinitis (p < .0001) and frequent childhood respiratory infections (p = .0001) were associated with an increased risk of asthma, after adjusting for possible confounding factors in the logistic model for urban subjects. Conclusions. The prevalence of asthma in adults living in the rural areas of the Kirikkale Region in Central Turkey was significantly higher than that in the urban population. Exposure to biomass smoke and childhood respiratory infections were more common in adults living in rural areas. The higher rate of asthma in adults living in rural areas may be due to a higher frequency of childhood respiratory infections and exposure to biomass smoke

    Foreign Body Granuloma Mimicking Upper Cervical Spinal Mass after Dural Repair with Tachocomp: A Case Report

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    The common indications of dura mater repair are injuries caused by trauma, neoplasms, surgical complications and congenital spinal dysraphism such as meningomyelocele or encephalocele. Dural grafting is done to recreate the dural barrier and avoid the possible postoperative complications. Autografts derived from periosteum, fascia, muscle and fat. The disadvantages of autografts are their small size and esthetic complaints. To overcome the disadvantages synthetic materials might be used in duroplasty. Here we present a 3-year-old girl who developed muscle weakness in the upper and lower extremities caused by foreign body granuloma mimicking malignancy in the cervical spinal cord after dural repair done via Tachocomb (R). Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    A fully discrete ε-uniform method for convection-diffusion problem on equidistant meshes

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    For a singularly-perturbed two-point boundary value problem, we propose an ε-uniform finite difference method on an equidistant mesh which requires no exact solution of a differential equation. We start with a full-fitted operator method reflecting the singular perturbation nature of the problem through a local boundary value problem. However, to solve the local boundary value problem, we employ an upwind method on a Shishkin mesh in local domain, instead of solving it exactly. We further study the convergence properties of the numerical method proposed and prove it nodally converges to the true solution for any ε

    Prognostic factors in patients with glioblastoma multiforme (clinical research)

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    Aim: To define the independent variables that affect the life spans of patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Materials and methods: This study was conducted in the neurosurgery clinic of Erciyes University’s Faculty of Medicine, lasting from February 2000 to September 2006. A total of 98 patients were diagnosed with GBM after tumor resections. Patients’ demographic, neurological, radiological, surgical, and clinical features and adjunct therapies were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Of the 98 patients, 36 (36.7%) were female and 62 (65.4%) were male. There were 15 patients (15.3%) still alive. The median survival time (MST) of the gross total resection and subtotal resection groups was 12 and 8 months, respectively. The group with postoperative Karnofsky performance scores (KPS) of &amp;#8805;70 included 56 patients; their survival rate was 19.6% and their MST was 14 months (confidence interval [CI] 95%, 10–18). The postoperative KPS of &lt;70 group included 42 patients; their MST was 4 months (CI 95%, 3–6) and their survival rate was 9.5%. After the radiotherapy, of the 73 patients who underwent chemotherapy, the survival rate was 19.2% and the MST was 14 months (CI 95%, 10–18). The group without chemotherapy had a MST of 2 months (CI 95%, 1–3) and a survival rate of 4%. In a univariate analysis, the MST of age groups I (&lt;45), II (45–59), and III (&amp;#8805;60) were 15 months (CI 95%, 7–23), 10 months (CI 95%, 7–13), and 5 months (CI 95%, 3–7), respectively. The preoperative and postoperative median tumor volume detected was 79 (14–668) and 6 (0–64) mm3, respectively. Conclusion: Multivariate Cox regression analyses showed that prognostic factors are young age, postoperative KPS, chemotherapy, and postoperative tumor volume.Aim: To define the independent variables that affect the life spans of patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Materials and methods: This study was conducted in the neurosurgery clinic of Erciyes University’s Faculty of Medicine, lasting from February 2000 to September 2006. A total of 98 patients were diagnosed with GBM after tumor resections. Patients’ demographic, neurological, radiological, surgical, and clinical features and adjunct therapies were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Of the 98 patients, 36 (36.7%) were female and 62 (65.4%) were male. There were 15 patients (15.3%) still alive. The median survival time (MST) of the gross total resection and subtotal resection groups was 12 and 8 months, respectively. The group with postoperative Karnofsky performance scores (KPS) of &amp;#8805;70 included 56 patients; their survival rate was 19.6% and their MST was 14 months (confidence interval [CI] 95%, 10–18). The postoperative KPS of &lt;70 group included 42 patients; their MST was 4 months (CI 95%, 3–6) and their survival rate was 9.5%. After the radiotherapy, of the 73 patients who underwent chemotherapy, the survival rate was 19.2% and the MST was 14 months (CI 95%, 10–18). The group without chemotherapy had a MST of 2 months (CI 95%, 1–3) and a survival rate of 4%. In a univariate analysis, the MST of age groups I (&lt;45), II (45–59), and III (&amp;#8805;60) were 15 months (CI 95%, 7–23), 10 months (CI 95%, 7–13), and 5 months (CI 95%, 3–7), respectively. The preoperative and postoperative median tumor volume detected was 79 (14–668) and 6 (0–64) mm3, respectively. Conclusion: Multivariate Cox regression analyses showed that prognostic factors are young age, postoperative KPS, chemotherapy, and postoperative tumor volume


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    F-expansion method is proposed to seek exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. With the aid of symbolic computation, we choose the Schrödinger-KdV equation with a source to illustrate the validity and advantages of the proposed method. A number of Jacobi-elliptic function solutions are obtained including the Weierstrass-elliptic function solutions. When the modulus m of Jacobi-elliptic function approaches to 1 and 0, soliton-like solutions and trigonometric-function solutions are also obtained, respectively. The proposed method is a straightforward, short, promising, and powerful method for the nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics

    Social Media and its Impact on the General and Colorectal Surgery Communities

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    Since early in the year 2020, the Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has evolved and is affecting every aspect of life, including surgical healthcare worldwide. Surgical practice and surgery have been affected mostly due to their dependency on practical education.1&nbsp;Social media, which is increasingly being used nowadays, has been supporting surgical education through free educational contents, video platforms, easy to communicate mentorship facilities and international collaborations without borders. Therefore, on the popular social media site twitter, surgical experts formed “SoMe4Surgery” and embedded twitter communities like “SoMe4Proctology”. They use hashtags (#) and tweet with hashtags like “#SoMe4Surgery, #SoMe4ColorectalSurgery”, etc.2&nbsp;One of this popular online educational platforms was created by young academic surgeons and handled by residents from El Bosque University, Bogota, Colombia. These young surgeons have as primary aim to support the free share of surgical learning by tagging well-known surgical experts to the daily surgical cases and educational materials that are sent by tweeting the related literature, studies and surgical illustrations. Great incorporation has been seen by responses to daily surgical cases when many surgeons have been reported their own comments, and a tremendous educational era has been seen inter-continentally.3</p